AB480,26 23Section 26. 66.1105 (2) (n) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,13,2524 66.1105 (2) (n) 1. The housing costs a household no more than 30 percent of the
25household's gross median income.
1Section 27. 66.1105 (2) (n) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,14,42 66.1105 (2) (n) 2. With regard to a workforce housing development district, the
3construction cost per housing unit, including rental housing, is no more than 80
4percent of the median price for new residential construction in the county.
AB480,28 5Section 28. 66.1105 (2) (o) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,14,86 66.1105 (2) (o) “Workforce housing development” means development that
7contains only newly platted residential uses, and 100 percent of the residential
8development must be workforce housing.
AB480,29 9Section 29. 66.1105 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,14,1710 66.1105 (4) (c) Identification of the specific property to be included under par.
11(gm) 4. as blighted, in need of workforce housing, or in need of rehabilitation or
12conservation work. Owners of the property identified shall be notified of the
13proposed finding and the date of the hearing to be held under par. (e) at least 15 days
14prior to the date of the hearing. In cities with a redevelopment authority under s.
1566.1333, the notification required under this paragraph may be provided with the
16notice required under s. 66.1333 (6) (b) 3., if the notice is transmitted at least 15 days
17prior to the date of the hearing to be held under par. (e).
AB480,30 18Section 30. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 4. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,14,2319 66.1105 (4) (gm) 4. a. Not Except as provided in subd. 4. am., not less than 50
20percent, by area, of the real property within the district is at least one of the following:
21a blighted area; in need of rehabilitation or conservation work, as defined in s.
2266.1337 (2m) (a); suitable for industrial sites within the meaning of s. 66.1101 and
23has been zoned for industrial use; or suitable for mixed-use development; and
AB480,31 24Section 31. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 4. am. of the statutes is created to read:
166.1105 (4) (gm) 4. am. If the district is a workforce housing development
2district, 100 percent, by area, of the real property within the district is suitable for
3a workforce housing development district and will be used for workforce housing.
AB480,32 4Section 32. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 4. bm. of the statutes, as affected by 2017
5Wisconsin Act 15
, is amended to read:
AB480,15,106 66.1105 (4) (gm) 4. bm. The project costs relate directly to eliminating blight,
7directly serve to rehabilitate or conserve the area, directly increase workforce
or directly serve to promote industrial or mixed-use development,
9consistent with the purpose for which the tax incremental district is created under
10subd. 4. a. or am.; and
AB480,33 11Section 33. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,15,1912 66.1105 (4) (gm) 6. Declares that the district is a blighted area district, a
13rehabilitation or conservation district, an industrial district, a workforce housing
14development district,
or a mixed-use district based on the identification and
15classification of the property included within the district under par. (c) and subd. 4.
16a. or am. If the district is not exclusively blighted, rehabilitation or conservation,
17industrial, workforce housing, or mixed use, the declaration under this subdivision
18shall be based on which classification is predominant with regard to the area
19described in subd. 4. a.
AB480,34 20Section 34. 66.1105 (4m) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,16,1221 66.1105 (4m) (b) 2. No tax incremental district may be created and no project
22plan may be amended unless the board approves the resolution adopted under sub.
23(4) (gm) or (h) 1., and no tax incremental base may be redetermined under sub. (5)
24(h) unless the board approves the resolution adopted under sub. (5) (h) 1., by a
25majority vote within 45 days after receiving the resolution, except that with regard

1to a workforce housing development district, the board must approve the resolution
2adopted under sub. (4) (gm) or (h) 1. by a unanimous vote
. With regard to a
3multijurisdictional tax incremental district created under this section, each public
4member of a participating city must be part of the majority that votes for approval
5of the resolution or the district may not be created. The board may not approve the
6resolution under this subdivision unless the board's approval contains a positive
7assertion that, in its judgment, the development described in the documents the
8board has reviewed under subd. 1. would not occur without the creation of a tax
9incremental district. The board may not approve the resolution under this
10subdivision unless the board finds that, with regard to a tax incremental district that
11is proposed to be created by a city under sub. (17) (a), such a district would be the only
12existing district created under that subsection by that city.
