Under current law, an applicant for a driver's license or identification card must
provide to DOT 1) an identification document that includes either the applicant's
photograph or both the applicant's full legal name and date of birth; 2)
documentation showing the applicant's date of birth, which may be the same as item
1; 3) proof of the applicant's social security number or verification that the applicant
is not eligible for a social security number; 4) documentation showing the applicant's
name and address of principal residence; and 5) documentary proof that the
applicant is a U.S. citizen or is otherwise lawfully present in the United States.
In 2015 and 2017, DOT promulgated rules, the first establishing and the second
modifying, a procedure by which persons requesting free identification cards for the
purpose of voter identification could receive these cards despite being unable to
provide required documentary proof. In general, the procedure requires an applicant
to provide DOT with either 1) the applicant's full legal name, date of birth, place of
birth, and any other birth record information requested by DOT; or 2) the applicant's
alien or U.S. citizenship and immigration service number or U.S. citizenship
certificate number. DOT then shares this information with the Department of
Health Services or the federal government for the purpose of verifying the applicant's
identity. In general, a person may receive a voter identification card under this
procedure if either DHS or the federal government verifies the person's identity or
if DOT receives acceptable alternate documentation. This bill incorporates this
verification procedure into the statutes.
DOT's 2017 rule also provided a procedure by which an applicant for an
identification card could obtain a card with a name other than the name that appears
on the applicant's supporting documentation. The bill also incorporates this
procedure into the statutes.
Under current law, an unexpired identification card issued by an accredited
university or college in this state may be used as identification for voting purposes
if it contains a photograph and the signature of the person to whom it was issued, it
expires no later than two years after the date of issuance, and the person establishes
that he or she is enrolled as a student at the university or college on election day. The
Government Accountability Board (now the Elections Commission) promulgated a
rule to clarify that an identification card issued by a technical college that is governed
by this state's technical college system may be used for voting purposes. The bill
codifies the rule.

Under current law, a claimant for unemployment insurance benefits is
generally required to conduct searches for work each week to be eligible for
unemployment benefits and to register for work. Current law provides that a
claimant who is laid off is exempt from these requirements if the claimant reasonably
expects to be reemployed by the former employer and DWD verifies that expectation.
Administrative rules promulgated by DWD require DWD to grant a claimant a
waiver of the work search and registration requirements for eight weeks if the
claimant reasonably expects to be reemployed with the claimant's employer within
that period and allow an additional four-week extension of that waiver. The rules
also provide additional reasons a claimant may qualify for a waiver and require
claimants for whom the requirements are not waived to provide verification of
having complied with work search and registration requirements.
This bill eliminates DWD's authority to establish waivers from work search and
registration requirements and codifies the current waivers contained in DWD's
rules. However, the bill allows DWD to modify or eliminate a waiver, or to create
additional waivers, if doing so is necessary to comply with federal law or is
specifically allowed under federal law. The bill also codifies the requirement that a
claimant provide verification of having complied with work search and registration
This bill requires DOA to submit any proposed changes to security at the
capitol, including the posting of a firearm restriction, to JCLO for approval under
passive review.
Under current law, the Department of Natural Resources administers the
municipal flood control and riparian restoration program, which provides grants
that pay a portion of the costs of facilities and structures for the collection and
transmission of storm water, including the purchase of flowage and conservation
easements on lands within floodways, and of floodproofing public and private
structures located in the 100-year floodplain. Current law requires DNR to
promulgate rules specifying eligibility criteria for projects and for determining which
projects will receive financial assistance. However, under current law, during the
2017-19 fiscal biennium, DNR must consider an applicant to be eligible for such a
grant if the project is funded or executed in whole or in part by the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers' small flood control projects program, and DNR must provide such an
applicant with a cost-sharing grant not to exceed $14,600,000. This bill extends this
requirement to the 2019-21 biennium as well.
This bill changes DOJ gifts and grants appropriations from continuing
appropriations to annual appropriations.
The bill a) requires committees appointed by agencies to provide advice with
respect to rule making to submit a list of the members of the committee to JCRAR;

