2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
January 30, 2018 - Introduced by Representatives Tittl, Brostoff, Jacque, Quinn,
Tusler and Vruwink, cosponsored by Senator Johnson. Referred to
Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform.
AB899,1,11 1An Act to renumber and amend 460.01 (3) and 460.15; to amend 460.01 (2m),
2460.01 (4), 460.02, 460.03 (intro.), 460.03 (2), 460.04 (2) (a), 460.04 (2) (e), 460.04
3(2) (g), 460.05 (4), 460.06 (intro.), 460.07 (1), 460.095 (4) (intro.), 460.10 (1) (a),
4460.10 (2), 460.11, 460.12 (1), 460.13, 460.14 (2) (intro.) and 460.17; and to
440.08 (2) (a) 46p., 460.01 (1g) (d), 460.01 (1g) (e), 460.01 (4g), 460.01
6(4r), 460.03 (4), 460.04 (2) (h), 460.04 (2) (i), 460.135 and 460.15 (2) of the
7statutes; relating to: licensure and local regulation of establishments
8providing massage therapy or bodywork therapy, the scope of practice of
9massage therapists and bodywork therapists, the unauthorized practice of
10massage therapy or bodywork therapy, granting rule-making authority, and
11providing a criminal penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires an establishment or service providing massage therapy or
bodywork therapy to obtain a license granted by the Massage Therapy and Bodywork
Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board, unless the establishment or service is
owned by or provided at one of the following: 1) a licensed massage therapist or

bodywork therapist; 2) a person who provides massage therapy or bodywork therapy
within the scope of a credential granted to the person by this state or the federal
government; or 3) a massage therapy or bodywork therapy school, health care or
nursing facility, school or other educational institution, spa, business with an on-site
wellness center, or establishment licensed to provide cosmetology, aesthetics,
electrology, manicuring, or barbering. Under the bill, the affiliated credentialing
board administers the licensure program and promulgates rules establishing the
requirements for the massage or bodywork therapy establishment license and the
standards for the professional conduct of persons granted a massage or bodywork
therapy establishment license. Additionally, a local ordinance, including an
ordinance enacted before the bill takes effect, that regulates the activity of a massage
therapy or bodywork therapy establishment or service that is licensed or exempt
from licensure under the bill may not be enforced against an establishment or service
that obtains a license or is exempt from licensure.
The bill also authorizes the practice of massage therapy or bodywork therapy
by a massage therapy or bodywork therapy extern or intern under the supervision
of a licensed massage therapist or bodywork therapist. The bill requires the
affiliated credentialing board to establish standards for that practice.
The bill also provides that the scope of the practice of massage therapy or
bodywork therapy, in addition to the activities specified under current law, includes
all of the following:
1. The application of kinesiology tape to the skin.
2. The provision of body spa services, as defined by the board by rule, including
the application of body wraps and scrubs.
3. Certain kinds of manual action, the majority of which are included under
current law, but under the bill, the manual action is performed without high velocity
or low amplitude thrusting.
The bill provides that the penalty for the unauthorized practice of massage
therapy or bodywork therapy is a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment for up to 90
days or both. The bill also provides that the penalty for intentionally employing a
person to engage in the unauthorized practice of massage therapy or bodywork
therapy is a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to nine months, or both, for
a first violation, and a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to six years, or
both, for a subsequent violation within five years.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB899,1 1Section 1. 440.08 (2) (a) 46p. of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,2,32 440.08 (2) (a) 46p. Massage therapy or bodywork therapy establishment:
3March 1 of each odd-numbered year.
1Section 2. 460.01 (1g) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,3,22 460.01 (1g) (d) The application of kinesiology tape to the skin.
AB899,3 3Section 3. 460.01 (1g) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,3,54 460.01 (1g) (e) The provision of body spa services, as defined by the affiliated
5credentialing board by rule, including the application of body wraps and scrubs.
AB899,4 6Section 4. 460.01 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,3,87 460.01 (2m) “License “ Individual license holder" means a person granted a
8license under this chapter s. 460.05.
