(12) (a) An intoxicated person who has threatened, attempted or inflicted physical harm on himself or herself or on another and is likely to inflict such physical harm unless committed, or a person who is incapacitated by alcohol or another drug, may be committed to the county department and brought to an approved public treatment facility for emergency treatment. A refusal to undergo treatment does not constitute evidence of lack of judgment as to the need for treatment.
(c) 4. Set a time for a preliminary hearing under sub. (13) (d), such hearing to be held not later than 48 hours after receipt of a petition under par. (b), exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. If at such time the person is unable to assist in the defense because he or she is incapacitated by alcohol or another drug, an extension of not more than 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, may be had upon motion of the person or the person's attorney.
(13) (a) (intro.) A person may be committed to the custody of the county department by the circuit court upon the petition of 3 adults, at least one of whom has personal knowledge of the conduct and condition of the person sought to be committed. A refusal to undergo treatment shall not constitute evidence of lack of judgment as to the need for treatment. The petition for commitment shall do all of the following:
1. Allege that the condition of the person is such that he or she habitually lacks self-control as to the use of alcohol beverages or other drugs, and uses such beverages or drugs to the extent that health is substantially impaired or endangered and social or economic functioning is substantially disrupted;.
2. Allege that such condition of the person is evidenced by a pattern of conduct which is dangerous to the person or to others;.
3. State that the person is a child or state facts sufficient for a determination of indigency of the person; .
4. Be supported by the affidavit of each petitioner who has personal knowledge which avers with particularity the factual basis for the allegations contained in the petition; and.
(b) 4. Set a time for a preliminary hearing under par. (d). If the person is taken into protective custody, such hearing shall be held not later than 72 hours after the person arrives at the approved public treatment facility, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. If at that time the person is unable to assist in the defense because he or she is incapacitated by alcohol or another drug, an extension of not more than 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, may be had upon motion of the person or the person's attorney.
(c) Effective and timely notice of the preliminary hearing, together with a copy of the petition and supporting affidavits under par. (a), shall be given to the person unless he or she has been taken into custody under par. (b), the legal guardian if the person is adjudicated incompetent, the person's counsel, corporation counsel in the county in which the petition is filed, and the petitioner. The notice shall include a written statement of the person's right to an attorney, the right to trial by jury, the right to be examined by a physician, and the standard under which he or she may be committed under this section. If the person is taken into custody under par. (b), upon arrival at the approved public treatment facility, the person shall be advised both orally and in writing of the right to counsel, the right to consult with counsel before a request is made to undergo voluntary treatment under sub. (10), the right not to converse with examining physicians, psychologists or other personnel, the fact that anything said to examining physicians, psychologists or other personnel may be used as evidence against him or her at subsequent hearings under this section, the right to refuse medication under s. 51.61 (6), the exact time and place of the preliminary hearing under par. (d), the right to trial by jury, the right to be examined by a physician and of the reasons for detention, and the standards under which he or she may be committed prior to all interviews with physicians, psychologists, or other personnel. Such notice of rights shall be provided to the person's immediate family if they can be located and may be deferred until the person's incapacitated condition, if any, has subsided to the point where the person is capable of understanding the notice. Under no circumstances may interviews with physicians, psychologists, or other personnel be conducted until such notice is given, except that the person may be questioned to determine immediate medical needs. The person may be detained at the facility to which he or she was admitted or, upon notice to the attorney and the court, transferred by the county department to another appropriate public or private treatment facility, until discharged under this subsection. A copy of the petition and all supporting affidavits shall be given to the person at the time notice of rights is given under this paragraph by the superintendent, who shall provide a reasonable opportunity for the patient to consult counsel.
(g) 1. b. That there is a relationship between the alcoholic or drug dependent condition and the pattern of conduct during the 12-month period immediately preceding the time of petition which is dangerous to the person or others and that this relationship has been established to a reasonable medical certainty.
(14) (a) Except as otherwise provided in s. 51.30, the registration and treatment records of alcoholism or drug dependence treatment programs and facilities shall remain confidential and are privileged to the patient. The application of s. 51.30 is limited by any rule promulgated under s. 51.30 (4) (c) for the purpose of protecting the confidentiality of alcoholism or drug dependence treatment records in conformity with federal requirements.
(15) (c) A private or public general hospital may not refuse admission or treatment to a person in need of medical services solely because that person is an “alcoholic", is “drug dependent", is “incapacitated by alcohol", is “incapacitated by another drug", or is an “intoxicated person" as defined in sub. (2). This paragraph does not require a hospital to admit or treat the person if the hospital does not ordinarily provide the services required by the person. A private or public general hospital which violates this paragraph shall forfeit not more than $500.
(19) Short title. This section may be cited as the “Alcoholism, Drug Dependence, and Intoxication Treatment Act".
34,21 Section 21. 101.121 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
101.121 (4) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to any owner of a nursing home as defined in s. 50.01 (3), a hospital as defined in s. 50.33 (2) (a) and (c) or an approved public or private treatment facility for alcoholics and persons who are drug dependent as defined in s. 51.45 (2) (b) and (c).