b) makes various changes with respect to the required content and preparation of
statements of scope and EIAs for rules, including mandating minimum comment
periods for EIAs for rules; c) prohibits an agency from submitting a statement of
scope for a proposed rule to the LRB for publication in the register more than 30 days
after the date of the governor's approval of the statement of scope without the
approval of the governor; and d) codifies current practice by allowing an agency that
intends to concurrently promulgate an emergency rule and a permanent rule that
are identical in substance to submit one statement of scope indicating this intent.
This bill modifies current law regarding the voting procedures for military and
overseas electors so that the law is in substantial compliance with the federal
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. The bill also modifies
current law so that an individual signing the witness certification for an absentee
ballot cast by a military elector or overseas elector need not be a United States
The bill allows all overseas electors to receive absentee ballots electronically,
regardless of whether such electors are considered permanently or temporarily
overseas. Under the bill, an overseas elector is a U.S. citizen who is residing outside
of the United States, who is not disqualified from voting, who has attained or will
attain the age of 18 by the date of an election at which the citizen proposes to vote,
who was last domiciled in this state or whose parent was last domiciled in this state
immediately prior to the parent's departure from the United States, and who is not
registered to vote or voting in any other state, territory, or possession.
This bill 1) prohibits a court from according deference to agency interpretations
of law in certain proceedings and prohibits agencies from seeking deference in any
proceeding to agency interpretations of law; 2) establishes various requirements
with respect to the adoption and use of guidance documents by agencies, including
requirements that agencies must comply with in order to adopt guidance documents;
and 3) provides that settlement agreements do not confer rule-making authority.
Generally under current law, when reviewing an agency decision in a contested
case or other matter subject to judicial review under the law governing
administrative procedure for state agencies, a court must accord due weight to the
experience, technical competence, and specialized knowledge of the agency involved,
as well as discretionary authority conferred upon it. Consistent with the Wisconsin
Supreme Court's decision in Tetra Tech EC, Inc. v. Wis. Dep't of Revenue, 2018 WI 75,
the bill limits this directive such that a court performing judicial review of such a
decision must accord no deference to an agency's interpretation of law.
The bill also provides that no agency may seek deference in any proceeding
based on the agency's interpretation of any law.
Subject to various exceptions, the bill defines “guidance document" as any
formal or official document or communication issued by an agency, including a
manual, handbook, directive, or informational bulletin, that 1) explains the agency's
implementation of a statute or rule enforced or administered by the agency, including
the current or proposed operating procedure of the agency; or 2) provides guidance

or advice with respect to how the agency is likely to apply any statute or rule enforced
or administered by the agency, if that guidance or advice is likely to apply to a class
of persons similarly affected.
The bill requires each agency to submit each proposed guidance document to
the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the register and to provide a
period for persons to submit written comments to the agency on the proposed
guidance document. The agency must retain all written comments submitted during
the public comment period and consider those comments in determining whether to
adopt the guidance document as originally proposed, modify the proposed guidance
document, or take any other action. The bill allows for a comment period of less than
21 days with the approval of the governor. The bill also requires each adopted
guidance document, while valid, to remain available on the agency's Internet site and
requires the agency to permit continuing public comment on the guidance document.
Each guidance document must be signed by the head of the agency below a statement
containing certain certifications.
The bill provides that a guidance document does not have the force of law and
does not provide the authority for implementing or enforcing a standard,
requirement, or threshold, including as a term or condition of any license. An agency
that proposes to rely on a guidance document to the detriment of a person in any
proceeding must afford the person an adequate opportunity to contest the legality
or wisdom of a position taken in the guidance document, and an agency may not use
a guidance document to foreclose consideration of any issue raised in the guidance
document. The bill also contains other provisions with respect to agency use of and
reliance upon guidance documents, allows certain persons to petition an agency to
promulgate a rule in place of a guidance document, and makes guidance documents
subject to the same judicial review provisions as apply to rules.
The bill requires the Legislative Council staff to provide agencies with
assistance in determining whether documents and communications are guidance
documents as defined in the bill.
The bill provides that, as of six months after the bill's effective date, any
guidance document that does not comply with the requirements in the bill is
considered to be rescinded.
The bill provides that a settlement agreement, consent decree, or court order
does not confer rule-making authority and cannot be used by an agency as authority
to promulgate rules. The bill provides that no agency may agree to promulgate a rule
as a term in any settlement agreement, consent decree, or stipulated order of a court
unless the agency has explicit statutory authority to promulgate the rule at the time
the settlement agreement, consent decree, or stipulated order of a court is executed.
This bill generally provides for legislative oversight of requests for federal
approval. The bill prohibits a state, executive branch agency from submitting a
request to a federal agency for a waiver or renewal, modification, withdrawal,
suspension, or termination of a waiver of federal law or rules or for authorization to
implement a pilot program or demonstration project unless legislation has been
enacted specifically directing the submission of the request. For any legislation

