AB989,34,214 125.52 (1) (b) 2. Notwithstanding s. 125.09 (1), a manufacturer's or rectifier's
15permit authorizes the retail sale of intoxicating liquor that is manufactured or
16rectified on the premises, for consumption on or off the premises. A manufacturer's
17or rectifier's permit also authorizes the provision of taste samples, free of charge and
18in an amount not exceeding a total of 1.5 fluid ounces to any one person, of
19intoxicating liquor that is manufactured or rectified on the premises, for
20consumption on the premises. The department office may prescribe additional
21regulations for the sale of intoxicating liquor under this subdivision, if the additional
22regulations do not conflict with the requirements applicable to holders of “Class B"
23licenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the authorization
24under this subdivision applies with respect to a person who holds any permit under
25this section, a winery permit under s. 125.53, and either a “Class A" license or a

1“Class B" license issued under s. 125.51 (3) (am), all issued for the same premises or
2portions of the same premises.
AB989,99 3Section 99. 125.52 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,34,94 125.52 (2) Limited manufacturer's permit. The department office shall issue
5a limited manufacturer's permit which authorizes the use or sale of the intoxicating
6liquor produced only if it is rendered unfit for use as a beverage and is used or sold
7for use as fuel. The department office shall notify the department of natural
8resources of the name and address of any person to whom a limited manufacturer's
9permit is issued.
AB989,100 10Section 100 . 125.52 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,34,1711 125.52 (3) Persons eligible. Except as provided under sub. (8) and s. 125.69,
12a manufacturer's or rectifier's permit may be issued to any person who holds a valid
13certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50) and who is qualified under s. 125.04 (5), except
14a foreign corporation, a foreign limited liability company or a person acting as an
15agent for or in the employ of another. Notwithstanding s. 125.04 (5) (a) 5., a person
16is not required to complete a responsible beverage server training course to be
17eligible for a permit under this section.
AB989,101 18Section 101 . 125.52 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB989,34,2219 125.52 (8) Resort manufacturers. Neither a manufacturer's permit nor a
20rectifier's permit may be issued under this section to any person that holds, or has
21a direct or indirect ownership interest in a premises operating under, a resort
22manufacturer permit issued under s. 125.525.
AB989,102 23Section 102 . 125.525 of the statutes is created to read:
AB989,34,24 24125.525 Resort manufacturer permits. (1) Definitions. In this section:
1(a) “Resort” means a hospitality business operation involving multiple
2facilities under the same ownership that includes at least 300 guest rooms and
3includes all of the following located within 15 miles of these guest rooms:
AB989,35,44 1. At least one spa.
AB989,35,65 2. Comprehensive food and beverage services consisting of at least 5 separate
AB989,35,77 3. Championship golf courses consisting of at least 36 holes.
AB989,35,118 (b) “Secondary resort facility” means a facility, other than a resort, that is
9located in this state, that is owned by a resort manufacturer, that is of the same or
10substantially similar consumer brand family as the resort, and that provides lodging
11accommodations or has at least one golf course or both.
AB989,35,13 12(2) Authorized activities. The office shall issue resort manufacturer permits
13to eligible applicants authorizing all of the following:
AB989,35,1614 (a) The manufacture or rectification of intoxicating liquor on the premises
15covered by the permit if not more than 150,000 gallons of intoxicating liquor are
16manufactured or rectified in a calendar year by the permittee.
AB989,35,1817 (b) The bottling on the resort manufacturer premises of intoxicating liquor that
18has been manufactured or rectified on these premises.
AB989,35,2019 (c) The possession and storage of alcohol beverages on the resort manufacturer
AB989,35,2321 (d) The sale of intoxicating liquor manufactured or rectified on the resort
22manufacturer premises in original unopened packages or containers to wholesalers
23holding a permit under s. 125.54.
AB989,36,224 (e) Notwithstanding ss. 125.04 (9) and 125.09 (1), the sale at retail on the resort
25manufacturer premises of intoxicating liquor manufactured or rectified on the resort

