Artificial and nonfederal wetlands exempt from certain DNR permitting requirements; DNR to apply to EPA to be delegated the authority to administer permit program for the discharge of dredge or fill material into navigable waters; expending all moneys for the in lieu fee subprogram required [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, certain nonfederal wetlands exempted, wetland mitigation grant program with in lieu fee subprogram moneys established and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provision, property development grant program established, Wetland Study Council created in DNR, reports required] - AB547
Bullying prevention: DPI grants to nonprofit organization for training and online curriculum [Sec. 217, 1464] - AB64
Bullying prevention: DPI grants to nonprofit organization for training and online curriculum [Sec. 217, 1464] - SB30
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - AB938
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - SB787
Charter school authorizers to consider National Association of Charter School Authorizer principles and standards of quality [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1532vr] - AB64
Child abuse and neglect prevention services: DCF to allocate certain TANF funding for grants to counties, nonprofit organizations, and tribes [A.Amdt.1: appropriation added] - AB785
Child abuse and neglect prevention services: DCF to allocate certain TANF funding for grants to counties, nonprofit organizations, and tribes - SB658
Commercial building code: not-for-profit facility that houses rehabilitating wildlife exempt from certain definitions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1305g, m] - AB64
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - AB779
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - SB672
Community institution security cost reimbursement grants created; definition and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1680b, c, 9428 (1q)] - AB64
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities - AB237
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities [Sec. 133, 452; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county and preference provision added] - AB64
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities - SB206
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities [Sec. 133, 452] - SB30
Curriculum for comprehensive firearm education as high school elective: Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop jointly with either DNR, a law enforcement agency, or firearms safety organization; live ammunition prohibition - AB427
Curriculum for comprehensive firearm education as high school elective: Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop jointly with either DNR, a law enforcement agency, or firearms safety organization; live ammunition prohibition - SB340
DCF grants to support foster parents and children created, report required - AB787
DCF grants to support foster parents and children created, report required - SB676
DVA appropriation structure changes re grants to nonprofit organizations that serve veterans and their families [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 414n-y, 739n-pm] - AB64
DVA grants to certain state veterans organizations: maximum amount increased [Sec. 739, 9349 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 739g-k, pm, deletes 739] - AB64
Fabrication laboratory grants: WEDC loan to nonprofit organizations to assist school districts to initiate [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9150 (3i)] - AB64
Farm tractor rollover protective structure: DATCP grants to certain organizations that install, report required - AB827
Farm tractor rollover protective structure: DATCP grants to certain organizations that install, report required - SB780
Fences on closed MFL: prohibition exemption if used for dog training by licensed nonprofit organization - AB230
Fences on closed MFL: prohibition exemption if used for dog training by licensed nonprofit organization - SB178
Harvest for hope grant: DATCP to award to nonprofit statewide food banks to promote donation of excess and unmarketable farm and food products; sunset provision - AB577
Harvest for hope grant: DATCP to award to nonprofit statewide food banks to promote donation of excess and unmarketable farm and food products; sunset provision - SB487
Healthy eating incentive pilot program re households eligible for FoodShare; DHS duties and study by independent research entity provision - AB501
Healthy eating incentive pilot program re households eligible for FoodShare; DHS duties and study by independent research entity provision - SB416
Historic rehabilitation tax credit: limit and other conditions set, jobs component [Sec. 1051, 1089, 1114, 1775-1779; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1775g, m, deletes 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779] - AB64
Homeless case management services grants: DCF to allocate TANF grants toward [Sec. 129, 453, 901; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nonprofit organization provision added] - AB64
Information technology education for public school pupils, technical college students, and public library patrons; DPI to award grant to an entity that meets specified criteria; DWD career and technical education grant provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 215m, 1407g, i, 1482p] - AB64
Initial teacher license: alternative preparation programs provisions, DPI duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1461p, 1511p, 1524g] - AB64
Olympic, Paralympic, and Special Olympics medals won by individuals: income tax exemption for value of and any payments from the U.S. Olympic Committee or Special Olympics Board of Directors [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1023s, 9338 (16c)] - AB64
Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, trust fund removed] - Jr8 AB7
Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required - Jr8 SB7
Products sold as part of lump sum contract re real property construction contracts: sales and use tax exemption expanded to all construction contracts; tax-exempt entity provision [Sec. 1172, 1176, 1178, 1179, 1188-1193, 9338 (18), 9438 (3)] - AB64
Products sold as part of lump sum contract re real property construction contracts: sales and use tax exemption expanded to all construction contracts; tax-exempt entity provision [Sec. 1172, 1176, 1178, 1179, 1188-1193, 9338 (18), 9438 (3)] - SB30
