AB1039,125,1713 (a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, all assets and
14liabilities of the department of administration that the secretary of administration
15determines to be primarily related to the department of administration's duties
16under sections 16.64, 16.641, and 16.642, 2015 stats., become the assets and
17liabilities of the office of the state treasurer on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,125,2318 (b) Employee transfer. All incumbent employees who hold positions in the
19department of administration performing duties that the secretary of
20administration determines to be primarily related to the department of
21administration's duties under sections 16.64, 16.641, and 16.642, 2015 stats., and
22the full-time equivalent positions held by those employees, are transferred to the
23office of the state treasurer on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,126,424 (c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b ) have all the
25rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the

1statutes in the office of the state treasurer that they enjoyed in the department of
2administration immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4)
3of the statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained permanent status in
4class is required to serve a probationary period.
AB1039,126,95 (d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
6tangible personal property, including records, of the department of administration
7that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to the
8department of administration's duties under sections 16.64, 16.641, and 16.642,
92015 stats., is transferred to the office of the state treasurer.
AB1039,126,1710 (e) Contracts. All contracts that were entered into by the department of
11administration that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily
12related to the department of administration's duties under sections 16.64, 16.641,
13and 16.642, 2015 stats., and that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph
14remain in effect and are transferred to the office of the state treasurer. The office of
15the state treasurer shall carry out any obligations under such a contract until the
16contract is modified or rescinded by the office of the state treasurer to the extent
17allowed under the contract.
AB1039,127,318 (f) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated, and all orders issued, by the
19department of administration that the secretary of administration determines to be
20primarily related to the department of administration's duties under sections 16.64,
2116.641, and 16.642, 2015 stats., and that are in effect on the effective date of this
22paragraph, remain in effect until their specified expiration date or until amended or
23repealed by the office of the state treasurer. All orders issued by the department of
24administration in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that the secretary of
25administration determines to be primarily related to the department of

1administration's duties under sections 16.64, 16.641, and 16.642, 2015 stats., remain
2in effect until their specified expiration dates or until modified or rescinded by the
3state treasurer.
AB1039,127,104 (g) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of
5administration that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily
6related to the department of administration's duties under sections 16.64, 16.641,
7and 16.642, 2015 stats., is transferred to the office of the state treasurer, and all
8materials submitted to or actions taken by the department of administration with
9respect to the pending matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken
10by the office of the state treasurer.
AB1039,127,1211 (3) Transfer of local government pooled-investment duties to the
12department of administration.
AB1039,127,1713 (a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, all assets and
14liabilities of the department of administration that the secretary of administration
15determines to be primarily related to the department of administration's duties
16under section 25.50, 2015 stats., become the assets and liabilities of the office of the
17state treasurer on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,127,2318 (b) Employee transfer. All incumbent employees who hold positions in the
19department of administration performing duties that the secretary of
20administration determines to be primarily related to the department of
21administration's duties under section 25.50, 2015 stats., and the full-time
22equivalent positions held by those employees, are transferred to the office of the state
23treasurer on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,128,424 (c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b ) have all the
25rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the

1statutes in the office of the state treasurer that they enjoyed in the department of
2administration immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4)
3of the statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained permanent status in
4class is required to serve a probationary period.
AB1039,128,95 (d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
6tangible personal property, including records, of the department of administration
7that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to the
8department of administration's duties under section 25.50, 2015 stats., is
9transferred to the office of the state treasurer.
AB1039,128,1610 (e) Contracts. All contracts that were entered into by the department of
11administration that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily
12related to the department of administration's duties under section 25.50, 2015 stats.,
13and that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect and are
14transferred to the office of the state treasurer. The office of the state treasurer shall
15carry out any obligations under such a contract until the contract is modified or
16rescinded by the office of the state treasurer to the extent allowed under the contract.
AB1039,129,217 (f) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated, and all orders issued, by the
18department of administration that the secretary of administration determines to be
19primarily related to the department of administration's duties under section 25.50,
202015 stats., and that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph, remain in
21effect until their specified expiration date or until amended or repealed by the office
22of the state treasurer. All orders issued by the department of administration in effect
23on the effective date of this paragraph that the secretary of administration
24determines to be primarily related to the department of administration's duties

