SB30,1037 16Section 1037 . 71.07 (3w) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,527,2317 71.07 (3w) (c) 1. If the allowable amount of the claim under this subsection
18exceeds the taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income under s. 71.02, the amount
19of the claim that is not used to offset those taxes shall be certified by the department
20of revenue to the department of administration for payment by check, share draft,
21or other draft drawn from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (2) (co).
22Notwithstanding s. 71.82, no interest shall be paid on amounts certified under this
SB30,1038 24Section 1038 . 71.07 (3y) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
171.07 (3y) (d) 2. If the allowable amount of the claim under par. (b) exceeds the
2tax otherwise due under ss. 71.02 and 71.08, the amount of the claim not used to
3offset the tax due shall be certified by the department of revenue to the department
4of administration for payment by check, share draft, or other draft drawn from the
5appropriation account under s. 20.835 (2) (bg). Notwithstanding s. 71.82, no interest
6shall be paid on amounts certified under this subdivision.
SB30,1039 7Section 1039 . 71.07 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,528,118 71.07 (5) (b) Subtract the standard deduction under s. 71.05 (22),
9notwithstanding the limitation by such fraction of that amount as Wisconsin
10adjusted gross income is of federal adjusted gross income described in s. 71.05 (22)
11(g) and (h),
from the amount under par. (a).
SB30,1040 12Section 1040 . 71.07 (5) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,528,1513 71.07 (5) (e) For purposes of this subsection, “Internal Revenue Code” does not
14include any adjustment made under provisions related to the federal alternative
15minimum tax.
SB30,1041 16Section 1041 . 71.07 (5m) (c) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,528,1817 71.07 (5m) (c) 6. If a married couple files jointly, both spouses must be full-year
18residents of this state to be eligible to claim the credit under this subsection.
SB30,1042 19Section 1042 . 71.07 (5n) (d) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,528,2320 71.07 (5n) (d) 3. The amount of the eligible qualified production activities
21income that a claimant may claim in computing the credit under par. (b) shall be
22reduced by the amount of the qualified production activities income taxed by another
23state upon which the credit under sub. (7) may be claimed.
SB30,1043 24Section 1043 . 71.07 (5r) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
171.07 (5r) (a) 2. “Course of instruction" has the meaning given in s. 38.50 440.52
2(1) (c).
SB30,1044 3Section 1044 . 71.07 (5r) (a) 6. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,529,54 71.07 (5r) (a) 6. b. A school approved under s. 38.50 440.52, if the delivery of
5education occurs in this state.
SB30,1045 6Section 1045 . 71.07 (8m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,529,87 71.07 (8m) Young adult employment assistance credit. (a) Definitions. In
8this subsection:
SB30,529,169 1. “Aged out” means, except as provided in ss. 48.368 and 938.368, an
10individual is discharged from out-of-home care due to termination of an order under
11s. 48.355, 48.357, 48.365, 48.427, 938.355, 938.357, or 938.365, made before the
12individual attains 18 years of age, that places or continues the placement of the
13individual in out-of-home care; termination of a voluntary
14transition-to-independent-living agreement under s. 48.366 (3) or 938.366 (3); or
15termination of a voluntary placement agreement under s. 48.63; any of which occur
16on the date of any of the following:
SB30,529,1717 a. The date that the individual attains 18 years of age.
SB30,529,2218 b. The date that the individual is granted a high school or high school
19equivalency diploma, or the date on which the individual attains 19 years of age,
20whichever occurs first, if the individual is a full-time student at a secondary school
21or its vocational or technical equivalent and is reasonably expected to complete the
22program before attaining 19 years of age.
SB30,530,223 c. The date on which the individual is granted a high school or high school
24equivalency diploma or the date on which the individual attains 21 years of age,
25whichever occurs first, if the individual is a full-time student at a secondary school

1or its vocational or technical equivalent and if an individualized education program
2under s. 115.787 is in effect for the individual.
SB30,530,63 d. The date that an individual who is 18 years of age or over makes a decision
4to leave out-of-home care and the order is dismissed, the voluntary
5transition-to-independent-living-agreement is terminated, or the voluntary
6placement agreement is terminated.
SB30,530,97 e. The date of termination of an order under s. 48.355, 48.357, 48.365, 48.427,
8938.355, 938.357, or 938.365, that provides for the termination one year or less after
9the date on which the order was entered.
SB30,530,1010 2. “Claimant" means a young adult who files a claim under this subsection.
SB30,530,1311 3. “Earned income tax credit” means the federal basic earned income credit
12under section 32 (b) (1) (A) to (C) of the Internal Revenue Code for a claimant with
13no dependent children, and without regard to the age limits under federal law.
SB30,530,1414 4. “Young adult” means an individual who meets one of the following criteria:
SB30,530,1715 a. The individual aged out of out-of-home care without achieving permanency
16in either of the 2 taxable years prior to the taxable year to which the claim relates,
17or who did so in the taxable year to which the claim relates.
SB30,530,2218 b. The individual was previously designated as disabled under the
19supplemental security income program as a minor, but who, in either of the 2 taxable
20years prior to the year to which the claim relates, or in the taxable year to which the
21claim relates, lost his or her disability status due to a disability redetermination
22using the adult disability rules when he or she reaches 18 years of age.
SB30,531,523 (b) Filing claims. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, a
24claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 or 71.08 an
25amount equal to 125 percent of the earned income tax credit in the year to which the

1claim relates, and if the allowable amount of the claim exceeds the income taxes
2otherwise due on the claimant's income, the amount of the claim not used as an offset
3against those taxes shall be certified by the department of revenue to the department
4of administration for payment to the claimant by check, share draft, or other draft
5drawn from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (2) (cb).
SB30,531,76 (c) Limitations. 1. No credit may be claimed under this subsection by a
7part-year resident or a nonresident of this state.
SB30,531,98 2. No credit may be allowed under this subsection unless it is claimed within
9the period specified in s. 71.75 (2).
SB30,531,1210 3. No credit may be allowed under this subsection for a taxable year covering
11a period of less than 12 months, except for a taxable year closed by reason of the death
12of the taxpayer.
SB30,531,1413 (d) Administration. 1. Subsection (9e) (d), to the extent that it applies to the
14credit under that subsection, applies to the credit under this subsection.
SB30,531,1615 2. The department of revenue and the department of children and families shall
16work together to verify the claims of individuals described in par. (a) 4. a.
SB30,531,1817 3. The department of revenue and the department of health services shall work
18together to verify the claims of individuals described in par. (a) 4. b.
SB30,1046 19Section 1046 . 71.07 (9e) (aj) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,531,2420 71.07 (9e) (aj) (intro.) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010,
21and before January 1, 2018, an individual may credit against the tax imposed under
22s. 71.02 an amount equal to one of the following percentages of the federal basic
23earned income credit for which the person is eligible for the taxable year under
24section 32 (b) (1) (A) to (C) of the Internal Revenue Code:
SB30,1047 25Section 1047 . 71.07 (9e) (ak) of the statutes is created to read:
171.07 (9e) (ak) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, an
2individual may credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 an amount equal to one
3of the following percentages of the federal basic earned income credit for which the
4person is eligible for the taxable year under section 32 (b) (1) (A) to (C) of the Internal
5Revenue Code:
SB30,532,76 1. If the person has one qualifying child who has, or 2 qualifying children who
7have, the same principal place of abode as the person, 11 percent.
SB30,532,98 2. If the person has 3 or more qualifying children who have the same principal
9place of abode as the person, 34 percent.
SB30,1048 10Section 1048 . 71.07 (9e) (aL) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,532,1711 71.07 (9e) (aL) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, and
12notwithstanding par. (b), for an individual who claims the credit under par. (ak), if
13the claimant becomes married in the taxable year to which the claim relates, the
14claimant may claim the greater of either the credit calculated under par. (ak) based
15on his or filing status as a married individual, or the credit that he or she claimed
16in the immediately preceding taxable year under par. (aj) or (ak) when the claimant
17was not married, which shall be considered the base year.
SB30,532,2118 2. For the next 2 successive taxable years after an individual calculates the
19credit under subd. 1., he or she may continue to claim the greater of either the credit
20calculated under par. (ak) based on his or filing status as a married individual in the
21current taxable year, or the credit that he or she claimed in the base year.
SB30,1049 22Section 1049 . 71.07 (9e) (aq) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,533,323 71.07 (9e) (aq) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, an
24individual may credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 an amount equal to 7.5
25percent of the federal basic earned income credit for which the person would have

1been eligible for the taxable year under section 32 (b) (1) (A) to (C) of the Internal
2Revenue Code if the individual's noncustodial child met the definition of qualifying
3child, and if all of the following apply for the taxable year to which the claim relates:
SB30,533,44 1. The individual did not claim the credit under par. (aj).
SB30,533,55 2. The individual is a full-year resident of this state.
SB30,533,66 3. At any point in the taxable year, the individual is at least 18 years old.
SB30,533,87 4. The individual is the parent of at least one child who did not have the same
8principal place of abode as the claimant.
SB30,533,119 5. For at least one-half of the taxable year, a court order was in effect requiring
10the claimant to make child support payments for the child with regard to whom the
11claimant is claiming the credit under this paragraph.
SB30,533,1412 6. The claimant has paid in full all amounts of court-ordered child support
13payments described under subd. 5., and the department of revenue has verified that
14such payments have in fact been made by the claimant.
SB30,1050 15Section 1050 . 71.07 (9e) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,533,2016 71.07 (9e) (h) 1. Subject to subd. 2., for taxable years beginning after December
1731, 2017, no credit may be allowed under this subsection to an individual with a
18disqualified loss of greater than $15,000 deducted in determining Wisconsin
19adjusted gross income. In this subdivision, “disqualified loss" has the meaning given
20in s. 71.52 (1e).
SB30,533,2521 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to a claimant who is a farmer whose primary
22income is from farming and whose farming generates less than $250,000 in gross
23receipts from the operation of farm premises in the year to which the claim relates.
24In this subdivision, “farmer,” “farming,” and “farm premises” have the meanings
25given in s. 102.04 (3).
1Section 1051. 71.07 (9m) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,534,72 71.07 (9m) (i) 1. a. Except as provided in subd. 1. b., if the activity for which
3a person claims a credit under this subsection creates fewer full-time jobs than
4projected under s. 238.17 (3) (a), as reported to the department under s. 238.17 (4),
5the person who claimed the credit shall repay to the department any amount of the
6credit claimed, as determined by the department, in proportion to the number of
7full-time jobs created compared to the number of full-time jobs projected.
SB30,534,98 b. For purposes of subd. 1. a., the person who initially sells or transfers a credit
9under par. (h) is responsible for repaying the credit.
SB30,534,1410 2. If a person who claims a credit under this subsection and a credit under
11section 47 of the Internal Revenue Code for the same qualified rehabilitation
12expenditures is required to repay any amount of the credit claimed under section 47
13of the Internal Revenue Code, the person shall repay to the department a
14proportionate amount of the credit claimed under this subsection.
SB30,1052 15Section 1052 . 71.08 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,534,2416 71.08 (1) Imposition. (intro.) If the tax imposed on a natural person, married
17couple filing jointly, trust, or estate under s. 71.02, not considering the credits under
18ss. 71.07 (1), (2dx), (2dy), (3m), (3n), (3p), (3q), (3r), (3rm), (3rn), (3s), (3t), (3w), (3y),
19(4k), (5b), (5d), (5e), (5f), (5h), (5i), (5j), (5n), (6), (6e), (8m), (8r), (9e), (9m), and (9r),
2071.28 (1dx), (1dy), (2m), (3), (3n), (3t), (3w), and (3y), 71.47 (1dx), (1dy), (2m), (3), (3n),
21(3t), (3w), and (3y), 71.57 to 71.61, and 71.613 and subch. VIII and payments to other
22states under s. 71.07 (7), is less than the tax under this section, there is imposed on
23that natural person, married couple filing jointly, trust or estate, instead of the tax
24under s. 71.02, an alternative minimum tax computed as follows:
SB30,1053 25Section 1053 . 71.10 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
171.10 (4) (i) The total of claim of right credit under s. 71.07 (1), farmland
2preservation credit under ss. 71.57 to 71.61, farmland preservation credit, 2010 and
3beyond under s. 71.613, homestead credit under subch. VIII, farmland tax relief
4credit under s. 71.07 (3m), dairy manufacturing facility investment credit under s.
571.07 (3p), jobs tax credit under s. 71.07 (3q), meat processing facility investment
6credit under s. 71.07 (3r), woody biomass harvesting and processing credit under s.
771.07 (3rm), food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit under s.
871.07 (3rn), business development credit under s. 71.07 (3y), film production services
9credit under s. 71.07 (5f), film production company investment credit under s. 71.07
10(5h), young adult employment credit under s. 71.07 (8m), veterans and surviving
11spouses property tax credit under s. 71.07 (6e), enterprise zone jobs credit under s.
1271.07 (3w), beginning farmer and farm asset owner tax credit under s. 71.07 (8r),
13earned income tax credit under s. 71.07 (9e), estimated tax payments under s. 71.09,
14and taxes withheld under subch. X.
SB30,1054 15Section 1054 . 71.125 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,535,1916 71.125 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), the tax imposed by this chapter on
17individuals and the rates under s. 71.06 (1), (1m), (1n), (1p), (1q), (1r), and (2) shall
18apply to the Wisconsin taxable income of estates or trusts, except nuclear
19decommissioning trust or reserve funds, and that tax shall be paid by the fiduciary.
SB30,1055 20Section 1055 . 71.125 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,535,2521 71.125 (2) Each electing small business trust, as defined in section 1361 (e) (1)
22of the Internal Revenue Code, is subject to tax at the highest rate under s. 71.06 (1),
23(1m), (1n), (1p), or (1q), or (1r), whichever taxable year is applicable, on its income
24as computed under section 641 of the Internal Revenue Code, as modified by s. 71.05
25(6) to (12), (19) and (20).
1Section 1056. 71.17 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,536,52 71.17 (6) Funeral trusts. If a qualified funeral trust makes the election under
3section 685 of the Internal Revenue Code for federal income tax purposes, that
4election applies for purposes of this chapter and each trust shall compute its own tax
5and shall apply the rates under s. 71.06 (1), (1m), (1n), (1p), or (1q), or (1r).
SB30,1057 6Section 1057 . 71.20 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,536,177 71.20 (1) Every partnership shall furnish to the department a true and
8accurate statement, on or before April 15 of each year, except that returns for fiscal
9years ending on some other date than December 31 shall be furnished on or before
10the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of such fiscal year
the date on which
11the partnership is required to file for federal income tax purposes, not including any
12extension, under the Internal Revenue Code
, in such the manner and form and
13setting forth such the facts as the department deems necessary to enforce this
14chapter. A partnership that is the owner of a single-owner entity that is disregarded
15as a separate entity under section 7701 of the Internal Revenue Code shall include
16that entity's information on the owner's return under this subchapter. The
17statement shall be subscribed by one of the members partners of the partnership.
SB30,1058 18Section 1058 . 71.22 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB30,1059 19Section 1059 . 71.22 (4) (j) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30,536,2420 71.22 (4) (j) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013, and before
21January 1, 2017,
“Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
22as amended to December 31, 2013, except as provided in subds. 2. and 3. and subject
23to subd. 4., and except as provided in sub. (4m) and ss. 71.26 (2) (b) and (3), 71.34 (1g),
24and 71.42 (2).
SB30,1060 25Section 1060 . 71.22 (4) (j) 3. i. of the statutes is created to read:
171.22 (4) (j) 3. i. Section 2004 of P.L. 114-41.
SB30,1061 2Section 1061 . 71.22 (4) (j) 3. j. of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,537,33 71.22 (4) (j) 3. j. Sections 503 and 504 of P.L. 114-74.
SB30,1062 4Section 1062 . 71.22 (4) (j) 3. k. of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,537,65 71.22 (4) (j) 3. k. Sections 103, 104, 124, 168, 184, 185, 190, 204, 303, 306, 336,
6and 341 of division Q of P.L. 114-113.
SB30,1063 7Section 1063 . 71.22 (4) (j) 3. L. of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,537,88 71.22 (4) (j) 3. L. P.L. 114-239.
SB30,1064 9Section 1064 . 71.22 (4) (k) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30,537,1310 71.22 (4) (k) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016, “Internal
11Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to December
1231, 2016, except as provided in subds. 2. and 3. and subject to subd. 4., and except
13as provided in sub. (4m) and ss. 71.26 (2) (b) and (3), 71.34 (1g), and 71.42 (2).
SB30,538,314 2. For purposes of this paragraph, “Internal Revenue Code" does not include
15the following provisions of federal public laws for taxable years beginning after
16December 31, 2016: section 13113 of P.L 103-66; sections 1, 3, 4, and 5 of P.L.
17106-519; sections 101, 102, and 422 of P.L 108-357; sections 1310 and 1351 of P.L.
18109-58; section 11146 of P.L. 109-59; section 403 (q) of P.L. 109-135; section 513 of
19P.L. 109-222; sections 104 and 307 of P.L. 109-432; sections 8233 and 8235 of P.L.
20110-28; section 11 (e) and (g) of P.L. 110-172; section 301 of P.L. 110-245; section
2115351 of P.L. 110-246; section 302 of division A, section 401 of division B, and sections
22312, 322, 502 (c), 707, and 801 of division C of P.L. 110-343; sections 1232, 1241, 1251,
231501, and 1502 of division B of P.L. 111-5; sections 211, 212, 213, 214, and 216 of P.L.
24111-226; sections 2011 and 2122 of P.L. 111-240; sections 753, 754, and 760 of P.L.
25111-312; section 1106 of P.L. 112-95; sections 104, 318, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, and

1411 of P.L. 112-240; P.L. 114-7; section 1101 of P.L. 114-74; section 305 of division
2P of P.L. 114-113; and sections 112, 123, 125 to 128, 143, 144, 151 to 153, 165 to 167,
3169 to 171, 189, 191, 307, 326, and 411 of division Q of P.L. 114-113.
SB30,538,54 3. For purposes of this paragraph, “Internal Revenue Code" does not include
5amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2016.
SB30,538,126 4. For purposes of this paragraph, the provisions of federal public laws that
7directly or indirectly affect the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in this paragraph,
8apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes, except that
9changes made by section 4007 (b) of P.L. 114-41, section 1102 of P.L. 114-74, sections
10105, 111, 113 to 115, 133, 301, 302, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313 to 323, 325, 331, and 343
11to 345 of division Q of P.L. 114-113 first apply for taxable years beginning after
12December 31, 2016.