Farm to school program and council eliminated [Sec. 36, 184, 187, 1241] - SB30
school _ state aidSchool — State aid, see also School — Finance
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program repealed and SAGE reinstated and expanded; parental choice programs (Milwaukee, Racine, and statewide), and the Special Needs Scholarship Program phased out - AB452
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program repealed and SAGE reinstated and expanded; parental choice programs (Milwaukee, Racine, and statewide), and the Special Needs Scholarship Program phased out - SB364
Additional special education aid [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1504c, 9335 (2c)] - AB64
Bilingual-bicultural education programs: additional funding to DPI - AB762
Costs funded by referenda excluded from shared costs re determining general equalization aids for school districts, condition set - AB803
Focus on Energy programs: PSC to increase spending for projects at elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools [Sec. 1694; original bill only] - AB64
Focus on Energy programs: PSC to increase spending for projects at elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools [Sec. 1694] - SB30
Four-year-old kindergarten: all school boards to make available to eligible pupils; exception and state aid provisions - AB709
Gifted and talented grants: DPI to award to all school districts [Sec. 1529] - AB64
Gifted and talented grants: DPI to award to all school districts [Sec. 1529] - SB30
High cost transportation aid to school districts ineligible in 2017-18 but were eligible the previous school year [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1640b, c] - AB64
Low revenue adjustment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1640g] - AB64
Mental health training program for school district and independent charter school personnel: funding increased - AB1056
MPS summer school grant program [Sec. 215, 1601; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants opened up to any school district meeting certain criteria and awarded on a competitive basis, 1482j, deletes 1601] - AB64
Online summer school or interim session classes for high school and grades 7 and 8 that qualify for state aid expanded - AB398
Online summer school or interim session classes for high school and grades 7 and 8 that qualify for state aid expanded - SB301
Open enrollment aid: process for which the transfer amount for a child with a disability can be adjusted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208v, 1483m, 1485m, 1534s-1535h, j-v, 1640cm, 1641p] - AB64
Open enrollment aid transfer amount [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1535ig, im] - AB64
Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Office of School Safety created in DOJ, school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills, mandatory reporting of threats of violence, DOJ grants for school safety, reports and penalty provisions] - AB843
Per pupil aid [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1481m] - AB64
Per pupil aid increases; group health plan provision [Sec. 1482, 9135 (1)-(3); original bill only] - AB64
Per pupil aid increases; group health plan provision [Sec. 1482, 9135 (1)-(3)] - SB30
Personal electronic computing devices grant program created for schools to provide devices for pupil use, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208e, 1482f] - AB64
Personal property tax sunsetted; DOR duties re state aid payments to taxing jurisdictions for lost revenue - AB277
Personal property tax sunsetted; DOR duties re state aid payments to taxing jurisdictions for lost revenue - SB218
Property tax bill required to include certain information re state aid reductions to school districts - AB267
Property tax bill required to include certain information re state aid reductions to school districts - SB183
Public school financing law changes re calculation of general school aids, counting low-income pupils, school aid factors, per pupil adjustment to revenue limits, high-poverty aid, hold harmless aid, revenue ceiling, and delay in school aid payments; first dollar and school levy property tax credits eliminated; DPI, DOA, JCF, and LFB duties - AB816
Pupil transportation aids to school districts and independent charter schools [Sec. 1638-1640, 9335 (1)] - AB64
Pupil transportation aids to school districts and independent charter schools [Sec. 1638-1640, 9335 (1)] - SB30
Pupils enrolled in 4-year-old kindergarten program requiring full day attendance: counting for state aid purposes modified - AB669
Reduction of state aid payments to school districts re pupils participating in the Racine or statewide parental choice program: DPI prohibited from making certain reductions until electors have approved the reduction via referendum - AB315
Reduction of state aid payments to school districts re pupils participating in the Racine or statewide parental choice program: DPI prohibited from making certain reductions until electors have approved the reduction via referendum - SB227
Revenue limit ceiling for school districts and sparsity aid per pupil amount increased [A.Amdt.3: referendum conditions added] - AB835
Revenue limit ceiling for school districts and sparsity aid per pupil amount increased - SB690
Revenue limit ceiling for school districts increased, DPI appropriation provision - AB687
Revenue limit ceiling for school districts increased, DPI appropriation provision - SB584
School-based mental health services grants: DPI funding increased - AB1055
School-based mental health services grants established re collaborating with community mental health agencies; Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish an advisory committee; emergency rules provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 215k, 1470g, 9135 (4f)] - AB64
