11. A rule that has been promulgated and that is currently in effect or a proposed
2rule that is in the process of being promulgated.
AB1073,95,63 2. A standard adopted, or a statement of policy or interpretation made, whether
4preliminary or final, in the decision of a contested case, in a private letter ruling
5under s. 73.035, or in an agency decision upon or disposition of a particular matter
6as applied to a specific set of facts.
AB1073,95,107 3. Any document or activity described in sub. (13) (a) to (zz), except that
8“guidance document" includes a pamphlet or other explanatory material described
9under sub. (13) (r) that otherwise satisfies the definition of “guidance document"
10under par. (a).
AB1073,95,1211 4. Any document that any statute specifically provides is not required to be
12promulgated as a rule.
AB1073,95,1313 5. A declaratory ruling issued under s. 227.41.
AB1073,95,1414 6. A pleading or brief filed in court by the state, an agency, or an agency official.
AB1073,95,1715 7. A letter or written legal advice of the department of justice or a formal or
16informal opinion of the attorney general, including an opinion issued under s.
17165.015 (1).
AB1073,95,1918 8. Any document or communication for which a procedure for public input,
19other than that provided under s. 227.112 (1), is provided by law.
AB1073,95,2120 9. Any document or communication that is not subject to the right of inspection
21and copying under s. 19.35 (1).
AB1073,123 22Section 123. 227.01 (13) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,96,523 227.01 (13) (intro.) “Rule" means a regulation, standard, statement of policy,
24or general order of general application which that has the effect force of law and
25which that is issued by an agency to implement, interpret, or make specific

1legislation enforced or administered by the agency or to govern the organization or
2procedure of the agency. “Rule" includes a modification of a rule under s. 227.265.
3“Rule" does not include, and s. 227.10 does not apply to, any action or inaction of an
4agency, whether it would otherwise meet the definition under this subsection, which
AB1073,124 6Section 124 . 227.05 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,96,12 7227.05 Agency publications. An agency shall identify the applicable
8provision of federal law or the applicable state statutory or administrative code
9provision that supports any statement or interpretation of law that the agency
10makes in any publication, whether in print or on the agency's Internet site, including
11guidance documents, forms, pamphlets, or other informational materials, regarding
12the laws the agency administers.
AB1073,125 13Section 125. Subchapter II (title) of chapter 227 [precedes 227.10] of the
14statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,96,1515 Chapter 227
AB1073,96,1616 Subchapter II
AB1073,126 19Section 126 . 227.10 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,96,2120 227.10 (2g) No agency may seek deference in any proceeding based on the
21agency's interpretation of any law.
AB1073,127 22Section 127 . 227.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,96,24 23227.11 (title) Extent to which chapter confers Agency rule-making
AB1073,128 25Section 128 . 227.11 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
1227.11 (3) (a) A plan that is submitted to the federal government for the
2purpose of complying with a requirement of federal law does not confer rule-making
3authority and cannot be used by an agency as authority to promulgate rules. No
4agency may agree to promulgate a rule as a component of a compliance plan unless
5the agency has explicit statutory authority to promulgate the rule at the time the
6compliance plan is submitted.
AB1073,97,127 (b) A settlement agreement, consent decree, or court order does not confer
8rule-making authority and cannot be used by an agency as authority to promulgate
9rules. No agency may agree to promulgate a rule as a term in any settlement
10agreement, consent decree, or stipulated order of a court unless the agency has
11explicit statutory authority to promulgate the rule at the time the settlement
12agreement, consent decree, or stipulated order of a court is executed.
AB1073,129 13Section 129. 227.112 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,97,19 14227.112 Guidance documents. (1) (a) Before adopting a guidance document,
15an agency shall submit to the legislative reference bureau the proposed guidance
16document with a notice of a public comment period on the proposed guidance
17document under par. (b), in a format approved by the legislative reference bureau,
18for publication in the register. The notice shall specify the place where comments
19should be submitted and the deadline for submitting those comments.
AB1073,98,220 (b) The agency shall provide for a period for public comment on a proposed
21guidance document submitted under par. (a), during which any person may submit
22written comments to the agency with respect to the proposed guidance document.
23Except as provided in par. (c), the period for public comment shall end no sooner than
24the 21st day after the date on which the proposed guidance document is published
25in the register under s. 35.93 (2) (b) 3. im. The agency may not adopt the proposed

