article i.
legislative department.
  1.   Legislative power, where vested.
  2.   House of representatives; how composed; eligibility; term; apportionment; officers; impeachment.
  3.   Senate; how composed; classification; eligibility; term; officers; impeachment.
  4.   Senators and representatives, election of; sessions of congress.
  5.   Membership; quorum; rules of order; discipline and expulsion; journals; yeas and nays; adjournments.
  6.   Compensation; privileges; ineligibility.
  7.   Revenue bills; how a bill becomes law; veto.
  8.   Powers of congress enumerated.
  9.   Limitations on power of congress; title of nobility.
  10.   Limitation on power of states.
article ii.
executive department.
  1.   Executive power vested in president; term; election; eligibility; successor; compensation; oath.
  2.   President chief of army and navy; may require opinions from cabinets, grant pardons, make treaties, appoint ambassadors, judges, etc., and fill vacancies.
  3,   President's message; he may convene and adjourn congress, receive foreign ministers; execute laws; commission officers.
  4.   Removal of president, vice president and civil officers.
article iii.
judicial department.
  1.   Judicial power; tenure and compensation of judges.
  2.   Jurisdiction; original and appellate; criminal trials, venue, jury.
  3.   Treason; proof and punishment.
article iv.
  1.   Full faith and credit provision.
  2.   Privileges of citizens; extradition of criminals and slaves.
  3.   New states; territories and property of United States.
  4.   Republican form of government and protection guaranteed to states.
article v.
    Constitution, how amended.
article vi.
    Public debt validated; supreme law defined; constitutional oath, who to take; no religious test.
article vii.
    Adoption of constitution.
  I.   State church; freedom of worship, of speech, of assemblage and of petition.
  II.   Right to keep and bear arms.
  III.   Quartering of soldiers.
  IV.   Searches and seizures.
  V.   Indictments; second jeopardy; self-incrimination; due process of law, private property for public use.
  VI.   Conduct of criminal prosecutions.
  VII.   Jury in civil cases.
  VIII.   Excessive bail and fines and cruel punishment prohibited.
  IX.   Rule of constitutional construction.
  X.   Constitutional construction; rights of states.
  XI.   Constitutional construction; judicial power limited.
  XII.   Election of president and vice president.
  XIII.   Slavery abolished.
  XIV.   Citizenship; representatives apportioned; official disability; public debt validated; confederate debt repudiated.
  XV.   Suffrage granted to Negroes.
  XVI.   Income taxes authorized.
  XVII.   Popular election of senators; vacancies in senate.
  XVIII.   Prohibition of intoxicating beverages.
  XIX.   Suffrage granted to women.
  XX.   Terms of president, vice president, senators and representatives; sessions of congress; successor to president and vice president.
  XXI.   Repeal of eighteenth amendment; importation of intoxicating liquors in violation of state laws prohibited.
  XXI.   Repeal of eighteenth amendment; importation of intoxicating liquors in violation of state laws prohibited.
Wisconsin Constitution updated by the Legislative Reference Bureau. Published October 4, 2024. Click for the Coverage of Annotations for the Annotated Constitution. Report errors at 608.504.5801 or lrb.legal@legis.wisconsin.gov.