School district consolidation aid created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208r, 1480p, r, 1504u, v, 1635em, f, 1640t, v, 9435 (1f)] - AB64
Science competition participation grant program for pupils in grades 6 to 12: DPI to award, matching funds provision - AB1064
Shared services pilot program created re school boards sharing administrative personnel, DPI duties, report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208t, 1475p] - AB64
Sparsity aid: additional school districts made eligible; per pupil payment modified; eliminates ability of school districts no longer eligible to get portion of aid - AB677
Sparsity aid: additional school districts made eligible; per pupil payment modified; eliminates ability of school districts no longer eligible to get portion of aid - SB597
Sparsity aid appropriation changed to sum sufficient and school district eligibility modified - AB615
Sparsity aid appropriation changed to sum sufficient and school district eligibility modified - SB515
Sparsity aid: making additional school districts eligible for [Sec. 1476-1481; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, additional school districts provision removed, eligibility provisions revised, 1477d, 1480r-1481i, deletes 1476-1481] - AB64
Sparsity aid: making additional school districts eligible for [Sec. 1476-1481] - SB30
Special education and school age parents programs: state aid to school districts increased - AB319
Special education and school age parents programs: state aid to school districts increased - SB211
Special education transition grants re postsecondary education or training or competitively employed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1504d-i] - AB64
Special education transition readiness grants re workforce transition support services [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208n, 1504j] - AB64
Special Needs Scholarship Program: method and amount revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208m, 1486ap, b, d, e, 1487g-1492f, i-k, n] - AB64
Special Transfer Program (Chapter 220) restored - AB1001
State aid payments to school districts: installment percentages changed - AB77
Supplemental aid program for school districts with a large area: DPI rule repealed and terminology changed [Admin.Code PI 10] - AB477
Supplemental aid program for school districts with a large area: DPI rule repealed and terminology changed [Admin.Code PI 10] - SB685
Supplemental sparsity aid created for school districts that qualify and have high property valuation - SB839
Technical education equipment grants to school districts created, report to DPI and DWD duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1402c, 1407k, 9151 (5y)] - AB64
Timing of state aid payments to school districts and payments to independent charter schools and private schools participating in a choice program or the Special Needs Scholarship Program changed - AB471
Timing of state aid payments to school districts and payments to independent charter schools and private schools participating in a choice program or the Special Needs Scholarship Program changed - SB383
Violence prevention and reduction grants: DPI to provide to schools to develop and implement programs - AB1058
Whole grade sharing agreement: categorical aid; DPI report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208p, 1534p, 9135 (4p)] - AB64
school _ suppliesSchool — Supplies
Personal electronic computing devices grant program created for schools to provide devices for pupil use, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208e, 1482f] - AB64
Qualified child sales and use tax rebate for 2018 created [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, August sales tax holiday on eligible property created for 2018] - SB798
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for workforce development improvements re vocational or technical education; petition provision - AB729
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for workforce development improvements re vocational or technical education; petition provision - SB613
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created; definitions and sunset provisions - AB232
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created; definitions and sunset provisions - SB163
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created, sunset provision [Sec. 1181, 1183, 1194, 9438 (1); original bill only] - AB64
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created, sunset provision [Sec. 1181, 1183, 1194, 9438 (1)] - SB30
Technical education equipment grants to school districts created, report to DPI and DWD duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1402c, 1407k, 9151 (5y)] - AB64
school _ taxationSchool — Taxation, see Property tax
school yearSchool year, see School
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics _stem_Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), see School — Curriculum
scrap metalScrap metal, see Junkyard
search warrantSearch warrant
Court commissioners authorized to issue search warrants re OWI and BAC civil violations - AB178
Court commissioners authorized to issue search warrants re OWI and BAC civil violations - SB128
Drug trafficking, evidence-based substance abuse prevention, juvenile and family treatment courts, and drug treatment for inmates of county jails: grant programs established; DOJ, DHS, DCF duties [A.Amdt.1: ``juvenile" added to ``family treatment courts"; A.Amdt.2: tribal jail and law enforcement agency provisions added, search warrant based on sworn affidavit or complaint modified] - AB906