2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
November 14, 2017 - Introduced by Representatives Hutton and E. Brooks,
cosponsored by Senators Feyen and Olsen. Referred to Committee on
Housing and Real Estate.
AB641,1,5 1An Act to amend 101.12 (3) (br); and to create 101.01 (1g), 101.12 (3) (bg),
2101.12 (3) (bw), 101.12 (3g), 101.12 (3o) and 145.02 (5) of the statutes; relating
building and plumbing plan review and variances by cities, villages, towns,
4and counties for public buildings and places of employment and affecting
5related rules of the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill allows the Department of Safety and Professional Services to appoint
certain cities, villages, towns, and counties (local governments) to approve
construction, alteration, and plumbing plans for public buildings and places of
employment and makes other related changes. Under current statutory law, such
construction, alteration, and plumbing is subject to the commercial building code
and the state plumbing code, both of which DSPS has promulgated by rule.
For construction and alteration, current statutory law allows first and second
class cities to approve plans, but DSPS must certify second class cities to do so.
Current statutory law also allows first class cities and certified second class cities to
grant variances from commercial building code requirements. For other cities, as
well as towns, villages, and counties, current statutory law allows DSPS to certify
local governments to approve plans and grant variances, but only for construction
of buildings with volumes smaller than 50,000 cubic feet and alterations to buildings
with volumes smaller than 100,000 cubic feet. In addition, DSPS has promulgated
rules that allow DSPS to appoint local governments as agents with authority to

approve plans for construction and alteration of larger buildings. The bill repeals
those rules and gives DSPS statutory authority to make those appointments. The
bill also includes requirements for local governments to apply to DSPS for the
appointments, which are based on the rules repealed by the bill. If DSPS appoints
a local government to approve plans under the bill, the local government may also
grant variances.
For plumbing, DSPS has promulgated rules that allow DSPS to appoint local
governments to approve plans for certain installations in public buildings and places
of employment. The bill gives DSPS statutory authority to appoint local
governments to review plans for plumbing installations specified by DSPS.
The bill also requires DSPS to establish requirements for local governments to
renew the certifications and appointments described above every five years. The
requirements apply to construction, alteration, and plumbing plan review. If DSPS
certified or appointed a local government before the bill's effective date, the process
established by DSPS must specify deadlines for renewing the certification or
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB641,1 1Section 1. 101.01 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB641,2,42 101.01 (1g) “Commercial building code” means the code adopted by the
3department under this subchapter for the design, construction, maintenance, and
4inspection of public buildings and places of employment.
AB641,2 5Section 2. 101.12 (3) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB641,2,86 101.12 (3) (bg) Accept the examination of essential drawings, calculations, and
7specifications in accordance with sub. (1) for buildings and alterations not specified
8in par. (b) if all of the following are satisfied:
AB641,2,109 1. The department appoints the city, village, town, or county as an agent of the
10department under sub. (3g).
AB641,2,1211 2. The drawings, calculations, and specifications are examined in a manner
12approved by the department.
13. The department determines and certifies the competency of all such
AB641,3 3Section 3. 101.12 (3) (br) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB641,3,114 101.12 (3) (br) Accept the review and determination on variances for buildings
5containing less than 50,000 cubic feet of volume and alterations to buildings
6containing less than 100,000 cubic feet of volume performed by certified
7municipalities cities, villages, towns, and counties certified under par. (b) if the
8department has certified the competency of a municipality the city, village, town, or
to issue variances and if the variances are reviewed in a manner approved by
10the department. Owners may submit variances to the municipality city, village,
11town, or county
or to the department.
AB641,4 12Section 4. 101.12 (3) (bw) of the statutes is created to read:
AB641,3,1913 101.12 (3) (bw) Accept the review and determination on variances for buildings
14and alterations not specified in par. (br) performed by cities, villages, towns, or
15counties certified under par. (b) that the department has appointed as agents under
16sub. (3g), if the department has certified the competency of the city, village, town, or
17county to issue variances and if the variances are reviewed in a manner approved by
18the department. Owners may submit variances to the city, village, town, or county
19or to the department.