1guidance document until the comment period has concluded and the agency has
2complied with par. (d).
AB1073,98,43 (c) An agency may hold a public comment period shorter than 21 days with the
4approval of the governor.
AB1073,98,85 (d) An agency shall retain all written comments submitted during the public
6comment period under par. (b) and shall consider those comments in determining
7whether to adopt the guidance document as originally proposed, modify the proposed
8guidance document, or take any other action.
AB1073,98,15 9(2) An agency shall post each guidance document that the agency has adopted
10on the agency's Internet site and shall permit continuing public comment on the
11guidance document. The agency shall ensure that each guidance document that the
12agency has adopted remains on the agency's Internet site as provided in this
13subsection until the guidance document is no longer in effect, is no longer valid, or
14is superseded or until the agency otherwise rescinds its adoption of the guidance
AB1073,98,22 16(3) A guidance document does not have the force of law and does not provide
17the authority for implementing or enforcing a standard, requirement, or threshold,
18including as a term or condition of any license. An agency that proposes to rely on
19a guidance document to the detriment of a person in any proceeding shall afford the
20person an adequate opportunity to contest the legality or wisdom of a position taken
21in the guidance document. An agency may not use a guidance document to foreclose
22consideration of any issue raised in the guidance document.
AB1073,99,3 23(4) If an agency proposes to act in any proceeding at variance with a position
24expressed in a guidance document, it shall provide a reasonable explanation for the
25variance. If an affected person in any proceeding may have relied reasonably on the

1agency's position, the explanation must include a reasonable justification for the
2agency's conclusion that the need for the variance outweighs the affected person's
3reliance interest.
AB1073,99,6 4(5) Persons that qualify under s. 227.12 to petition an agency to promulgate
5a rule may, as provided in s. 227.12, petition an agency to promulgate a rule in place
6of a guidance document.
AB1073,99,16 7(6) Any guidance document shall be signed by the secretary or head of the
8agency below the following certification: “I have reviewed this guidance document
9or proposed guidance document and I certify that it complies with sections 227.10
10and 227.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I further certify that the guidance document
11or proposed guidance document contains no standard, requirement, or threshold
12that is not explicitly required or explicitly permitted by a statute or a rule that has
13been lawfully promulgated. I further certify that the guidance document or proposed
14guidance document contains no standard, requirement, or threshold that is more
15restrictive than a standard, requirement, or threshold contained in the Wisconsin
AB1073,99,21 17(7) This section does not apply to guidance documents adopted before the first
18day of the 7th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB
19inserts date], but on that date any guidance document that has not been adopted in
20accordance with sub. (1) or that does not contain the certification required under sub.
21(6) shall be considered rescinded.
AB1073,99,24 22(8) The legislative council staff shall provide agencies with assistance in
23determining whether documents and communications are guidance documents that
24are subject to the requirements under this section.
AB1073,130 25Section 130 . 227.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
1227.13 Advisory committees and informal consultations. An agency may
2use informal conferences and consultations to obtain the viewpoint and advice of
3interested persons with respect to contemplated rule making. An agency also may
4also appoint a committee of experts, interested persons or representatives of the
5public to advise it with respect to any contemplated rule making. The Such a
6committee shall have advisory powers only. Whenever an agency appoints a
7committee under this section, the agency shall submit a list of the members of the
8committee to the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
AB1073,131 9Section 131. 227.135 (1) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,100,1310 227.135 (1) (g) A statement as to whether the agency anticipates that the
11proposed rule will have minimal or no economic impact, a moderate economic impact,
12or a significant economic impact, whether locally, statewide, or on a sector of the
AB1073,132 14Section 132. 227.135 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,100,2315 227.135 (1) (h) For a proposed emergency rule promulgated under s. 227.24,
16an explanation of why the rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
17health, safety, or welfare. If the rule is exempt from the required finding of
18emergency, the statement of scope shall cite the act number and section or the statute
19section authorizing the promulgation of an emergency rule or a statement that the
20rule is promulgated at the direction of the joint committee for review of
21administrative rules under s. 227.26 (2) (b). The agency shall also include a
22statement as to whether the agency will promulgate a corresponding permanent rule
23and the agency's anticipated time line for promulgating the permanent rule.
AB1073,133 24Section 133 . 227.135 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 227.135 (2) (a) 1. and
25amended to read:
1227.135 (2) (a) 1. An Except as provided in subd. 2., an agency that has
2prepared a statement of the scope of the proposed rule shall present the statement
3to the department of administration, which shall make a determination as to
4whether the agency has the explicit authority to promulgate the rule as proposed in
5the statement of scope and shall report the statement of scope and its determination
6to the governor who, in his or her discretion, may approve or reject the statement of
7scope. The Except as provided in subd. 2., the agency may not send the statement
8to the legislative reference bureau for publication under sub. (3) until the governor
9issues a written notice of approval of the statement and may not, without the written
10approval of the governor, send the statement to the legislative reference bureau for
11publication under sub. (3) more than 30 days after the date of the governor's approval
12of the statement of scope
AB1073,101,20 13(b) The An agency that has prepared a statement of the scope of the proposed
shall also present the statement to the individual or body with policy-making
15powers over the subject matter of the proposed rule for approval. The individual or
16body with policy-making powers may not approve the statement until at least 10
17days after publication of the statement under sub. (3) and, if a preliminary public
18hearing and comment period are held by the agency under s. 227.136, until the
19individual or body has received and reviewed any public comments and feedback
20received from the agency under s. 227.136 (5).
AB1073,102,2 21(c) No state employee or official may perform any activity in connection with
22the drafting of a proposed rule, except for an activity necessary to prepare the
23statement of the scope of the proposed rule, until the governor and the individual or
24body with policy-making powers over the subject matter of the proposed rule
the statement has been approved as required under pars. (a) and (b). This