enacted on or after January 1, 2011, that requires submission of a request that has
not yet been submitted, the bill requires the applicable state agency to submit an
implementation plan to JCF containing an expected timeline with an expected
submission date to the federal agency no later than 90 days after the state agency
submits the implementation plan to JCF, for which JCF may grant up to three
90-day extensions under its passive review process, and submit its final proposed
request to JCF for approval.
Once the request has been submitted to the federal agency, the bill requires the
state agency to do all of the following: make biweekly contact with the federal agency
to continue negotiations, submit monthly progress reports to JCF on negotiations
with the federal agency including descriptions of any portions of the request that the
federal agency stated will not be approved, make available on a quarterly basis a
representative of the state agency for JCF briefings or hearings, and submit the
proposed approval as negotiated with the federal agency to JCF for approval or
disapproval before agreeing with the final federal approval. When the federal
agency has approved the request in whole or in part and the request has not been
fully implemented, the state agency must submit an implementation plan to JCF,
submit its final implementation plan to JCF for approval, and make available on a
quarterly basis a representative of the state agency for JCF briefings or hearings.
No later than nine months before the expiration of an approved waiver, pilot
program, or demonstration project, the state agency must notify JCF of the
expiration date and the state agency's intent regarding renewal. If the state agency
intends to renew the waiver, program, or project without substantive changes to it,
the state agency is not required to comply with all of the procedures specified in the
bill for renewal and instead may submit the proposed renewal request for review by
JCF under its passive review process.
The chairpersons of JCF may delegate some of the committee's responsibilities
under the bill to a legislative standing committee of appropriate subject matter
jurisdiction under terms specified by the chairpersons. If JCF determines that the
state agency has not made sufficient progress or is not acting in accordance with the
enacted legislation requiring the submission of the request, JCF may reduce from
moneys allocated for state operations or administrative functions the agency's
appropriation or expenditure authority or change the authorized level of full-time
equivalent positions for the agency related to the program for which the request is
required to be submitted.
This bill requires by statute DHS to implement the BadgerCare Reform waiver
as it relates to childless adults as approved by the federal Department of Health and
Human Services effective October 31, 2018. The 2015-17 and 2017-19 biennial
budget acts required DHS to submit a waiver request to the federal DHHS
authorizing DHS to take certain actions including imposing premiums on, requiring
a health risk assessment of, and time-limiting eligibility for recipients of
BadgerCare Plus under the childless adults demonstration project waiver. Effective
October 31, 2018, the federal DHHS approved the BadgerCare Reform waiver

