Business development tax credit: technical correction [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1078m] - AB64
Business development tax credit: WEDC may exceed annual limits under set conditions and with JCF approval; early stage business investment program provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1035x, 1040g, p, 1083x, 1086m, 1108x, 1111m, 1774e-k, 1779m, n] - AB64
Business entity filing with DFI: expedited processing fees [Sec. 1682, 1690] - AB64
Business entity filing with DFI: expedited processing fees [Sec. 1682, 1690] - SB30
Business improvement district (BID) board: independent certified audit required in its annual report - AB420
Business improvement district (BID) board: independent certified audit required in its annual report - SB336
Business improvement district (BID) in City of Milwaukee: special assessments apply to percentage that is not tax-exempt or residential [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 996p, 9331 (4f)] - AB64
Businesses that move out of state or the U.S.: income and franchise tax deductions for moving expenses eliminated - AB84
Businesses that move out of state or the U.S.: income and franchise tax deductions for moving expenses eliminated - SB63
Businesses that move out of state or the U.S.: income and franchise tax deductions for moving expenses eliminated; definition provision - AB574
Businesses that move out of state or the U.S.: income and franchise tax deductions for moving expenses eliminated; definition provision - SB481
Child labor permit exemption for family business, definition provision - AB504
Child labor permit exemption for family business, definition provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, minor employed in business, trade, or profession of parent or guardian without a permit and under direct supervision] - SB420
Claims for refundable enterprise zone, business development, and electronics and technology manufacturing zone tax credits; WEDC duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 481m, 1036h-1038h, 1082m, 1085ba-1086h, 1110ba-1111h, 1769v, 1779L, 1783L-q, 9150 (3t)] - AB64
Contract between WEDC and a business in an electronics and information technology manufacturing zone re certification to claim tax credits: approval by both houses of the legislature required - SB521
Controlled substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment requirements for applicants of WEDC economic development programs - AB385
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required - AB393
Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required - SB284
Disabled veteran-owned businesses: minimum service-connected disability rating for state procurement and contracting purposes eliminated - AB80
Disabled veteran-owned businesses: minimum service-connected disability rating for state procurement and contracting purposes eliminated - SB47
Early stage seed and angel investment credits: refund provision - AB39
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - AB40
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - SB16
Entrepreneurial tax credit access grants created - AB166
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - AB264
Epinephrine auto-injectors: use and supply of by authorized individuals allowed; definition provision - AB96
Epinephrine auto-injectors: use and supply of by authorized individuals allowed; definition provision - SB209
Interest on refunds issued for jobs tax credit, enterprise, zone jobs credit, and business development credit: DOA and DOR prohibited from paying [Sec. 1036-1038, 1084-1086, 1109-1111, 9338 (11); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1037, 1038, 1085, 1086, 1110, 1111] - AB64
Interest on refunds issued for jobs tax credit, enterprise, zone jobs credit, and business development credit: DOA and DOR prohibited from paying [Sec. 1036-1038, 1084-1086, 1109-1111, 9338 (11)] - SB30
Lodging marketplace defined, required to register with DOR, and collect sales and room tax; limits on residential dwelling rental by political subdivisions prohibited, short-term rental provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 985L-r, 996g, 9331 (5t)] - AB64
Mattress recycling business: income and franchise tax credit created - SB106
MFL program: land eligible for designation must be owned by a resident whose principal dwelling or business entity whose principal place of business is in this state - AB889
MFL program: land eligible for designation must be owned by a resident whose principal dwelling or business entity whose principal place of business is in this state - SB803
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design apprenticeship program: income and franchise tax credits to businesses for each employee hired from - AB177
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design apprenticeship program: income and franchise tax credits to businesses for each employee hired from - SB112
PEO or PEG employee performing services for a client is considered an employee of the client for purposes of registering with DOR as a qualified business for capital gain tax deduction purposes [Sec. 1162] - AB64
PEO or PEG employee performing services for a client is considered an employee of the client for purposes of registering with DOR as a qualified business for capital gain tax deduction purposes [Sec. 1162] - SB30
Personal property taxes paid by a small business: nonrefundable individual income tax credit and corporate income and franchise tax credit created - AB896
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - AB184
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - SB132
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation - AB45
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation - SB14
Qualified new business venture certified by WEDC: threshold for investments that qualify for tax credits increased - AB489
Qualified new business venture certified by WEDC: threshold for investments that qualify for tax credits increased [Sec. 1772, 1773; original bill only] - AB64
Qualified new business venture certified by WEDC: threshold for investments that qualify for tax credits increased [Sec. 1772, 1773] - SB30
Qualified new business venture certified by WEDC: threshold for investments that qualify for tax credits increased - SB398
Supervised business initiatives program: requirement that DWD run the program repealed - AB617
Supervised business initiatives program: requirement that DWD run the program repealed - SB510
Urban Agriculture, Office of, established in DATCP to promote urban agriculture and assist urban farmers and small businesses - AB674
Urban Agriculture, Office of, established in DATCP to promote urban agriculture and assist urban farmers and small businesses - SB562
WEDC matching grant program created re recipients of certain federal Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) or federal Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) grants - AB46
WEDC matching grant program created re recipients of certain federal Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) or federal Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) grants - SB40
Wisconsin Job Development and Retention Commission created in DWD; businesses outsourcing jobs are ineligible to receive state grants, loans, contracts, and tax benefits - SB519
cable, town ofCable, Town of, see Bayfield County
caledonia, village ofCaledonia, Village of, see Racine County
calumet countyCalumet County
Circuit court branch added to Calumet County - AB458
Circuit court branch added to Calumet County - SB365
Fox Cities RTA creation authorized - AB887
camping or campgroundCamping or campground, see Recreation
cancerCancer, see Disease
capital gains taxCapital gains tax
PEO or PEG employee performing services for a client is considered an employee of the client for purposes of registering with DOR as a qualified business for capital gain tax deduction purposes [Sec. 1162] - AB64
PEO or PEG employee performing services for a client is considered an employee of the client for purposes of registering with DOR as a qualified business for capital gain tax deduction purposes [Sec. 1162] - SB30
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - AB140
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - SB89
carbon monoxide detectorCarbon monoxide detector, see Public safety
cardiopulmonary resuscitation _cpr_Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), see Public safety
casa _court_appointed special advocate_CASA (Court-appointed special advocate), see Juvenile court
Dog or cat that has bitten its owner: quarantine examination requirements changed - AB1067
caucusCaucus, see Legislature
ccap _consolidated court automation programs_CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs), see State Courts, Director of
cell phoneCell phone, see Telephone
cellular telephoneCellular telephone, see Telephone
Burial site preservation: WHS duties for recording a site in a catalog revised and procedure for contesting a decision created; contiguous land, interested persons, real estate disclosure, Burial Sites Preservation Board, and disposition of remains determined to be of tribal descent provisions; report required - AB118
DSPS regulation of professions and building and safety laws revisions re notice of request to inspect or copy building plans, list of licensed retail supplies of LPG, review of local construction site erosion control program, membership of certain boards and credentialing boards, nursing practice law, physician assistant renewal date, Cemetery Board filings, and DSPS employed mining inspector [A.Amdt.2: local ordinance regulating tattooing and body piercing prohibited] - AB903
DSPS regulation of professions and building and safety laws revisions re notice of request to inspect or copy building plans, list of licensed retail supplies of LPG, review of local construction site erosion control program, membership of certain boards and credentialing boards, nursing practice law, physician assistant renewal date, Cemetery Board filings, and DSPS employed mining inspector - SB751
cemetery boardCemetery Board, see Cemetery