1under section 25.50, 2015 stats., remain in effect until their specified expiration
2dates or until modified or rescinded by the state treasurer.
AB1039,129,93 (g) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of
4administration that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily
5related to the department of administration's duties under section 25.50, 2015 stats.,
6is transferred to the office of the state treasurer, and all materials submitted to or
7actions taken by the department of administration with respect to the pending
8matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the office of the state
AB1039,129,1110 (4) Transfer of unclaimed property program to office of the state
AB1039,129,1612 (a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, all assets and
13liabilities of the department of revenue that the secretary of administration
14determines to be primarily related to activities under chapter 177 become the assets
15and liabilities of the office of the state treasurer on the effective date of this
AB1039,129,2117 (b) Employee transfer. All incumbent employees who hold positions in the
18department of revenue performing duties that the secretary of administration
19determines to be primarily related to chapter 177, and the full-time equivalent
20positions held by those employees, are transferred to the office of the state treasurer
21on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,130,222 (c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b ) have all the
23rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
24statutes in the office of the state treasurer that they enjoyed in the department of
25revenue immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the

1statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained permanent status in class is
2required to serve a probationary period.
AB1039,130,63 (d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
4tangible personal property, including records, of the department of revenue that the
5secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to activities under
6chapter 177 is transferred to the office of the state treasurer.
AB1039,130,137 (e) Contracts. All contracts that were entered into by the department of
8revenue that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to
9activities under chapter 177, and that are in effect on the effective date of this
10paragraph remain in effect and are transferred to the office of the state treasurer.
11The office of the state treasurer shall carry out any obligations under such a contract
12until the contract is modified or rescinded by the office of the state treasurer to the
13extent allowed under the contract.
AB1039,130,2214 (f) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated, and all orders issued, by the
15department of revenue that the secretary of administration determines to be
16primarily related to activities under chapter 177, and that are in effect on the
17effective date of this paragraph, remain in effect until their specified expiration date
18or until amended or repealed by the office of the state treasurer. All orders issued
19by the department of administration in effect on the effective date of this paragraph
20that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to activities
21under chapter 177 remain in effect until their specified expiration dates or until
22modified or rescinded by the state treasurer.
AB1039,131,323 (g) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of revenue that
24the secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to activities under
25chapter 177 is transferred to the office of the state treasurer, and all materials

1submitted to or actions taken by the department of revenue with respect to the
2pending matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the office of
3the state treasurer.
AB1039,131,54 (5) Transfer of administrative services provided to the board of
5commissioners of public lands.
AB1039,131,106 (a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, all assets and
7liabilities of the department of administration that the secretary of administration
8determines to be primarily related to administrative services provided to the board
9of commissioners of public lands become the assets and liabilities of the office of the
10state treasurer on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,131,1611 (b) Employee transfer. All incumbent employees who hold positions in the
12department of administration performing duties that the secretary of
13administration determines to be primarily related to administrative services
14provided to the board of commissioners of public lands, and the full-time equivalent
15positions held by those employees, are transferred to the office of the state treasurer
16on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB1039,131,2217 (c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b ) have all the
18rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
19statutes in the office of the state treasurer that they enjoyed in the department of
20administration immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4)
21of the statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained permanent status in
22class is required to serve a probationary period.
AB1039,132,223 (d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
24tangible personal property, including records, of the department of administration
25that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily related to

1administrative services provided to the board of commissioners of public lands is
2transferred to the office of the state treasurer.
AB1039,132,103 (e) Contracts. All contracts that were entered into by the department of
4administration that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily
5related to administrative services provided to the board of commissioners of public
6lands, and that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect
7and are transferred to the office of the state treasurer. The office of the state
8treasurer shall carry out any obligations under such a contract until the contract is
9modified or rescinded by the office of the state treasurer to the extent allowed under
10the contract.
AB1039,132,2011 (f) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated, and all orders issued, by the
12department of administration that the secretary of administration determines to be
13primarily related to administrative services provided to the board of commissioners
14of public lands, and that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph, remain
15in effect until their specified expiration date or until amended or repealed by the
16office of the state treasurer. All orders issued by the department of administration
17in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that the secretary of administration
18determines to be primarily related to administrative services provided to the board
19of commissioners of public lands remain in effect until their specified expiration
20dates or until modified or rescinded by the state treasurer.
AB1039,133,221 (g) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of
22administration that the secretary of administration determines to be primarily
23related to administrative services provided to the board of commissioners of public
24lands is transferred to the office of the state treasurer, and all materials submitted
25to or actions taken by the department of administration with respect to the pending

1matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the office of the state
AB1039,357 3Section 357. Effective date.
AB1039,133,54 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 7th month beginning after
AB1039,133,66 (End)