amendment and extension with some modifications from the request. The bill
incorporates certain provisions of the federal approval into the statutes.
Under the bill, DHS must require childless adults demonstration project
recipients who are at least 19 years of age but have not attained the age of 50 to
participate in, document, and report 80 hours per calendar month of community
engagement activities, unless they are exempt or have a temporary exemption for
good cause. Qualifying community engagement activities are specified in the bill and
include working for money, goods, or services, or as a volunteer, and participating in
a program such as the FoodShare employment and training program or Wisconsin
Works. DHS must require a recipient, as a condition of eligibility, to complete a
health risk assessment and, if the recipient's household income exceeds 50 percent
of the federal poverty line, pay a monthly premium of $8 per household with some
limited exceptions. The household premium is reduced if a recipient reports on the
health risk assessment that he or she is not engaging in certain behaviors that
increase health risks or is actively managing certain unhealthy behaviors. DHS
must disenroll a recipient for six months if the recipient does not pay the required
premium or, if the recipient is not exempt, does not participate for 48 aggregate
months in the community engagement activity.
DHS must charge recipients an $8 copayment for nonemergency use of the
emergency department and must comply with other requirements imposed by the
federal DHHS in its waiver approval effective October 31, 2018. The requirements
in the bill must end no sooner than December 31, 2023, and the bill prohibits
withdrawal of the requirements and DHS from requesting withdrawal, suspension,
or termination of the childless adults demonstration project requirements before
that date unless the legislation has been enacted specifically allowing for
withdrawal, suspension, or termination.
The bill requires DHS to implement the childless adults BadgerCare Reform
waiver by no later than November 1, 2019. If DHS is unable to fully implement the
project reforms by November 1, 2019, DHS may request from JCF an extension not
to exceed 90 days in a written submission that includes a report on the progress
toward implementation of the project and the reason an extension is needed, which
JCF will review under its 14-day passive review process. Similar to other waiver
implementation requirements, if JCF determines that DHS has not complied with
the implementation deadline, has not made sufficient progress in implementing the
BadgerCare Reform waiver, or has not complied other requirements under this bill
relating to approved waiver implementation, JCF may reduce from moneys allocated
for state operations or administrative functions DHS's appropriation or expenditure
authority, whichever is applicable, or change the authorized level of full-time
equivalent positions for DHS related to the Medical Assistance program.
This bill incorporates the provisions of chapter DHS 38 of the Wisconsin
Administrative Code into the statutes. 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, the biennial budget
act for the 2015-16 legislative session, required DHS to promulgate rules to develop
and implement a screening, testing, and treatment policy and then to screen and test
for illegal use of a controlled substance and treat for substance abuse able-bodied

adults who seek to participate in the FoodShare program's employment and training
program known as FSET. DHS promulgated chapter DHS 38, Wis. Adm. Code,
regarding substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment for certain department
employment and training programs. The bill incorporates the specifications and
requirements of that DHS rule into the statutes, requires implementation of the
screening, testing, and treatment by October 1, 2019, and requires DHS to follow
requirements in this bill as if the screening, testing, and treatment is an approved
waiver. In summary, the provisions of the rule and the bill require an agency that
is administering FSET to require able-bodied adults who are subject to a work
requirement to participate in FoodShare and who seek to participate in FSET to
fulfill that work requirement to undergo screening for use of a controlled substance
without a prescription, testing for use of a controlled substance in certain
circumstances, and treatment, if applicable, for use of the controlled substance in
order to be eligible to participate in FSET.
2017 Wisconsin Act 138 required the commissioner of insurance to administer
a state-based reinsurance program, the Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan
(known as WIHSP), and allowed the commissioner to request a waiver under federal
law to implement the plan. Under current law, WIHSP makes a reinsurance
payment to a health insurance carrier if the claims for an individual who is enrolled
in a health benefit plan with that carrier exceed a threshold amount in a benefit year.
The federal DHHS approved the commissioner's waiver request under specific terms
and conditions dated July 29, 2018. The bill requires the commissioner to administer
WIHSP in accordance with those specific terms and conditions. The bill prohibits the
commissioner from requesting modification, suspension, withdrawal, or termination
of the waiver unless legislation has been enacted directing the modification,
suspension, withdrawal, or termination. The bill requires the commissioner to
complete and submit any reports, provide any information, and participate in any
oversight activities required by the federal DHHS to implement and maintain
WIHSP. The bill sets the payment parameters for WIHSP as specified by the federal
approval for the 2019 benefit year and prohibits the commissioner from changing
those payment parameters for the 2019 benefit year.
This bill prohibits DHS from submitting an amendment to the state's Medical
Assistance plan or implementing a change to the reimbursement rate for or making
a supplemental payment to a provider under the Medical Assistance program
without first submitting the proposed state plan amendment, rate change, or
payment to JCF. If the state plan amendment, rate change, or payment has an
expected fiscal effect of less than $1,000,000 from all revenue sources over a
12-month period following the implementation date of the amendment, rate change,
or payment, then the proposed state plan amendment, rate change, or payment is
reviewed under JCF's 14-day, passive review process. If the expected fiscal effect is
$1,000,000 or more from all revenue sources over the 12-month period, DHS may
submit the proposed state plan amendment, implement the rate change, or make the
payment only upon approval by JCF. DHS is not required, however, to submit a

proposed rate change or supplemental payment to JCF under the bill if explicit
expenditure authority or funding for the specific change or supplemental payment
is included in enacted legislation.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB1073,1 1Section 1 . 5.02 (6m) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,19,92 5.02 (6m) (f) An unexpired identification card issued by a university or college
3in this state that is accredited, as defined in s. 39.30 (1) (d), or by a technical college
4in this state that is a member of and governed by the technical college system under
5ch. 38,
that contains the date of issuance and signature of the individual to whom it
6is issued and that contains an expiration date indicating that the card expires no
7later than 2 years after the date of issuance if the individual establishes that he or
8she is enrolled as a student at the university or college on the date that the card is
AB1073,2 10Section 2 . 5.02 (12n) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,19,1611 5.02 (12n) “Overseas elector" means a U.S. citizen who is residing outside of
12the United States, who is not disqualified from voting under s. 6.03, who has attained
13or will attain the age of 18 by the date of an election at which the citizen proposes to
14vote, who was last domiciled in this state or whose parent was last domiciled in this
15state immediately prior to the parent's departure from the United States, and who
16is not registered to vote or voting in any other state, territory, or possession.
AB1073,3 17Section 3 . 5.02 (15m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,20,218 5.02 (15m) “Presidential preference primary” means the primary held on the
192nd Tuesday in March to express preferences for the person to be the presidential

1candidate for each party in a year in which electors for president and vice president
2are to be elected.
AB1073,4 3Section 4. 5.02 (21) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,20,84 5.02 (21) “Spring election" means the election held on the first Tuesday in April
5to elect judicial, educational and municipal officers, and nonpartisan county officers
6and sewerage commissioners and to express preferences for the person to be the
7presidential candidate for each party in a year in which electors for president and
8vice president are to be elected
AB1073,5 9Section 5 . 5.05 (13) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,20,1310 5.05 (13) (c) The commission shall maintain a freely accessible system under
11which a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (a), or an overseas elector, as defined
12in s. 6.34 (1) (b),
who casts an absentee ballot may ascertain whether the ballot has
13been received by the appropriate municipal clerk.
AB1073,6 14Section 6 . 5.05 (13) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,20,1815 5.05 (13) (d) 1. To permit a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (a), or an
16overseas elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (b), to request a voter registration
17application or an application for an absentee ballot at any election at which the
18elector is qualified to vote in this state.
AB1073,7 19Section 7 . 5.60 (8) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,21,320 5.60 (8) (am) Except as authorized in s. 5.655, there shall be a separate ballot
21for each recognized political party filing a certification under s. 8.12 (1), listing the
22names of all potential candidates of that party determined under s. 8.12 and
23affording, in addition, an opportunity to the voter to nominate another potential
24candidate by write-in vote or to vote for an uninstructed delegation to the party
25convention. The order of presidential candidates on the ballot shall be determined