1manufacturer premises for consumption on the premises or in original unopened
2packages or containers for consumption off the premises.
AB989,36,73 (f) Notwithstanding ss. 125.04 (9) and 125.09 (1), the sale at retail of alcohol
4beverages, other than intoxicating liquor manufactured or rectified on the resort
5manufacturer premises, for consumption on the resort manufacturer premises if the
6alcohol beverages were purchased from a wholesaler holding a permit under s.
7125.28 or 125.54.
AB989,36,118 (g) The sale and delivery by the resort manufacturer of intoxicating liquor
9manufactured or rectified on the resort manufacturer premises, in original unopened
10packages or containers, to the retail licensed premises that are part of the resort or,
11subject to the limitation in sub. (4) (b), part of a secondary resort facility.
AB989,36,13 12(3) Persons eligible. Except as provided in s. 125.69 (1), an applicant is eligible
13for a resort manufacturer permit if all of the following apply:
AB989,36,1714 (a) The applicant is qualified under s. 125.04 (5), except that an applicant may
15not be a person acting as an agent for or in the employ of another. Notwithstanding
16s. 125.04 (5) (a) 5., a person is not required to complete a responsible beverage server
17training course to be eligible for a permit under this section.
AB989,36,1918 (b) The applicant's entire process for manufacturing or rectifying intoxicating
19liquor occurs on premises covered by a permit under this section.
AB989,36,2020 (c) The applicant holds a valid certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50).
AB989,36,2121 (d) The applicant owns and operates at least one resort located in this state.
AB989,36,2322 (e) The applicant does not hold, or have a direct or indirect ownership interest
23in premises operating under, any of the following:
AB989,36,2424 1. A brewer's permit issued under s. 125.29.
AB989,36,2525 2. A brewpub permit issued under s. 125.295.
13. A wholesaler's permit issued under s. 125.28.
AB989,37,32 4. Except as provided in sub. (4), a Class “B" license issued under s. 125.26,
3Class “B” permit issued under s. 125.27, or Class “A" license issued under s. 125.25.
AB989,37,6 4(4) Retail interests. (a) A resort manufacturer may hold retail licenses for
5licensed premises that are part of the resort, including any gift shops and a grocery
AB989,37,107 (b) In addition to retail licenses authorized under par. (a), a resort
8manufacturer may hold Class “B” and “Class B” licenses for not more than 10
9licensed locations that are part of any secondary resort facility of the resort
AB989,37,1411 (c) In addition to retail licenses authorized under pars. (a) and (b), if any Class
12“B” or “Class B” license has been issued to a resort manufacturer for part of a
13secondary resort facility, the resort manufacturer may also hold a Class “A” or “Class
14A” license, or both, for any gift shop associated with the secondary resort facility.
AB989,37,16 15(5) Fees. The fee for issuance or renewal of a permit under this section shall
16be established by the office but may not be less than $10,000 biennially.
AB989,103 17Section 103. 125.53 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,38,1118 125.53 (1) The department office shall issue only to a manufacturing winery
19in this state that holds a valid certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50) a winery permit
20authorizing the manufacture and bottling of wine on the premises covered by the
21permit for sale to wholesalers holding a permit under s. 125.54. A winery permit also
22authorizes the permittee to, on the winery premises and without obtaining a
23rectifier's permit, possess intoxicating liquor and mix or blend intoxicating liquor to
24produce wine sold to wholesalers holding a permit under s. 125.54. A winery holding
25a permit under this section may offer on the premises taste samples of wine

1manufactured on the premises to persons who have attained the legal drinking age.
2A permittee under this section may also have either one “Class A" license or one
3“Class B" license, but not both. The “Class A" license or “Class B" license may either
4be issued for the winery premises or for real estate owned or leased by the winery.
5If a “Class A" or “Class B" liquor license has also been issued to the winery, the winery
6may provide wine manufactured, mixed, or blended on the winery premises directly
7to the “Class A" or “Class B" premises and may offer the taste samples on the “Class
8A" or “Class B" premises. A winery holding a permit under this section may also
9make retail sales and provide taste samples on county or district fair fairgrounds as
10provided in s. 125.51 (10), but this wine sold at retail or provided as taste samples
11shall be purchased from a wholesaler holding a permit under s. 125.54.
AB989,104 12Section 104. 125.535 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,38,1613 125.535 (1) Authorized activities. The department office shall issue direct
14wine shippers' permits authorizing the permittee to ship wine directly to an
15individual in this state who is of the legal drinking age, who acknowledges receipt
16of the wine shipped, and who is not intoxicated at the time of delivery.
AB989,105 17Section 105. 125.535 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,38,2118 125.535 (2) Annual permit fee. The department office may, by rule, establish
19an annual fee, not to exceed $100, for each permit issued under this section. All fees
20collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under
21s. 20.566 (1) (ha).
AB989,106 22Section 106 . 125.535 (3) (a) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB989,38,2323 125.535 (3) (a) 2m. A resort manufacturer permit under s. 125.525.
AB989,107 24Section 107. 125.535 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
1125.535 (3) (b) 2. The winery submits to the department office, with any initial
2application or renewal for a certificate under s. 73.03 (50) or a permit under par. (a)
33. or 4., a copy of any current license, permit, or authorization issued to the winery
4by the state from which the winery will ship wine into this state or the winery's
5federal basic permit.
AB989,108 6Section 108 . 125.54 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,39,147 125.54 (1) Authorized activities. The department office shall issue
8wholesalers' permits authorizing the permittee to sell, from the premises described
9in the permit, intoxicating liquor at wholesale to retailers and wholesalers, as well
10as to manufacturers, rectifiers, resort manufacturers, and wineries for production
11purposes. The permittee may not sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the
12premises. Possession of a permit under this section does not authorize the permittee
13to sell tax-free intoxicating liquor and wine brought into this state under s. 139.03
AB989,109 15Section 109. 125.54 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,39,2116 125.54 (5) Sales area. No wholesaler may sell any intoxicating liquor before
17filing with the department office a written statement that the permittee is a
18distributor of a particular brand in this state, or an area of this state, and that the
19sales of that brand by the permittee and anyone purchasing from the permittee will
20be limited to the area specified. The permittee shall notify the department office of
21any change in the area within 7 days of the effective date of the change.
AB989,110 22Section 110. 125.54 (7) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,40,423 125.54 (7) (a) 2. A permittee under this section shall annually sell and deliver
24intoxicating liquor to at least 10 retail licensees or permittees that do not have any
25direct or indirect interest in each other or in the permittee under this section. The

