Blood test fee, 814.65 (4m)
Children, jurisdiction, 938.17 (2)
Amendment, 800.025
Form, 800.02 (2)
Civil action, 800.02 (1)
Commencement of action, 800.01
Amendment, 800.025
Form, 800.02 (2)
Contempt procedure, 785.06, 800.12
Continuance, caused by judicial vacancy, 755.16
Costs and fees, 800.10, 814.65, 814.81
Collection; state income tax setoff, 71.935
Default judgment, 800.035 (9), 800.09
Depositions, when taken, 887.20
Amounts, schedule, 800.037
Nonappearance, forfeiture, 800.035 (5) (c)
Discovery, 800.07
Docket and transcript entries, 800.11
Forfeiture collection actions:
For detailed analysis, see Forfeitures, Collection Procedure
Applicability of ch. 778, 778.015
Collections, delivery to treasurer, 778.14
Malfeasance of judge, 778.18
State income tax setoff, 71.935
Guardian ad litem, appointment by courts, 800.035 (2m)
Initial appearance, 800.035
Interpreters, fees, 814.65 (2)
Judgment, 800.09
Default for failure to appear, 800.035 (9)
Docketing in circuit court, 806.12
Nonpayment, further proceedings, 800.095
Relief from, 800.115
Generally, 755.045
Personal, 800.01 (2)
Territorial, 755.05
Pleas, 800.035
Pretrial conference, 800.045
Record, not a court of, 755.01 (1), 800.13 (2)
Recording of testimony and proceedings, 800.13
Records as evidence, 889.13
Unrecorded proceedings, proof of, 889.14
Relief from judgment, 800.115
Sentencing, 755.045 (3), 800.09, 800.093
Subpoena, jurisdictional extent, 885.04
Summons form, 800.02 (4)
Telephone proceedings, 800.085
Traffic violations:
Deposits, 345.26 (5)
Drunk drivers, license suspensions, 349.03 (2m), 349.06 (1m)
Incarceration, 345.47 (1m)
Substitution of judge, 345.315
Trial procedure, 800.08
Warrants, form, 800.02 (5)
Witness fees, 814.65 (2)
municipal power districts MUNICIPAL POWER DISTRICTS
municipal retirement system MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM
municipal utilities MUNICIPAL UTILITIES
municipalities MUNICIPALITIES
murder MURDER
See Homicide
museums MUSEUMS
American black holocaust museum, appropriation, 20.380 (1) (b)
Art, municipalities may establish, 66.0917
Cities of first class, 229.11
Board of trustees, 229.12, 229.13
Cities of second, third and fourth class, 229.19
Computer and telecommunications services for educational museums, state may provide, 16.972, 16.99
County appropriation, 59.56 (2)
Farm and craft museum at Nelson Dewey state park, 44.12
Historical society:
Authority, generally, 44.015, 44.02
Carriage at Old Wade House, 44.13
Circus World Museum:
Attorney general representation, 165.25 (8)
Claims against, limitations of damages, 893.82
Judgment against officers, payment, 895.46 (1) (e)
Operation by foundation, lease agreement; termination, 44.16
Sales tax exemption, 77.54 (10)
Historic sites, operation, 44.20
Museum extension service, 44.07