2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
February 21, 2018 - Introduced by Senators Vinehout, Ringhand and Bewley,
cosponsored by Representative Sargent. Referred to Committee on Economic
Development, Commerce and Local Government.
SB826,1,4 1An Act to amend 66.0217 (2), 66.0217 (3) (intro.) and 66.0219 (intro.); and to
66.0217 (2m), 66.0217 (14) (c), 66.0217 (14) (d), 66.0217 (14) (e), 66.0219
3(1m), 66.0219 (10) (c), 66.0219 (10) (d) and 66.0219 (10) (e) of the statutes;
4relating to: limiting city and village authority to annex town territory.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill limits the authority of cities and villages to annex town territory by
creating new requirements related to contiguity, population, and land that is
available for development.
Currently, town territory that is contiguous to any city or village may be
annexed to that city or village under several methods if, in general, some of the city's
or village's territory is in the same county as the territory to be annexed and the city
or village either agrees to make limited payments to the town based on property
taxes that the town levied on the annexed territory or the town and the city or village
enter into a boundary agreement.
Three of the methods of annexation include the following: 1) direct annexation,
under which a petition for annexation that was signed by the required number of
electors and landowners is filed with the city or village clerk; 2) annexation by
referendum, under which a petition for referendum that was signed by the required
number of electors and landowners is filed with the city or village clerk, and a
referendum is held and passes in the town; and 3) annexation by court order and
referendum, under which the governing body of a city or village adopts a resolution

declaring its intention to apply to the circuit court for an order for an annexation
Another method of annexation is direct annexation by unanimous approval. If
a petition for direct annexation by unanimous approval signed by all of the electors
residing in the territory and the owners of all of the real property in the territory is
filed with the city or village clerk and the town clerk of all of the involved towns, along
with a scale map and legal description of the property to be annexed, the governing
body of the city or village may, generally, annex the property by a two-thirds vote of
the body. Such an annexation, however, is subject to Department of Administration
advisory review as if the annexation petition were for direct, but not unanimous,
annexation or annexation by referendum.
Generally, cities and villages may also annex territory that is owned by the city
or village and that lies near but not necessarily contiguous to the city or village by
enacting an ordinance to annex such territory.
Subject to some exceptions, this bill imposes new conditions on a city or village
that wishes to annex a parcel of town land that is contiguous to the city or village.
Under the bill, such a parcel of town land may not be considered to be contiguous to
the city or village unless two conditions apply: 1) the parcel must include a
continuous border with the city or village that is at least as long as a distance equal
to 25 percent of the perimeter of the parcel that is proposed to be annexed; and 2) the
minimum width of the parcel that may be annexed must be a distance equal to 25
percent of the perimeter of the parcel that is proposed to be annexed.
Under one of the exceptions to the provisions created in the bill, an annexation
may occur if it does not meet the contiguity provisions if the proposed annexation is
associated with a cooperative plan, or boundary agreement, entered into between the
town and the city or village that proposes to annex town territory.
Another new condition created in the bill also relates to contiguity. Under the
bill, a city or village may not complete an annexation under which 50 percent or more
of the territory to be annexed is located 0.25 miles or more from the city's or village's
border (a noncontiguous annexation) unless the town board of the town in which the
territory to be annexed is located adopts a resolution approving the annexation.
Also under the bill, if over a consecutive three-year period a city or village
completes a number of annexations under any of the allowable methods of
annexation which, if the series of annexations were attempted as a single
annexation, would have resulted in a noncontiguous annexation, the final
annexation in the series may not occur unless the town board of the town in which
the territory to be annexed is located adopts a resolution approving the annexation.
The bill also creates two other new conditions that apply to city or village
annexations. To be able to annex town territory, the bill requires that during the ten
years preceding the proposed annexation, a city's or village's population had to have
grown by a total of at least 5 percent. In addition, the bill provides that to annex town
territory, a city or village must have less than 10 percent of its total land area
available for development due to such land being unoccupied or dilapidated,
meaning that the fair market value or replacement cost value of structural
improvements on the property is less than the fair market value of the land.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB826,1 1Section 1 . 66.0217 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB826,3,172 66.0217 (2) Direct annexation by unanimous approval. Except as provided in
3this subsection and sub. (14), and subject to ss. 66.0301 (6) (d) and 66.0307 (7), if a
4petition for direct annexation signed by all of the electors residing in the territory and
5the owners of all of the real property in the territory is filed with the city or village
6clerk, and with the town clerk of the town or towns in which the territory is located,
7together with a scale map and a legal description of the property to be annexed, an
8annexation ordinance for the annexation of the territory may be enacted by a
9two-thirds vote of the elected members of the governing body of the city or village
10without compliance with the notice requirements of sub. (4). In an annexation under
11this subsection, subject to sub. (6), the person filing the petition with the city or
12village clerk and the town clerk shall, within 5 days of the filing, mail a copy of the
13scale map and a legal description of the territory to be annexed to the department
14and the governing body shall review the advice of the department, if any, before
15enacting the annexation ordinance. No territory may be annexed by a city or village
16under this subsection unless the territory to be annexed is contiguous , as that term
17is used in sub. (2m),
to the annexing city or village.
SB826,2 18Section 2 . 66.0217 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,3,2119 66.0217 (2m) Contiguity. (a) Subject to par. (b), and except as provided in par.
20(c), town territory that may be annexed under sub. (2) or (3) may be considered to be
21contiguous to the annexing city or village only if all of the following apply:
11. The contiguity of the parcel that may be annexed to the city or village must
2include a continuous border that is at least as long as a distance equal to 25 percent
3of the perimeter of the parcel that is proposed to be annexed.
SB826,4,54 2. The minimum width of the parcel that may be annexed is a distance equal
5to 25 percent of the perimeter of the parcel that is proposed to be annexed.
SB826,4,86 (b) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., no territory may be annexed by a city or
7village under this section if 50 percent or more of the territory to be annexed is located
80.25 miles or more from the city's or village's border.
SB826,4,119 2. An annexation described under subd. 1. may occur if the town board of the
10town in which the territory to be annexed is located adopts a resolution approving
11the proposed annexation.
SB826,4,1512 (c) A proposed annexation under sub. (2) or (3) may occur, even if the territory
13to be annexed is not contiguous to the annexing city or village, under par. (a), if the
14annexation is associated with a cooperative plan under s. 66.0307 entered into
15between the town and the city or village that proposes to annex town territory.
SB826,3 16Section 3 . 66.0217 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB826,4,2017 66.0217 (3) Other methods of annexation. (intro.) Subject to ss. 66.0301 (6)
18(d) and 66.0307 (7), and except as provided in sub. (14), territory contiguous, as that
19term is used in sub. (2m),
to a city or village may be annexed to the city or village in
20the following ways:
SB826,4 21Section 4 . 66.0217 (14) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,5,222 66.0217 (14) (c) A city or village may annex territory under this section only
23if the city or village has less than 10 percent of its total land area available for
24development due to such land being unoccupied or vacant property, as that term is
25used in s. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 1. The department of administration may certify whether

1the 10 percent threshold in this paragraph applies to a city or village that wishes to
2annex territory under this section.
SB826,5 3Section 5 . 66.0217 (14) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,5,74 66.0217 (14) (d) A city or village may not annex territory under this subsection
5unless the city's or village's total population has grown by a total of at least 5 percent
6in the 10 years preceding the year in which the city or village wishes to annex
7territory under this subsection.
SB826,6 8Section 6 . 66.0217 (14) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,5,149 66.0217 (14) (e) 1. If over a consecutive 3-year period a city or village completes
10a number of annexations under this section, or under s. 66.0219, such that an
11annexation described in sub. (2m) (b) 1. would have occurred if those separate
12annexations had been done as a single annexation, the city or village may not annex
13territory under this section to complete the final annexation in the series, except as
14provided in subd. 2.
SB826,5,1715 2. The final annexation described under subd. 1. may occur if the town board
16of the town in which the territory to be annexed is located adopts a resolution
17approving the proposed annexation.
SB826,7 18Section 7 . 66.0219 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB826,5,24 1966.0219 Annexation by referendum initiated by city or village. (intro.)
20As a complete alternative to any other annexation procedure, and subject to sub. (10)
21and ss. 66.0301 (6) (d) and 66.0307 (7), unincorporated territory which contains
22electors and is contiguous, as that term is used in sub. (1m), to a city or village may
23be annexed to the city or village under this section. The definitions in s. 66.0217 (1)
24apply to this section.
SB826,8 25Section 8 . 66.0219 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
166.0219 (1m) Contiguity. (a) Subject to par. (b), and except as provided in par.
2(c), town territory that may be annexed under this section may be considered to be
3contiguous to the annexing city or village only if all of the following apply:
SB826,6,64 1. The contiguity of the parcel that may be annexed to the city or village must
5include a continuous border that is at least as long as a distance equal to 25 percent
6of the perimeter of the parcel that is proposed to be annexed.
SB826,6,87 2. The minimum width of the parcel that may be annexed is a distance equal
8to 25 percent of the perimeter of the parcel that is proposed to be annexed.
SB826,6,119 (b) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., no territory may be annexed by a city or
10village under this section if 50 percent or more of the territory to be annexed is located
110.25 miles or more from the city's or village's border.
SB826,6,1412 2. An annexation described under subd. 1. may occur if the town board of the
13town in which the territory to be annexed is located adopts a resolution approving
14the proposed annexation.
SB826,6,1815 (c) A proposed annexation under this section may occur, even if the territory
16to be annexed is not contiguous to the annexing city or village, under par. (a), if the
17annexation is associated with a cooperative plan under s. 66.0307 entered into
18between the town and the city or village that proposes to annex town territory.
SB826,9 19Section 9 . 66.0219 (10) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,6,2520 66.0219 (10) (c) A city or village may annex territory under this section only
21if the city or village has less than 10 percent of its total land area available for
22development due to such land being unoccupied or vacant property, as that term is
23used in s. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 1. The department of administration may certify whether
24the 10 percent threshold in this paragraph applies to a city or village that wishes to
25annex territory under this section.
1Section 10. 66.0219 (10) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,7,52 66.0219 (10) (d) A city or village may not annex territory under this subsection
3unless the city's or village's total population has grown by a total of at least 5 percent
4in the 10 years preceding the year in which the city or village wishes to annex
5territory under this subsection.
SB826,11 6Section 11 . 66.0219 (10) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB826,7,127 66.0219 (10) (e) 1. If over a consecutive 3-year period a city or village completes
8a number of annexations under this section, or under s. 66.0217, such that an
9annexation described in sub. (1m) (b) 1. would have occurred if those separate
10annexations had been done as a single annexation, the city or village may not annex
11territory under this section to complete the final annexation in the series, except as
12provided in subd. 2.