1department office shall not issue a permit under this section unless the applicant
2represents to the department office an intention to satisfy this requirement, and
3shall not renew a permit issued under this section unless the permittee
4demonstrates that this requirement has been satisfied.
AB989,111 5Section 111. 125.54 (7) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,40,86 125.54 (7) (c) 3. This paragraph shall not affect the authority of any
7municipality or the department office to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew or issue
8a license or permit under s. 125.12.
AB989,112 9Section 112. 125.54 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,40,1810 125.54 (7) (d) The department office shall promulgate rules to administer and
11enforce the requirements under this subsection. The rules shall ensure coordination
12between the department's office's issuance and renewal of permits under this section
13and its enforcement of the requirements of this subsection, and shall require that all
14applications for issuance or renewal of permits under this section be processed by
15department office personnel generally familiar with activities of intoxicating liquor
16wholesalers. The department office shall establish by rule minimum requirements
17for warehouse facilities on premises described in permits issued under this section
18and for periodic site inspections by the department office of such warehouse facilities.
AB989,113 19Section 113 . 125.54 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,40,2520 125.54 (8) Duty to work in good faith. Each wholesaler has an obligation to
21negotiate in good faith with any manufacturer, rectifier, resort manufacturer, or
22winery that seeks to sell its products in this state through the wholesaler. To this end,
23all wholesalers shall work diligently to ensure that distribution channels are
24available for the sale of intoxicating liquor products through wholesalers to retailers
25in this state.
1Section 114. 125.545 (2) (a) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,41,32 125.545 (2) (a) 3. b. The small winery is certified by the department office under
3sub. (6) (a) as a small winery.
AB989,115 4Section 115. 125.545 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,41,125 125.545 (3) (a) 1. Within 7 days after filing its articles of incorporation under
6ch. 185, a cooperative wholesaler shall apply to the department office for a
7wholesaler's permit under s. 125.54. The provisions of s. 125.04 (5) (c) and (6) shall
8apply to a cooperative wholesaler as if the cooperative wholesaler were a corporation
9or a limited liability company and, for each of these provisions, the department office
10shall determine whether the cooperative wholesaler is most similar to a corporation
11or a limited liability company in the context of that provision and apply that
12provision to the cooperative wholesaler accordingly.
AB989,116 13Section 116. 125.545 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,41,2014 125.545 (3) (a) 2. Notwithstanding s. 125.54 (6), the department office may
15issue not more than one wholesaler's permit to any cooperative wholesaler. The
16department office may not issue more than a total of 6 wholesalers' permits to
17cooperative wholesalers in this state. The department office may not issue any new
18wholesaler's permit to a cooperative wholesaler after December 31, 2008, but may
19renew wholesalers' permits that were initially issued to cooperative wholesalers
20prior to that date.
AB989,117 21Section 117. 125.545 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,42,222 125.545 (5) Biennial reports. With each application for renewal of a
23wholesaler's permit issued to a cooperative wholesaler, each cooperative wholesaler
24shall file with the department office, in the form and manner prescribed by the

