2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
February 22, 2018 - Introduced by Representatives Hebl, Crowley, Anderson,
Berceau, Ohnstad, Pope, Sargent, Sinicki, Subeck and C. Taylor,
cosponsored by Senators L. Taylor, Larson, Miller and Vinehout. Referred
to Committee on Housing and Real Estate.
AB972,1,5 1An Act to amend 66.1201 (2m), 66.1213 (3), 66.1301 (2m), 66.1331 (2m), 66.1333
2(3) (e) 2., 106.50 (1), 106.50 (6) (a) 1., 106.50 (6) (b), 106.50 (6) (d), 106.50 (6) (e)
31., 106.50 (6) (f) 5., 106.50 (6) (h), 106.50 (6) (i), 106.50 (6m) (a), 106.50 (6m) (d)
4and 106.50 (8) (a); and to create 106.50 (3) of the statutes; relating to:
5discrimination in housing based on prior evictions and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill provides that it is discrimination under the state open housing law to
do any of the following:
1. Inquire, whether orally or in writing, with a prospective tenant or any other
individual about any eviction of a prospective tenant that occurred more than five
years prior. The bill prohibits a prospective tenant from being asked about prior
evictions unless the prospective tenant is informed that evictions more than 5 years
old need not be disclosed.
2. Refuse to rent housing to an individual, or otherwise treat an individual
unequally in the terms, conditions, or privileges of rental of housing, because of an
eviction of the individual that occurred more than 5 years prior to the date of a rental
The open housing law is administered by the Department of Workforce
Development, which receives, investigates, and evaluates complaints of violations
and may order relief in appropriate cases. Persons who allege a violation of the open
housing law may also bring a civil action.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB972,1 1Section 1. 66.1201 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,2,82 66.1201 (2m) Discrimination. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, benefit,
3facility, or privilege under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 may not be denied the right, benefit,
4facility, or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor ; may not be discriminated
5against because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, status as a victim of
6domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or
7national origin; and may not be questioned about, or denied housing due to, evictions
8that occurred more than 5 years prior
AB972,2 9Section 2. 66.1213 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,2,1610 66.1213 (3) Discrimination. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, benefit,
11facility, or privilege under this section may not be denied the right, benefit, facility,
12or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor; may not be discriminated against
13because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic
14abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or national origin;
15and may not be questioned about, or denied housing due to, evictions that occurred
16more than 5 years prior
AB972,3 17Section 3. 66.1301 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,3,318 66.1301 (2m) Discrimination. Persons entitled to any right, benefit, facility,
19or privilege under ss. 66.1301 to 66.1329 may not be denied the right, benefit, facility,
20or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor; may not be discriminated against
21because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic

1abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or national origin;
2and may not be questioned about, or denied housing due to, evictions that occurred
3more than 5 years prior
AB972,4 4Section 4. 66.1331 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,3,115 66.1331 (2m) Discrimination. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, benefit,
6facility, or privilege under this section may not be denied the right, benefit, facility,
7or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor; may not be discriminated against
8because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic
9abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or national origin;
10and may not be questioned about, or denied housing due to, evictions that occurred
11more than 5 years prior
AB972,5 12Section 5. 66.1333 (3) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,3,1913 66.1333 (3) (e) 2. Persons otherwise entitled to any right, benefit, facility, or
14privilege under this section may not be denied the right, benefit, facility, or privilege
15in any manner for any purpose nor; may not be discriminated against because of sex,
16race, color, creed, sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual
17assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u), or national origin; and may not
18be questioned about, or denied housing due to, evictions that occurred more than 5
19years prior
AB972,6 20Section 6. 106.50 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,4,1121 106.50 (1) Intent. It is the intent of this section to render unlawful
22discrimination in housing. It is the declared policy of this state that all persons shall
23have an equal opportunity for housing regardless of sex, race, color, sexual
24orientation, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, status
25as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, lawful source of income,

1age, or ancestry and it is the duty of the political subdivisions to assist in the orderly
2prevention or removal of all discrimination in housing through the powers granted
3under ss. 66.0125 and 66.1011. It is also the declared policy of this state that
4individuals should not be denied rental housing based upon evictions that occurred
5more than 5 years prior.
The legislature hereby extends the state law governing
6equal housing opportunities to cover single-family residences that are
7owner-occupied. The legislature finds that the sale and rental of single-family
8residences constitute a significant portion of the housing business in this state and
9should be regulated. This section shall be considered an exercise of the police powers
10of the state for the protection of the welfare, health, peace, dignity, and human rights
11of the people of this state.
AB972,7 12Section 7. 106.50 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB972,4,1413 106.50 (3) Denial of rental housing based on eviction record. It is unlawful
14for any person to do any of the following:
AB972,4,2215 (a) Inquire, whether orally or in writing, with a prospective tenant or any other
16individual about any eviction of the prospective tenant that occurred more than 5
17years prior. If an owner, lessor, owner's agent, or lessor's agent inquires with a
18prospective tenant or any other individual about evictions of the prospective tenant,
19it is unlawful for the owner, lessor, owner's agent, or lessor's agent to fail to inform
20the prospective tenant or other individual that the prospective tenant or other
21individual is not required to disclose an eviction that occurred more than 5 years
AB972,5,223 (b) Refuse to rent housing to an individual, or otherwise treat an individual
24unequally in the terms, conditions, or privileges of rental of housing, because of an

1eviction of the individual that occurred more than 5 years prior to the date of a rental
AB972,8 3Section 8. 106.50 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,5,74 106.50 (6) (a) 1. The department may receive and investigate a complaint
5charging a violation of sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3) if the complaint is filed with the
6department not later than one year after the alleged discrimination occurred or
AB972,9 8Section 9. 106.50 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,5,219 106.50 (6) (b) Powers and duties of department. The department of workforce
10development and its duly authorized agents may hold hearings, subpoena witnesses,
11take testimony and make investigations as provided in this subsection. The
12department of workforce development may test and investigate for the purpose of
13establishing violations of sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3) and may make, sign and file
14complaints alleging violations of sub. (2), (2m) or , (2r), or (3). In addition, the
15department of safety and professional services may make, sign and file complaints
16alleging violations of sub. (2r) (c). The department of workforce development shall
17employ examiners to hear and decide complaints of discrimination under this
18section, and to assist in the administration of this section. The examiners may make
19findings and issue orders under this subsection. The department of workforce
20development shall develop and implement an investigation manual for use in
21conducting investigations under par. (c).
AB972,10 22Section 10. 106.50 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,6,723 106.50 (6) (d) Temporary judicial relief. At any time after a complaint is filed
24alleging discrimination in violation of sub. (2), (2m), or (2r), or (3), the department
25may request the attorney general to file a petition in the circuit court for the county

1in which the act of discrimination allegedly occurred or for the county in which a
2respondent resides or transacts business, seeking a temporary injunction or
3restraining order against the respondent to prevent the respondent from performing
4an act that would tend to render ineffectual an order that the department may enter
5with respect to the complaint, pending final determination of proceedings under this
6section. On receipt of the department's request, the attorney general shall promptly
7file the petition.
AB972,11 8Section 11. 106.50 (6) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,6,129 106.50 (6) (e) 1. Upon the filing of a complaint alleging discrimination in
10violation of sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3) the department may endeavor to eliminate
11the discrimination by conference, conciliation and persuasion. The department shall
12notify the parties that conciliation services are available.
AB972,12 13Section 12. 106.50 (6) (f) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,6,2314 106.50 (6) (f) 5. If after the hearing the examiner finds by a fair preponderance
15of the evidence that the respondent has violated sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3), the
16examiner shall make written findings and order the respondent to take actions that
17will effectuate the purpose of sub. (2), (2m) or , (2r), or (3), and may order other
18penalties, damages and costs as provided in pars. (h) and (i). The department shall
19serve a certified copy of the final findings and order on the aggrieved party, the
20complainant and the respondent. The order shall have the same force as other orders
21of the department and be enforced as provided in this subsection except that the
22enforcement of the order is automatically stayed upon the filing of a petition for
23review under par. (j).
AB972,13 24Section 13. 106.50 (6) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
1106.50 (6) (h) Damages and penalties. 1. If the hearing examiner finds that
2a respondent has engaged in or is about to engage in a discriminatory act prohibited
3under sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3), the hearing examiner shall promptly issue an
4order for such relief as may be appropriate, which may include economic and
5noneconomic damages suffered by the aggrieved person, regardless of whether he or
6she intervened in the action, and injunctive or other equitable relief. The hearing
7examiner may not order punitive damages.
AB972,7,208 2. In addition to any damages ordered under subd. 1., the hearing examiner
9may assess a forfeiture against a respondent who is not a natural person in an
10amount not exceeding $10,000, unless the respondent who is not a natural person
11has been adjudged to have committed any prior discriminatory act under sub. (2),
12(2m) or, (2r), or (3). If a respondent who is not a natural person has been adjudged
13to have committed one other discriminatory act under sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3)
14during the preceding 5-year period, based on the offense date of the prior
15discriminatory act, the hearing examiner may assess a forfeiture in an amount not
16exceeding $25,000. If a respondent who is not a natural person has been adjudged
17to have committed 2 or more prior discriminatory acts under sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r),
18or (3)
during the preceding 7-year period, based on the offense date of the prior
19discriminatory act, the hearing examiner may assess a forfeiture in an amount not
20exceeding $50,000.
AB972,8,721 3. In addition to any damages ordered under subd. 1., the administrative law
22judge may assess a forfeiture against a respondent who is a natural person in an
23amount not exceeding $10,000, unless the respondent who is a natural person has
24been adjudged to have committed any prior discriminatory act under sub. (2), (2m)
25or, (2r), or (3). If a respondent who is a natural person has been adjudged to have

1committed one other prior discriminatory act under sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3) based
2on an offense date that is before September 1, 1992, the administrative law judge
3may assess a forfeiture in an amount not exceeding $25,000. If a respondent who is
4a natural person has been adjudged to have committed 2 or more prior
5discriminatory acts under sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3) based on an offense date that
6is before September 1, 1992, the administrative law judge may assess a forfeiture in
7an amount not exceeding $50,000.
AB972,14 8Section 14. 106.50 (6) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,8,139 106.50 (6) (i) Attorney fees and costs. The hearing examiner may allow a
10prevailing complainant, including the state, reasonable attorney fees and costs. The
11state shall be liable for those fees and costs if the state is a respondent and is
12determined to have committed a discriminatory act under sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or
AB972,15 14Section 15. 106.50 (6m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,8,1815 106.50 (6m) (a) Any person alleging a violation of sub. (2), (2m), or (2r), or (3),
16including the attorney general on behalf of an aggrieved person, may bring a civil
17action for injunctive relief, for damages, including punitive damages, and, in the case
18of a prevailing plaintiff, for court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
AB972,16 19Section 16. 106.50 (6m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB972,8,2420 106.50 (6m) (d) If the attorney general has reasonable cause to believe that any
21person is engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination in violation of sub. (2),
22(2m) or, (2r), or (3) or that any person has been denied any of the rights granted under
23sub. (2), (2m) or, (2r), or (3), and such denial raises an issue of general public
24importance, the department of justice may commence a civil action.
AB972,17 25Section 17. 106.50 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: