(1) (fg)
Employment transit assistance grants. The amounts in the
21schedule for the employment transit assistance grants under s. 106.26.
9. 20.445 (1) (fm) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (fm)
Youth summer jobs programs. The amounts in the schedule for
24youth summer jobs programs in 1st class cities under s. 106.18.
25Section 10
. 20.940 of the statutes is created to read:
120.940 Legislative authorization and oversight of requests to federal
2government. (1) Definition. In this section, “state agency” means any office,
3department, or independent agency in the executive branch of state government,
4other than the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
5(2) Legislative authorization required. A state agency may not submit a
6request to a federal agency for a waiver or a renewal, modification, withdrawal,
7suspension, or termination of a waiver of federal law or rules or for authorization to
8implement a pilot program or demonstration project unless legislation has been
9enacted specifically directing the submission of the request for a waiver, renewal,
10modification, withdrawal, suspension, termination, or authorization.
11(3) Legislative oversight of requests to federal agencies. If submission to
12a federal agency of a request for a waiver or renewal, modification, withdrawal,
13suspension, or termination of a waiver of federal law or rules or for authorization to
14implement a pilot program or demonstration project is required in legislation
15enacted on or after January 1, 2011, the state agency that is required to submit the
16request shall do all of the following that apply:
(a) When the request has not been submitted to the applicable federal agency,
18do all of the following:
1. Beginning 60 days after the enactment of the legislation requiring the
20request or March 1, 2019, whichever is later, submit to the joint committee on finance
21an implementation plan describing the state agency's plan for submitting the
22request including an expected timeline for submitting the request in which the
23submission date is no later than 90 days after submission of the implementation plan
24under this subdivision. If the state agency is unable to submit the request by the date
25specified in the implementation plan, the state agency may request from the joint
1committee on finance an extension not to exceed 90 days in a written submission that
2includes a report on the progress toward submission of the request and the reason
3an extension is needed. If the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do not
4notify the state agency within 14 working days after the date of the request for an
5extension under this subdivision that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the
6purpose of reviewing the extension request, the extension is considered granted. If,
7within 14 working days after the date of the request for an extension under this
8subdivision, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the state agency that the
9committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the extension
10request, the state agency may consider the extension granted only upon approval by
11the committee. No more than 3 90-day extensions may be granted under this
2. When the state agency has finalized its proposed request before submitting
14the request to the federal agency, submit the proposed request to the joint committee
15on finance for approval by the committee. The state agency may submit the proposed
16request to the appropriate federal agency only upon approval by the committee. The
17procedures under s. 13.10 do not apply to this subdivision.
(b) When the request has been submitted to the applicable federal agency but
19has not been denied or approved by that federal agency, do all of the following:
1. Contact no less frequently than biweekly the federal agency considering the
21request to continue negotiations in furtherance of approval of the request.
2. Beginning 30 days after the date of submission of the request to the federal
23agency or March 1, 2019, whichever is later, and monthly thereafter, submit to the
24joint committee on finance a progress report on negotiations with the federal agency
25toward approval of the request. The state agency shall request from the federal
1agency a description in writing of any portions of the request that the federal agency
2has stated will not be approved and reasons for not approving. The state agency shall
3include in its monthly report under this subdivision any written description from the
4federal agency regarding any portion of the request that the federal agency has
5stated will not be approved.
3. Beginning 90 days after the date of submission of the request to the federal
7agency, or March 1, 2019, whichever is later, and quarterly thereafter, make
8available to the joint committee on finance a representative of the state agency to
9brief the committee or provide testimony at a committee hearing at the committee's
10request. The state agency shall ensure that at least one representative of the state
11agency appearing in person before the committee has sufficient personal knowledge
12of the negotiations and progress toward approval of the request to respond to
13inquiries and requests for information by the committee.
4. Before final approval of the request by the federal agency, submit the
15proposed approval as negotiated with the federal agency to the joint committee on
16finance for approval or disapproval. The joint committee on finance may approve or
17disapprove but may not modify the proposed approval as negotiated with the federal
18agency. The state agency may agree to final approval of the request only upon
19approval by the joint committee on finance. If the joint committee on finance
20disapproves, the state agency shall withdraw the request or renegotiate the request
21with the federal agency and resubmit the proposed approval as renegotiated to the
22joint committee on finance for approval or disapproval. The procedures under s.
2313.10 do not apply to this subdivision.