Rate-based client services purchased by DCF, DOC, DHS, or certain county departments: retention and disposition of surpluses generated by providers modified; audit and JCF provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 744b-h, 923b-m, 1850e, f, 9106 (3t), 9108 (2t), 9120 (3t), 9306 (4t), 9308 (1t), 9320 (2t), 9406 (4t), 9408 (3t), 9420 (3u)] - AB64
Reach Out and Read Wisconsin program: DHS to distribute grant moneys to Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin in support of - AB541
Reach Out and Read Wisconsin program: DHS to distribute grant moneys to Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin in support of - SB449
Self-certification registry established re supporting organizations; limitations, fees, definitions, and report provisions - AB370
Self-certification registry established re supporting organizations; limitations, fees, definitions, and report provisions - SB296
Special registration plates for expressing support for family members of law enforcement who have died in the line of duty: annual voluntary payment required; fund allocation provision - SB480
Sturgeon spearing licenses: DNR to issue set number to Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc., to be awarded as prizes in a raffle - AB441
Sturgeon spearing licenses: DNR to issue set number to Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc., to be awarded as prizes in a raffle - SB373
Teacher training and recruitment grants created; Teach for America appropriation renamed and transferred from DPI to DWD [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 216m, 1407m, 1467b] - AB64
Text-message based hotline for veterans in crisis: DVA to award grants to establish, sunset provision - SB818
Transitional housing grants appropriation increase; award priority provision - AB377
Transitional housing grants appropriation increase; award priority provision - SB317
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system [A.Amdt.1: healthy eating incentive pilot program and appropriation added, sunset provision] - Jr8 AB6
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system - Jr8 SB6
Wetland mitigation grant program and property development grants created: DNR to award to nonprofit organizations; Stewardship 2000 Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and report provisions - AB833
Wetland mitigation grant program and property development grants created: DNR to award to nonprofit organizations; Stewardship 2000 Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and report provisions - SB702
Wisconsin conservation corps (WCC) program created and DOA to administer and manage or contract with nonprofit corporation or institute of higher education to manage and administer; report required - AB688
Wisconsin conservation corps (WCC) program created and DOA to administer and manage or contract with nonprofit corporation or institute of higher education to manage and administer; report required - SB648
Wisconsin Lions Eyeglass Recycling Month: April 2018 proclaimed as - AJR101
Wisconsin Lions Eyeglass Recycling Month: April 2018 proclaimed as - SJR99
Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council allowed to levy an assessment on certain propane retailers, referendum and circuit court provisions - AB531
Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council allowed to levy an assessment on certain propane retailers, referendum and circuit court provisions - SB440
Wisconsin Reading Corps grant, matching funds and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 217m, 1468m] - AB64
WisconsinEye equipment appropriations, matching funds provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9129 (2i)] - AB64
Workforce training grants (Fast Forward Program): use expanded for collaborative projects, teacher training, nursing training program, internship placement, and improved workforce retention; DWD duties [Sec. 398, 399, 1397-1402, 1404, 1406, 9151 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grant to support the Building Occupational Skills for Success (BOSS) program added with report and sunset provisions, 398b, 9151 (5q), 9451 (2q)] - AB64
oshkosh, city ofOshkosh, City of
Oshkosh Corporation: congratulations on its 100th anniversary - AJR77
Oshkosh North High School Spartans boys basketball team commended for winning the 2018 WIAA Division I State Championship - AJR117
Public assistance and local assistance allocations [Sec. 896, 897, 902, 903, 904-913, 918, 919; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Boys and Girls Clubs in cities of Oshkosh and Appleton added] - AB64
outagamie countyOutagamie County
Airport improvement project funding to Alexander Field airport and Appleton International airport [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 359nq, 9145 (3i)] - AB64
Bergstrom Waterfowl Complex: DOT to erect direction signs along STH 54, contributions from interested parties provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1227d, dm, p, t] - AB64
CHIPS proceeding: prohibition on appointing counsel to parent eliminated; pilot program creating parent’s right to counsel in certain counties created, DCF, SPD, report, and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, SPD to run the pilot program] - AB784
Fox Cities RTA creation authorized - AB887
Public assistance and local assistance allocations [Sec. 896, 897, 902, 903, 904-913, 918, 919; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Boys and Girls Clubs in cities of Oshkosh and Appleton added] - AB64
TID number 6 in Village of Kimberly: adopt resolution requesting DOR to redetermine the tax incremental base [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 996j] - AB64
outdoor advertisingOutdoor advertising, see Billboard
owi _operating while intoxicated_OWI (Operating while intoxicated), see Drunken driving
ozaukee countyOzaukee County
Ozaukee County fairgrounds: Class ``B” and ``Class B” licensees and permittees may sell alcohol beverages under set circumstances - AB450
Ozaukee County fairgrounds: Class ``B” and ``Class B” licensees and permittees may sell alcohol beverages under set circumstances - SB366
paper industryPaper industry, see Forestry
Individuals pardoned or released before completing their sentences: DOC report required - AB1070