23(3) In the fiscal year in which a final installment payment of not more than
24$10,000,000 is due, from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the department
1shall set aside an amount that shall be obligated only to make the final payment to
2acquire land from the board of commissioners of public lands under s. 24.59 (1).
3(4) In the fiscal year described in sub. (3), the department shall make an
4installment payment equal to the amount remaining to make the final payment to
5acquire land from the board of commissioners of public lands under s. 24.59 (1).
6(5) If the department acquires land under sub. (1m), the department shall, as
7soon as practicable, notify all counties from which the department has received
8notification of a resolution adopted under s. 59.52 (6) (f). Beginning on the date that
9a county receives this notice from the department, the department shall allow the
10county to conduct all activities under s. 28.12 necessary to manage, maintain, and
11improve the land described in the county's resolution under s. 59.52 (6) (f) until the
12county board adopts a resolution under s. 28.12 (7).
11. 24.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) “Agricultural college lands" embraces all lands granted to the state
15by an act of congress entitled “An act donating public lands to the several states and
16territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic
17arts," approved July 2, 1862, as well as any land received under s. 24.09
(1) (bm) (3) 18in exchange for such land.
12. 24.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) “Marathon County lands" embraces all lands acquired by the state
21pursuant to chapter 22 of the general laws of 1867, as well as any land received under
22s. 24.09
(1) (bm) (3) in exchange for such land.
13. 24.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) “Normal school lands" embraces all parcels of said “swamp lands"
25which the legislature has declared or otherwise decided, or may hereafter declare or
1otherwise decide, were not or are not needed for the drainage or reclamation of the
2same or other lands, as well as any land received under s. 24.09
(1) (bm) (3) in
3exchange for such land.
14. 24.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) “School lands" embraces all lands made a part of “the school fund" by
6article X, section 2, of the constitution, as well as any land received under s. 24.09
7(1) (bm) (3) in exchange for such land.
15. 24.01 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
(9) “Swamp lands" embraces all lands which have been or may be
10transferred to the state pursuant to an act of congress entitled “An act to enable the
11state of Arkansas and other states to reclaim the swamp lands within their limits,"
12approved September 28, 1850, or pursuant to an act of congress entitled “
An act for
13the relief of purchasers and locators of swamp and overflowed lands," approved
14March 2, 1855, as well as any land received under s. 24.09
(1) (bm) (3) in exchange
15for such land.
16. 24.01 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
(10) “University lands" embraces all lands the proceeds of which are
18denominated “the university fund" by article X, section 6, of the constitution, as well
19as any land received under s. 24.09
(1) (bm)
(3) in exchange for such land.
17. 24.09 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
2124.09 (title)
Procedure before sale or exchange; withdrawal; resale.
18. 24.09 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 24.09 (1) and amended
23to read:
(1) Except as provided under
par. (c) sub. (4), the board may not sell or
25exchange any public lands which were not appraised or appraised under s. 24.08.
1Except as provided under
pars. (b), (bm) and (c) subs. (2m), (3), and (4), the board may
2not sell or exchange any public lands except at public auction or by sealed bid.
19. 24.09 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 24.09 (2m).
20. 24.09 (1) (bm) of the statutes is renumbered 24.09 (3) and amended
5to read:
(3) The board may exchange part or all of any parcel of public lands for
7any other land of approximately equal value if the board determines that the
8exchange will contribute to the consolidation or completion of a block of land,
9enhance conservation of lands or otherwise be in the public interest. Under this
10paragraph subsection, an exchange is of “approximately equal value" if the difference
11in value between the more highly valued land and the less highly valued land does
12not exceed 10 percent of the value of the more highly valued land. All expenses
13necessarily incurred in making an exchange under this
paragraph subsection shall
14be deducted from the gross receipts of the fund to which the proceeds of the sale of
15the exchanged land will be added.
21. 24.09 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 24.09 (4).
22. 24.09 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 24.09 (5) and amended
18to read:
(5) All sales other than sales under
par. (b) or (c) sub. (2m) or (4) shall
20be made at the times and public places by sealed bid or public sale as the board
21designates. Prior to any sale, the board shall publish a class 3 notice, under ch. 985,
22specifying the time and place and describing the lands to be sold in a newspaper
23published in the county where the lands are situated.
23. 24.09 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
24. 24.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) If the sale is to be by public auction, at the time and place specified
2in the notice under s. 24.09
(1) (d) (5), the board shall commence the sale of the lands
3described in the notice and thereafter continue the same from day to day, Sundays
4excepted, between 9 a.m. and the setting of the sun, until all lands described in the
5notice have been offered. The order of the sale shall be to begin at the lowest number
6of the sections, townships, and ranges in each county and proceed regularly to the
7highest, until all then to be sold are offered for sale.
Except for lands withheld from
8sale under s. 24.09 (2), each Each lot, tract of lands, or collection of tracts of lands to
9be sold shall be offered at the minimum price fixed by law and shall be cried at public
10auction long enough to enable every one present to bid. If the minimum price or more
11is bid, the lot or tract shall be struck off to the highest bidder, but if the minimum
12price is not bid the tract shall be set down unsold.
25. 24.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) If the sale is to be by sealed bid, the highest bid for any lot, tract of
15lands, or collection of tracts of lands shall be accepted, unless the highest bid is below
16the minimum price fixed by law. If the highest bid is below the minimum price fixed
17by law, then all bids may be rejected. If all bids are rejected or if no bid is received,
18the board may readvertise the sale
, or adjourn the sale to a definite date
, or withhold
19the lands from sale pursuant to s. 24.09 (2).
26. 24.11 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
27. 24.59 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Notwithstanding ss. 24.09, 24.10, 24.15, 24.16, and 24.32, but subject
subs. sub. (2)
and (3), if the board determines that the sale of all lands under its
24jurisdiction will not breach the board's duty as trustee, the board may sell to the state
25all public lands
that the board identifies as available for sale to the state under its
1jurisdiction on the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date].
2Notwithstanding s. 24.08 (4), the public lands shall be sold at the appraised value
3determined under sub. (2).
28. 24.59 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
29. 24.605 of the statutes is repealed.
30. 24.61 (2) (cm) of the statutes is repealed.
7Section 31
. 28.12 of the statutes is created to read:
828.12 Department land managed by a county. (1) In this section,
9“department land” means land that meets all of the conditions under sub. (2).
10(2) Except as provided under sub. (6), if a county has adopted a resolution under
11s. 59.52 (6) (f) authorizing the county to manage, maintain, and improve land
12acquired by the department under s. 23.1989 and has notified the department of the
13resolution, and if the department notifies the county under s. 23.1989 (5) that it has
14acquired the land described in the resolution, then the county shall manage,
15maintain, and improve the land as provided under this section.
16(3) If a county has prepared a comprehensive county forest land use plan under
17s. 28.11 (5), the county may incorporate department land into the plan without
18approval by the department. A committee designated under s. 28.11 (3) (a) has the
19same powers, duties, procedures, and functions with respect to department land as
20it has with respect to county forests, except to the extent those powers, duties,
21procedures, or functions conflict with the state's ownership of the land. The county
22may use grant money received under s. 28.11 (5m) and (5r) on department land.
23(4) A county board of a county in which department land is located may do any
24of the following:
1(a) Establish regulations for the use of department land by the public and to
2provide penalties for their enforcement.
(b) Appropriate funds for the development, protection, and maintenance of
4department land.
(c) Enter into cooperative agreements with the department for protection of
6department land from fire.
(d) Establish aesthetic management zones along roads and waters.
(e) Establish transplant nurseries for growing seedlings, from the state forest
9nurseries, to larger size for planting in department land, but no ornamental or
10landscape stock shall be produced in such nurseries.
(f) Establish forest plantations and engage in silviculture, forest management,
12and timber sales on department land.
(g) Engage in other projects designed to achieve optimum development of
14forests on department land.
(h) Establish energy conservation projects that permit individual members of
16the public to remove up to 10 standard cords of wood without charge from department
17land for individual home heating purposes. The county board shall limit removal of
18wood for energy conservation projects to wood that is unsuitable for commercial sale.
19The county board may require a permit to remove wood for energy conservation
20projects and may charge a fee for the permit to administer projects established under
21this paragraph. A county board shall restrict participation in projects established
22under this paragraph to residents, as defined in s. 29.001 (69), but may not restrict
23participation to residents of the county. No timber sale contract is required for wood
24removed under this paragraph.
1(4m) Nothing in this section may be interpreted to infringe on any authority
2the state has to enter into leases or agreements to explore and prospect for ore,
3minerals, gas, or oil on department land, except that, if an extraction cannot be
4accomplished without permanently affecting the surface of the land, extraction may
5not commence until the county adopts a resolution under sub. (7) ending its
6responsibilities under this section.
7(5) (a) Any timber sale from department land with an estimated value of $3,000
8or more shall be by sealed bid or public sale after publication of a classified
9advertisement announcing the sale in a newspaper having general circulation in the
10county in which the timber to be sold is located. Any timber sale with an estimated
11value below $3,000 may be made without prior advertising.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to any sale of timber that has been damaged
13by fire, snow, hail, ice, insects, disease, or wind.
(c) A county is not required to pay any severance share to the state or to share
15any revenue with the state from timber sold from department lands.
16(6) The department may construct and use forest fire lookout towers, telephone
17lines, and fire lanes or other forest protection structures on any lands described in
18par. (a) and the county may not interfere with any department activity on
19department land that is necessary for forest protection. The county and the
20department shall permit public access to department land for the purposes of
21hunting, fishing, hiking, sight-seeing, and cross-country skiing.
22(7) A county board may adopt a resolution stating that the county no longer
23intends to manage, maintain, and improve department land. As soon as practicable
24after adopting the resolution, the county shall provide notice of the resolution to the
1department. The county's responsibility to manage, maintain, and improve the land
2ends when this notice is provided to the department.
32. 36.49 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
436.49 (title)
Environmental program grants and scholarships;
5Wisconsin Merit scholarships.
33. 36.49 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Award the balance
Provide $200,000 to the University of
8Wisconsin-Stevens Point for environmental programs.
34. 36.49 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) Award the balance in annual scholarships called “Wisconsin Merit
11scholarships,” which shall be based only on merit to students who are enrolled in an
12institution or college campus and who have either graduated from high school in this
13state or been granted a high school diploma by the administrator of a home-based
14private educational program, as defined in s. 115.001 (3g), in this state. The board
15shall determine merit based on a performance on standardized college entrance
16examinations and, if applicable, cumulative high school grade point averages. An
17annual scholarship awarded to a student under this subsection shall equal $5,000.
18Section 35
. 59.52 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
(6) (f)
Management of certain department of natural resources lands. 20Subject to s. 28.12, manage, maintain, and improve lands located in the county that
21are acquired by the department of natural resources under s. 23.1989. The board
22may exercise the powers under this paragraph if all of the following apply:
1. No later than 6 months after the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB
24inserts date], the board adopts a resolution stating the county's intention to exercise
1the powers under this paragraph. The county shall include in the resolution a
2description of the land that the county intends to manage, maintain, and improve.
2. The board provides notice of the resolution under subd. 1. to the department
4of natural resources, including a description of the land identified in the resolution.
3. The department notifies the county that it has acquired the land under s.