34,22 Section 22. 301.031 (2r) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
301.031 (2r) (a) 3. Is for the treatment of alcoholics and persons who are drug dependent in treatment facilities which have not been approved by the department of health services in accordance with s. 51.45 (8).
34,23 Section 23 . 302.38 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
302.38 (1) If a prisoner needs medical or hospital care or is intoxicated or incapacitated by alcohol or another drug the sheriff, superintendent or other keeper of the jail or house of correction shall provide appropriate care or treatment and may transfer the prisoner to a hospital or to an approved treatment facility under s. 51.45 (2) (b) and (c), making provision for the security of the prisoner. The sheriff, superintendent or other keeper may provide appropriate care or treatment under this subsection for a prisoner under 18 years of age and may transfer a prisoner under 18 years of age under this subsection without obtaining the consent of the prisoner's parent, guardian or legal custodian. The sheriff, superintendent or other keeper may charge a prisoner for the costs of providing medical care to the prisoner while he or she is in the jail or house of correction. If the sheriff or other keeper maintains a personal money account for an inmate's use for payment for items from canteen, vending or similar services, the sheriff or other keeper may make deductions from the account to pay for the charges under this subsection.
34,24 Section 24. 346.65 (2g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.65 (2g) (b) The court may require a person ordered to perform community service work under par. (a) or (ag), or under s. 973.05 (3) (a) if that person's fine resulted from violating s. 346.63 (2), 940.09 (1) or 940.25, to participate in community service work that demonstrates the adverse effects of substance abuse or of operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug, including working at an alcoholism a treatment facility approved under s. 51.45, an emergency room of a general hospital or a driver awareness program under s. 346.637. The court may order the person to pay a reasonable fee, based on the person's ability to pay, to offset the cost of establishing, maintaining and monitoring the community service work ordered under this paragraph. If the opportunities available to perform community service work are fewer in number than the number of defendants eligible under this subsection, the court shall, when making an order under this paragraph, give preference to defendants who were under 21 years of age at the time of the offense. All provisions of par. (am) apply to any community service work ordered under this paragraph.
34,25 Section 25. 346.65 (2i) of the statutes is amended to read:
346.65 (2i) In addition to the authority of the court under sub. (2g) and s. 973.05 (3) (a), the court may order a defendant subject to sub. (2), or a defendant subject to s. 973.05 (3) (a) who violated s. 346.63 (2), 940.09 (1), or 940.25, to visit a site that demonstrates the adverse effects of substance abuse or of operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug, including an alcoholism a treatment facility approved under s. 51.45 or an emergency room of a general hospital in lieu of part or all of any forfeiture imposed or in addition to any penalty imposed. The court may order the defendant to pay a reasonable fee, based on the person's ability to pay, to offset the costs of establishing, maintaining, and monitoring the visits ordered under this subsection. The court may order a visit to the site only if agreed to by the person responsible for the site. If the opportunities available to visit sites under this subsection are fewer than the number of defendants eligible for a visit, the court shall, when making an order under this subsection, give preference to defendants who were under 21 years of age at the time of the offense. The court shall ensure that the visit is monitored. A visit to a site may be ordered for a specific time and a specific day to allow the defendant to observe victims of vehicle accidents involving intoxicated drivers. If it appears to the court that the defendant has not complied with the court order to visit a site or to pay a reasonable fee, the court may order the defendant to show cause why he or she should not be held in contempt of court. Any organization or agency acting in good faith to which a defendant is assigned pursuant to an order under this subsection has immunity from any civil liability in excess of $25,000 for acts or omissions by or impacting on the defendant. The issuance or possibility of the issuance of an order under this subsection does not entitle an indigent defendant who is subject to sub. (2) (am) 1. to representation by counsel under ch. 977.
34,26 Section 26. 782.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
782.01 (2) Any person confined in any hospital or institution as mentally ill or committed for treatment of alcoholism or drug dependence under s. 51.45 (13) may prosecute such writ, and the question of mental illness or need for treatment shall be determined by the court or judge issuing the same. If such court or judge decides that the person is mentally ill or in need of treatment such decision shall not bar the prosecution of such writ a 2nd time if it is claimed that such person has been restored to reason or is no longer in need of treatment.
34,27 Section 27. 938.02 (5g) of the statutes is amended to read:
938.02 (5g) “Drug dependent" has the meaning given in s. 51.01 (8) (8b).
34,28 Section 28. 938.20 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
938.20 (6) Delivery of intoxicated juvenile. If the juvenile is believed to be an intoxicated person who has threatened, attempted or inflicted physical harm on himself or herself or on another and is likely to inflict such physical harm unless committed, or is incapacitated by alcohol or another drug, the person taking the juvenile into physical custody, the intake worker or other appropriate person shall proceed under s. 51.45 (11).