AB480,35 13Section 35. 66.1105 (6) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,16,2414 66.1105 (6) (a) 8. Twenty-seven years after the tax incremental district is
15created if the district is created on or after October 1, 2004, and if the district is a
16district specified under sub. (4) (gm) 6. other than a district specified under subd. 7.
17or 14. If the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 3. an allocation under
18this subdivision may be made 30 years after such a district is created. If the life of
19the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 4., an allocation under this subdivision
20may be made for not more than an additional 3 years after allocations would
21otherwise have been terminated under this subdivision. For a tax incremental
22district created after March 3, 2016, the period during which a tax increment may
23be allocated under this subdivision shall be increased by one year if that district's
24project plan is adopted under sub. (4) (g) after September 30 and before May 15.
AB480,36 25Section 36. 66.1105 (6) (a) 14. of the statutes is created to read:
166.1105 (6) (a) 14. Fifteen years after the tax incremental district is created if
2the district is a workforce housing development district.
AB480,37 3Section 37. 66.1105 (6) (g) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,17,74 66.1105 (6) (g) 3. If a city receives tax increments as described in subd. 2., the
5city shall use at least 75 percent of the increments received to benefit affordable
6workforce housing in the city. The remaining portion of the increments shall be used
7by the city to improve the city's housing stock.
AB480,38 8Section 38. 66.1105 (7) (ak) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,17,109 66.1105 (7) (ak) 5. For a workforce housing development district, 15 years after
10the district is created.
AB480,39 11Section 39. 70.57 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,17,1512 70.57 (4) (b) 1. For the year in which the error occurred, apportion county,
13school district, technical college district, and metropolitan sewerage district
14property taxes, and state forestation taxes under s. 70.58, to the taxation district
15using the taxation district's erroneous valuation.
AB480,40 16Section 40. 70.57 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,17,2017 70.57 (4) (b) 2. For the year in which the error occurred, apportion county,
18school district, technical college district, and metropolitan sewerage district
19property taxes, and state forestation taxes under s. 70.58, to the taxation district
20using the taxation district's correct valuation.
AB480,41 21Section 41. 70.58 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,18,622 70.58 (1) Except as provided in sub. subs. (2) and (3), there is levied an annual
23tax of two-tenths of one mill for each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property
24of the state as determined by the department of revenue under s. 70.57, for the
25purpose of acquiring, preserving and developing the forests of the state and for the

1purpose of forest crop law and county forest law administration and aid payments,
2for grants to forestry cooperatives under s. 36.56, and for the acquisition, purchase
3and development of forests described under s. 25.29 (7) (a) and (b), the proceeds of
4the tax to be paid into the conservation fund. The tax shall not be levied in any year
5in which general funds are appropriated for the purposes specified in this section,
6equal to or in excess of the amount which the tax would produce.
AB480,42 7Section 42. 70.58 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,18,148 70.58 (2) In each of 3 years beginning with the property tax assessments as of
9January 1, 2005, the department of revenue shall adjust the rate of the tax imposed
10under this section so that the percentage increase from the previous year in the total
11amount levied under this section does not exceed 2.6 percent. The rate determined
12by the department of revenue for the property tax assessment as of January 1, 2007,
13shall be the rate of the tax imposed under this section for all subsequent years,
14ending with the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2017
AB480,43 15Section 43. 70.58 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,18,2016 70.58 (3) In fiscal year 2017-18, and in each fiscal year thereafter, an amount
17equal to 0.1697 mills for each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property of the
18state as determined by the department of revenue under s. 70.57 shall be transferred
19from the general fund to the conservation fund for the purposes described under sub.
AB480,44 21Section 44. 101.63 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,19,222 101.63 (5m) Once every 6 years, review those portions of the state electrical
23wiring code promulgated by the department under s. 101.82 (1) that apply to
24dwellings. In its review, the department shall consult with the uniform dwelling code

1council and any council or committee created by the secretary to advise the
2department regarding the state electrical wiring code.
AB480,45 3Section 45 . 227.115 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB480,19,54 227.115 (1) Definition. In this section, “state housing strategy plan" means the
5plan developed under s. 16.302.
AB480,46 6Section 46. 227.115 (2) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,19,77 227.115 (2) (title) Report on Analysis of rules affecting housing.
