Hotline for reports of hate crimes established - AB101
Hotline for reports of hate crimes established - SB64
Human resources and payrolls services: DOA to administer for all executive branch agencies and independent agencies except DPI, DOJ, UW Board of Regents, and TCS Board; general fund lapse provision [Sec. 73, 9101 (9), 9201 (1), 9401 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, exceptions expanded to include DETF, DMA, SWIB, and Public Defender Board, adds onsite management for certain agencies, reports required] - AB64
Human resources and payrolls services: DOA to administer for all executive branch agencies and independent agencies except DPI, DOJ, UW Board of Regents, and TCS Board; general fund lapse provision [Sec. 73, 9101 (9), 9201 (1), 9401 (4)] - SB30
Interoperability Council and statewide public safety interoperable communications system functions transferred to DMA; 911 Subcommittee created; Next Generation 911 and interagency and intra-agency appropriations; Director of Emergency Communications position created and transfer of positions from DOT to DMA; obsolete Wireless 911 grant program references repealed; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 34m, 39m, 169e-s, 198m, 408e, n, s, 411e-s, 416m, 480m, 527m, 547m, 1187p, 1673d-t, 1799c-w, 1892c-x, 9128 (1w), 9132 (1w)-(1yy)] - AB64
LAB directed to study DOJ policies, procedures, and financial status re testing of sexual assault evidence kits - AB404
Law enforcement use of force incidents: DOJ annual report required, appropriation provision - AB561
Law enforcement use of force incidents: DOJ annual report required, appropriation provision - SB464
Missing at risk veteran or member of the armed forces: DOJ to allow law enforcement to use the integrated crime alert network to disseminate reports of - AB585
Missing at risk veteran or member of the armed forces: DOJ to allow law enforcement to use the integrated crime alert network to disseminate reports of - SB473
Notifying victims of felonies or petitioners of certain injunctions required if, during a background check, DOJ determines a person purchasing a handgun is prohibited from possessing a firearm due to commission of a felony or being subject to certain injunctions - AB1025
Notifying victims of felonies or petitioners of certain injunctions required if, during a background check, DOJ determines a person purchasing a handgun is prohibited from possessing a firearm due to commission of a felony or being subject to certain injunctions - SB882
Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Office of School Safety created in DOJ, school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills, mandatory reporting of threats of violence, DOJ grants for school safety, reports and penalty provisions] - AB843
Oversight of Agency Enforcement, Committee on: joint standing committee created to study issues re the former Government Accountability Board; DOJ, report, and sunset provisions - AB1002
Oversight of Agency Enforcement, Committee on: joint standing committee created to study issues re the former Government Accountability Board; DOJ, report, and sunset provisions - SB832
Parental choice program: criminal penalties re false statement on application, concealing events to fraudulently participate, or unauthorized use of payments; DOJ and DA duties - AB493
Pseudoephedrine product sales: implementation of electronic system for recording, tracking, and blocking illegal sales; National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) and DOJ provisions - AB306
Pseudoephedrine product sales: implementation of electronic system for recording, tracking, and blocking illegal sales; National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) and DOJ provisions - SB237
Railroad police officers: any person may file a complaint against with DOJ re improper exercise of authority - SB836
Record expunged of certain offenses committed before the age of 25: person may petition the court; DOJ duties and employment discrimination provision - AB331
Reproductive health care facility safety program: DOJ to implement and develop training programs for law enforcement officers and prosecuting attorneys; grants to counties - AB658
Reproductive health care facility safety program: DOJ to implement and develop training programs for law enforcement officers and prosecuting attorneys; grants to counties - SB568
Restitution received by crime victims: DOJ report modified [Sec. 1673; original bill only] - AB64
Restitution received by crime victims: DOJ report modified - AB650
Restitution received by crime victims: DOJ report modified [Sec. 1673] - SB30
Restitution received by crime victims: DOJ report modified - SB538
School safety grants from DOJ created; DPI duties - AB1028
School safety grants from DOJ created; DPI duties - Mr8 AB1
School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ - AB1029
School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ - Mr8 AB2
School safety plans required of all public and private schools; requirements revised to include on-site assessment by local law enforcement and annual drills to respond to a school violence event; schools required to submit plans to DOJ - AB1032
School safety plans required of all public and private schools; requirements revised to include on-site assessment by local law enforcement and annual drills to respond to a school violence event; schools required to submit plans to DOJ - Mr8 AB5
Sexual assault and domestic abuse crimes: DOJ required to publish annual report using the information it collects - AB604
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits: DOJ required to collect specific data from local law enforcement agencies; report required - AB405
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - AB140
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - SB89
Terminal charges re transaction information for management of enforcement system [Sec. 408; original bill only] - AB64
Terminal charges re transaction information for management of enforcement system [Sec. 408] - SB30
Treatment and diversion (TAD) grants expanded to include tribes - AB112
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program: county grant moneys increased; pilot program to divert certain persons to treatment options, JCF approval - Jr7 AB2
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program: county grant moneys increased; pilot program to divert certain persons to treatment options, JCF approval - Jr7 SB2
Use of force options and techniques: required hours of training for law enforcement officers; DOJ appropriation provision - AB439
Use of force options and techniques: required hours of training for law enforcement officers; DOJ appropriation provision - SB544
WEDC employees aware of fraud against WEDC required to report it to DOJ or a DA; retroactive provision - AB648
Wisconsin CASA Association: funding for DOJ grants increased, sunset eliminated, and report required - AB786
Wisconsin CASA Association: funding for DOJ grants increased, sunset eliminated, and report required - SB675
Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocate Association grants: sunset extended [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 409f, g, 2265p, 9228 (19p), 9428 (1r)] - AB64
justicesJustices, see Supreme Court
juvenile courtJuvenile court
CHIPS proceeding: prohibition on appointing counsel to parent eliminated; pilot program creating parent’s right to counsel in certain counties created, DCF, SPD, report, and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, SPD to run the pilot program] - AB784
CHIPS proceeding: prohibition on appointing counsel to parent eliminated; pilot program creating parent’s right to counsel in certain counties created, DCF, SPD, report, and sunset provisions - SB657
Drug trafficking, evidence-based substance abuse prevention, juvenile and family treatment courts, and drug treatment for inmates of county jails: grant programs established; DOJ, DHS, DCF duties [A.Amdt.1: ``juvenile" added to ``family treatment courts"; A.Amdt.2: tribal jail and law enforcement agency provisions added, search warrant based on sworn affidavit or complaint modified] - AB906
Drug trafficking, evidence-based substance abuse prevention, juvenile and family treatment courts, and drug treatment for inmates of county jails: grant programs established; DOJ, DHS, DCF duties - SB768
Expungement of DNA data in crime laboratories' data bank required if not adjudged guilty or delinquent; DOJ duties - AB799
Expungement of DNA data in crime laboratories' data bank required if not adjudged guilty or delinquent; DOJ duties - SB661
Fair employment law revisions re state and local government agencies denying a license based on arrest or conviction record [A.Amdt.1: rule-making authority and emergency rule provisions added] - AB829
Fair employment law revisions re state and local government agencies denying a license based on arrest or conviction record - SB626
Family treatment court and juvenile treatment court grant programs created; DCF report required - AB481
Family treatment court and juvenile treatment court grant programs created; DCF report required - SB390
Indigency determination not required before SPD appoints an attorney to represent a parent re proceedings under Children’s Code or Juvenile Justice Code; attorney fees and recusal provisions (remedial legislation) - AB839
Indigency determination not required before SPD appoints an attorney to represent a parent re proceedings under Children’s Code or Juvenile Justice Code; attorney fees and recusal provisions (remedial legislation) - SB722
Indigency determination prior to SPD appointing an attorney re Children’s Code or Juvenile Justice Code proceedings (remedial legislation) - AB23
Juvenile correctional facilities: DOC to establish one or more Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities; closure of Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School; counties authorized to establish secured residential care center for children and youth; supervision of certain juveniles transferred from DOC to county departments; Juvenile Corrections Study Committee created; Juvenile Corrections Grant Committee created re costs of establishing secured residential care centers, JCF provision; youth aids funding revisions; DOC employees, reports, and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, convert closed schools into an adult correctional facility, expand Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center, limitation on placement in juvenile detention facility; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB953
Juvenile correctional facilities: DOC to establish one or more Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities; closure of Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School; counties authorized to establish secured residential care center for children and youth; supervision of certain juveniles transferred from DOC to county departments; Juvenile Corrections Study Committee created; Juvenile Corrections Grant Committee created re costs of establishing secured residential care centers, JCF provision; youth aids funding revisions; DOC employees, reports, and sunset provisions - SB807
Juvenile justice proceedings: ``refusal” changed to ``recusal” in statute title (remedial legislation) - AB22
Law violations for which a juvenile may be placed in Serious Juvenile Offender Program (SJOP), juvenile correctional facility, or secured residential care center for children and youth expanded - AB90
Law violations for which a juvenile may be placed in Serious Juvenile Offender Program (SJOP), juvenile correctional facility, or secured residential care center for children and youth expanded - SB59
Newborn child taken into custody law revisions re information regarding the relinquished child and restoration of physical custody of an Indian child - AB113
Prostitution: prosecuting person under age 18 prohibited - AB186
Prostitution: prosecuting person under age 18 prohibited - SB344
School to be notified of permanency review or hearing and time period for transfer of pupil records modified; school and school district notification requirements when foster home or group home is licensed and a child is placed in out-of-home care revised - AB780
School to be notified of permanency review or hearing and time period for transfer of pupil records modified; school and school district notification requirements when foster home or group home is licensed and a child is placed in out-of-home care revised - SB655
Violent misdemeanor: firearm possession prohibition for persons convicted of, found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, or adjudicated delinquent for - AB1062
Violent misdemeanor: firearm possession prohibition for persons convicted of, found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, or adjudicated delinquent for - SB881
Wisconsin CASA Association: funding for DOJ grants increased, sunset eliminated, and report required - AB786
Wisconsin CASA Association: funding for DOJ grants increased, sunset eliminated, and report required - SB675
Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocate Association grants: sunset extended [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 409f, g, 2265p, 9228 (19p), 9428 (1r)] - AB64
juvenile court _ jurisdictionJuvenile court — Jurisdiction
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions; DCF appropriation to reimburse counties for certain expenses, plan and report required - AB660
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions; DCF appropriation to reimburse counties for certain expenses, plan and report required - SB550
Child victim of sex trafficking: juvenile courts granted exclusive original jurisdiction over [Sec. 768, 769] - AB64
Child victim of sex trafficking: juvenile courts granted exclusive original jurisdiction over [Sec. 768, 769] - SB30
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions; DCF appropriation to reimburse counties for certain expenses, plan and report required - AB660
Age at which a person is subject to the procedures in the Criminal Procedure Code, circuit court, or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 under certain conditions; DCF appropriation to reimburse counties for certain expenses, plan and report required - SB550
DOC Secretary to create committee to study the Missouri juvenile justice model; committee terminates upon submission of findings and recommendations - AB102
DOC Secretary to create committee to study the Missouri juvenile justice model; committee terminates upon submission of findings and recommendations - SB70
Maximum age a minor, sentenced to state prison, may be placed in a juvenile detention facility or secured residential care center for children and youth; DOC duties [Sec. 2255] - AB64
Maximum age a minor, sentenced to state prison, may be placed in a juvenile detention facility or secured residential care center for children and youth; DOC duties [Sec. 2255] - SB30