1by lot by or under the supervision of the commission. Each voter shall be given the
2ballots of all the parties participating in the presidential preference vote primary, but
3may vote on one ballot only.
AB1073,8 4Section 8 . 6.22 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,21,65 6.22 (2) (b) A military elector shall make and subscribe to the certification
6under s. 6.87 (2) before a witness who is an adult U.S. citizen.
AB1073,9 7Section 9 . 6.22 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,21,148 6.22 (2) (e) A military elector may file an application for an absentee ballot by
9means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.86
10(1) (ac). Upon receipt of a valid application, the municipal clerk shall send the elector
11an absentee ballot or, if the elector is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (a),
12and the elector so requests, shall transmit an absentee ballot to the elector by means
13of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.87 (3)
AB1073,10 15Section 10 . 6.22 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,21,2116 6.22 (4) (a) Upon receiving a timely request for an absentee ballot under par.
17(b) by an individual who qualifies as a military elector, the municipal clerk shall send
18or, if the individual is a military elector as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (a), shall transmit
19to the elector upon the elector's request an absentee ballot for all elections that occur
20in the municipality or portion thereof where the elector resides in the same calendar
21year in which the request is received, unless the individual otherwise requests.
AB1073,11 22Section 11 . 6.22 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,22,323 6.22 (4) (c) A military elector may indicate an alternate address on his or her
24absentee ballot application. If the elector's ballot is returned as undeliverable prior
25to the deadline for return of absentee ballots under s. 6.87 (6), and the elector remains

1eligible to receive absentee ballots under this section, the municipal clerk shall
2immediately send or, if the elector is a military elector as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (a),
3transmit an absentee ballot to the elector at the alternate address.
AB1073,12 4Section 12 . 6.24 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,22,115 6.24 (2) Eligibility. An overseas elector under sub. (1) may vote in any election
6for national office, including the partisan primary and presidential preference
7primary and any special primary or election. Such elector may not vote in an election
8for state or local office unless the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under
9s. 6.10
. An overseas elector shall vote in the ward or election district in which the
10elector was last domiciled or in which the elector's parent was last domiciled prior
11to departure from the United States.
AB1073,13 12Section 13 . 6.24 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,23,213 6.24 (4) (c) Upon receipt of a timely application from an individual who
14qualifies as an overseas elector and who has registered to vote in a municipality
15under sub. (3), the municipal clerk of the municipality shall send, or if the individual
16is an overseas elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1) (b), shall transmit, an absentee ballot
17to the individual upon the individual's request for all subsequent elections for
18national office to be held during the year in which the ballot is requested, except as
19otherwise provided in this paragraph, unless the individual otherwise requests or
20until the individual no longer qualifies as an overseas elector of the municipality.
21The clerk shall not send an absentee ballot for an election if the overseas elector's
22name appeared on the registration list in eligible status for a previous election
23following the date of the application but no longer appears on the list in eligible
24status. The municipal clerk shall ensure that the envelope containing the absentee
25ballot is clearly marked as not forwardable. If an overseas elector who files an

1application under this subsection no longer resides at the same address that is
2indicated on the application form, the elector shall so notify the municipal clerk.
AB1073,14 3Section 14 . 6.24 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,23,124 6.24 (4) (d) An overseas elector, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as
5a resident of this state under s. 6.10,
who is not registered may request both a
6registration form and an absentee ballot at the same time, and the municipal clerk
7shall send or transmit the ballot automatically if the registration form is received
8within the time prescribed in s. 6.28 (1). The commission shall prescribe a special
9certificate form for the envelope in which the absentee ballot for such overseas
10electors is contained, which shall be substantially similar to that provided under s.
116.87 (2). An The overseas elector shall make and subscribe to the special certificate
12form before a witness who is an adult U.S. citizen.
AB1073,15 13Section 15 . 6.24 (4) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,23,2114 6.24 (4) (e) An overseas elector, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as
15a resident of this state under s. 6.10,
may file an application for an absentee ballot
16by means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s.
176.86 (1) (ac). Upon receipt of a valid application, the municipal clerk shall send the
18elector an absentee ballot or, if the elector is an overseas elector, as defined in s. 6.34
19(1) (b) and the elector
so requests, shall transmit an absentee ballot to the elector by
20means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.87
21(3) (d).
AB1073,16 22Section 16 . 6.25 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,24,723 6.25 (1) (b) Any individual who qualifies as an overseas elector under s. 6.24
, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under s. 6.10,
25and who transmits an application for an official absentee ballot for an election for