AB480,47 8Section 47 . 227.115 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 227.115 (2) (a) and
9amended to read:
AB480,19,1910 227.115 (2) (a) If a proposed rule directly or substantially affects may increase
11or decrease, either directly or indirectly, the cost of
the development, construction,
12cost, financing, purchasing, sale, ownership, or availability of housing in this state,
13the department agency promulgating the proposed rule shall prepare a report on the
14housing impact analysis for the proposed rule before it is submitted to the legislative
15council staff under s. 227.15. The department agency may request any information
16from other state agencies, local governments, or individuals or organizations that is
17reasonably necessary for the department agency to prepare the report. The
18department shall prepare the report within 30 days after the rule is submitted to the
AB480,48 20Section 48. 227.115 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,20,821 227.115 (2) (b) On the same day that the agency submits the housing impact
22analysis to the legislative council staff under s. 227.15 (1), the agency shall also
23submit that analysis to the department of administration, to the governor, and to the
24chief clerks of each house of the legislature, who shall distribute the analysis to the
25presiding officers of their respective houses, to the chairpersons of the appropriate

1standing committees of their respective houses, as designated by those presiding
2officers, and to the cochairpersons of the joint committee for review of administrative
3rules. If a proposed rule is modified after the housing impact analysis is submitted
4under this paragraph so that the housing impact of the proposed rule is significantly
5changed, the agency shall prepare a revised housing impact analysis for the proposed
6rule as modified. A revised housing impact analysis shall be prepared and submitted
7in the same manner as an original housing impact analysis is prepared and
AB480,49 9Section 49. 227.115 (3) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,20,1110 227.115 (3) (title) Findings of the department to be contained in the report
11housing impact analysis.
AB480,50 12Section 50. 227.115 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,20,1513 227.115 (3) (a) (intro.) The report of the department A housing impact analysis
14shall contain information about the effect of the proposed rule on housing in this
15state, including information on the effect of the proposed rule on all of the following:
AB480,51 16Section 51. 227.115 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,20,1917 227.115 (3) (a) 2. The cost of developing, constructing, rehabilitating,
18improving or, maintaining single family, or owning single-family or multifamily
AB480,52 20Section 52. 227.115 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,20,2221 227.115 (3) (a) 3. The purchase price of housing new homes or the fair market
22value of existing homes
AB480,53 23Section 53. 227.115 (3) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,20,2524 227.115 (3) (a) 6. The density, location, setback, size, or height of development
25on a lot, parcel, land division, or subdivision.
1Section 54. 227.115 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,21,32 227.115 (3) (b) The report A housing impact analysis shall analyze the relative
3impact of the effects of the proposed rule on low- and moderate-income households.
AB480,55 4Section 55. 227.115 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,21,95 227.115 (3) (c) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a housing impact analysis shall
6provide reasonable estimates of the information under pars. (a) and (b) expressed as
7dollar figures and shall include descriptions of the immediate effect and, if
8ascertainable, the long-term effect. The agency shall include a brief summary or
9worksheet of computations used in determining any such dollar figures.
AB480,21,1310 2. If, after careful consideration, the agency determines that it is not possible
11to make an estimate expressed as dollar figures as provided in subd. 1., the analysis
12shall instead contain a statement to that effect setting forth the reasons for that
AB480,56 14Section 56. 227.115 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,21,1815 227.115 (3) (d) Except as otherwise specified in par. (a), a housing impact
16analysis shall be prepared on the basis of a median-priced single-family residence
17but may include estimates for larger developments as an analysis of the long-term
18effect of the proposed rule.
AB480,57 19Section 57. 227.115 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB480,58 20Section 58. 227.15 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act ....
21(Senate Bill 15), is amended to read:
AB480,22,1022 227.15 (1) Submittal to legislative council staff. Prior to a public hearing
23on a proposed rule required under s. 227.16 or, if no such public hearing is required,
24prior to notice under s. 227.19, an agency shall submit the proposed rule to the
25legislative council staff for review. The proposed rule shall be in the form required

1under s. 227.14 (1), and shall include the material required under s. 227.14 (2), (3),
2and (4), any housing impact analysis required under s. 227.115 (2) (a), any revised
3housing impact analysis required under s. 227.115 (2) (b),
the economic impact
4analysis required under s. 227.137 (2), and any revised economic impact analysis
5required under s. 227.137 (4). An agency may not hold a public hearing on a proposed
6rule or give notice under s. 227.19 until after it has received a written report of the
7legislative council staff review of the proposed rule or until after the initial review
8period of 20 working days under sub. (2) (intro.), whichever comes first. An agency
9may give notice of a public hearing prior to receipt of the legislative council staff
10report. This subsection does not apply to rules promulgated under s. 227.24.