AB899,5 9Section 5. 460.01 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 460.01 (3) (intro.) and
10amended to read:
AB899,3,1211 460.01 (3) (intro.) “Manual action" includes holding, any of the following
12performed without high velocity or low amplitude thrusting:
AB899,3,14 13(a) Holding, positioning, stretching, rocking, kneading, compressing,
14decompressing, gliding, or percussing the soft tissue of the human body or applying.
AB899,3,16 15(b) Applying a passive range of motion to the human body without joint
16mobilization or manipulation.
AB899,6 17Section 6. 460.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,4,218 460.01 (4) “Massage therapy" or “bodywork therapy" means the science and
19healing art that uses manual actions and adjunctive therapies to palpate and
20manipulate the soft tissue of the human body in order to improve circulation, reduce
21tension, relieve soft tissue pain, or increase flexibility. “Massage therapy" or
22“bodywork therapy" includes determining whether manual actions and adjunctive
23therapies, including instruction on the self-application outside of the treatment
24setting of manual actions and adjunctive therapies,
are appropriate or
25contraindicated, or whether a referral to another health care practitioner is

1appropriate. “Massage therapy" or “bodywork therapy" does not include making a
2medical, physical therapy, or chiropractic diagnosis.
AB899,7 3Section 7. 460.01 (4g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,4,54 460.01 (4g) “Massage therapy or bodywork therapy establishment” means a
5fixed location where massage therapy or bodywork therapy is regularly performed.
AB899,8 6Section 8. 460.01 (4r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,4,97 460.01 (4r) “Out-call massage service” means a service that provides massage
8therapy or bodywork therapy not at a massage therapy or bodywork therapy
9establishment but at another location designated by a client or the service.
AB899,9 10Section 9. 460.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,4,20 11460.02 License required. Except as provided in s. 460.03, no person may
12provide massage therapy or bodywork therapy, designate himself or herself as a
13massage therapist or bodywork therapist or masseur or masseuse, or use or assume
14the title “massage therapist and bodywork therapist" or “massage therapist" or
15“bodywork therapist" or “masseur" or “masseuse" or any title that includes “massage
16therapist," “bodywork therapist," or “bodyworker," or append to the person's name
17the letters “M.T.," “R.M.T.," “L.M.T.," “C.M.T.," “ B.T.," “B.W.," “L.B.W.," “R.B.W.," or
18“C.B.W.," or use any other title or designation that represents or may tend to
19represent that he or she is licensed under this chapter an individual license holder,
20unless the person is licensed under this chapter an individual license holder.
AB899,10 21Section 10. 460.03 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,4,23 22460.03 Applicability. (intro.) A license under this chapter s. 460.05 is not
23required for any of the following:
AB899,11 24Section 11. 460.03 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1460.03 (2) A person who is authorized to practice massage therapy or bodywork
2therapy in another state or country and is providing a consultation to or
3demonstration with a an individual license holder. A person who is exempt from
4licensure under this subsection may use the terms “bodywork," “bodyworker," and
5“bodywork therapy" to identify his or her practice.
AB899,12 6Section 12. 460.03 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,5,117 460.03 (4) A massage therapy or bodywork therapy extern or massage therapy
8or bodywork therapy intern who practices massage therapy or bodywork therapy
9under the supervision of a massage therapist or bodywork therapist licensed under
10s. 460.05 and subject to conditions established by the affiliated credentialing board
11by rule under s. 460.04 (2) (h).
AB899,13 12Section 13. 460.04 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,5,1613 460.04 (2) (a) Standards that govern the professional conduct of individual
14license holders in practicing massage therapy or bodywork therapy. The standards
15shall prohibit a an individual license holder from having sexual contact or sexual
16intercourse with a client.
AB899,14 17Section 14. 460.04 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,5,2318 460.04 (2) (e) A requirement that an applicant for a license under this chapter
19s. 460.05, 460.08, or 460.09 submit evidence satisfactory to the affiliated
20credentialing board that the applicant has current proficiency in the use of an
21automated external defibrillator achieved through instruction provided by an
22individual, organization, or institution of higher education approved under s. 46.03
23(38) to provide such instruction.
AB899,15 24Section 15. 460.04 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
1460.04 (2) (g) A requirement that an applicant for a license under this chapter
2s. 460.05, 460.08, or 460.09 pass an examination on state laws and administrative
3rules governing massage therapy and bodywork therapy.
