45.21   Retraining assistance program.
45.30   Purpose.
45.31   Definitions.
45.32   Powers of the department.
45.33   Eligibility and disqualifying factors.
45.34   Uses for loan proceeds.
45.35   Contribution.
45.36   Manner of repayment.
45.37   Mortgage loan program.
45.40   Assistance to needy veterans.
45.41   Payments to veterans organizations.
45.42   Veterans personal loans.
45.43   Veterans assistance program.
45.437   Veterans employment and entrepreneurship grant program.
45.44   Veterans fee waiver program.
45.46   Grants to nonprofit organizations that serve veterans and their families.
45.47   Record-keeping and audit requirements for grant programs administered by the department.
45.50   Veterans homes; management.
45.51   Eligibility for membership.
45.55   Notes and mortgages of minor veterans.
45.57   Veterans homes; transfer of funding.
45.58   Grants to local governments.
45.60   Military funeral honors.
45.61   Wisconsin veterans cemeteries.
45.62   Burial places compiled.
45.70   Veterans memorials.
45.71   Catalog of memorials.
45.72   County and municipal memorials.
45.73   Sites for veterans memorial halls.
45.74   Memorial corporations organized under 1919 act.
45.75   Memorials in populous counties.
45.80   County veterans service officer.
45.81   County veterans service commission.
45.82   Grants to counties and tribes for improvement of services.
45.83   Transportation services grants to counties.
45.84   Burial allowance.
45.85   Care of graves.
45.86   County tax for needy veterans.
Ch. 45 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also VA, Wis. adm. code.
subch. I of ch. 45 SUBCHAPTER I
45.001 45.001 Recognition of persons who served in the armed forces. The state of Wisconsin recognizes, as veterans, the men and women of Wisconsin who served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces or in forces incorporated in the U.S. armed forces, the men and women who served in a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces, and the men and women who served in the national guard.
45.001 History History: 2005 a. 22.
45.01 45.01 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
45.01(1) (1)“Active duty" does not include active duty for training purposes.
45.01(2) (2)“Active duty for training purposes" has the meaning given in 38 USC 101 (22).
45.01(3) (3)“Board" means the board of veterans affairs.
45.01(4) (4)“Child" means any biological child, any adopted child, any stepchild, or any other child who is a member of the veteran's household, or any nonmarital child if the veteran acknowledges paternity or paternity has been otherwise established.
45.01(5) (5)“Department" means the department of veterans affairs.
45.01(6) (6)“Dependent" includes any of the following:
45.01(6)(a) (a) A spouse, a surviving spouse, or a divorced spouse, but only if the divorced spouse is not remarried and is receiving child support or maintenance from the veteran under a court order.
45.01(6)(b) (b) Any child under 18 years of age, or under the age of 26 if in full attendance at a recognized school of instruction, or of any age if incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability.
45.01(6)(c) (c) The biological or adoptive parent or a person who acts in the place of a parent and who has so acted for not less than 12 months prior to the veteran's entrance into active service.
45.01(6)(d) (d) A minor sibling or a sibling of any age if incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability.
45.01(7) (7)“In-kind contributions" includes donations of appliances, buildings, creations, equipment, fixtures, furniture, materials, real property, structures, supplies, and utilities, and work performed in the acquisition of land and construction of property.
45.01(8) (8)“Memorial" means a building, structure, statue, or creation used to keep alive the remembrance of a veteran, veterans group, or an event related to a veteran and may include land upon which the building, structure, statue, or creation is located. “Memorial" does not include a museum.
45.01(9) (9)“Permanently and totally disabled veteran" means a person who is receiving 100 percent disability compensation from the U.S. department of veterans affairs under 38 USC 1101 to 1115, 1131 to 1137, and 1151 to 1162, due to a permanent and total service-connected disability.
45.01(10) (10)“Secretary" means the secretary of the department.
45.01(11) (11)“Service in a crisis zone" means any of the following:
45.01(11)(a) (a) Service in Lebanon and Grenada. A person shall be considered to have served in Lebanon or Grenada if the person was on active duty in Lebanon or its territorial waters under honorable conditions between August 1, 1982, and August 1, 1984, or in Grenada between October 23, 1983, and November 21, 1983, and meets one of the following conditions:
45.01(11)(a)1. 1. Was entitled to receive the armed forces expeditionary medal established by executive order 10977 on December 4, 1961.
45.01(11)(a)2. 2. Was entitled to receive the marine corps or navy expeditionary medal.
45.01(11)(a)3. 3. Was not entitled to receive a medal under par. (a) or (b) but submits other proof of service acceptable to the department.
45.01(11)(b) (b) Middle East crisis. A person shall be considered to have served in a Middle East crisis if, because of active duty in the U.S. armed forces or forces incorporated as a part of U.S. armed forces, any of the following applies:
45.01(11)(b)1. 1. The person was awarded the humanitarian service medal for participating in the attempt to rescue American hostages in Iran.
45.01(11)(b)2. 2. The person was awarded the valor ribbon bar by the U.S. state department for having been a hostage in Iran during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1980 and 1981.
45.01(11)(b)3. 3. The person participated in the April 14, 1986, military action against Libya.
45.01(11)(b)4. 4. The person served on the U.S.S. Stark on May 17, 1987.
45.01(11)(b)5. 5. The person served in support of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm under all of the following conditions:
45.01(11)(b)5.a. a. Under an active duty order, a unit assignment order or an involuntary extension of an active duty order or in the Middle East or in territorial or international waters adjacent to the Middle East.
45.01(11)(b)5.b. b. Under honorable conditions.
45.01(11)(b)5.c. c. Between August 1, 1990, and the ending date of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm, as established by the department by rule.
45.01(11)(b)6. 6. The person served for 90 days or more in support of Operation Enduring Freedom or an operation that is a successor to Operation Enduring Freedom or served in the Operation Enduring Freedom theater of operation under all of the following conditions:
45.01(11)(b)6.a. a. Under an active duty order, a unit assignment order, or an involuntary extension of an active duty order.
45.01(11)(b)6.b. b. Under honorable conditions.
45.01(11)(b)6.c. c. Between September 11, 2001, and the ending date of Operation Enduring Freedom or an operation that is a successor to Operation Enduring Freedom, as established by the department by rule.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2017. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?