2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
March 22, 2018 - Introduced by Senators Olsen, Johnson, Bewley, Cowles,
Darling and L. Taylor, cosponsored by Representatives Quinn, Considine,
Berceau, Brostoff, Crowley, Kooyenga, Pope, Sargent, Subeck, C. Taylor,
Tittl, Felzkowski and Rodriguez. Referred to Committee on Senate
SB876,1,10 1An Act to repeal 115.787 (2) (i), 118.305 (6) (a) 1. and 118.305 (6) (a) 3.; to
2renumber and amend
118.305 (1) (d), 118.305 (4) (b) and 118.305 (5); to
118.305 (1) (f), 118.305 (2) (f), 118.305 (4) (a) (intro.), 118.305 (4) (a) 2.
4(intro.), 118.305 (4) (a) 2. d., 118.305 (4) (c) (intro.), 118.305 (4) (c) 1., 118.305 (4)
5(c) 2., 118.305 (6) (a) (intro.), 118.305 (6) (a) 6., 118.305 (6) (b) 1. and 118.305 (6)
6(c); and to create 115.38 (1) (f), 118.305 (1) (d) 2., 118.305 (1) (dm), 118.305 (1)
7(ek), 118.305 (1) (em), 118.305 (3) (d) 4., 118.305 (4) (a) 3., 118.305 (4) (b) 2.,
8118.305 (4) (c) 3. to 6., 118.305 (4) (d), 118.305 (4) (e), 118.305 (5) (b), 118.305 (6)
9(a) 1f. and 118.305 (6) (a) 1m. of the statutes; relating to: the seclusion and
10physical restraint of pupils.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes changes to the law governing physical restraint and seclusion
of pupils in schools.
Under current law, individuals who work in a public school, including a charter
school, or a private school participating in the Special Needs Scholarship Program
(SNSP school) may only use seclusion or physical restraint on a pupil at school if

certain conditions are met. One of the conditions under current law for using
seclusion is that a door connecting the room or area in which the pupil is secluded
cannot be capable of being locked. This bill further prohibits such a door from having
a lock on it, even if the door is not capable of being locked. One of the conditions under
current law for using physical restraint is that the individual restraining the pupil
may not use certain maneuvers and techniques. This bill adds maneuvers and
techniques that place the pupil in a prone position to this list of prohibited
maneuvers and techniques.
In addition, under current law, an individual employed by a school (covered
individual) may not use physical restraint on a pupil at a public school or a SNSP
school unless the covered individual has received training that includes specific
components. This bill changes these components of the training by eliminating the
requirements to include 1) methods of preventing the need for physical restraint; 2)
experience in administering and receiving various types of physical restraint; and
3) that the individual demonstrates proficiency in administering physical restraint
and by requiring that the training include 1) evidence-based instruction related to
positive behavior supports and interventions; 2) evidence-based techniques shown
to prevent or reduce the use of physical restraint; and 3) that the individual
demonstrates the ability to identify prohibited techniques in administering physical
Current law provides certain notification and reporting requirements
whenever seclusion or physical restraint is used on a pupil at a public school or an
SNSP school. This bill specifies that these notice and reporting requirements apply
whenever a covered individual or law enforcement officer uses seclusion or physical
restraint on a pupil at the school. In addition, the bill requires the school principal
to meet with the covered individuals who participated in the incident to discuss the
events that occurred before, during, and after the use of seclusion or physical
restraint on a pupil, and how to prevent the need for seclusion or physical restraint
in the future.
The bill also creates similar notice, reporting, and debriefing requirements that
apply whenever a covered individual or law enforcement officer uses seclusion or
physical restraint on an LEA placed pupil at a private school. Under the bill, an “LEA
placed pupil” is a pupil who is placed by a local educational agency at a private school
to satisfy state or federal special education law or under a contractual agreement
that requires the pupil's resident school district to pay the pupil's tuition at the
private school.
Under current law, a principal of a public school or a SNSP school must
annually report to the school's governing body the number of incidents of seclusion
and physical restraint and the total number of pupils involved in the incident. Under
the bill, a principal of a public school, SNSP school, or private school at which an LEA
placed pupil is placed must report data about incidents of seclusion and physical
restraint to the governing body of the school and to the Department of Public
Instruction. Additionally, under the bill, the principal's report must provide data
about incidents of seclusion separately from incidents of physical restraint and must
include the total number of children with disabilities who were involved in each type

of incident. Under the bill, DPI must include the information reported by principals
on incidents of seclusion and physical restraint in the annual school and school
district performance report.
Finally, under current law, the first time seclusion or physical restraint is used
on a child with a disability, the child's Individualized Education Program team must
convene as soon as possible and review the child's IEP to ensure that it contains
appropriate interventions and supports to address the behavior of concern. Under
the bill, a child's IEP team is required to meet to review the child's IEP as soon as
practicable but no later than ten school days after the second time seclusion or
physical restraint is used on the child within the same school year.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB876,1 1Section 1 . 115.38 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,3,22 115.38 (1) (f) Information reported under s. 118.305 (4) (c).
SB876,2 3Section 2 . 115.787 (2) (i) of the statutes is repealed.
SB876,3 4Section 3 . 118.305 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 118.305 (1) (d) (intro.)
5and amended to read:
SB876,3,76 118.305 (1) (d) (intro.) “Governing body" means the governing body in charge
7of a any of the following:
SB876,3,8 81. A school.
SB876,4 9Section 4 . 118.305 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,3,1110 118.305 (1) (d) 2. A private school at which an LEA placed pupil is placed by
11a local educational agency.
SB876,5 12Section 5 . 118.305 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,4,213 118.305 (1) (dm) “Incident” means an occurrence of a covered individual or a
14law enforcement officer using seclusion or physical restraint on a pupil. It is
15considered one incident if immediately following the use of seclusion or physical
16restraint on a pupil, the pupil's behavior presents a clear, present, and imminent risk

1to the physical safety of the pupil or others, and a covered individual or law
2enforcement officer resumes the use of seclusion or physical restraint.
SB876,6 3Section 6 . 118.305 (1) (ek) of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,4,44 118.305 (1) (ek) “LEA placed pupil” means all of the following:
SB876,4,65 1. A pupil placed at a private school by a local educational agency under s.
6118.15 (1) (d) 4. or 119.235.
SB876,4,87 2. A child with a disability placed at a private school by a local educational
8agency to satisfy the requirements under subch. V of ch. 115 or applicable federal law.
SB876,7 9Section 7 . 118.305 (1) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,4,1110 118.305 (1) (em) “Local educational agency” has the meaning given in s. 115.76
SB876,8 12Section 8. 118.305 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,4,1513 118.305 (1) (f) “Parent" has the meaning given in s. 115.76 (12) means a parent
14of a pupil, including a natural parent, a guardian, or an individual acting as a parent
15in the absence of a parent or guardian
SB876,9 16Section 9 . 118.305 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,4,1817 118.305 (2) (f) No door connecting the room or area in which the pupil is
18secluded to other rooms or areas is capable of being locked or has a lock on it.
SB876,10 19Section 10 . 118.305 (3) (d) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,4,2020 118.305 (3) (d) 4. Those that place the pupil in a prone position.
SB876,11 21Section 11. 118.305 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,4,2422 118.305 (4) (a) (intro.) Whenever a covered individual or a law enforcement
23officer uses
seclusion or physical restraint is used on a pupil at school, the school
24principal or his or her designee shall do all of the following:
SB876,12 25Section 12. 118.305 (4) (a) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1118.305 (4) (a) 2. (intro.) Within 2 business days after the incident and after
2consulting with the covered individuals and any law enforcement officers present
3during the incident, prepare a written report containing all of the following
SB876,13 5Section 13. 118.305 (4) (a) 2. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,5,76 118.305 (4) (a) 2. d. The names and titles of the covered individuals and any
7law enforcement officers
present during the incident.
SB876,14 8Section 14 . 118.305 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,5,109 118.305 (4) (a) 3. Meet with the covered individuals who participated in the
10incident to discuss all of the following:
SB876,5,1211 a. The events preceding, during, and following the use of the seclusion or
12physical restraint.
SB876,5,1613 b. How to prevent the need for seclusion or physical restraint, including the
14factors that may have contributed to the escalation of behaviors; alternatives to
15physical restraint, such as de-escalation techniques and possible interventions; and
16other strategies that the school principal or designee determines are appropriate.
SB876,15 17Section 15 . 118.305 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 118.305 (4) (b) (intro.)
18and amended to read:
SB876,5,2219 118.305 (4) (b) (intro.) Each The school principal or his or her designee shall
20retain a
report prepared under par. (a) 2. shall be retained by the school and made
21available for review by
shall within 3 business days of the incident do one of the
SB876,5,24 231. Send the report to the pupil's parent within 3 business days of the incident
24by 1st class mail or by electronic transmission.
SB876,16 25Section 16 . 118.305 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
1118.305 (4) (b) 2. Hand deliver the report to the pupil's parent.
SB876,17 2Section 17. 118.305 (4) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,6,63 118.305 (4) (c) (intro.) Annually by September 1 the deadline for reporting
4information to the department under s. 115.38 (1)
, the principal of each school or his
5or her designee shall submit to the governing body and the state superintendent a
6report containing all of the following:
SB876,18 7Section 18 . 118.305 (4) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,6,98 118.305 (4) (c) 1. The number of incidents of seclusion and of physical restraint
9in the school during the previous school year.
SB876,19 10Section 19 . 118.305 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB876,6,1311 118.305 (4) (c) 2. The total number of pupils who were involved in the incidents
12and the number of children with disabilities who were involved in the incidents. of
13seclusion reported under subd. 1.
SB876,20 14Section 20 . 118.305 (4) (c) 3. to 6. of the statutes are created to read:
SB876,6,1615 118.305 (4) (c) 3. The number of children with disabilities who were involved
16in the incidents of seclusion reported under subd. 1.
SB876,6,1817 4. The number of incidents of physical restraint in the school during the
18previous school year.
SB876,6,2019 5. The total number of pupils who were involved in the incidents of physical
20restraint reported under subd. 4.
SB876,6,2221 6. The number of children with disabilities who were involved in the incidents
22of physical restraint reported under subd. 4.
SB876,21 23Section 21. 118.305 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
1118.305 (4) (d) Whenever a covered individual or a law enforcement officer uses
2seclusion or physical restraint on an LEA placed pupil at a private school, the
3administrator of the private school or his or her designee shall do all of the following:
SB876,7,64 1. As soon as practicable, but no later than one business day after the incident,
5notify the LEA placed pupil's parent and the local educational agency of the incident
6and of the availability of the written report under subd. 2.
SB876,7,97 2. Within 2 business days after the incident and after consulting with the
8covered individuals and any law enforcement officers present during the incident,
9prepare a written report containing all of the following information:
SB876,7,1010 a. The LEA placed pupil's name.
SB876,7,1111 b. The date, time, and duration of the use of seclusion or physical restraint.
SB876,7,1312 c. A description of the incident, including a description of the actions of the
13pupil before, during, and after the incident.
SB876,7,1514 d. The names and titles of the covered individuals and any law enforcement
15officers who were present during the incident.
SB876,22 16Section 22. 118.305 (4) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB876,7,1917 118.305 (4) (e) An administrator of a private school or his or her designee shall
18retain a report prepared under par. (d) 2. and shall within 3 business days of the
19incident do one of the following:
SB876,7,2120 1. Send the report by 1st class mail or by electronic transmission to the LEA
21placed pupil's parent and to the local educational agency.
SB876,7,2322 2. Hand deliver the report to the LEA placed pupil's parent and to the local
23educational agency.
SB876,23 24Section 23 . 118.305 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 118.305 (5) (intro.) and
25amended to read:
1118.305 (5) Child with a disability. (intro.) The first 2nd time that seclusion
2or physical restraint is used on a child with a disability within the same school year,
3the child's individualized education program team shall convene in the manner
4provided in s. 115.787 (4) as soon as possible practicable after the incident but no
5later than 10 school days after the incident
. The child's individualized education
6program team shall review the child's individualized education program and revise
7it as the individualized education program team determines necessary
to ensure that
8it contains
all of the following: