2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
April 26, 2017 - Introduced by Representatives Spreitzer, Born, Loudenbeck,
Berceau, Crowley, Horlacher, Jagler, Kessler, Kolste, Ohnstad, Sinicki,
Subeck, Thiesfeldt, Vruwink, Wachs and Zamarripa, cosponsored by
Senators Ringhand, Nass, Feyen, Risser, Vinehout and Wirch. Referred to
Committee on Rules.
1Relating to: recognizing the Rock River Trail, honoring the efforts of trail founder
2Frank Schier, and celebrating the trail's grand opening.
Whereas, the Rock River Trail Initiative was established in 2010 in order to
4create the Rock River Water Trail; and
Whereas, in 2013, the Rock River Water Trail became the first National Water
6Trail to be designated in both Wisconsin and Illinois by the National Park Service of
7the federal Department of the Interior; and
Whereas, the Rock River Water Trail comprises 320 miles of the river course
9between Fond du Lac County in Wisconsin and its confluence with the Mississippi
10River in Rock Island, Illinois; and
2013 Wisconsin Act 30 was unanimously adopted by the senate and
12assembly and signed into law by Governor Walker in 2013 to designate and mark the
13Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route; and
1Whereas, the Rock River Trail Initiative has also worked to establish a separate
2scenic and historic route for motorists, a hiking route, a bicycling route, a horse trail,
3and an air route, as well as both an art route and chocolate trail; and
Whereas, the founder of the Rock River Trail Initiative was Frank Schier, editor
5and publisher of the
Rock River Times, who wanted to preserve the river corridor and
6promote its recreational possibilities; and
Whereas, Schier, of Rockford, Illinois, worked to create a two-state initiative
8with coordinator Greg Farnham of Hustisford, Wisconsin; and
Whereas, Schier died of cancer in January 2017, and his legacy lives on in the
10Rock River Trail; and
Whereas, the Rock River Trail crosses 11 counties, including the Wisconsin
12counties of Fond du Lac, Dodge, Jefferson, Dane, and Rock; and
Whereas, the Rock River Trail Initiative hopes that, by its work with the trail,
14it can promote the revitalization of the river's 41 communities and spur their
15economic development; and
Whereas, the Rock River Trail will celebrate its grand opening with a ribbon
17cutting ceremony in Beloit on June 3, 2017, as well as events throughout the week
18in other river communities; now, therefore, be it
19Resolved by the
assembly, the senate concurring, That the members of the
20Wisconsin legislature recognize the efforts of the Rock River Trail Initiative, honor
21its founder Frank Schier, and celebrate the grand opening of the Rock River Trail this