Qualification to vote, record date, 214.325
Quorum, 214.315
Voting, 214.32
Membership, definitions, 214.30
See also Interstate acquisition and merger, under this subhead
Certificate, 214.63
Effect, 214.635
Emergency, 214.665
Plan, 214.62
State expenses, 214.64
Vote of approval, 214.625
Name use and misuse, 214.035
Officers, 214.342
Bond, 214.34
Conduct, 214.345
Parity with other financial institutions, 214.03
Prohibited business relationships, 214.72
Access to, 214.37
Disposal of records containing personal information, 134.97
Evidence from, 891.24
Record keeping requirements, 214.75
Record search in court case, recovery of fees, 214.509
Restructuring of corporation, other than merger or sale of assets:
Acquisition of control, 214.675
Conversion from mutual to stock, 214.685
Conversion of institution to savings bank, 214.66
Interim institution, formation, 214.655
Jurisdictional conversion, 214.68
Review board, 214.78, 214.785
Sale of assets:
Authorized, 214.645
Emergency, 214.67
Procedure, 214.65
Savings and loan:
Division of:
Notice to members or stockholders, 214.745
Orders, 214.74
Powers, generally, 214.715
Review of acts, 214.785
Office of:
Action to correct conditions, 214.90
Books and records, corrective orders, 214.905
Civil forfeitures, 214.935
Participation by convicted person regulated, 214.925
Personnel, removal and prohibition, 214.91, 214.915
Termination or resignation, effect on powers, 214.92
Savings promotion prize programs, 214.595
Stock, see Capital, under this subhead
Supervision and enforcement:
Annual audit, 214.76
Custody and conservatorship:
Limitations, 214.855
Notice of custody, 214.84
Powers during custody, 214.83, 214.835
Powers to take or appoint, 214.82
Purposes, 214.825
Redelivery of possession, 214.85
Segregation of collections during custody, 214.845
Examination, 214.725
Disclosure of reports, 214.755
Report, 214.735
Foreign savings banks, 214.772
Impairment of capital, procedure upon finding, 214.775
Notice to members or stockholders, 214.745
Orders, 214.74
Powers, 214.715
Record keeping requirements, 214.75
Unsafe and unsound practices, orders of prohibition, 214.765
Thrift lender status, 214.045
Generally, Ch. 215
Absorption, waiver, 215.35
Account disclosure, Medical Assistance and food stamp eligibility requirement, 49.45 (4m), 224.42
Accounting and bookkeeping procedure, prescribed, forfeiture, 215.03 (5)
Eligible for trust fund investments, 219.05
Joint tenancy-tenancy in common, law does not apply, 700.22
State delinquent support collection:
Disclosure of financial records, 224.40
Lien and levy, 49.854
Records matching program, 49.853
Actions against banking division, 215.02 (5)
Adverse claim to account, 710.05
Agent for unauthorized company, 215.26 (6)
Annual reports, 215.03 (6)
Appraisals, customer access, 215.26 (8) (a)
Appraisers, for association, giving or accepting money for loans, 215.21 (21)