2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
January 4, 2018 - Introduced by Senators Erpenbach, Petrowski, Bewley,
Ringhand, L. Taylor and Shilling, cosponsored by Representatives Spiros, C.
, Anderson, Berceau, E. Brooks, Brostoff, Considine, Doyle,
Duchow, Edming, Fields, Horlacher, Jacque, Kolste, Loudenbeck, Mursau,
Nerison, Novak, Petryk, Pope, Quinn, Rodriguez, Rohrkaste, Shankland,
Spreitzer, Subeck, Tauchen, Tittl and Tranel. Referred to Committee on
Judiciary and Public Safety.
1An Act to amend 51.05 (1), 51.15 (2) and 51.20 (2) (d) of the statutes; relating
allowed detention facilities for emergency detention and involuntary
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Department of Health Services to allow law enforcement
to transport individuals to be detained for emergency detention or involuntary
commitment to the most convenient mental health institute, either Mendota Mental
Health Institute or Winnebago Mental Health Institute, if the individual is intended
to be detained at a mental health institute. Under current law, a law enforcement
officer or certain other persons may take an individual into custody for purposes of
emergency detention if the officer or other person has cause to believe that the
individual is mentally ill, drug dependent, or developmentally disabled, and that the
individual shows certain behaviors. The county department of community programs
must approve the need for detention and may not do so unless a psychiatrist,
psychologist, or other mental health professional has performed a crisis assessment
on the individual and agrees with the need for detention and the county department
believes the individual will not voluntarily consent to evaluation, diagnosis, and
treatment. Under current law, an individual may be detained for possible
involuntary commitment upon a three-person petition, which must allege that the
individual is mentally ill, drug dependent, or developmentally disabled, is a proper
subject for treatment, and is dangerous because the individual evidences certain
behaviors. If an individual is to be detained for emergency detention or before an

involuntary commitment proceeding, the law enforcement officer or other person
must transport the person for detention to a treatment facility approved by DHS or
the county department, if the facility agrees to detain, or to a state treatment facility,
which includes Mendota Mental Health Institute and Winnebago Mental Health
Institute. In 2014, DHS implemented a policy that Mendota Mental Health Institute
serves forensic male patients and only elderly adult civil patients while Winnebago
Mental Health Institute serves all other civil patients, including those detained
under emergency detention and involuntary commitment proceedings, and forensic
female patients.
The bill also requires DHS to collaborate with hospitals to develop a grant
program to establish regional mental health crisis centers to accept individuals for
emergency detention and to include a proposal for the grant program in its 2019-21
biennial budget request.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 51.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 51.05 (1) Designation. The mental health institute located at Mendota is
3known as the “Mendota Mental Health Institute" and the mental health institute
4located at Winnebago is known as the “Winnebago Mental Health Institute".
5Goodland Hall West, a facility located at Mendota Mental Health Institute, is
6designated as the “Maximum Security Facility at Mendota Mental Health Institute".
7The department shall divide the state by counties into 2 districts, and may change
8the boundaries of these districts, arranging them with reference to the number of
9patients residing in them at a given time, the capacity of the institutes and the
10convenience of access to them. The department may not prohibit law enforcement
11from transporting an individual for detention under s. 51.15 or 51.20 to the most
12convenient mental health institute, if the individual is intended to be detained at a
13mental health institute.
14Section 2. 51.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

151.15 (2) Facilities for detention. The law enforcement officer or other person
2authorized to take a child into custody under ch. 48 or to take a juvenile into custody
3under ch. 938 shall transport the individual, or cause him or her to be transported,
4for detention, if the county department of community programs in the county in
5which the individual was taken into custody approves the need for detention, and for
6evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment if permitted under sub. (8). The county
7department may approve the detention only if a physician who has completed a
8residency in psychiatry, a psychologist licensed under ch. 455, or a mental health
9professional, as determined by the department, has performed a crisis assessment
10on the individual and agrees with the need for detention and the county department
11reasonably believes the individual will not voluntarily consent to evaluation,
12diagnosis, and treatment necessary to stabilize the individual and remove the
13substantial probability of physical harm, impairment, or injury to himself, herself,
14or others. For purposes of this subsection, a crisis assessment may be conducted in
15person, by telephone, or by telemedicine or video conferencing technology. Detention
16may only be in a treatment facility approved by the department or the county
17department, if the facility agrees to detain the individual, or a state treatment
18facility. If the individual is intended to be detained in a mental health institute, the
19department shall allow law enforcement to transport an individual for detention to
20the mental health institute that is most convenient for that law enforcement agency.
21Section 3. 51.20 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 51.20 (2) (d) Placement shall only be made in a treatment facility approved by
23the department or the county department, if the facility agrees to detain the subject
24individual, or in a state treatment facility. If the individual is intended to be detained
25in a mental health institute, the department shall allow law enforcement to

1transport an individual for detention to the mental health institute that is most
2convenient for that law enforcement agency.
Upon arrival at the facility, the
3individual is considered to be in the custody of the facility.
4Section 4. Nonstatutory provisions.
5 (1) Regional mental health crisis centers. The department of health services
6shall, in collaboration with hospitals, develop a grant program to establish regional
7mental health crisis centers for the purpose of accepting emergency detentions under
8section 51.15 of the statutes. The grant program shall require a regional mental
9health crisis center that receives a grant to accept individuals for emergency
10detention at the center. The department of health services shall include in its
112019-21 biennial budget request a proposal for the establishment of the grant
12program under this subsection for the emergency detention of individuals at regional
13mental health crisis centers.
14 (End)