2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
October 24, 2017 - Introduced by Representatives Brostoff, Skowronski,
Kleefisch, Crowley, Bowen, Vorpagel, Stuck, Subeck, Rohrkaste,
Anderson, Spiros, Spreitzer, Genrich, Sargent, Hintz, Zamarripa, Ripp, C.
, Sinicki, Kolste, Riemer, E. Brooks, Hebl and Goyke, cosponsored by
Senators Testin, Johnson, Vinehout, Larson and Carpenter. Referred to
Committee on Jobs and the Economy.
AB589,1,5 1An Act to repeal 15.407 (9) and 440.032; to amend 440.032 (3) (b) 3. and 905.015
2(2) (intro.); and to create 15.405 (18) and chapter 471 of the statutes; relating
regulation of sign language interpretation services, providing an exemption
4from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and
5providing a criminal penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill replaces the current licensure program for sign language interpreters
licensed by the Department of Safety and Professional Services with a licensure
program administered by the Sign Language Interpreters Examining Board, which
is created in the bill. The board's membership consists of three deaf, hard of hearing,
or deaf-blind individuals, three experienced sign language interpreters who are
licensed under the bill, and one individual who is not deaf, hard of hearing, or
deaf-blind and has obtained the services of a sign language interpreter on behalf of
an individual who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
Under the bill, the board grants the following licenses:
1. Sign language interpreter — intermediate hearing. The board must license
an individual as a sign language interpreter — intermediate hearing if, among other
requirements, the individual has received at least a bachelor's degree from an
accredited college or university; the individual has successfully completed an
interpreter training program; and the individual has passed the basic performance
examination administered by the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) and is

certified by BEI or has passed an examination the board determines is substantially
equivalent to the BEI basic performance examination. The bill includes alternative
paths to licensure as a sign language interpreter — intermediate hearing.
2. Sign language interpreter — advanced hearing. The board must license an
individual as a sign language interpreter — advanced hearing if, among other
requirements, the individual has received at least a bachelor's degree from an
accredited college or university; the individual has successfully completed an
interpreter training program; and the individual has passed the advanced or master
performance examination administered by BEI and is certified by BEI, has passed
the examination for and holds the national interpreter certification issued by the
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID), or has passed an exam the board
determines is substantially equivalent. The bill includes alternative paths to
licensure as a sign language interpreter — advanced hearing.
3. Sign language interpreter — intermediate deaf. The board must license an
individual as a sign language interpreter — intermediate deaf if, among other
requirements, the individual holds a high school diploma or its equivalent; the
individual successfully completed at least 40 hours of a sign language interpreter
training curriculum for deaf interpreters; the individual successfully completed at
least 16 hours of sign language interpretation-related training approved by BEI or
RID; and the individual provides to the board letters of recommendation from at least
two individuals who hold a sign language interpreter — advanced deaf license, a
certified deaf interpreter certification issued by RID, or an equivalent certification.
Taken in the aggregate, the letters of recommendation must verify that the
individual has successfully completed at least 25 hours of observing the provision of
sign language interpretation services provided to clients.
4. Sign language interpreter — advanced deaf. The board must license an
individual as a sign language interpreter — advanced deaf if, among other
requirements, the individual holds at least an associate degree or satisfies an
alternative pathway for education and the individual holds a certified deaf
interpreter certification issued by RID or an equivalent certification, as determined
by the board.
The bill requires the board to promulgate rules defining the scope of practice
of each of the licenses described above, subject to certain restrictions set forth in the
The bill also establishes a committee to negotiate, develop, execute, and
periodically review on behalf of the board a memorandum of understanding between
the board and the Department of Public Instruction regarding DPI's licensure of
educational sign language interpreters. An individual licensed by DPI and providing
sign language interpretation services at a school or school-sponsored event is not
required to be licensed by the board. The bill also includes other temporary and
permanent exemptions from licensure.
Finally, in addition to enforcement powers and penalties that are similar to the
powers provided to other examining boards and applicable penalties, the bill
provides enforcement authority to the board with respect to the unauthorized
practice of sign language interpretation or the unauthorized use of a title related to