1subsection paragraph does not prohibit an agency from performing an activity
2necessary to prepare a petition and proposed rule for submission under s. 227.26 (4).
AB1073,134 3Section 134 . 227.135 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,102,54 227.135 (2) (a) 2. The requirement under subd. 1. does not apply to statements
5of scope prepared by the department of public instruction.
AB1073,135 6Section 135 . 227.135 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,102,207 227.135 (3) If the governor approves a An agency that prepares a statement
8of the scope of a proposed rule under sub. (2), the agency (1) shall, subject to sub. (2)
9(a) 1.,
send an electronic copy of the statement to the legislative reference bureau,
10in a format approved by the legislative reference bureau, for publication in the
11register. On the same day that the agency sends the statement to the legislative
12reference bureau, the agency shall send a copy of the statement to the secretary of
13administration and to the chief clerks of each house of the legislature, who shall
14distribute the statement to the cochairpersons of the joint committee for review of
15administrative rules. The agency shall include with any statement of scope sent to
16the legislative reference bureau the date of the governor's approval of the statement
17of scope if such approval is required under sub. (2) (a). The legislative reference
18bureau shall assign a discrete identifying number to each statement of scope and
19shall include that number and the date of the governor's approval , if required, in the
20publication of the statement of scope in the register.
AB1073,136 21Section 136 . 227.135 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 227.135 (4) (a) (intro.)
22and amended to read:
AB1073,103,623 227.135 (4) (a) (intro.) If at any time after a statement of the scope of a proposed
24rule is approved under sub. (2) the agency changes the scope of the proposed rule in
25any meaningful or measurable way, including changing the scope of the proposed

1rule so as to include in the scope any activity, business, material, or product that is
2not specifically included in the original scope of the proposed rule,
the agency shall
3prepare and obtain approval of a revised statement of the scope of the proposed rule
4in the same manner as the original statement was prepared and approved under
5subs. (1) and (2). No For purposes of this subsection, a meaningful or measurable
6 change includes any of the following:
AB1073,103,11 7(b) Whenever an agency is required to prepare a revised statement of scope
8under this subsection, no
state employee or official may perform any activity in
9connection with the drafting of the proposed rule except for an activity necessary to
10prepare the revised statement of the scope of the proposed rule until the revised
11statement is so approved as provided in sub. (2).
AB1073,137 12Section 137 . 227.135 (4) (a) 1. to 6. of the statutes are created to read:
AB1073,103,1313 227.135 (4) (a) 1. A change to the objectives of the proposed rule.
AB1073,103,1414 2. A change to the basis and purpose of the proposed rule.
AB1073,103,1515 3. A change to the policies to be included in the proposed rule.
AB1073,103,1616 4. A change to the entities affected by the proposed rule.
AB1073,103,1817 5. A change to the overall breadth or scope of the regulation in the proposed
AB1073,103,2119 6. A change to the scope of the proposed rule so as to include in the scope any
20activity, business, material, or product that is not specifically included in the original
AB1073,138 22Section 138. 227.135 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,103,2523 227.135 (6) An agency that intends to concurrently promulgate an emergency
24rule and a permanent rule that are identical in substance may submit one statement
25of scope indicating this intent.
1Section 139. 227.137 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,104,72 227.137 (2) An agency shall prepare an economic impact analysis for a
3proposed rule before submitting the proposed rule to the legislative council staff
4under s. 227.15. Prior to preparing an economic impact analysis as provided in this
5subsection, the agency shall review the statement of scope for the proposed rule
6prepared under s. 227.135 to determine whether a revised statement of scope is
7required under s. 227.135 (4).
AB1073,140 8Section 140. 227.137 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,104,129 227.137 (2m) An agency's economic impact analysis under sub. (2) or revised
10economic impact analysis under sub. (4) shall be prepared and submitted separately
11from any fiscal estimate or revised fiscal estimate prepared and submitted under s.
12227.14 (4) (a) or (d).
AB1073,141 13Section 141. 227.137 (3) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 227.137 (3) (e)
14(intro.) and amended to read:
AB1073,104,2015 227.137 (3) (e) (intro.) A determination made in consultation with the
16businesses, local governmental units, and individuals that may be affected by the
17proposed rule as to whether the proposed rule would adversely affect in a material
18way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, jobs, or the overall economic
19competitiveness of this state. The agency shall make the determination required
20under this paragraph by doing all of the following:
AB1073,142 21Section 142. 227.137 (3) (e) 1. to 4. of the statutes are created to read:
AB1073,104,2322 227.137 (3) (e) 1. Compiling a list of affected persons and potential economic
23concerns identified in the comments solicited by the agency.
AB1073,104,2424 2. Contacting affected persons to discuss economic concerns.
AB1073,104,2525 3. Considering any raised concerns in drafting the economic impact analysis.
14. Documenting in the economic impact analysis the persons who were
2consulted and whether the agency's determination is disputed by any of the affected
AB1073,143 4Section 143 . 227.137 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,105,165 227.137 (3m) (a) When soliciting comments under sub. (3) for an economic
6impact analysis, an agency shall accept comments for a period of at least 14 calendar
7days if, under s. 227.135 (1) (g), the statement of scope for the proposed rule indicates
8that the proposed rule will have minimal or no economic impact, at least 30 calendar
9days if it indicates a moderate economic impact, and at least 60 calendar days if it
10indicates a significant economic impact or if the agency anticipates that the proposed
11rule will result in $10,000,000 or more in implementation and compliance costs being
12incurred by or passed along to businesses, local governmental units, and individuals
13over any 2-year period. If the agency subsequently determines that the anticipated
14economic impact will be greater than indicated in the statement of scope, the agency
15shall adjust the comment period accordingly. An agency may not reduce a comment
16period once determined under this subsection.
AB1073,105,1817 (b) This subsection does not apply to a person preparing an independent
18economic impact analysis under sub. (4m).
AB1073,144 19Section 144 . 227.137 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,106,1220 227.137 (4) On the same day that the agency submits the economic impact
21analysis to the legislative council staff under s. 227.15 (1), the agency shall also
22submit that analysis to the department of administration, to the governor, and to the
23chief clerks of each house of the legislature, who shall distribute the analysis to the
24presiding officers of their respective houses, to the chairpersons of the appropriate
25standing committees of their respective houses, as designated by those presiding

