Roundabouts in highway projects: approval from governing body of the municipality required - SB374
Roundabouts in highway projects: approval from governing body of the municipality required - SB80
Sexually violent person on supervised release: DHS required to notify DA and local governmental units of intended residential placement - AB312
State or political subdivision general sales prohibition: exceptions created; online auction provision - AB219
State or political subdivision general sales prohibition: exceptions created; online auction provision - SB160
Taxicab company or dispatch service: authority of local governments to regulate and license eliminated; DSPS required to license, requirements, fee, and penalty provisions - AB918
Taxicab company or dispatch service: authority of local governments to regulate and license eliminated; DSPS required to license, requirements, fee, and penalty provisions - SB759
Telecommunications, cable television or video service, or broadband service facilities: eliminates requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an authorizing ordinance or resolution; local governments can apply for broadband expansion grant without a partner - SB845
TID project costs: including expenditures for territory within adjacent city, village, or town - AB291
TID project costs: including expenditures for territory within adjacent city, village, or town - SB223
Transitional housing grants appropriation increase; award priority provision - AB377
Transitional housing grants appropriation increase; award priority provision - SB317
Transportation network company drivers: license requirement from a city, village, or town allowed - AB832
Use of force by law enforcement policy: every law enforcement agency required to prepare and make publicly available on its own or the municipality’s website - AB437
Use of force by law enforcement policy: every law enforcement agency required to prepare and make publicly available on its own or the municipality’s website - SB546
municipality _ annexationMunicipality — Annexation
City and village authority to annex town territory: new requirements re contiguity, population, and land for development created - SB826
DOA review requirement of certain proposed annexations of town territory: population limitation removed - SB827
municipality _ bondsMunicipality — Bonds, see Bonds — Municipal
municipality _ buildingMunicipality — Building, see Public building
municipality _ councilMunicipality — Council
City and village officials: requirement to execute and file an official bond modified; insurance policy required if official bond is not - AB168
City and village officials: requirement to execute and file an official bond modified; insurance policy required if official bond is not - SB122
City manager system of government: city or village may impose residency requirement on its city manager - AB421
City manager system of government: city or village may impose residency requirement on its city manager - SB345
County officers: removal at the pleasure of the appointing authority; administrative code provision [Admin.Code DHS 5.06] [A.Amdt.3: municipal officers provisions added] - AB636
Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized - AB70
Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized - SB42
Soda water beverage sellers: local authority to issue licenses repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 984j-jd, 1643d-t] - AB64
Special meetings of the common council of a city: notification requirements revised - AB145
Special meetings of the common council of a city: notification requirements revised - SB94
municipality _ court _ judgeMunicipality — Court — Judge, see Judge
municipality _ electionsMunicipality — Elections
Electronic voting machine to cast an in-person absentee ballot authorized, municipal resolution or ordinance provision; Elections Commission duties - AB637
Electronic voting machine to cast an in-person absentee ballot authorized, municipal resolution or ordinance provision; Elections Commission duties - SB524
Municipal boundary information reconciled and compiled by LTSB clarified (remedial legislation) - AB840
Municipal boundary information reconciled and compiled by LTSB clarified (remedial legislation) - SB721
municipality _ employeeMunicipality — Employee, see Public employee
municipality _ financeMunicipality — Finance, see also Investment, Government fund
Clean Water Fund Program: loan interest rate revisions and financial hardship assistance program eliminated [Sec. 1807-1817; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, financial hardship assistance program extended to 2018, 1816m, deletes 1807, 1809-1812, 1817] - AB64
Clean Water Fund Program: loan interest rate revisions and financial hardship assistance program eliminated [Sec. 1807-1817] - SB30
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities - AB237
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities [Sec. 133, 452; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county and preference provision added] - AB64
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities - SB206
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities [Sec. 133, 452] - SB30
County executive of populous counties and other counties: revisions re powers and duties, corporation counsel, appointees, public contracts, issuance and sale of bonds, biennial budget procedure, accounting procedures, and compensation of certain elective officials; political subdivision provision re biennial budgeting - AB923
County executive of populous counties and other counties: revisions re powers and duties, corporation counsel, appointees, public contracts, issuance and sale of bonds, biennial budget procedure, accounting procedures, and compensation of certain elective officials; political subdivision provision re biennial budgeting - SB777
Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA [for amendments, see entry under ``Industrial development"] - Au7 AB1
Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA - Au7 SB1
Lead service line replacements: water public utility may provide financial assistance to customer solely for replacing service lines and is not unjust, unfairly discriminatory, or preferential; PSC duties [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, political subdivision authorized to make loans, ordinance provision added] - SB48
Legislature prohibited from passing any bill placing a requirement on local government unless it contains an appropriation: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR11
MFL closed acreage fee payments to municipalities and counties; DNR duties and severance tax provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 334m, 1205m-p, 9133 (6p)] - AB64
Nonresident hunting and fishing approvals: surcharge added, use specified; grant programs established re purchase of emergency rescue equipment and instructional programming in schools - AB955
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: grant program sunset and loans to governmental units repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 202e, g, 228p, 996u, 1646t-y, 1655g-k, 1806f, 1816t, 9439 (4t)] - AB64
Public utility aid distributions to certain municipalities: exception to limitation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1210b, c, 9238 (1b)] - AB64
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation - AB45
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governments; DOA duties and local government annual performance evaluation - SB14
Replacement of public water system service lines containing lead: DNR program to provide financial assistance to municipalities and nonrefundable individual income tax credit and levy limit exception created, water service rates provision - AB964
Replacement of public water system service lines containing lead: DNR program to provide financial assistance to municipalities and nonrefundable individual income tax credit and levy limit exception created, water service rates provision - SB785
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - AB64
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - SB30
Service award program for volunteer emergency response personnel: revisions re funding and vetting rules [Sec. 112, 113, 438; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 113c, d, 9301 (6s)] - AB64
Service award program for volunteer emergency response personnel: revisions re funding and vetting rules [Sec. 112, 113, 438] - SB30
Service award program for volunteer emergency response personnel: revisions re funding and vetting rules - SB31
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement - AB309
Survivors of a law enforcement officer, EMT, or fire fighter who dies, or has died, in the line of duty: payment of health insurance premiums, establishing a loan program, and confidentiality provisions - AB150
Survivors of a law enforcement officer, EMT, or fire fighter who dies, or has died, in the line of duty: payment of health insurance premiums, establishing a loan program, and confidentiality provisions - SB97
Veterans homes: grants to local governments providing fire and emergency medical services to [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 739r, 2265g-m, q, 9449 (1f)] - AB64
Well contamination: grants to local governments to test private wells; compensation program revisions re family income and nitrates contamination - AB686
municipality _ health departmentMunicipality — Health department, see Public health
municipality _ officersMunicipality — Officers
City and village officials: requirement to execute and file an official bond modified; insurance policy required if official bond is not - AB168
City and village officials: requirement to execute and file an official bond modified; insurance policy required if official bond is not - SB122
County officers: removal at the pleasure of the appointing authority; administrative code provision [Admin.Code DHS 5.06] [A.Amdt.3: municipal officers provisions added] - AB636
Elections Commission's responsibility to change registration status of electors eliminated; delegation authority removed - AB375
In-person absentee ballot: application with the county clerk when the municipal clerk is unavailable allowed - SB871
Local public office holder may be appointed an election official; prohibition on serving as election official while a candidate does not change - AB85
Local public office holder may be appointed an election official; prohibition on serving as election official while a candidate does not change - SB66
Local public official allowed to receive anything of value from WEDC or Tour.Dept that a state public official may receive - AB494
Local public official allowed to receive anything of value from WEDC or Tour.Dept that a state public official may receive - SB412
Special voting deputies dispatched to retirement home that is part of a multiple-use facility: management of retirement home must provide occupants’ names and addresses to the clerk - AB925
municipality _ ordinanceMunicipality — Ordinance, see Ordinance
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning, see also Milwaukee — Planning
Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities - AB179
Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities [S.Amdt.2: more ERTID changes] - SB173
Business improvement district (BID) board: independent certified audit required in its annual report - AB420
Business improvement district (BID) board: independent certified audit required in its annual report - SB336