AB94: referral to committee

AB97: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)

AB99: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)

AB435: referred to JCF per Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)

AB138: referral to committee

AB140: referral to committee

AB196: referral to committee

AB338: referral to committee

AB402: referral to committee

AB497: referral to committee

AB549: referral to committee

AB550: referral to committee

AB596: referral to committee

AB616: referral to committee

AB885: referral to committee

AB912: referral to committee

AB935: referral to committee

Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding created

Executive order no.230 re January 2017 special session of the Legislature focused on opioid abuse
A 12

Executive order no.250 re August 2017 special session of the Legislature focused on economic development

Executive order no.262 re special election for the 58th Assembly District

Executive order no.264 re special election for the 66th Assembly District

Executive order no.271 re January 2018 special session of the Legislature focused on welfare reform
A 653

Executive order no.273 re implementation of the recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on Opioid Abuse

Executive order no. 274 re creation of the Commission on Substance Abuse Treatment Delivery
A 657

Executive order no. 278 re special session of the Legislature focused on school security and safety
A 885

Executive order no. 280 re special elections for the 1st Senate District and the 42nd Assembly District

Governor’s request for joint session on January 10, 2017 to deliver State of the State Address

Governor’s request for joint session on January 24, 2018 to deliver State of the State Address

Governor’s request for joint session on February 8, 2017 to deliver budget address

Rep. Vos: Government Accountability and Oversight Committee has permission to use video teleconferencing

SB54: referral to committee

SB69: referral to committee

SB144: referral to committee

SB337: referral to committee

State of the Tribes Address 2017, by Shannon Holsey, Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal President

State of the Tribes Address 2018, by Gary Besaw, Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
A 728

WHEDA’s 2017-18 Dividends for Wisconsin report referred to Committee on Housing and Real Estate

Report approved

Communication — Senate

AB128: rereferral to committee

AB365: rereferral to committee

AB539: rereferral to committee

AB690: rereferral to committee

AB691: rereferral to committee

AB771: rereferral to committee

AB897: rereferral to committee

AB963: rereferral to committee

Appointment of the honorable James “Mac” Davis on the Ethics Commission: rereferral to committee

Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding created

Executive appointments continued from the 2015-16 session and carried over to the 2017-18 session

Executive order no.230 re January 2017 special session of the Legislature focused on opioid abuse
S 16

Executive order no.245 re creation of the Governor’s Steering Committee on Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Testing and Development

Executive order no.250 re August 2017 special session of the Legislature focused on economic development
S 384

Executive order no.265 re special election for the 10th Senate District

Executive order no.271 re January 2018 special session of the Legislature focused on welfare reform
S 644

Executive order no. 278 re special session of the Legislature focused on school security and safety
S 836

Executive order no. 280 re special elections for the 1st Senate District and the 42nd Assembly District

Gov. Walker: remove appointments from consideration for confirmation

Governor’s request for joint session on January 10, 2017 to deliver State of the State Address
S 13

Governor’s request for joint session on January 24, 2018 to deliver State of the State Address

Governor’s request for joint session on February 8, 2017 to deliver budget address

Professional Standards Council for Teachers: list of nominees per s. 15.377 (8), Wis.Stats.

Professional Standards Council for Teachers: individuals removed from confirmation

Jr8 SB5: rereferral to committee

Jr8 SB7: rereferral to committee

SB25: rereferral to committee

SB39: rereferral to committee

SB41: rereferral to committee

SB49: rereferral to committee

SB81: rereferral to committee

SB97: rereferral to committee

SB137: rereferral to committee

SB156: rereferral to committee

SB210: rereferral to committee

SB245: rereferral to committee
S 683

SB265: rereferral to committee

SB266: rereferral to committee

SB267: rereferral to committee

SB268: rereferral to committee

SB269: rereferral to committee

SB313: rereferral to committee

SB314: rereferral to committee

SB315: rereferral to committee

SB316: rereferral to committee

SB317: rereferral to committee

SB329: rereferral to committee

SB342: rereferral to committee

SB359: rereferral to committee