1officers, and to the cochairpersons of the joint committee for review of administrative
2rules. If a proposed rule is modified after the economic impact analysis is submitted
3under this subsection so that the economic impact of the proposed rule is
4significantly changed, the agency shall prepare a revised economic impact analysis
5for the proposed rule as modified. For purposes of this subsection, a significant
6change includes an increase or a decrease of at least 10 percent or $50,000, whichever
7is greater, in the expected implementation and compliance costs reasonably expected
8to be incurred by or passed along to a majority of the businesses, local governmental
9units, and individuals as a result of the proposed rule, as identified under sub. (3) (b),
10or a significant change in the persons expected to be affected by the proposed rule.

11A revised economic impact analysis shall be prepared and submitted in the same
12manner as an original economic impact analysis is prepared and submitted.
AB1073,145 13Section 145. 227.138 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 227.138 (1) and
14amended to read:
AB1073,106,2015 227.138 (1) The joint committee for review of administrative rules may direct
16an agency to prepare a retrospective economic impact analysis for any of an agency's
17rules that are published in the code. The committee may identify one or more specific
18chapters, sections, or other subunits in the code that are administered by the agency
19as the rules that are to be the subject of the analysis and may specify a deadline for
20the preparation of the analysis.
AB1073,107,7 21(1r) A retrospective economic impact analysis shall contain information on the
22economic effect of the rules on specific businesses, business sectors, public utility
23ratepayers, local governmental units, and the state's economy as a whole. When
24preparing the analysis, the agency or person preparing the analysis shall solicit
25information and advice from businesses, associations representing businesses, local

1governmental units, and individuals that have been affected by the rules. The
2agency or person shall prepare the retrospective economic impact analysis in
3coordination with local governmental units that have been affected by the rules. The
4agency or person may request information that is reasonably necessary for the
5preparation of a retrospective economic impact analysis from other businesses,
6associations, local governmental units, and individuals and from other agencies.
7The retrospective economic impact analysis shall include all of the following:
AB1073,146 8Section 146 . 227.138 (1) (a) to (h) of the statutes are renumbered 227.138 (1r)
9(a) to (h).
AB1073,147 10Section 147. 227.138 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,107,1911 227.138 (1g) Within 90 days after an agency submits a retrospective economic
12impact analysis under sub. (2), either cochairperson of the joint committee for review
13of administrative rules may request an independent retrospective economic impact
14analysis to be prepared using the same procedure and payment methods described
15under s. 227.137 (4m) (am) and (b). A person preparing an independent retrospective
16economic impact analysis under this subsection shall prepare the independent
17retrospective economic impact analysis for the same rules that were the subject of
18the agency's analysis under sub. (1) and shall include the information that is
19required under sub. (1r).
AB1073,148 20Section 148 . 227.138 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,108,521 227.138 (2) An agency or person that prepares a retrospective economic impact
22analysis under sub. (1) or (1g) shall submit that analysis to the department of
23administration, to the governor, and to the chief clerks of each house of the
24legislature, who shall distribute the analysis to the presiding officers of their
25respective houses, to the chairpersons of the appropriate standing committees of

1their respective houses, as designated by those presiding officers, and to the
2cochairpersons of the joint committee for review of administrative rules. The agency
3or person shall also send an electronic copy of the analysis to the legislative reference
4bureau, in a format approved by the legislative reference bureau, for publication in
5the register.
AB1073,149 6Section 149 . 227.18 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,108,87 227.18 (3m) If, after holding a hearing under this section, an agency makes any
8changes to the proposed rule, the agency shall do all of the following:
AB1073,108,119 (a) Review the statement of scope of the proposed rule prepared under s.
10227.135 to determine whether a revised statement of scope is required under s.
11227.135 (4).