southeastern wisconsin fox river commissionSoutheastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding - AB911
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding - SB817
special electionSpecial election, see Elections
special session, 2017 _ augustSpecial session, 2017 — August
Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA [for amendments, see entry under ``Industrial development"] - Au7 AB1
Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA - Au7 SB1
Violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, 2017, condemned and honoring those who died - Au7 AR1
special session, 2017 _ januarySpecial session, 2017 — January
Addiction medicine consultation program: DHS to create and administer - Jr7 AB9
Addiction medicine consultation program: DHS to create and administer - Jr7 SB9
Addressing mental health issues in schools: DPI to provide training to school district and independent charter school personnel - Jr7 AB11
Addressing mental health issues in schools: DPI to provide training to school district and independent charter school personnel - Jr7 SB11
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction: immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession or having probation, parole, or extended supervision revoked provisions created for the person being aided and the aider [A.Amdt.2: ``aider" definition revised] - Jr7 AB3
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction: immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession or having probation, parole, or extended supervision revoked provisions created for the person being aided and the aider - Jr7 SB3
Criminal investigation agent positions at DOJ authorized re drug interdiction and drug trafficking [A.Amdt.2: unencumbered moneys lapse to the general fund and used for alternatives to prosecution and incarceration programs, DOJ plan and JCF approval required] - Jr7 AB10
Criminal investigation agent positions at DOJ authorized re drug interdiction and drug trafficking - Jr7 SB10
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision [A.Amdt.1: college residence hall director added] - Jr7 AB1
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision - Jr7 SB1
Graduate medical training in an addiction specialty and development of a training program: existing DHS grant programs to hospitals and rural hospitals expanded to include - Jr7 AB7
Graduate medical training in an addiction specialty and development of a training program: existing DHS grant programs to hospitals and rural hospitals expanded to include - Jr7 SB7
Opioid treatment programs in underserved and high-need areas: DHS to create additional programs, funding provision [A.Amdt.4: methamphetamine treatment added] - Jr7 AB8
Opioid treatment programs in underserved and high-need areas: DHS to create additional programs, funding provision - Jr7 SB8
Persons with drug dependence: emergency and involuntary commitment procedures, DHS programs, voluntary treatment, and other services extended to include [A.Amdt.1: ``drug dependence" definition modified] - Jr7 AB5
Persons with drug dependence: emergency and involuntary commitment procedures, DHS programs, voluntary treatment, and other services extended to include - Jr7 SB5
Recovery charter school: pilot program and director of Office of Educational Opportunity in the UW System authorized to contract for operation of, conditions specified; high school graduation and insurance coverage requirements; DHS, DPI, and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties [A.Amdt.1: state aid and report of the director revisions; A.Amdt.4: insurer notification provision] - Jr7 AB6
Recovery charter school: pilot program and director of Office of Educational Opportunity in the UW System authorized to contract for operation of, conditions specified; high school graduation and insurance coverage requirements; DHS, DPI, and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties - Jr7 SB6
Schedule V controlled substances containing codeine may not be dispensed without a prescription - Jr7 AB4
Schedule V controlled substances containing codeine may not be dispensed without a prescription - Jr7 SB4
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program: county grant moneys increased; pilot program to divert certain persons to treatment options, JCF approval - Jr7 AB2
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program: county grant moneys increased; pilot program to divert certain persons to treatment options, JCF approval - Jr7 SB2
special session, 2018 _ januarySpecial session, 2018 — January
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare [A.Amdt.1: DCF and DHS required to perform periodic review of public benefit database and compare to national databases that contain death records] - Jr8 AB3
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare - Jr8 SB3
Compliance with child support determinations and obligations required for MA eligibility [A.Amdt.1: notification requirement added] - Jr8 AB8
Compliance with child support determinations and obligations required for MA eligibility - Jr8 SB8
EITC: pilot program, with IRS approval, to make monthly payments to eligible recipients; permanent program if pilot is successful and DOR and IRS can reach an agreement - Jr8 AB5
EITC: pilot program, with IRS approval, to make monthly payments to eligible recipients; permanent program if pilot is successful and DOR and IRS can reach an agreement - Jr8 SB5
