Agriculture, Small Business, and Tourism
S 12, 683, 703

Harsdorf, resigned

Taylor, removed

Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, Council on

Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
S 12

Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Testing and Development, Governor’s Steering Committee on

Building Commission

Building Inspector Review Board

Center District Board
S 53

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
S 53, 84

Criminal Penalties, Joint Review Committee on
S 12

Disability Board
S 53

Domestic Abuse, Council on

Economic Development, Commerce, and Local Government
S 12

S 12

Education Commission of the States

Educational Communications Board

Elections and Utilities
S 12

Employment Relations, Joint Committee on
S 12


Taylor, removed

Finance, Joint Committee on
S 12, 595, 905

Harsdorf, resigned

Taylor, removed

Financial Services, Constitution, and Federalism
S 12


Government Operations, Technology, and Consumer Protection
S 12

Health and Human Services
S 12

Highway Safety, Council on

Historical Society of Wisconsin

Information Policy and Technology, Joint Committee on
S 12

Harsdorf, resigned

Insurance, Financial Services, Constitution and Federalism

S 652, 683, 686

Insurance, Housing, and Trade
S 12


Lasee, resigned

Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

Joint Legislative Council
S 13

Judiciary and Public Safety
S 12

Judiciary Committee

Craig, removed

Labor and Regulatory Reform
S 12, 683

Lasee, resigned

Legislative Organization, Joint Committee on
S 13

Midwestern Higher Education Commission

Migrant Labor, Council on

Military and State Relations, Council on

Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council
S 53, 84

Natural Resources and Energy
S 12, 624

Lasee, resigned

Public Benefits, Licensing, and State-Federal Relations
S 12, 670

Harsdorf, resigned

Read to Lead Development Council
S 53

Retirement Systems, Joint Survey Committee on
S 13

Revenue, Financial Institutions, and Rural Issues
S 12

Rustic Roads Board

School Funding, Blue Ribbon Commission on

Small Business Environmental Council
S 53

Sporting Heritage Council

Sporting Heritage, Mining, and Forestry
S 12, 703

Erpenbach, removed

State Capitol and Executive Residence Board

State Fair Park Board
S 52, 53

Tax Exemptions, Joint Survey Committee on
S 13

Tourism, Council on

Transportation and Veterans Affairs
S 12

Transportation Projects Commission

Uniform State Laws, Commission on
S 53

Universities and Technical Colleges
S 12, 683, 703

Bewley, removed

Harsdorf, resigned

Wisconsin Aerospace Authority

Wisconsin Center District Board

Wisconsin Economic Development Council
S 53, 927

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
S 53, 60

Women’s Council
S 53, 60, 443

Workforce Development, Military Affairs, and Senior Issues
S 12

Communication — Assembly

2018-2019 Dividends for Wisconsin report submitted by WHEDA referred to committee
A 964

Au7 AB1: considered an emergency bill

AB25: considered an emergency bill

AB25: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)

AB83: referral to committee

AB94: referral to committee

AB97: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)

AB99: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)

AB435: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)