1department office by rule, a biennial report that includes detailed information on its
2members, board of directors, and sale and distribution activities.
AB989,118 3Section 118. 125.545 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,42,64 125.545 (6) Department Office certification and rule making. (a) 1. The
5department office shall, upon application, certify eligible applicants as small
6wineries and renew prior certifications of eligible applicants as small wineries.
AB989,42,147 2. Any winery seeking to become a member of, or to maintain its membership
8in, a cooperative wholesaler may apply to the department office for certification as
9a small winery. If the winery meets the definition of a small winery under this
10section, satisfies the requirement under sub. (2) (a) 3. a., and submits any other
11information that the department office determines is necessary to certify that the
12winery is operating as a small winery and is eligible for membership in a cooperative
13wholesaler, the department office shall certify the winery as a small winery. This
14certification shall remain valid for one year.
AB989,42,1615 3. In certifying any winery under subd. 2., the department office shall classify
16the winery as either a Wisconsin winery or an out-of-state winery.
AB989,42,2017 4. The department office shall refuse to certify under this paragraph any
18winery that cannot demonstrate it holds all necessary permits for its operations or
19that the department office finds is otherwise not in full compliance with the laws of
20this state.
AB989,42,2221 (b) The department office shall promulgate rules to administer and enforce the
22requirements under this section.
AB989,119 23Section 119. 125.545 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,43,224 125.545 (7) Penalties. (a) Any winery that sells or distributes its wine directly
25to a retailer, rather than through a wholesaler or cooperative wholesaler, is subject

1to a fine of not more than $10,000 and revocation of all of its permits by the
2department office under s. 125.12 (5).
AB989,43,63 (b) Any cooperative wholesaler that provides preferential treatment to a
4Wisconsin winery or discriminates against an out-of-state winery is subject to a fine
5of not more than $10,000 and revocation of its wholesaler's permit by the department
6office under s. 125.12 (5).
AB989,120 7Section 120. 125.55 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,43,98 125.55 (1) The department office may issue a combination manufacturer's and
9rectifier's permit.
AB989,121 10Section 121. 125.56 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,43,1511 125.56 (2) (a) The department office shall issue sacramental wine permits to
12organized religious bodies authorizing them to purchase for their own use
13sacramental wine from any permittee under s. 125.52 (1), 125.53 or 125.54. A permit
14under this subsection does not authorize the resale of sacramental wine by the
AB989,122 16Section 122. 125.56 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,43,1917 125.56 (2) (c) Shipments of sacramental wine shall be conspicuously labeled
18“for sacramental purposes" and shall meet any other requirements the department
19office prescribes by rule.
AB989,123 20Section 123. 125.56 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,43,2221 125.56 (2) (d) A sacramental wine permit shall be issued free of charge by the
22department office and is not subject to s. 125.04 (11) (a).
AB989,124 23Section 124 . 125.58 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,44,1724 125.58 (1) The department office shall issue out-of-state shippers' permits
25which authorize persons located outside this state to sell or ship intoxicating liquor

1into this state. Except as provided under sub. (4), intoxicating liquor may be shipped
2into this state only to a person holding a wholesaler's permit under s. 125.54 or, if
3shipped from a manufacturer or rectifier in another state holding a permit under this
4section and shipped for use for production purposes, to a person holding a
5manufacturer's or rectifier's permit under s. 125.52, a resort manufacturer permit
6under s. 125.525,
or a winery permit under s. 125.53. Except as provided under sub.
7(4), a separate out-of-state shipper's permit is required for each location from which
8any intoxicating liquor is sold or shipped into this state, including the location from
9which the invoices are issued for the sales or shipments. Any person holding an
10out-of-state shipper's permit issued under this section may solicit orders for sales
11or shipments by the permittee without obtaining the sales solicitation permit
12required by s. 125.65, but every agent, salesperson or other representative who
13solicits orders for sales or shipments by an out-of-state shipper shall first obtain a
14permit for soliciting orders under s. 125.65. No holder of an out-of-state shipper's
15permit issued under this section may sell intoxicating liquor in this state or ship
16intoxicating liquor into this state unless the out-of-state shipper is the primary
17source of supply for that intoxicating liquor.
AB989,125 18Section 125. 125.60 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB989,44,2319 125.60 (1) The department office may issue a wholesale alcohol permit which
20authorizes the permittee to sell ethyl alcohol of 190 proof or more to persons holding
21permits or licenses issued under s. 125.61 or 125.62. Nothing in this section requires
22manufacturers, rectifiers and wholesalers holding permits issued under s. 125.52 (1)
23or 125.54 to obtain a wholesale alcohol permit.
AB989,126 24Section 126. 125.61 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1125.61 (1) The department office may issue a medicinal alcohol permit which
2authorizes the permittee to purchase and use alcohol for medicinal purposes only.
3The permit may be issued only to persons who prove to the department office that
4they use alcohol for medicinal purposes.