Foreign country support order, 769.615
Nonresidents, jurisdiction over, 769.201
Duration, 769.202
Simultaneous proceedings in other jurisdiction, 769.204
Minor parents, action by, 769.302
Paternity proceedings, 769.401
Pleadings, 769.311
Nondisclosure of identifying information, 769.312
Nonparentage as defense, 769.315
Procedure and evidence, special rules, 769.316
Remedies are cumulative, 769.103
State information agency, duties, 769.31
Support enforcement agency, 769.307
Administrative enforcement of foreign orders, 769.507
Designated, 769.102
Receipt and disbursement of payments, 769.319
Support orders:
Administrative enforcement by support enforcement agency, 769.507
Choice of law in enforcing orders, 769.604
Credit for payments, 769.209
Determination of controlling orders, 769.207
From another state, 769.612
Enforcement and modification by court with continuing jurisdiction, 769.206
Establishing order, 769.401
Foreign support order, registration:
Generally, 769.601, 769.602
Confirming order, 769.608
Contesting validity of enforcement or order, 769.606, 769.607
Convention on international support recovery orders, see Convention on international support recovery, under this subhead
Effect of registration, 769.603
Employer receipt of income-withholding order from other state, 769.501
Foreign country support order, 769.616
Notice of registration, 769.605
Registration for modification, effect, 769.609, 769.61
Modification of child support orders, 769.611
Jurisdiction, 769.613
Notification of issuing tribunal, 769.614
Two or more obligees, 769.208
Assistance with discovery, 769.318
Authorization to act, 769.203
Communication between tribunals, 769.317
Inappropriate tribunal, 769.306
Initiating tribunal, duties, 769.304
Of this state, designated, 769.102
Receipt and disbursement of payments, 769.319
Responding tribunal, duties, 769.305
marshals MARSHALS
martial arts MARTIAL ARTS
Juvenile martial arts instructor; permit, disqualified persons, 440.03 (13), (17)
Mixed martial arts fighting, see Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts Fighting
massage and bodywork therapy MASSAGE AND BODYWORK THERAPY
Advertising, 460.13
Applicability of law, 460.03
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Continuing education requirement, 460.10
Definitions, 460.01
Disciplinary proceedings, 460.14
Display, 460.07
Expiration and renewal, 460.07 (2)
Qualifications, 460.05
Reciprocal licensing, 460.09
Requirement, 460.02
Temporary, 460.08
Local regulation, 460.17
Massage therapy and bodywork therapy affiliated credentialing board, 15.406 (6), 460.04
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Penalties, 460.15
Practice requirements, 460.11
Rule-making, 460.04
School, training program and instructor requirements, 460.095
Sexual contact with clients, duty to report, 460.12
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
master and apprentice MASTER AND APPRENTICE
Generally, 106.01
For detailed analysis, see Employment—2. Apprentices
matches MATCHES
Manufacture, storage and sale, 167.07
mayors MAYORS
measures MEASURES
meats MEATS
mechanic_s liens MECHANIC'S LIENS
Generally, 779.41
For detailed analysis of liens generally, see Liens