1(c) When the request has been approved in whole or in part by the applicable
2federal agency but has not been fully implemented by the applicable state agency, do
3all of the following:
1. Beginning 60 days after the date of approval of any portion of the request by
5the applicable federal agency, or March 1, 2019, whichever is later, submit to the joint
6committee on finance an implementation plan for the approved portions of the
7request including the expected timeline for final implementation of the request in
8accordance with the federal agency's approval. When the state agency submits an
9implementation plan that it considers its final implementation plan, the state
10agency may not implement the approved portions of the request until the joint
11committee on finance approves the final implementation plan. The procedures
12under s. 13.10 do not apply to this subdivision.
2. Beginning 30 days after the date of submission of the implementation plan
14and monthly thereafter, submit to the joint committee on finance a progress report
15on implementation of the approved portions of the request.
3. Beginning 90 days after the date of approval of any portion of the request by
17the federal agency, or March 1, 2019, whichever is later, and quarterly thereafter,
18make available to the joint committee on finance a representative of the state agency
19to brief the committee or provide testimony at a committee hearing at the
20committee's request. The state agency shall ensure that at least one representative
21of the state agency appearing in person before the committee has sufficient personal
22knowledge of the negotiations and progress toward implementation of the approval
23of the request to respond to inquiries and requests for information by the committee.
24(4) Requests for renewal. No later than 9 months before the expiration of an
25approved waiver of federal law, pilot program, or demonstration project for which no
1legislation has been enacted specifying that the waiver, program, or project must be
2suspended or terminated, the state agency shall submit a written notice to the joint
3committee on finance of the expiration date and the state agency's intent regarding
4renewal. If the state agency intends to request substantive changes to the waiver,
5program, or project in its request to the federal agency, the state agency shall comply
6with the procedures under sub. (3). If the state agency intends to renew the waiver,
7program, or project without substantive changes, notwithstanding sub. (3) and
8before submitting the renewal request to the federal agency, the state agency shall
9submit a proposed renewal request to the joint committee on finance. If the
10cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do not notify the state agency within
1114 working days after the date of the submittal of the proposed renewal request
12under this subsection that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose
13of reviewing the proposed renewal request, the state agency may submit the
14proposed renewal request. If, within 14 working days after the date of the submittal
15of the proposed renewal request under this subsection, the cochairpersons of the
16committee notify the state agency that the committee has scheduled a meeting for
17the purpose of reviewing the proposed renewal request, the state agency may submit
18the proposed renewal request only upon approval by the committee. After reviewing
19the proposed renewal request and determining any changes requested are
20substantive, the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance may require the
21state agency to comply with any of the procedures under sub. (3). The procedures
22under s. 13.10 do not apply to this subsection.
23(5) Delegation to standing committee. The cochairpersons of the joint
24committee on finance may delegate to a standing committee of the legislature of
25appropriate subject matter jurisdiction any of the responsibilities of the joint
1committee on finance under sub. (3). The cochairpersons shall specify the terms of
2a delegation under this subsection and shall determine what constitutes an approval
3under a delegation under this subsection.
4(6) Funding or position reduction for noncompliance. If the joint committee
5on finance determines that the applicable state agency has not made sufficient
6progress in submitting the request, negotiating with the federal agency, or
7implementing an approved portion of a request or is not acting in accordance with
8the enacted legislation requiring the submission of the request, the joint committee
9on finance may reduce from moneys allocated for state operations or administrative
10functions the state agency's appropriation or expenditure authority, whichever is
11applicable, or change the authorized level of full-time equivalent positions for the
12state agency related to the program for which the request is required to be submitted.
13The procedures under s. 13.10 do not apply to this subsection.
11. 49.175 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) The department may
not reallocate funds that are allocated
16under a paragraph under sub. (1) for any purpose specified in a paragraph under sub.
if the secretary of administration approves the reallocation unless the
18department first notifies the joint committee on finance in writing of the proposed
19reallocation. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department
20within 14 working days after the date of the department's notification that the
21committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposed reallocation, the
22department may make the proposed reallocation. If, within 14 working days after
23the date of the department's notification, the cochairpersons of the committee notify
24the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposed
1reallocation, the department may make the proposed reallocation only upon
2approval of the committee.
3Section 12
. 49.175 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (c) If the amounts of federal block grant moneys that are required
5to be credited to the appropriation accounts under s. 20.437 (2) (mc) and (md) are less
6than the amounts appropriated under s. 20.437 (2) (mc) and (md), the department
7shall submit a plan to the
secretary of administration joint committee on finance for
8reducing the amounts of moneys allocated under sub. (1).
If the secretary of
9administration approves the plan, the amounts of moneys required to be allocated
10under sub. (1) may be reduced as proposed by the department and
If the
11cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department within 14 working
12days after the date the department submits the plan that the committee has
13scheduled a meeting to review the proposed reduction plan, the department shall
14allocate the moneys as specified in the plan.
If, within 14 working days after the date
15the department submits the plan, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
16department that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposed
17reduction plan, the department may allocated the moneys as specified in the plan
18only upon approval of the committee.
19Section 13
. 49.45 (2t) of the statutes is created to read:
(2t) Submission of state plan amendments and provider payments. (a)
21The department may not submit a Medical Assistance state plan amendment to the
22federal department of health and human services or implement a change to the
23reimbursement rate for or make a supplemental payment to a provider under the
24Medical Assistance program under this subchapter when the amendment, rate
25change, or payment has an expected fiscal effect of less than $1,000,000 from all
1revenue sources over a 12-month period following the implementation date of the
2amendment, rate change, or payment without submitting the proposed state plan
3amendment, rate change, or payment to the joint committee on finance for review.
4If the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do not notify the department
5within 14 working days after the date of the submittal under this paragraph that the
6committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed state
7plan amendment, rate change, or payment, the department may submit the state
8plan amendment, implement the rate change, or make the payment. If, within 14
9working days after the date of the submittal under this paragraph by the
10department, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department that the
11committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed state
12plan amendment, rate change, or payment, the department may submit the state
13plan amendment, implement the rate change, or make the payment only upon
14approval by the committee.
(b) The department may not submit a Medical Assistance state plan
16amendment to the federal department of health and human services or implement
17a change to the reimbursement rate for or make a supplemental payment to a
18provider under the Medical Assistance program under this subchapter when the
19amendment, rate change, or payment has an expected fiscal effect of $1,000,000 or
20more from all revenue sources over a 12-month period following the implementation
21date of the amendment, rate change, or payment without submitting the proposed
22state plan amendment, rate change, or payment to the joint committee on finance for
23review. The department may submit the proposed state plan amendment,
24implement the rate change, or make the payment only upon approval by the
1committee of the proposed state plan amendment, rate change, or payment
2submitted under this paragraph.
(c) Notwithstanding pars. (a) and (b), the department is not required to submit
4a proposed change to a reimbursement rate for or supplemental payment to a
5provider under the Medical Assistance program under this subchapter to the joint
6committee on finance under par. (a) or (b) if explicit expenditure authority or funding
7for the specific change or supplemental payment is included in enacted legislation.
8Section 14
. 49.45 (23b) of the statutes is created to read:
(23b) Childless adults demonstration project reform waiver
10implementation required. (a) In this subsection:
1. “Community engagement activity” includes any of the following:
a. Work in exchange for money, goods, or services.
b. Unpaid work, such as volunteer work or community service.
c. Self-employment.
d. Participation in a work, job training, or job search program, as approved by
16the department, including the employment and training program under s. 49.79 (9),
17the Wisconsin Works program under ss. 49.141 to 49.161, programs under the federal
18workforce innovation and opportunity act, and tribal work programs.
2. “Exempt individual” means an individual who is any of the following:
a. Receiving temporary or permanent disability benefits from the federal or
21state government or a private source.
b. Determined by the department to be physically or mentally unable to work.
c. Verified as unable to work in a statement from a social worker or other health
24care professional.
d. Experiencing chronic homelessness.
1e. Serving as primary caregiver for a person who cannot care for himself or
f. Receiving or applying for unemployment compensation and complying with
4the work requirements for unemployment compensation.
g. Participating regularly in an alcohol or other drug abuse treatment or
6rehabilitation program, except for alcoholics anonymous or narcotics anonymous but
7including cultural interventions specific to American Indian tribes or bands.
h. Attending high school at least half time or enrolled in an institution of higher
9education, including vocational programs or high school equivalency programs, at
10least half time.
i. Exempt from work requirements under the food stamp program under s.
(b) Beginning as soon as practicable after October 31, 2018, and ending no
14sooner than December 31, 2023, the department shall do all of the following with
15regard to the childless adults demonstration project under sub. (23):
1. Require in each month persons, except exempt individuals, who are eligible
17to receive Medical Assistance under sub. (23) and who are at least 19 years of age but
18have not attained the age of 50 to participate in, document, and report 80 hours per
19calendar month of community engagement activities. The department, after finding
20good cause, may grant a temporary exemption from the requirement under this
21subdivision upon request of a Medical Assistance recipient.
2. Require persons with incomes of at least 50 percent of the poverty line to pay
23premiums in accordance with par. (c) as a condition of eligibility for Medical
24Assistance under sub. (23).
13. Require as a condition of eligibility for Medical Assistance under sub. (23)
2completion of a health risk assessment.
4. Charge recipients of Medical Assistance under sub. (23) an $8 copayment for
4nonemergency use of the emergency department in accordance with
42 USC 1396o-1 5(e) (1) and
42 CFR 447.54.
5. Disenroll from Medical Assistance under sub. (23) for 6 months any
7individual who does not pay a required premium under subd. 2. and any individual
8who is required under subd. 1. to participate in a community engagement activity but
9who does not participate for 48 aggregate months in the community engagement
(c) 1. Persons who are eligible for the demonstration project under sub. (23) and
12who have monthly household income that exceeds 50 percent of the poverty line shall
13pay a monthly premium amount of $8 per household. A person who is eligible to
14receive an item or service furnished by an Indian health care provider is exempt from
15the premium requirement under this subdivision.
2. The department may disenroll under par. (b) 5. a person for nonpayment of
17a required monthly premium only at annual eligibility redetermination after
18providing notice and reasonable opportunity for the person to pay. If a person who
19is disenrolled for nonpayment of premiums pays all owed premiums or becomes
20exempt from payment of premiums, he or she may reenroll in Medical Assistance
21under sub. (23).
3. The department shall reduce the amount of the required household premium
23by up to half for a recipient of Medical Assistance under sub. (23) who does not engage
24in certain behaviors that increase health risks or who attests to actively managing
25certain unhealthy behaviors.
1(d) The department shall comply with any other requirements not specified
2elsewhere in this subsection that are imposed by the federal department of health
3and human services in its approval effective October 31, 2018.
(e) Before December 31, 2023, the demonstration project requirements under
5this subsection may not be withdrawn and the department may not request from the
6federal government withdrawal, suspension, or termination of the demonstration
7project requirements under this subsection unless legislation has been enacted
8specifically allowing for the withdrawal, suspension, or termination.
(f) The department shall comply with all applicable timing in and requirements
10of s. 20.940.
11Section 15
. 49.79 (9) (d) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
12Section 16
. 49.79 (9) (d) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 49.79 (9) (d) and
13amended to read:
(9) (d) Subject to
the promulgation of rules under subd. 1. s. 49.791, the
15department shall screen and, if indicated, test and treat participants in an
16employment and training program under this subsection who are able-bodied adults
17for illegal use of a controlled substance without a valid prescription for the controlled
Eligibility for an able-bodied adult to participate in an employment and
19training program under this subsection is subject to s. 49.791.
20Section 17
. 49.791 of the statutes is created to read:
2149.791 Substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment for
22employment and training programs. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Able-bodied adult” has the meaning given in s. 49.79 (1) (am).
(b) “Administering agency” means an administrative agency within the
25executive branch under ch. 15 or an entity that contracts with the state such as a
1single county consortia under s. 49.78 (1r), a multicounty consortia under s. 49.78 (1)
2(br), or a tribal governing body under s. 49.78 (1) (cr).
(c) “Confirmation test” means an analytical procedure used to quantify a
4specific controlled substance or its metabolite in a specimen through a test that is
5different in scientific principle from that of the initial test procedure and capable of
6providing the requisite specificity, sensitivity, and quantitative accuracy to
7positively confirm use of a controlled substance.
(d) “Controlled substance” has the meaning given in s. 49.79 (1) (b).
(e) “Employment and training program” means the food stamp employment
10and training program under s. 49.79 (9).
(f) “Food stamp program” has the meaning given in s. 49.79 (1) (c).
(g) “Medical review officer” means a licensed medical provider who is employed
13by or providing services under a contract to a qualified drug testing vendor, has
14knowledge of substance abuse disorders and laboratory testing procedures, and has
15the necessary training and experience to interpret and evaluate an individual's
16positive test result in relation to the individual's medical history and valid
(h) “Metabolite” means a chemical present in the body when a controlled
19substance is being broken down through natural metabolic processes that can be
20detected or measured as a positive indicator that a controlled substance associated
21with the metabolite has been used.
(i) “Prescription” means a current order for a controlled substance that
23indicates the specific regimen and duration of the order and that is transmitted
24electronically or in writing by an individual authorized in this state to order the
25controlled substance.
1(j) “Qualified drug testing vendor” means a laboratory certified by the federal
2centers for medical and medicaid services under the federal Clinical Laboratory
3Improvement Amendments of 1988 to collect a specimen, carry out laboratory
4analysis of the specimen, store the specimen for a confirmation test if required,
5complete a confirmation test, and provide review by a medical review officer.
(k) “Screening” means completing a questionnaire specified by the department
7regarding an individual's current and prior use of any controlled substance.
(L) “Specimen” means tissue, fluid, or any other product of the human body
9required to be submitted by an individual for testing under this section.
(m) “Trauma-informed” means operating under the understanding of the
11science of adverse childhood experiences, toxic stress, trauma, and resilience,
12incorporating that understanding into organizational culture, policies, programs,
13and practices, and adhering to trauma-informed principles such as safety,
14trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality,
15empowerment, and cultural, historical, and gender issue recognition.
(n) “Treatment” means any service that is conducted under clinical supervision
17to assist an individual through the process of recovery from controlled substance
18abuse, including screening, application of approved placement criteria, intake,
19orientation, assessment, individualized treatment planning, intervention,
20individual or group and family counseling, referral, discharge planning, after care
21or continuing care, record keeping, consultation with other professionals regarding
22treatment services, recovery and case management, crisis intervention, education,
23employment, and problem resolution in life skills functioning.
(o) “Treatment program” means a program certified by the department to
25provide treatment for controlled substance abuse as a medically managed inpatient
1service, a medically monitored treatment service, a day treatment service, an
2outpatient treatment service, a transitional residential treatment service, or a
3narcotic treatment service for opiate addiction or, as approved by the department,
4psychosocial rehabilitation services.
(p) “Treatment provider” means a provider of treatment for controlled
6substance abuse certified by the department, a provider certified under s. 440.88, or
7a licensed professional who meets criteria established by the department of safety
8and professional services.
9(2) Notice of requirement. An administering agency shall provide
10information in a format approved by the department to any individual who expresses
11interest in or is referred to participate in an employment and training program to
12explain the requirement for participants in certain employment and training
13programs to undergo screening, testing, and treatment for abuse of controlled
15(3) Administering and evaluating a controlled substance abuse screening
16questionnaire. (a) At the time of application and at annual redetermination for
17eligibility in the food stamp program, an administering agency shall administer to
18any able-bodied adult who is subject to the work requirement under s. 49.79 (10) (a)
19and intends on meeting the work requirement through participation in the
20employment and training program a controlled substance abuse screening
21questionnaire approved by the department, which may include questions related to
22controlled substance abuse-related criminal background and controlled substance
23abuse. The administering agency shall determine whether answers to the controlled
24substance abuse screening questionnaire indicate possible use of a controlled
25substance without a valid prescription by the able-bodied adult.
1(b) 1. An able-bodied adult who is administered a controlled substance abuse
2screening questionnaire under par. (a) shall answer all questions on the screening
3questionnaire, sign and date the questionnaire, and submit the questionnaire to the
4administering agency.
2. If the able-bodied adult indicates on the screening questionnaire submitted
6under subd. 1. the prescribed use of a controlled substance, the able-bodied adult
7shall provide evidence of the valid prescription to the administering agency.
(c) An able-bodied adult who is administered a controlled substance abuse
9screening questionnaire under par. (a) and who fails to comply with the requirements
10under par. (b) is not eligible to participate in the employment and training program,
11and the administering agency may not refer the individual to participate in the
12employment and training program. An able-bodied adult who is denied eligibility
13for participation in the employment and training program for failure to complete the
14requirements under par. (b) may complete the requirements under par. (b) at any
15time while eligible for the food stamp program.
(d) An able-bodied adult who completes a controlled substance abuse screening
17questionnaire under this subsection and whose answers to the screening
18questionnaire do not indicate possible abuse of a controlled substance has satisfied
19the requirements of this section and may participate in an employment and training
20program subject to this section.
21(4) Testing for use of a controlled substance required. (a)
22required to undergo testing; exception. 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., an
23administering agency shall require an able-bodied adult whose answers on the
24controlled substance abuse screening questionnaire submitted under sub. (3)
1indicate possible use of a controlled substance without a prescription to undergo a
2test for the use of a controlled substance.
2. An administering agency may not require an able-bodied adult whose
4answers on the controlled substance abuse screening questionnaire submitted under
5sub. (3) indicate possible use of a controlled substance and who also indicates
6readiness to enter treatment for controlled substance abuse to undergo a test for the
7use of a controlled substance.
Nature of testing required. A test for use of a controlled substance under
9this subsection consists of laboratory analysis of a specimen collected from an
10able-bodied adult described in par. (a) in a manner specified by the department that
11is consistent with guidelines from the federal department of health and human
12services by a qualified drug testing vendor or a provider approved by the department.
13The qualified drug testing vendor or other provider shall analyze the specimen for
14the presence of controlled substances specified by the department.