Hour-meter tampering, 100.48
Lights and reflectors, 347.22, 347.24, 347.25 (2g)
Motor vehicle registration exemption, 341.05 (17)
Safeguards required, 167.12 to 167.18
Safety device installers, immunity from liability, 895.448
Sales, safety requirements, 100.47
Slow-moving emblem, 347.245
Youthful operators, regulated, 34
Income tax credits:
Beginning farmer and farm asset owner tax credit, 71.07 (8r)
Eligibility, 93.53
Dairy and livestock investment tax credit, 71.07 (3n), 71.28 (3n), 71.47 (3n)
Dairy manufacturing facility investment tax credit, 71.07 (3p), 71.28 (3p), 71.47 (3p)
Certification of eligible taxpayers, 93.535
Farmland preservation credit, see Taxation—8. Income and Franchise Tax
Farmland tax relief credit, 71.07 (3m), 71.47 (2m), 71.57 to 71.61, 71.613, 79.13
Food processing:
Meat processing facility investment credit, 71.07 (3r), 71.28 (3r), 71.47 (3r)
Certification of eligible taxpayers, 93.545
Plant and warehouse investment credit, 71.07 (3rn), 71.28 (3rn), 71.47 (3rn)
Certification of eligible taxpayers, 93.54
Irrigation permits, 30.18
Agricultural conservation easements, purchase by state, 93.73
Detachment from city, 62.075
Detachment from village, 61.74
Breeding services, 779.49
Harvesting, 779.50
County may produce and distribute, 59.70 (24)
Sale regulated, license, fee, labeling, 94.66
Loan guarantee programs:
Generally, 234.90 to 234.907
Disaster assistance, 234.905
Farm assets reinvestment management loans, 234.91
Production loan guarantees, 234.90
Managed forest land, generally, 77.80 to 77.91
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—9. Managed Forest Lands
Hoses in highways, 86.07 (2), 86.16 (1m)
Storage tanks, 92.16
Taxation exemption, 70.11 (15)
Marketing and sales, regulated:
Agricultural products contracts:
Generally, 100.23
Sales contracts, promise not to join cooperative or association void, 103.46
Vegetable procurement contracts, 100.235
Animals and animal products, sales restricted when subject to treatment, 95.67
Dairy heifer calves, classification, 100.025
Livestock production contracts, 100.04
Milk purchases:
Audits of purchasers, 100.07
Butter and cheese manufacturers, 100.05
Discrimination prohibited, 100.22
Motor vehicles:
Agricultural commercial; self-certification, 348.03
Size, weight, and load permits, see Motor Vehicles-14. Size, Weight and Load
Nonpoint source pollution, see Pollution—3. Water Pollution, Generally
Nuisance actions against uses or practices, 823.08
Nursery stock, generally, 94.10
For detailed analysis, see Nurseries
Pesticides, generally, 94.67 to 94.71
For detailed analysis, see Pesticides
Plant additives, regulation, 94.65
Plant diseases:
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection department rules, 93.07 (12)
County appropriation, committee, 59.70 (17)
Destruction of infected plants, 94.02
Forest pests, control, 26.30
Inspection, quarantine and restriction of movement, 94.01
Notice of infection, 94.02
Nursery stock:
Inspection, 94.10
Special inspections, fees, 94.11
Shipment of plant pests and biological control agents, permit, 94.03
Potatoes; certified seed potatoes required, exemption, 94.36
Direct sales to schools, programs, 93.49
Procurement, see Marketing and sales, under this head
Requested inspections and grading, 93.06 (1m)
Security interest in, see Commercial Code—10. Secured Transactions
Promotion, 93.07 (3)
Property tax assessment of agricultural land, 70.32 (2r), 74.485
Registration of farms, 59.76
Right to farm law, 823.08
Rural planning, 27.019
Safety and health center, University of Wisconsin, 36.25 (32)
Sales and use tax, exempt items, 77.54 (3), (3m)