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted [A.Amdt.1: Wisconsin Shares provision added; A.Amdt.2: LAB audit required; A.Amdt.3: request to USDA to share savings with the state] - Jr8 AB2
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted - Jr8 SB2
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation - Jr8 AB1
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation - Jr8 SB1
FoodShare photo ID EBT cards: DHS to prepare and submit implementation plan to the USDA’s food and nutrition service, waiver request provision; JCF duties if approved - Jr8 AB10
FoodShare photo ID EBT cards: DHS to prepare and submit implementation plan to the USDA’s food and nutrition service, waiver request provision; JCF duties if approved - Jr8 SB10
Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, trust fund removed] - Jr8 AB7
Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required - Jr8 SB7
Public housing adult residents: housing authorities to conduct employment screenings, create employability plans, and require able-bodied and unemployed or underemployed to complete a questionnaire re abuse of controlled substances [A.Amdt.1: rule-making authority added] - Jr8 AB4
Public housing adult residents: housing authorities to conduct employment screenings, create employability plans, and require able-bodied and unemployed or underemployed to complete a questionnaire re abuse of controlled substances - Jr8 SB4
Savings account program in the MA program: DHS to request waiver to establish and implement; exclusions specified - Jr8 AB9
Savings account program in the MA program: DHS to request waiver to establish and implement; exclusions specified - Jr8 SB9
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system [A.Amdt.1: healthy eating incentive pilot program and appropriation added, sunset provision] - Jr8 AB6
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system - Jr8 SB6
special session, 2018 _ marchSpecial session, 2018 — March
DPI model school policy on bullying by pupils: notification of parents or guardians of all pupils involved required within 48 hours of incident being reported - Mr8 AB4
Mandatory reporting by certain professionals of suspicion that a person intends to commit an act of violence involving dangerous weapons or explosives in or targeting a school; training, penalties, immunity from liability, and confidentiality exemptions provisions - Mr8 AB3
Safety camera footage: school board may share with law enforcement if it serves a legitimate safety interest - Mr8 AB6
School safety grants from DOJ created; DPI duties - Mr8 AB1
School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ - Mr8 AB2
School safety plans required of all public and private schools; requirements revised to include on-site assessment by local law enforcement and annual drills to respond to a school violence event; schools required to submit plans to DOJ - Mr8 AB5
spouseSpouse, see Family; Marriage
ssn _social security number_SSN (Social security number), see Social security
st. croix countySt. Croix County
I 94 between USH 12 and STH 65 in St. Croix County: enumerated as a major highway development project [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1212m] - AB64
state agenciesState agencies, see also specific agency or department
Administrative rule-making procedure changes; adoption by state agencies of guidance documents [Sec. 423, 480, 592, 593, 1168, 1707, 1708, 1710-1744, 1747-1752, 9352 (2), 9452 (1); original bill only] - AB64
Administrative rule-making procedure changes; adoption by state agencies of guidance documents [Sec. 423, 480, 592, 593, 1168, 1707, 1708, 1710-1744, 1747-1752, 9352 (2), 9452 (1)] - SB30
Administrative rule-making procedures: expedited procedure for repealing unauthorized rules; agency review of rules and legislative enactments; LRB biennial report required; retrospective economic impact analyses for existing rules - AB317
Administrative rule-making procedures: expedited procedure for repealing unauthorized rules; agency review of rules and legislative enactments; LRB biennial report required; retrospective economic impact analyses for existing rules - SB322
Administrative rules: economic impact analysis and scope statement changes; committees providing rule making advice to agencies to submit membership list to JCRAR; one scope statement for concurrently promulgated emergency rule and permanent rule codified - AB1070
Administrative rules: economic impact analysis and scope statement changes; committees providing rule making advice to agencies to submit membership list to JCRAR; one scope statement for concurrently promulgated emergency rule and permanent rule codified - AB1073
Administrative rules: economic impact analysis and scope statement changes; committees providing rule making advice to agencies to submit membership list to JCRAR; one scope statement for concurrently promulgated emergency rule and permanent rule codified - SB884
Administrative rules: economic impact analysis and scope statement changes; committees providing rule making advice to agencies to submit membership list to JCRAR; one scope statement for concurrently promulgated emergency rule and permanent rule codified - SB887
Agency prohibited from delegating authority to issue final decision in a contested case to a hearing examiner - AB1070
Agency prohibited from delegating authority to issue final decision in a contested case to a hearing examiner - AB1073