AB641,5 20Section 5. 101.12 (3g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB641,3,2321 101.12 (3g) (a) This subsection establishes the manner under which a city,
22village, town, or county may examine plans and make inspections for buildings and
23alterations not specified under sub. (3) (b) as an appointed agent of the department.
1(b) Before assuming any of the department's plan examination or inspection
2responsibilities for buildings and alterations not specified in sub. (3) (b), a city,
3village, town, or county shall comply with all of the following:
AB641,4,64 1. Submit a written request to the department at least 30 days prior to the date
5upon which the city, village, town, or county desires to assume agent responsibilities
6for plan examination or building inspection.
AB641,4,87 2. Include a description of the desired responsibilities in the request under
8subd. 1.
AB641,4,109 3. Include in the request under subd. 1. a description of the qualifications and
10ability the city, village, town, or county has for assuming the desired responsibilities.
AB641,4,1111 4. Adopt the commercial building code in its entirety by ordinance.
AB641,4,1312 5. Forward to the department a copy of the ordinance specified in subd. 4. and
13and any subsequent revisions to that ordinance.
AB641,4,1514 6. Receive from the department a written statement prescribing the
15responsibilities that are to be assumed.
AB641,4,1716 (c) The department shall review and make a determination on a request
17submitted under par. (b) 1. within 20 business days of receipt.
AB641,4,2018 (d) While appointed as an agent, a city, village, town, or county is subject to s.
19SPS 361.60 (5) (d) to (h) and (6), Wis. Adm. Code, and shall comply with all of the
AB641,4,2221 1. Submit to the department the fees specified in s. SPS 302.31 (1) (h), Wis.
22Adm. Code.
AB641,4,2423 2. Provide a monthly report to the department of all projects completed under
24this subsection, in an electronic-based format prescribed by the department.
13. Forward to the department any revisions to the ordinance specified in par.
2(b) 4.
AB641,5,53 4. Notify the department, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the date upon
4which the city, village, town, or county intends to relinquish the responsibilities
5assumed under this subsection.
AB641,5,86 (d) The department may revoke the appointment of an agent if the plan
7examiners or inspectors of the agent do not meet the standards specified by the
8department or if other requirements of this subchapter are not met.
AB641,6 9Section 6. 101.12 (3o) of the statutes is created to read:
AB641,5,1010 101.12 (3o) (a) In this subsection:
AB641,5,1311 1. “Agent appointment” means appointment as an agent of the department
12under sub. (3g) or s. SPS 361.61, Wis. Adm. Code, in effect on the day before the
13effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date].
AB641,5,1414 2. “Certification” means certification under sub. (3) (b) or (3m).
AB641,5,2015 (b) The department shall establish requirements for cities, villages, towns, and
16counties to electronically renew their agent appointments and certifications every 5
17years. The process shall allow cities, villages, towns, and counties with agent
18appointments and certifications made 5 years or more before the effective date of this
19paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], to renew those agent appointments and
20certifications within deadlines specified by the department.
AB641,7 21Section 7. 145.02 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB641,6,222 145.02 (5) (a) The department may appoint a city, village, town, or county as
23an agent of the department that is authorized to review and approve plumbing plans
24and specifications for plumbing installations specified by the department for public

1buildings, as defined in s. 101.01 (12), and places of employment, as defined in s.
2101.01 (11).
AB641,6,43 (b) 1. In this paragraph, “agent appointment” means an appointment under par
4(a) or s. SPS 382.20 (2), Wis. Adm. Code.
AB641,6,95 2. The department shall establish requirements for cities, villages, towns, and
6counties to electronically renew agent appointments every 5 years. The process shall
7allow cities, villages, towns, and counties with agent appointments made 5 years or
8more before the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], to renew
9those agent appointments within deadlines specified by the department.
AB641,8 10Section 8. SPS 302.31 (1) (h) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB641,6,1411 SPS 302.31 (1) (h) Appointed agent. An agent that is appointed by the
12department under s. SPS 361.61 101.12 (3g), stats., to perform plan examinations
13shall submit to the department the fees specified in Table 302.31-3 for each building
14or structure reviewed under s. SPS 361.61 101.12 (3g), stats.