5. Upon any other event that occurs earlier than the events listed in subds. 1. to 4., as specified in the guaranteed asset protection waiver.
(c) Subject to par. (d), upon cancellation or termination of a guaranteed asset protection waiver, the borrower is entitled to a refund as follows:
1. If the cancellation or termination occurs within 30 days after the date the borrower purchased the guaranteed asset protection waiver, the borrower is entitled to a full refund of the guaranteed asset protection waiver cost or a full credit of the guaranteed asset protection waiver cost plus the amount of applicable finance charges.
2. If the cancellation or termination occurs later than 30 days after the date the borrower purchased the guaranteed asset protection waiver, the borrower is entitled to a partial refund or credit of the guaranteed asset protection waiver cost. At a minimum, the partial refund shall be calculated by a method no less favorable to the borrower than the “rule of 78,” described generally in s. 422.209 (2) (a).
(d) No refund is required upon cancellation or termination of a guaranteed asset protection waiver if there has been a total physical damage loss or unrecovered theft of the motor vehicle specified in the finance agreement and the borrower has or will receive the benefit of the guaranteed asset protection waiver.
(e) When calculating the refunds for the unearned guaranteed asset protection waiver charges on agreements that contract for the “rule of 78” method, refunds shall be based on the number of full months earned from the contract date to the actual termination date, counting a fractional month of 16 days or more as a full month. When calculating refunds for the unearned guaranteed asset protection waiver charge on agreements that contract for a pro rata refunding method and a monthly pro rata method is used, the number of full months earned shall be counted in a similar manner.
(f) No cancellation fee, termination fee, or similar fee may be assessed in connection with the cancellation or termination of a guaranteed asset protection waiver.
(g) Upon cancellation or termination of a guaranteed asset protection waiver, the creditor shall make an appropriate refund or credit of the guaranteed asset protection waiver charge or shall cause to be made an appropriate refund or credit by instructing in writing the appropriate party to make the refund or credit.
(5) Applicability of other law. (a) In addition to any requirement applicable under this section, a creditor offering or selling to a borrower a guaranteed asset protection waiver in this state shall comply with any applicable requirement under chs. 421 to 427.
(b) Guaranteed asset protection waivers are not insurance and the insurance laws of this state do not apply to them.
(6) Commercial installment sales. This section does not apply to a borrower who purchases a motor vehicle under a retail installment contract if, as provided in s. 218.0142 (11), s. 218.0142 does not apply to the retail installment sale of the motor vehicle. However, a guaranteed asset protection waiver offered or sold in conjunction with the purchase of a motor vehicle to be used primarily for business or commercial purposes, or in conjunction with the lease of a motor vehicle that is not a consumer lease, is not insurance.
(7) Trailers. This section applies with respect to towed vehicles, including trailers not required to be registered under ch. 341, to the same extent it applies to motor vehicles, including that a guaranteed asset protection waiver offered or sold in connection with the sale or lease of a towed vehicle is not insurance.
161,6 Section 6. 350.12 (3) (c) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
350.12 (3) (c) 5. Any snowmobile dealer or creditor may offer or sell guaranteed asset protection waivers in connection with the retail sale or lease of snowmobiles in this state if the dealer or creditor complies with the same requirements applicable with respect to motor vehicles under s. 218.0148. Any guaranteed asset protection waiver offered or sold under this subdivision shall be treated the same as one offered or sold under s. 218.0148, including that the guaranteed asset protection waiver is not insurance.
161,7 Section 7. 424.201 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
424.201 (3) A guaranteed asset protection waiver, as defined in s. 218.0148 (1) (e).
161,8 Section 8. 429.104 (13) (intro.) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered 429.104 (13g) and amended to read:
429.104 (13g) “Gap protection” insurance" means any of the following: (b) Insurance insurance coverage, offered by an insurer authorized to transact business in this state, that provides that another person is liable for the gap amount.
161,9 Section 9. 429.104 (13) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
161,10 Section 10. 429.104 (13k) of the statutes is created to read:
429.104 (13k) “Gap waiver" means a provision in a consumer lease offered or sold pursuant to the terms of s. 218.0148.
161,11 Section 11. 429.104 (13m) of the statutes is amended to read:
429.104 (13m) “Gross capitalized cost" means the sum of all amounts capitalized in the consumer lease that, after subtracting the capitalized cost reduction, amortizes to the residual value by the depreciation portion of the periodic lease payments over the scheduled term of the lease or, for a single-payment lease, the single payment. These amounts may include taxes; fees for registration, license, acquisition, administration and assignment; other fees; charges for insurance, service contracts and extended warranties; and charges for a waiver of the contractual obligation to pay the gap amount, for accessories and their installation, for other services and benefits incidental to the consumer lease, and for delivering, servicing, repairing or improving the vehicle. With respect to a vehicle or other property traded in connection with a consumer lease, the term may include the outstanding unpaid balance of the amount financed under a consumer loan, as defined in s. 421.301 (12), or a retail installment contract, as defined in s. 218.0101 (32), or the unpaid balance of any early termination costs under a lease or other obligation of the lessee. The term does not include any rent charge.
161,12 Section 12. 429.204 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 429.204 and amended to read:
429.204 Gap amount; notice; waiver. If a consumer lease provides that the lessee is responsible for any or all of the gap amount, the consumer lease shall conspicuously disclose this fact, using the term “gap amount". The acceptance of a consumer lease may not be conditioned upon the lessee's agreement to gap protection insurance or a gap waiver. Section 218.0148 governs gap waivers.
161,13 Section 13. 429.204 (2) and (3) of the statutes are repealed.
161,14 Section 14. 429.205 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
429.205 (1) (c) Any security interest in the leased vehicle or in any proceeds, refunds for cancellation or any other rights of the lessee with respect to the consumer lease or the leased vehicle, including any insurance contracts, gap protection contracts waivers or gap insurance, repair contracts and extended warranty or maintenance service contracts.
161,15 Section 15. Initial applicability.
(1) This act first applies to guaranteed asset protection waivers and gap waivers entered into on the effective date of this subsection.
161,16 Section 16. Effective date.
(1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 6th month beginning after publication.