1national office
, including a primary election, no later than the latest time specified
2for an elector in s. 6.86 (1) (b) may, in lieu of the official ballot, cast a federal write-in
3absentee ballot prescribed under 42 USC 1973ff-2 for any candidate or for all
4candidates of any recognized political party for national office listed on the official
5ballot at that election, if the federal write-in absentee ballot is received by the
6appropriate municipal clerk no later than the applicable time prescribed in s. 6.87
AB1073,17 8Section 17 . 6.276 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,24,109 6.276 (1) In this section, “military elector" and “overseas elector" have has the
10meanings meaning given in s. 6.34 (1).
AB1073,18 11Section 18 . 6.34 (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
12renumbered 6.34 (1) and amended to read:
AB1073,24,2013 6.34 (1) In this section: (a) “Military, “military elector" means a member of a
14uniformed service on active duty who, by reason of that duty, is absent from the
15residence where the member is otherwise qualified to vote; a member of the
16merchant marine, as defined in s. 6.22 (1) (a), who by reason of service in the
17merchant marine, is absent from the residence where the member is otherwise
18qualified to vote; or the spouse or dependent of any such member who, by reason of
19the duty or service of the member, is absent from the residence where the spouse or
20dependent is otherwise qualified to vote.
AB1073,19 21Section 19 . 6.34 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1073,20 22Section 20. 6.86 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,25,2323 6.86 (1) (b) Except as provided in this section, if application is made by mail,
24the application shall be received no later than 5 p.m. on the 5th day immediately
25preceding the election. If application is made in person, the application shall be

1made no earlier than the opening of business on the 3rd Monday Saturday preceding
2the election and no later than 7 p.m. on the Friday preceding the election. No
3application may be received on a legal holiday. An application made in person may
4only be received Monday to Friday Saturday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.
5each day. A municipality shall specify the hours in the notice under s. 10.01 (2) (e).
6The municipal clerk or an election official shall witness the certificate for any
7in-person absentee ballot cast. Except as provided in par. (c), if the elector is making
8written application for an absentee ballot at the partisan primary, the general
9election, the presidential preference primary, or a special election for national office,
10and the application indicates that the elector is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34
11(1), the application shall be received by the municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m. on
12election day. If the application indicates that the reason for requesting an absentee
13ballot is that the elector is a sequestered juror, the application shall be received no
14later than 5 p.m. on election day. If the application is received after 5 p.m. on the
15Friday immediately preceding the election, the municipal clerk or the clerk's agent
16shall immediately take the ballot to the court in which the elector is serving as a juror
17and deposit it with the judge. The judge shall recess court, as soon as convenient,
18and give the elector the ballot. The judge shall then witness the voting procedure as
19provided in s. 6.87 and shall deliver the ballot to the clerk or agent of the clerk who
20shall deliver it to the polling place or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are
21canvassed under s. 7.52, to the municipal clerk as required in s. 6.88. If application
22is made under sub. (2) or (2m), the application may be received no later than 5 p.m.
23on the Friday immediately preceding the election.
AB1073,21 24Section 21 . 6.865 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.865 (1) In this section, “military elector" and "overseas elector" have has the
2meanings meaning given under s. 6.34 (1).