sign language interpretation. Under the bill, the board may conduct investigations,
hold hearings, and make findings as to whether a person has engaged in a practice
or used a title without a license required under the bill. If the board determines after
a public hearing that a person has engaged in a practice or used a title without a
required license, the board may issue a special order enjoining the person from the
continuation of the practice or use of the title. Any person who violates such a special
order may be required to pay a forfeiture of up to $10,000 for each offense. The board,
DSPS, the attorney general, or any district attorney may commence an action in the
name of the state to recover the forfeiture.
In lieu of holding a public hearing, the board may petition the circuit court for
a temporary restraining order or an injunction. Any person who violates such a
temporary restraining order or injunction may be fined between $25 and $5,000 or
imprisoned for up to one year in the county jail or both.
Similar, although not identical, enforcement authority is provided to DSPS
under current law concerning the unauthorized practice or use of a title with respect
to a profession regulated by DSPS or a board under DSPS.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB589,1 1Section 1. 15.405 (18) of the statutes is created to read:
AB589,3,32 15.405 (18) Sign language interpreters examining board. (a) In this
3subsection, “interpretation services” has the meaning given in s. 471.01 (3).
AB589,3,64 (b) There is created a sign language interpreters examining board in the
5department of safety and professional services consisting of the following members
6appointed for 4-year terms:
AB589,3,97 1. Three public members who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. All of
8the members appointed under this subdivision shall have experience as individual
9clients of sign language interpreters providing interpretation services.
AB589,3,1110 2. Two sign language interpreters — advanced hearing licensed under s. 471.04
AB589,3,1212 3. One sign language interpreter — advanced deaf licensed under s. 471.04 (4).
14. One public member who is not deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind and who
2has obtained, or represents an entity that has obtained, interpretation services for
3the benefit of an individual who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
AB589,4,74 (c) The governor shall nominate the members under par. (b) only after
5consultation with the Wisconsin Association of the Deaf, Inc., or its successor, and
6the Wisconsin Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., or its successor, concerning
7the nominations.
AB589,4,98 (d) No member appointed under par. (b) may be an individual who is employed
9by or represents the department of safety and professional services.
AB589,2 10Section 2. 15.407 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
AB589,3 11Section 3. 440.032 of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act .... (this
12act), is repealed.
AB589,4 13Section 4 . 440.032 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB589,4,1514 440.032 (3) (b) 3. A license granted under subd. 1. or 2. may be renewed twice
153 times and is not valid upon the expiration of the 2nd 3rd renewal period.
AB589,5 16Section 5. Chapter 471 of the statutes is created to read:
AB589,4,1717 chapter 471
AB589,4,1918 sign language interpreters
19 examining board
AB589,4,20 20471.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
AB589,4,21 21(1) “Board” means the sign language interpreters examining board.
AB589,4,23 22(1m) “Board for Evaluation of Interpreters" means the Board for Evaluation
23of Interpreters or its successor.
AB589,5,2 24(2) “Client" means a deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind individual for whom
25another individual provides interpretation services, and, to the extent the context

1requires, includes the parent or guardian of a deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind
2individual if the individual is a minor.
AB589,5,4 3(3) “Interpretation services” means any kind of sign language interpretation
4services provided to a client, whether provided by a hearing or deaf interpreter.
AB589,5,6 5(4) “Interpreter training program” means any postsecondary educational
6program that prepares individuals to perform interpretation services.
AB589,5,8 7(4m) “Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf" means the Registry of Interpreters
8for the Deaf, Inc., or its successor.
AB589,5,10 9(5) “Support service provider" means an individual who is trained to act as a
10link between an individual who is deaf-blind and that individual's environment.
AB589,5,13 11471.02 License required. (1) No individual may, for compensation, provide
12interpretation services to a client unless the individual is licensed under s. 471.04
13or is exempt from licensure.
AB589,5,20 14(2) No individual may use the title “sign language interpreter," “interpreter for
15the deaf,” “hearing interpreter,” “deaf interpreter,” “ American sign language
16interpreter,” “ASL English interpreter,” or describe or imply that he or she is an
17individual who provides interpretation services to clients, or represent himself or
18herself as an individual who provides interpretation services to clients unless the
19individual is licensed under s. 471.04 or is exempt from licensure under sub. (3) (a)
20or (b) or s. 471.03 or 471.035.
AB589,5,23 21(2m) If interpretation services are provided via live remote video conferencing,
22an individual providing interpretation services shall be licensed under this section
23if any of the following applies at the time the interpretation services are provided:
AB589,5,2424 (a) The client is located in this state.
AB589,5,2525 (b) The individual providing interpretation services is located in this state.
1(3) No license is required under this section for any of the following:
AB589,6,92 (a) An individual providing interpretation services at any school or
3school-sponsored event if the individual is licensed by the department of public
4instruction as an educational interpreter. Subject to s. 471.07 (3), the board and the
5department of public instruction shall enter into a memorandum of understanding
6defining the scope of practice of a license issued by the department of public
7instruction under this paragraph. The department, on behalf of the board, and the
8department of public instruction shall post the memorandum of understanding on
9their Internet sites.
AB589,6,1410 (b) An individual providing interpretation services at a religious service or at
11a religious function, including educational or social events sponsored by a religious
12organization. This paragraph does not apply to an individual providing
13interpretation services for a religious organization at a professional function
14provided or sponsored by the religious organization.
AB589,6,1715 (c) A support service provider providing interpretation services for the purpose
16of facilitating communication between an individual who provides interpretation
17services and a client of the individual.
AB589,6,2018 (d) An individual who, in the course of the individual's employment, provides
19interpretation services during an emergency unless the interpretation services are
20provided during a period that exceeds 24 consecutive hours.
AB589,6,23 21471.03 Temporary exemptions. The board may grant, on a case-by-case
22basis, a temporary exemption from the licensure requirement under s. 471.02 to an
23individual applying for a temporary exemption, subject to the following:
AB589,6,25 24(1) The board may not grant the same individual temporary exemptions that
25total more than 21 days in the aggregate each year.
1(2) An individual's application for a temporary exemption under this section
2shall be in writing, shall describe the reasons why the individual cannot obtain a
3license under s. 471.04 and describe any professional credential the individual does
4possess, and shall specify the dates the individual intends to provide interpretation
AB589,7,7 6(3) The board shall approve or deny a temporary exemption under this section
7within 10 business days after receiving the application.
AB589,7,10 8471.035 Permanent exemptions. The board may grant, on a case-by-case
9basis, a permanent exemption from the licensure requirements under s. 471.02 to an
10individual applying for a permanent exemption, subject to the following:
AB589,7,12 11(1) An individual's application for a permanent exemption under this section
12shall describe the reasons why the individual cannot obtain a license under s. 471.04.