This bill increases, from 10,000 to 20,000 barrels per year, the amount of beer
that a brewpub may manufacture. The bill also increases, from six to 12, the number
of locations for which a person may hold a brewpub permit.
Allowing brewers holding brewer's permit to sell wine and distilled spirits
for on-premises consumption
Under current law, a brewer's permit issued by DOR authorizes a brewer to,
among other activities, sell at retail, without a retail license, the brewer's own beer
and other Wisconsin-made beer at the brewery premises and at one off-site retail
outlet of the brewer. A brewer may make retail sales of intoxicating liquor only if the
brewer held a retail intoxicating liquor license on June 1, 2011.
This bill allows any brewer holding a brewer's permit to sell intoxicating liquor
at retail for on-premise consumption at the brewery premises or the brewery's
off-site retail outlet. As under current law, intoxicating liquor sold by the brewer
must be purchased from a wholesaler.
Winery regulations
Current law allows a winery to hold a retail “Class B" license authorizing the
retail sale of wine. A winery operating under a retail “Class B" license may not
remain open for retail sales of wine between the hours of 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.
This bill changes the closing hour for wineries operating under a retail “Class
B" license from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., but allows municipalities to establish, by ordinance,
more restrictive closing hours for these wineries.
The bill also specifies that a winery may hold a Class “B" license authorizing
the retail sale of beer if the winery holds, for the same premises, a “Class B" license
authorizing the retail sale of wine.
Eligibility criteria for membership in a small winery cooperative wholesaler
Under current law, between October 1 and December 31, 2008, DOR was
authorized to issue intoxicating liquor wholesalers' permits to small winery
cooperatives (cooperative wholesalers). Only wineries certified by DOR as small
wineries can be members of a cooperative wholesaler. A small winery is defined as
a winery that produces and bottles less than 25,000 gallons of wine in a calendar
year. The only alcohol beverage product a cooperative wholesaler can sell and
distribute is the wine of its members.
This bill changes the definition of small winery so that a winery that produces
and bottles less than 50,000, rather than 25,000, gallons of wine in a calendar year
may become a member of an existing cooperative wholesaler.

Eliminating requirement that beer and intoxicating wholesalers have a
minimum number of customers
Under current law, a beer wholesaler must annually sell and deliver beer to at
least 25 separate and independent retail licensees or wholesalers, and an
intoxicating liquor wholesaler must annually sell and deliver intoxicating liquor to
at least ten separate and independent retail licensees or permittees. If a wholesaler
fails to satisfy this requirement, certain penalties apply and the wholesaler's permit
cannot be renewed.
This bill repeals this requirement.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB418,1 1Section 1 . 125.02 (5g), (5i) and (5k) of the statutes are created to read:
SB418,6,22 125.02 (5g) “Distillpub” means a permittee under s. 125.525.
SB418,6,4 3(5i) “Distillpub group" means a distillpub, including all premises for which the
4distillpub holds a permit issued under s. 125.525, together with all of the following:
SB418,6,75 (a) All distillpubs that share membership with the distillpub in a controlled
6group of distillpubs, as determined according to rules applicable under 26 USC 5041
7(c) (4).
SB418,6,98 (b) All distillpubs considered with the distillpub as one taxpayer under the
9federal Internal Revenue Code.
SB418,6,1010 (c) All franchisees, as defined in s. 553.03 (5), of the distillpub.
SB418,6,1211 (d) All franchisees, as defined in s. 553.03 (5), of the distillpub's franchisor, as
12defined in s. 553.03 (6).
SB418,6,1313 (e) The franchisor, as defined in s. 553.03 (6), of the distillpub.
SB418,6,15 14(5k) “Distillpub premises" means any premises covered by a permit issued
15under s. 125.525.
1Section 2. 125.02 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,7,32 125.02 (10) “Manufacturer" means a person, other than a rectifier or distillpub,
3that ferments, manufactures, or distills intoxicating liquor.
SB418,3 4Section 3 . 125.02 (15) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,7,75 125.02 (15) (b) With respect to intoxicating liquor, the manufacturer, the
6rectifier, the distillpub, or the exclusive agent designated by the manufacturer or,
7rectifier, or distillpub.
SB418,4 8Section 4 . 125.02 (16) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,7,109 125.02 (16) (intro.) “Rectifier" means any one of the following but does not
10include a distillpub
SB418,5 11Section 5 . 125.02 (21) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,7,1512 125.02 (21) “Wholesaler" means a person, other than a brewer, brewpub,
13manufacturer, or rectifier, or distillpub, who sells alcohol beverages to a licensed
14retailer or to another person who holds a permit to sell alcohol beverages at
SB418,6 16Section 6 . 125.04 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,7,2117 125.04 (9) Separate license or permit required. Except as provided under ss.
18125.27 (2) (a) and 125.51 (5) (c) 1., wholesalers, manufacturers, rectifiers, distillpubs,
19brewers, brewpubs, and retailers shall have a separate permit or license covering
20each location or premises, except a licensed public warehouse, from which deliveries
21and sales of alcohol beverages are made or at which alcohol beverages are stored.
SB418,7 22Section 7 . 125.10 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,8,523 125.10 (4) Regulation of closed retail premises. A municipality may not
24prohibit the permittee, licensee, employees, salespersons, employees of wholesalers
25issued a permit under s. 125.28 (1) or 125.54 (1); employees of permittees under s.