AB480,59 11Section 59. 227.19 (3) (g) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB480,22,1312 227.19 (3) (g) Any housing impact analysis prepared under s. 227.115 (2) (a)
13and any revised housing impact analysis prepared under s. 227.115 (2) (b).
AB480,60 14Section 60. 348.16 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB480,22,2315 348.16 (3) (d) Subsection (2) does not apply to a motor vehicle that is being
16operated to deliver propane for heating purposes if the gross weight imposed on the
17highway by the vehicle does not exceed 30,000 pounds, for a vehicle with a single rear
18axle, or 40,000 pounds, for a vehicle with tandem rear axles, and, if the motor vehicle
19is a tank vehicle, the tank is loaded to no more than 50 percent of the capacity of the
20tank. A tank vehicle operated under this paragraph shall be equipped with a gauge
21on the tank that shows the amount of propane in the tank as a percent of the capacity
22of the tank and shall carry documentation of the capacity of the tank either on the
23cargo tank or in the cab of the vehicle.
AB480,61 24Section 61. 349.16 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
1349.16 (3) (d) The authority in charge of the maintenance of the highway shall
2exempt from the special or seasonal weight limitations imposed under sub. (1) (a) a
3motor vehicle that is being operated to deliver propane for heating purposes if the
4gross weight imposed on the highway by the vehicle does not exceed 30,000 pounds,
5for a vehicle with a single rear axle, or 40,000 pounds, for a vehicle with tandem rear
6axles, and, if the motor vehicle is a tank vehicle, the tank is loaded to no more than
750 percent of the capacity of the tank. A tank vehicle operated under this paragraph
8shall be equipped with a gauge on the tank that shows the amount of propane in the
9tank as a percent of the capacity of the tank and shall carry documentation of the
10capacity of the tank either on the cargo tank or in the cab of the vehicle. A motor
11vehicle operated under this paragraph shall, to the extent practicable, make
12deliveries on seasonally weight-restricted roads at times of the day when the
13highways used are the least vulnerable.
AB480,62 14Section 62. 706.05 (2m) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB480,23,1715 706.05 (2m) (b) 1. Descriptions of easements for the construction, operation,
16or maintenance of electric, gas, railroad, water, sewer, telecommunications, or
17telephone lines or facilities.
AB480,63 18Section 63. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB480,23,2319 (1) Forestation state tax. For the property tax assessments as of January 1,
202017, the department of revenue shall prescribe a form for the property tax bills
21prepared under section 74.09 of the statutes that indicates that the state no longer
22imposes the forestation state tax. The form shall also indicate the amount of the
23forestation state tax that the taxpayer paid in the previous year.
AB480,64 24Section 64. Initial applicability.
1(1) Formal requisites for recording sewer easements. The treatment of
2section 706.05 (2m) (b) 1. of the statutes first applies to a description of an easement
3that is recorded on the effective date of this subsection.
AB480,24,64 (2) Development regulation. The treatment of section 66.10015 (2) (b) of the
5statutes first applies to an application for an approval that is filed on the effective
6date of this subsection.
AB480,24,97 (3) Housing impact analyses for bills. The treatment of section 13.099 (2) and
8(3) (title), (a) (intro.), 2., 3., 6., (b), (c), and (d) of the statutes first applies to a bill
9introduced on the effective date of this subsection.
AB480,24,1510 (4) Housing impact analyses for rules. The treatment of sections 227.115 (1),
11(2) (b), (3) (title), (a) (intro.), 2., 3., and 6., (b), (c), and (d), and (5), 227.15 (1), and
12227.19 (3) (g) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 227.115 (2)
13of the statutes, and the amendment of section 227.115 (2) (title) of the statutes first
14apply to a proposed rule whose statement of scope is presented for approval under
15section 227.135 (2) of the statutes on the effective date of this subsection.
AB480,24,1616 (End)