SB374,29,1211 a. The provision of and compensation for preconstruction services during the
12first phase of the contract.
SB374,29,1913 b. A requirement that, during the first phase of the contract, the contractor use
14a competitive bidding process to procure subcontracts for at least the minimum
15percentage of construction work specified in the request for proposals. The
16percentage shall be based on an estimated cost for the construction work approved
17by the department prior to the start of the competitive bidding process. The
18contractor may not use subcontracts with its wholly or partially owned subsidiaries,
19parent companies, or affiliates.
SB374,29,2320 c. The process the department and the contractor shall use to determine a lump
21sum or guaranteed maximum price for the construction work, including a
22requirement that the department conduct an independent cost estimate for the
23construction work.
SB374,29,2424 d. Grounds for termination of the contract.
13. If a contract for a construction manager-general contractor project is
2terminated for any reason, the department may re-advertise the project using any
3authorized process to complete the project. The department may use any work
4product developed by the contractor to complete the improvement project.
SB374,30,105 (i) 1. The department shall establish procedures for the bidding and selection
6of proposals for design-build, design-build-finance, construction manager-general
7contractor, and fixed-price variable-scope projects that ensure an open,
8transparent, and efficient process. The department shall submit its proposed
9procedures to the governor and to the relevant standing committees of the legislature
10for passive review.
SB374,30,1811 2. The department shall employ or retain a professional engineer licensed in
12this state or a licensed architect, or both, to prepare the scope of a design-build,
13design-build-finance, construction manager-general contractor, or fixed-price
14variable-scope project and assist in the evaluation of the technical portions of
15proposals for those projects. An engineer or architect evaluating proposals may not
16be a member of a team that is bidding on the project. The department may not use
17engineers or architects directly employed by the department for more than 20
18percent of the delivery cost of work required by this subdivision in a calendar year.
SB374,30,2119 3. The department shall allow bidders to submit alternative technical concepts
20in their proposals by describing the process for submission and evaluation of
21alternative technical concepts in the request for proposals for that project.
SB374,30,2222 4. The department may offer to pay a stipend to any of the following:
SB374,30,2423 a. All short-listed bidders, if the department ends the process before the due
24date for proposals.
1b. Each unsuccessful bidder that submits a responsive proposal who grants to
2the department the right to use any work product contained in the proposal.
SB374,31,63 5. The department may reject any submitted qualifications or proposals that
4the department determines are nonresponsive. The department shall consider
5nonresponsive any proposal that fails to include the required bid security or fails to
6comply with department requirements relating to using business enterprises.
SB374,31,157 6. The department may use any authorized source of funding and financing to
8compensate a contractor for work and services performed under a contract for a
9design-build, design-build-finance, construction manager-general contractor, or
10fixed-price variable-scope project and may combine federal, state, local, and private
11funds to finance the project. Subject to appropriation by the joint committee on
12finance or the transportation projects commission, the department may obligate and
13make expenditures of funds as and when needed to satisfy its payment obligations
14under a contract for a design-build, design-build-finance, construction
15manager-general contractor, or fixed-price variable-scope project.
SB374,31,1816 7. The department and a contractor may enter into leases, licenses, easements,
17and other grants of property interests that the department determines are necessary
18to deliver an improvement project under this subsection.
SB374,31,2119 8. a. The department shall maintain all written decisions, qualification and
20proposal evaluations, scoring documents, selection evaluations, proposals, and
21procurement documents in a procurement file maintained by the department.
SB374,31,2522 b. A bidder may clearly identify those portions of a proposal or other submission
23that the bidder considers to be trade secrets or confidential, commercial, financial,
24or proprietary information and request that those portions be exempt from
1c. The qualifications, proposals, and other information and documents
2submitted by bidders and the department's evaluation records shall not be subject
3to release or disclosure by the department until execution of the contract. If the
4department ends the process prior to entering into a contract for an improvement
5project, the exemption from release or disclosure shall remain in place until the
6department has entered into a contract for the improvement project or until 5 years
7after ending the initial process, whichever occurs first.
SB374,32,128 (j) The department shall use project delivery methods under this subsection to
9deliver not less than 5 percent of construction costs of improvement projects by June
1030, 2019, not less than 10 percent of construction costs of improvement projects by
11June 30, 2021, and not less than 20 percent of construction costs of improvement
12projects by June 30, 2023.
SB374,32,1613 (k) Beginning with the completion of the first improvement project procured
14under this subsection, the department shall report to the appropriate standing
15committees of the legislature annually for 5 years on the progress of procurements
16and transportation facilities procured under this subsection.
SB374,32,1817 (L) The department may promulgate rules as necessary to implement this
SB374,34 19Section 34 . 84.062 of the statutes is repealed.
SB374,35 20Section 35 . 84.41 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB374,36 21Section 36 . 84.54 of the statutes is created to read:
SB374,32,25 2284.54 Transfers of state and federal funding. (1) From the appropriation
23account under s. 20.395 (2) (fx), the department shall transfer to the appropriation
24account under s. 20.395 (3) (cx) $23,829,800 in fiscal year 2018-19, $24,551,700 in
25fiscal year 2019-20, and $23,829,800 in fiscal year 2020-21.
1(2) From the appropriation account under s. 20.395 (3) (cq), the department
2shall transfer to the appropriation account under s. 20.395 (2) (fq) $23,829,800 in
3fiscal year 2018-19, $24,551,700 in fiscal year 2019-20, and $23,829,800 in fiscal
4year 2020-21.
SB374,33,8 5(3) In each fiscal year that the department makes the transfers required under
6subs. (1) and (2), the legislative fiscal bureau shall adjust the amounts in the
7schedule for s. 20.395 (2) (fq) and (fx) and (3) (cq) and (cx) to reflect the amounts in
8those appropriation accounts immediately following the transfers.
SB374,37 9Section 37 . 86.35 of the statutes is created to read:
SB374,33,12 1086.35 Approval of municipal governing body required before
11construction of roundabouts.
(1) In this section, “ municipality" means a city,
12village, or town.
SB374,33,17 13(2) After the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], no
14roundabout may be constructed as part of any highway project unless the authority
15in charge of the highway project seeks and obtains approval, by a majority vote, for
16the roundabout from the governing body of the municipality where the proposed
17roundabout would be located.
SB374,38 18Section 38 . 103.503 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,33,2419 103.503 (1) (a) “Accident" means an incident caused, contributed to, or
20otherwise involving an employee that resulted or could have resulted in death,
21personal injury, or property damage and that occurred while the employee was
22performing the work described in s. 66.0903 (4), 2013 stats., or s. 16.856 (2m), 2015
on a project of public works or while the employee was performing work on a
24public utility project.
SB374,39 25Section 39 . 103.503 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1103.503 (1) (c) “Contracting agency" means a local governmental unit, as
2defined in s. 66.0903 (1) (d),
or a state agency, as defined in s. 16.856 (1) (h), that has
3contracted for the performance of work on a project of public works or a public utility
4that has contracted for the performance of work on a public utility project.
SB374,40 5Section 40 . 103.503 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,34,86 103.503 (1) (e) “Employee" means a laborer, worker, mechanic, or truck driver
7who performs the work described in s. 66.0903 (4), 2013 stats., or s. 16.856 (2m), 2015
on a project of public works or on a public utility project.
SB374,41 9Section 41 . 103.503 (1) (fm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB374,34,1310 103.503 (1) (fm) “Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision of this
11state, a special purpose district in this state, an instrumentality or corporation of
12such a political subdivision or special purpose district, a combination or subunit of
13any of the foregoing, or an instrumentality of the state and any of the foregoing.
SB374,42 14Section 42 . 103.503 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,34,2015 103.503 (1) (g) “Project of public works" means a project of public works that
16is subject to s. 16.856 or that would be subject to s. 66.0903, 2013 stats., if the project
17were erected, constructed, repaired, remodeled, or demolished prior to January 1,
182017, or that would be subject to s. 16.856, 2015 stats., if the project were erected,
19constructed, repaired, remodeled, or demolished prior to the effective date of this
20paragraph .... [LRB inserts date]
SB374,43 21Section 43 . 103.503 (1) (j) of the statutes is created to read:
SB374,35,222 103.503 (1) (j) “State agency" means any office, department, independent
23agency, institution of higher education, association, society, or other body in state
24government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law,
25including the legislature and the courts. “State agency" also includes the University

1of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the Fox River Navigational System
2Authority, and the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
SB374,44 3Section 44 . 103.503 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,35,114 103.503 (2) Substance abuse prohibited. No employee may use, possess,
5attempt to possess, distribute, deliver, or be under the influence of a drug, or use or
6be under the influence of alcohol, while performing the work described in s. 66.0903
7(4), 2013 stats., or s. 16.856 (2m), 2015 stats., on a project of public works or while
8performing work on a public utility project. An employee is considered to be under
9the influence of alcohol for purposes of this subsection if he or she has an alcohol
10concentration that is equal to or greater than the amount specified in s. 885.235 (1g)
SB374,45 12Section 45 . 103.503 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,35,2013 103.503 (3) (a) 2. A requirement that employees performing the work described
14in s. 66.0903 (4), 2013 stats., or s. 16.856 (2m), 2015 stats., on a project of public works
15or performing work on a public utility project submit to random, reasonable
16suspicion, and post-accident drug and alcohol testing and to drug and alcohol testing
17before commencing work on the project, except that testing of an employee before
18commencing work on a project is not required if the employee has been participating
19in a random testing program during the 90 days preceding the date on which the
20employee commenced work on the project.
SB374,46 21Section 46 . 106.04 of the statutes is repealed.
SB374,47 22Section 47 . 109.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,36,1923 109.09 (1) The department shall investigate and attempt equitably to adjust
24controversies between employers and employees as to alleged wage claims. The
25department may receive and investigate any wage claim that is filed with the

1department, or received by the department under s. 109.10 (4), no later than 2 years
2after the date the wages are due. The department may, after receiving a wage claim,
3investigate any wages due from the employer against whom the claim is filed to any
4employee during the period commencing 2 years before the date the claim is filed.
5The department shall enforce this chapter and s. 66.0903, 2013 stats., s. 103.49, 2013
6stats., and s. 229.8275, 2013 stats., and s. 16.856, 2015 stats., and ss. 16.856, 103.02,
7103.82, and 104.12. In pursuance of this duty, the department may sue the employer
8on behalf of the employee to collect any wage claim or wage deficiency and ss. 109.03
9(6) and 109.11 (2) and (3) shall apply to such actions. Except for actions under s.
10109.10, the department may refer such an action to the district attorney of the county
11in which the violation occurs for prosecution and collection and the district attorney
12shall commence an action in the circuit court having appropriate jurisdiction. Any
13number of wage claims or wage deficiencies against the same employer may be joined
14in a single proceeding, but the court may order separate trials or hearings. In actions
15that are referred to a district attorney under this subsection, any taxable costs
16recovered by the district attorney shall be paid into the general fund of the county
17in which the violation occurs and used by that county to meet its financial
18responsibility under s. 978.13 (2) (b) for the operation of the office of the district
19attorney who prosecuted the action.
SB374,48 20Section 48 . 111.322 (2m) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB374,49 21Section 49. 111.322 (2m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,36,2322 111.322 (2m) (d) The individual's employer believes that the individual
23engaged or may engage in any activity described in pars. (a) to (c) (bm).
SB374,50 24Section 50. 230.13 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1230.13 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3) and ss. 19.36 (10) to (12) and
and 103.13, the director and the administrator may keep records of the following
3personnel matters closed to the public:
SB374,51 4Section 51. 233.13 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,37,7 5233.13 Closed records. (intro.) Except as provided in ss. 19.36 (10) to (12)
6and (11) and 103.13, the authority may keep records of the following personnel
7matters closed to the public:
SB374,52 8Section 52 . 341.35 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,37,169 341.35 (1) Annual registration fee. In this section “municipality" means a
10town, village, or city and “motor vehicle" means an automobile or motor truck
11registered under s. 341.25 (1) (c) at a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds.
12The Subject to sub. (1m), the governing body of a municipality or county may enact
13an ordinance imposing an annual flat municipal or county registration fee on all
14motor vehicles registered in this state which are customarily kept in the municipality
15or county. A registration fee imposed under this section shall be in addition to state
16registration fees.
SB374,53 17Section 53. 341.35 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB374,38,218 341.35 (1m) Referendum required. (a) A municipality or county that proposes
19to impose a registration fee under sub. (1) shall hold a referendum at a regularly
20scheduled election. The referendum question shall be substantially as follows:
21“Shall [name of municipality or county] impose an annual registration fee of [amount
22of registration fee] on all motor vehicles registered in this state that are customarily
23kept in [name of municipality or county]?” If the question submitted at the
24referendum is approved by a majority of the electors who vote in the referendum, the

1municipality or county may impose the registration fee. If the referendum question
2is not approved, the municipality or county may not impose any registration fee.
SB374,38,133 (b) A municipality or county that imposes a registration fee prior to the effective
4date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], shall hold a referendum at a regularly
5scheduled election occurring not later than the first day of the 18th month beginning
6after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date]. The referendum
7question shall be substantially as follows: “Shall [name of municipality or county]
8continue to impose an annual registration fee of [amount of registration fee] on all
9motor vehicles registered in this state that are customarily kept in [name of
10municipality or county]?” If the question submitted at the referendum is approved
11by a majority of the electors who vote in the referendum, the municipality or county
12may continue imposing the registration fee. If the referendum question is not
13approved, the municipality or county may not impose any registration fee.
SB374,54 14Section 54 . 946.15 of the statutes is repealed.
SB374,55 15Section 55 . 978.05 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB374,39,316 978.05 (6) (a) Institute, commence or appear in all civil actions or special
17proceedings under and perform the duties set forth for the district attorney under ch.
18980 and ss. 17.14, 30.03 (2), 48.09 (5), 59.55 (1), 59.64 (1), 70.36, 84.062 (8), 89.08,
19103.92 (4), 109.09, 343.305 (9) (a), 806.05, 938.09, 938.18, 938.355 (6) (b) and (6g) (a),
20946.86, 946.87, 961.55 (5), 971.14 and 973.075 to 973.077, perform any duties in
21connection with court proceedings in a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under
22chs. 48 and 938 as the judge may request and perform all appropriate duties and
23appear if the district attorney is designated in specific statutes, including matters
24within chs. 782, 976 and 979 and ss. 51.81 to 51.85. Nothing in this paragraph limits
25the authority of the county board to designate, under s. 48.09 (5), that the corporation

1counsel provide representation as specified in s. 48.09 (5) or to designate, under s.
248.09 (6) or 938.09 (6), the district attorney as an appropriate person to represent the
3interests of the public under s. 48.14 or 938.14.
SB374,56 4Section 56 . Nonstatutory provisions.
SB374,39,125 (1) Audit of the department of transportation. No later than September 30,
62017, the department of administration shall submit to the joint legislative audit
7committee and the senate and assembly standing committees having jurisdiction
8over transportation matters a plan for issuing a request for proposals to conduct a
9complete and thorough operational and financial audit of the department of
10transportation. No later than December 1, 2017, the department of administration
11shall issue the request for proposals, which shall include an audit completion date
12of no later than August 31, 2018.
SB374,39,1613 (2) Development of a new funding formula. No later than January 1, 2018,
14the department of transportation shall submit to the governor and the joint
15committee on finance a plan for developing a funding formula for regions that is
16based on need rather than baseline funding.
SB374,39,1817 (3) Appointment of inspector general. The initial inspector general appointed
18under section 13.94 (3m) shall serve for a term expiring on March 1, 2023.
SB374,39,2119 (4) Inspector general position authorization. There is authorized for the
20legislative audit bureau 1.0 FTE PR inspector general position to be funded from the
21appropriation under section 20.765 (3) (ka) of the statutes.
SB374,57 22Section 57 . Initial applicability.
SB374,40,623 (1) Elimination of prevailing wage law. The treatment of sections 16.856,
2419.36 (3) and (12), 59.20 (3) (a), 66.0903 (1) (c), (f), (g), and (j), 84.062, 84.41 (3),
25103.503 (1) (a), (c), (e), (fm), (g), and (j), (2), and (3) (a) 2., 106.04, 109.09 (1), 111.322

1(2m) (c) and (d), 230.13 (1) (intro.), 233.13 (intro.), 946.15, and 978.05 (6) (a) of the
2statutes first applies, with respect to a project of public works that is subject to
3bidding, to a project for which the request for bids is issued on the effective date of
4this subsection and, with respect to a project of public works that is not subject to
5bidding, to a project the contract for which is entered into on the effective date of this
SB374,58 7Section 58 . Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
8except as follows:
SB374,40,119 (1) Appointment of inspector general. The treatment of sections 13.94 (3m)
10and 20.765 (3) (ka) of the statutes and Section 56 (3 ) and (4) of this act take effect
11on January 1, 2018.
SB374,40,1212 (End)