1125.295 or 125.525 with respect to the permittee's own retail premises; or service
2personnel from being present on premises operated under a Class “A", “ Class A" or
3“Class C" license or under a Class “B" or “Class B" license or permit during hours
4when the premises are not open for business if those persons are performing
5job-related activities.
SB418,8 6Section 8 . 125.25 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,8,107 125.25 (2) (b) 5. A Except as provided in s. 125.295 (3m), a Class “A" license
8may not be issued to a person holding a brewpub permit issued under s. 125.295 or
9to a person who has a direct or indirect ownership interest in a premises operating
10under a brewpub permit issued under s. 125.295.
SB418,9 11Section 9 . 125.28 (5) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB418,10 12Section 10 . 125.28 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,8,1513 125.28 (5) (c) No fermented malt beverages retail licensee or wholesaler may
14receive a benefit from a violation under par. (a) or (b) with knowledge of the
15circumstances giving rise to the violation.
SB418,11 16Section 11 . 125.29 (3) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,8,2217 125.29 (3) (h) Notwithstanding ss. 125.04 (9) and 125.09 (1), the retail sale of
18intoxicating liquor, for on-premise consumption by individuals at the brewery
19premises or an off-site retail outlet established by the brewer, if the brewer held, on
20June 1, 2011, a license or permit authorizing the retail sale of intoxicating liquor and

21if the intoxicating liquor has been purchased by the brewer from a wholesaler holding
22a permit under s. 125.54.
SB418,12 23Section 12. 125.295 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,224 125.295 (1) (a) The manufacture of fermented malt beverages on the brewpub
25premises if the entire manufacturing process occurs on these premises and not more

1than 10,000 20,000 barrels of fermented malt beverages are manufactured in a
2calendar year by the permittee's brewpub group.
SB418,13 3Section 13. 125.295 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,54 125.295 (2) (a) 1. The applicant's brewpub group manufactures a total of not
5more than 10,000 20,000 barrels of fermented malt beverages in a calendar year.
SB418,14 6Section 14 . 125.295 (2) (a) 6. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,87 125.295 (2) (a) 6. a. A Except as provided in sub. (3m), a Class “A" license
8issued under s. 125.25.
SB418,15 9Section 15 . 125.295 (2) (a) 6. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,1110 125.295 (2) (a) 6. b. Except as provided in subd. 4. and subs. (1) (h) and, (3) (b),
11and (3m), a Class “B" license issued under s. 125.26.
SB418,16 12Section 16 . 125.295 (2) (a) 6. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,1413 125.295 (2) (a) 6. e. Except as provided in subs. (1) (h) and, (3) (c), and (3m), a
14“Class B" license or permit or “Class C" license issued under s. 125.51.
SB418,17 15Section 17. 125.295 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,1716 125.295 (3) (a) No brewpub group may hold more than 6 12 brewpub permits
17issued under this section.
SB418,18 18Section 18 . 125.295 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,9,2519 125.295 (3) (b) A Except as provided in sub. (3m), a brewpub may not hold any
20Class “B" license other than one issued for a restaurant on the brewpub premises.
21Notwithstanding s. 125.26 (2) (a), each Class “B" license shall be issued for the
22brewpub's restaurant in the same name as the permittee under this section.
23Notwithstanding s. 125.33 (1), a brewpub may own the furniture, fixtures, fittings,
24furnishings, and equipment on the Class “B" premises and shall pay any license fee
25or tax required for the operation of the premises.
1Section 19. 125.295 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,10,42 125.295 (3) (c) Subject Except as provided in sub. (3m), and subject to the
3requirements specified in s. 125.51 (3) and (3m), a brewpub may also hold “Class B"
4licenses and “Class C" licenses, but only for restaurants on brewpub premises.
SB418,20 5Section 20 . 125.295 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB418,10,86 125.295 (3m) If a brewpub also holds a distillpub permit under s. 125.525 and
7the brewpub permit and distillpub permit are issued in the same name, in addition
8to any authorization under sub. (1), the permittee may do any of the following:
SB418,10,99 (a) Hold any retail license authorized under s. 125.525 (4) (b).
SB418,10,1310 (b) Distribute fermented malt beverages manufactured on the brewpub
11premises directly to the permittee's Class “A” or Class “B" licensed premises
12authorized under s. 125.525 (4) (b), which distribution shall not be included in any
13calculation of the 1,000 barrel limitation under sub. (1) (g).
SB418,21 14Section 21 . 125.33 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,10,2115 125.33 (9) Campuses and retailers to purchase from wholesalers. Except as
16provided in ss. 125.29 (3m) (b) and (c), 125.295 (1) (g) and (3m), and 125.30 (4), no
17campus or retail licensee or permittee may purchase or possess fermented malt
18beverages purchased from any person other than a wholesaler holding a permit
19under this chapter for the sale of fermented malt beverages. Any person who violates
20this subsection may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than
219 months or both.
SB418,22 22Section 22 . 125.51 (2) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,11,1123 125.51 (2) (am) In addition to the authorization under par. (a) and s. 125.06
24(13), a “Class A" license authorizes the licensee to provide, free of charge, to
25customers and visitors who have attained the legal drinking age, taste samples of

1intoxicating liquor other than wine that are not in original packages or containers
2and that do not exceed 0.5 fluid ounces each, for consumption on the “Class A"
3premises. No “Class A" licensee may provide more than one such taste sample per
4day to any one person. Taste samples may be provided under this paragraph only
5between the hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Any representative of a manufacturer,
6rectifier, distillpub, winery, or out-of-state shipper issued a permit under s. 125.52,
7125.525, 125.53, or 125.58 may assist the “Class A" licensee in dispensing or serving
8the taste samples. No “Class A" licensee may provide as taste samples under this
9paragraph intoxicating liquor other than wine that the “Class A" licensee did not
10purchase from a wholesaler, unless the “Class A” licensee is a distillpub providing
11intoxicating liquor manufactured or rectified by the distillpub
SB418,23 12Section 23 . 125.51 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,11,1613 125.51 (3) (f) A “Class B" license may be issued only to a holder of a retail Class
14“B" license to sell fermented malt beverages unless the “Class B" license is the kind
15of “Class B" license specified under par. (am) or , is a temporary “Class B" license
16under sub. (10), or is a “Class B” license issued to a distillpub.
SB418,24 17Section 24 . 125.51 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,11,2018 125.51 (4) (a) 1. “License" means a retail “Class B" license issued under sub.
19(3) but does not include a “Class B" license issued to wineries under sub. (3) (am) or
20a “Class B” license issued to a distillpub
SB418,25 21Section 25. 125.51 (4) (br) 1. i. of the statutes is created to read:
SB418,11,2422 125.51 (4) (br) 1. i. Multiply the result under subd. 1. a. to h. by 1.1, except that
23if the product is not a whole number, round the product up to the nearest whole
1Section 26. 125.51 (4) (br) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 125.51 (4) (br) 2.
2(intro.) and amended to read:
SB418,12,63 125.51 (4) (br) 2. (intro.) Notwithstanding subd. 1., if the difference between
4the number of licenses determined under par. (b) 1g. and under par. (bm) 1. is 3 or
5fewer, the number of reserve “Class B" licenses authorized to be issued by that
6municipality is the sum of the following:
SB418,12,14 7a. The difference between the number of licenses determined under par. (b) 1g.
8and under par. (bm) 1., plus one per each increase of 500 population to the population
9recorded under par. (bm), plus one for each license transferred to the municipality
10under par. (e), minus one for each license transferred from the municipality under
11par. (e), plus one if the municipality had issued a license under s. 125.51 (4) (br) 2.,
121999 stats., based on a fraction of 500 population but only as long as the total number
13of licenses issued by the municipality equals the maximum number of licenses
SB418,27 15Section 27. 125.51 (4) (br) 2. b. of the statutes is created to read:
SB418,12,1816 125.51 (4) (br) 2. b. The result under subd. 2. a. multiplied by 0.1, except that
17if the product is not a whole number, round the product up to the nearest whole
SB418,28 19Section 28 . 125.52 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,12,2520 125.52 (1) (b) 1. A manufacturer's or rectifier's permit entitles the permittee
21to sell intoxicating liquor to wholesalers holding a permit under s. 125.54, to wineries
22holding a permit under s. 125.53, to distillpubs holding a permit under s. 125.525,
23and to other manufacturers and rectifiers holding a permit under this section, from
24the premises described in the permit. Except as provided in subd. 2., no sales may
25be made for consumption on the premises of the permittee.
1Section 29. 125.52 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB418,13,82 125.52 (3) Persons eligible. Except as provided under sub. (8) and s. 125.69,
3a manufacturer's or rectifier's permit may be issued to any person who holds a valid
4certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50) and who is qualified under s. 125.04 (5), except
5a foreign corporation, a foreign limited liability company or a person acting as an
6agent for or in the employ of another. Notwithstanding s. 125.04 (5) (a) 5., a person
7is not required to complete a responsible beverage server training course to be
8eligible for a permit under this section.
SB418,30 9Section 30 . 125.52 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB418,13,1310 125.52 (8) Distillpubs. Neither a manufacturer's permit nor a rectifier's
11permit may be issued under this section to any person that holds, or has a direct or
12indirect ownership interest in a premises operating under, a distillpub permit issued
13under s. 125.525.
SB418,31 14Section 31 . 125.525 of the statutes is created to read:
SB418,13,15 15125.525 Distillpub permits. (1) Definitions. In this section: