from the Forty-Second Assembly District of the State of Wisconsin, for the term of two years commencing on January 2, 2017, and ending on January 7, 2019, as shown on the official canvass of the votes cast at the Special Election held on June 12, 2018.
Done in the City of Madison, this 26th day of June 2018
Interim Administrator
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Oath of Office
On Wednesday, June 27 Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin J. Vos administered the oath of office to Jon Plumer of the 42nd Assembly District in a ceremony held in the Assembly Parlor.
Agency Reports
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 13.172 (2) and (3), following is a list of agency reports received from executive branch and legislative service agencies for the month of June, 2018.
Department of Children and Families  
90-Day Summary Report for Child Death, Serious Injury or Egregious Incident
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.981 (7)(cr)3.b
Received on June 1, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
Joint Legislative Council
2017 Annual Report Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 227.15 (5)
Received on June 4, 2018
Department of Children and Families  
2017 Annual Read to Lead Development Council Operations Report
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.53 (2)
  Received on June 4, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Updated list of authorized lobbyists
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 13.685 (7)
Received on June 5, 2018
Referred to State Affairs
Department of Children and Families  
90-Day Summary Report for Child Death, Serious Injury or Egregious Incident
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.981 (7)(cr)3.b
Received on June 8, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
Department of Children and Families  
90-Day Summary Report for Child Death, Serious Injury or Egregious Incident
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.981 (7)(cr)3.b
Received on June 11, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
State of Wisconsin Claims Board
Claims heard on May 22, 2018
  Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 16.007 and 775.05
  Received on June 11, 2018
  Referred to State Affairs
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Updated list of authorized lobbyists
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 13.685 (7)
Received on June 12, 2018
Referred to State Affairs
  Department of Administration
  General Fund Cash Forecast July-September 2018
  Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 16.531 (1)
  Received on June 15, 2018
Referred to Ways and Means
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Updated list of authorized lobbyists
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 13.685 (7)
Received on June 19, 2018
Referred to State Affairs
Department of Children and Families  
90-Day Summary Report for Child Death, Serious Injury or Egregious Incident
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.981 (7)(cr)3.b
Received on June 19, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Updated list of authorized lobbyists
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 13.685 (7)
Received on June 26, 2018
Referred to State Affairs
  Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Employment and Entrepreneurship Grant Program
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 45.437 (3)
Received on June 29, 2018
Referred to Veterans and Military Affairs
Green County Clerk of Circuit Court
Annual Restitution Report
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 973.20 (11)(e)
Received on June 29, 2018
Referred to Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
Report on the Impacts of the Renewable Portfolio Standard for 2015-2016
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 196.378 (4r)
Received on June 29, 2018
Referred to Energy and Utilities
  Department of Administration
  Temporary reallocation of balances
  Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 20.002 (11)(f)
  Received on June 29, 2018