Services performed by an electric cooperative to another or by a telecommunications utility to another during a declared state of emergency: sales and use tax exemption created [A.Amdt.1: ``declared" removed and ``state of emergency" defined] - AB583
Services performed by an electric cooperative to another or by a telecommunications utility to another during a declared state of emergency: sales and use tax exemption created - SB501
Shareholders’ meetings of business corporations remote communication participation allowance created; electronic network provision - SB285
Shareholders’ meetings of business corporations remote communication participation allowance created; electronic network provision - AB357
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - AB140
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - SB89
Telecommunications, cable television or video service, or broadband service facilities: eliminates requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an authorizing ordinance or resolution; local governments can apply for broadband expansion grant without a partner - SB845
Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations: sunset eliminated and PSC authority to grant waivers eliminated, incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) exception - SB426
Telecommunications relay service administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 418, 1701, 1702, 9101 (4)] - AB64
Telecommunications relay service administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 418, 1701, 1702, 9101 (4)] - SB30
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - AJR100
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - SJR96
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - AB348
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized, conditions specified; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - SB425
telephoneTelephone, see also Telecommunications
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - AB938
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - SB787
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - AB779
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - SB672
CPR instruction to bystander: public safety answering points required to provide telephonic assistance on administering, dispatcher training and quality assurance provisions; DMA grants [A.Amdt.1: DHS replaces DMA, liability exemption added; A.Amdt.2: grants changed to moneys] - AB654
CPR instruction to bystander: public safety answering points required to provide telephonic assistance on administering, dispatcher training and quality assurance provisions; DMA grants - SB549
Driving while using a cellular phone or other wireless telephone prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions - AB662
Driving while using a cellular phone or other wireless telephone prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions - SB608
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision [A.Amdt.1: college residence hall director added] - Jr7 AB1
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision - Jr7 SB1
Hotline for reports of hate crimes established - AB101
Hotline for reports of hate crimes established - SB64
Inattentive driving or composing a text or email while driving: minimum forfeiture increased [Sec. 1898, 1899, 9345 (2); original bill only] - AB64
Inattentive driving or composing a text or email while driving: minimum forfeiture increased [Sec. 1898, 1899, 9345 (2)] - SB30
Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - AB463
Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - SB380
Interoperability Council and statewide public safety interoperable communications system functions transferred to DMA; 911 Subcommittee created; Next Generation 911 and interagency and intra-agency appropriations; Director of Emergency Communications position created and transfer of positions from DOT to DMA; obsolete Wireless 911 grant program references repealed; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 34m, 39m, 169e-s, 198m, 408e, n, s, 411e-s, 416m, 480m, 527m, 547m, 1187p, 1673d-t, 1799c-w, 1892c-x, 9128 (1w), 9132 (1w)-(1yy)] - AB64
Mobile service support structure (cell tower): political subdivision granted limited authority to impose setback requirement - AB161
Mobile service support structure (cell tower): political subdivision granted limited authority to impose setback requirement - SB219
Mobile service support structure (cell towers): political subdivisions may restrict placement re residential zoning districts, density provision - AB130
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, violation in transporting natural gas and other hazardous materials specified; S.Amdt.1: appropriation provision added; S.Amdt.2: charging ratepayers for advertising provision added] - AB532
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances - SB475
Reports of mismanagement, abuse, or neglect at state veterans homes: LAB to maintain a toll-free telephone number and investigate or refer the report for investigation, confidentiality provision - AB591
Reports of mismanagement, abuse, or neglect at state veterans homes: LAB to maintain a toll-free telephone number and investigate or refer the report for investigation, confidentiality provision - SB471
Safe Digging Month: April 2017 proclaimed as - AJR24
Safe Digging Month: April 2017 proclaimed as - SJR25
Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations: sunset eliminated and PSC authority to grant waivers eliminated, incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) exception - SB426
Text-message based hotline for veterans in crisis: DVA to award grants to establish, sunset provision - SB818
Text message-based intervention for early education pilot program: DCF to allocate TANF funds; sunset provision [Sec. 770, 900; original bill only] - AB64
Text message-based intervention for early education pilot program: DCF to allocate TANF funds; sunset provision [Sec. 770, 900] - SB30
Text message-based intervention pilot program for higher education aimed at college-intending high school seniors: DCF and DPI to cooperate on grant program [Sec. 393, 771; original bill only] - AB64
Text message-based intervention pilot program for higher education aimed at college-intending high school seniors: DCF and DPI to cooperate on grant program [Sec. 393, 771] - SB30
UI benefits claims filed by telephone: DWD to allow - SB772
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - AB348
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized, conditions specified; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - SB425
Apportionment for broadcasters re income and franchise taxes, definition provision, DOR duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1002m, 1013d-i, 1057d, 1076d-k] - AB64
Broadband expansion grant program revisions, reports and LAB provisions; eliminated requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an ordinance or resolution authorizing a telecommunications, video, or broadband service facility; manufacturing and agricultural tax credit cannot be claimed on income over set amount - SB847
Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision - AB301
Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1187d-f, 9438 (2i)] - AB64
Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision - SB167
Technical college scholarships funded through participation in an auction of digital broadcast spectrum; trust and investment provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 632m, 985h, k] - AB64
Telecommunications, cable television or video service, or broadband service facilities: eliminates requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an authorizing ordinance or resolution; local governments can apply for broadband expansion grant without a partner - SB845
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - AJR100
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - SJR96
temporary assistance for needy families _tanf_Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), see Public assistance
temporary help agencyTemporary help agency, see Employment bureau
temporary restraining order _tro_Temporary restraining order (TRO), see Court — Procedure
terminally illTerminally ill, see Death
text messagingText messaging, see Telephone
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created; definitions and sunset provisions - AB232
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created; definitions and sunset provisions - SB163
thompson, tommy gThompson, Tommy G.
Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership created and attached to the UW System [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 17m, 68m, 222m, 626m] - AB64
thoroughfareThoroughfare, see Street
ticket resellerTicket reseller, see Sales
tid _tax incremental district_TID (Tax incremental district), see Property tax
tif _tax incremental financing_TIF (Tax incremental financing), see Property tax
timberTimber, see Forestry
title to propertyTitle to property, see Real property
tobaccoTobacco, see also Cigarette
Alcohol beverage licenses and permits and cigarette and tobacco products retailer licenses: application form signature and notarized requirements modified; corporate agent and false information penalty provisions - AB752