AB899,16 4Section 16. 460.04 (2) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,6,85 460.04 (2) (h) Conditions for the practice under s. 460.03 (4) of massage therapy
6or bodywork therapy externs and massage therapy or bodywork therapy interns.
7The rules promulgated under this paragraph shall define “massage therapy or
8bodywork therapy extern" and “massage therapy or bodywork therapy intern."
AB899,17 9Section 17. 460.04 (2) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
AB899,6,1310 460.04 (2) (i) Standards governing the professional conduct of a person granted
11a massage therapy or bodywork therapy establishment license under s. 460.135 (3)
12in operating a massage therapy or bodywork therapy establishment or out-call
13massage service.
AB899,18 14Section 18. 460.05 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,6,1615 460.05 (4) The affiliated credentialing board may assign a unique license
16number to each person licensed under this chapter section.
AB899,19 17Section 19. 460.06 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,6,20 18460.06 Examinations. (intro.) The affiliated credentialing board may not
19grant a license under this chapter s. 460.05 unless the applicant achieves a passing
20grade on the following examinations:
AB899,20 21Section 20. 460.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,6,2422 460.07 (1) Each person who is licensed under this chapter s. 460.05 shall
23conspicuously display the license in the place of business where he or she practices
24massage therapy or bodywork therapy so that the license can easily be seen and read.
AB899,21 25Section 21. 460.095 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1460.095 (4) (intro.) Ensure that each instructor hired by the school or training
2program on or after December 1, 2010, to teach courses in theory and the practice of
3massage therapy or bodywork therapy is licensed under this chapter s. 460.05 and
4has at least one of the following:
AB899,22 5Section 22. 460.10 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,7,116 460.10 (1) (a) Requirements and procedures for a an individual license holder
7to complete continuing education programs or courses of study to qualify for renewal
8of his or her license. The rules promulgated under this paragraph may not require
9 a an individual license holder to complete more than 24 hours of continuing
10education programs or courses of study in order to qualify for renewal of his or her
AB899,23 12Section 23. 460.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,7,1613 460.10 (2) The affiliated credentialing board may waive all or part of any
14requirement established in rules promulgated under sub. (1) (a) if it determines that
15prolonged illness, disability, or other exceptional circumstances have prevented a
16an individual license holder from completing the requirement.
AB899,24 17Section 24. 460.11 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,7,21 18460.11 Practice requirements. (1) A An individual license holder may not
19practice massage therapy or bodywork therapy on a client unless the individual
20license holder first obtains the informed consent of the client and has informed the
21client that he or she may withdraw the consent at any time.
AB899,8,3 22(2) A An individual license holder shall keep confidential any information that
23a client in confidence gives to the individual license holder and any other information
24that the individual license holder obtains about a client in the course of practicing
25massage therapy or bodywork therapy that a reasonable person in the client's

1position would want kept confidential, unless the information is otherwise required
2by law to be disclosed or the client specifically authorizes the disclosure of the
AB899,8,6 4(3) A An individual license holder may not, whether for compensation or not,
5practice massage therapy or bodywork therapy for a sexually oriented business, as
6defined by the affiliated credentialing board by rule.
AB899,25 7Section 25. 460.12 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,8,158 460.12 (1) A An individual license holder or person granted a license under
9s. 460.135 (3)
shall submit a report to the affiliated credentialing board if he or she
10has reasonable cause to believe that another individual license holder or person
11granted a license under s. 460.135 (3)
has committed a crime relating to prostitution
12under ss. 944.30 to 944.34 or has had sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a
13client. If the report relates to sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a client, the
14report may not identify the client unless the client has provided written consent for
15disclosure of this information.
AB899,26 16Section 26. 460.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB899,8,21 17460.13 Advertising. Except as provided in s. 460.03 (1) and (2), a an
license holder may not advertise that he or she practices massage therapy
19or bodywork therapy unless the advertisement includes a statement that the
20individual license holder is a “licensed massage therapist and bodywork therapist"
21or “licensed massage therapist" or “licensed bodywork therapist."
AB899,27 22Section 27. 460.135 of the statutes is created to read: