Senate Joint Resolutions:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 19, 20, 23, 25, 30, 37, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48, 61, 66, 67, 82, 83, 87, 91, 95, 97, 98, 100, 103
1896Cowles, Sen. Robert (2nd Sen.Dist.; R)
Adjutant General duties re local government FEMA application training, issuance of FEMA payments, and email and electronic payments re emergency management - SB369
Barricade device installation on interior doors of school buildings: an ordinance may not be enacted or enforced and DSPS may not prohibit; school safety plan and approval from local fire department and law enforcement provisions - SB53
``Bart Starr Memorial Bridge”: STH 29 bridge over the Fox River in the City of Green Bay designated as; DOT and contributions from interested parties provisions - SB502
Berkos, Daniel M.: life and public service as Juneau County DA and on the Public Defender Board commended - SJR70
Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties - AB113
Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties - SB91
Coal tar-based sealant products and high PAH sealant products: sale of prohibited - AB797
Coal tar-based sealant products and high PAH sealant products: sale of prohibited - SB716
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES permit fee revision - AB69
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES permit fee revision - SB31
Condominium association and unit owner dispute: pre-filing notice requirement created - AB685
Condominium association and unit owner dispute: pre-filing notice requirement created - SB512
Condominium documents requirements clarified and law changes re expanding, merger or consolidation, declarant rights, plat, correction instruments, small condominiums, and local review of condominium instruments - SB550
Conservation patron license issued to veterans with a service-connected disability at a lower fee - AB79
Conservation patron license issued to veterans with a service-connected disability at a lower fee - SB85
DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants - AB795
DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants - SB715
DOR required to maintain a website displaying information re GPR collection and purposes for which it was spent, DOA duties - AB173
Due dates for paying property taxes: clarifications re postmarks and weekends - SB146
Electa Quinney Day proclaimed November 1, the first day of National Native American Heritage Month - AJR50
Electa Quinney Day proclaimed November 1, the first day of National Native American Heritage Month - SJR27
Electric scooters: operation on highways allowed; conditions, definition, and equipment requirements provisions - SB152
Electric vehicle charging stations: PSC to issue grants and designate a clean energy corridor, electric utility provision - AB233
Electric vehicle charging stations: PSC to issue grants and designate a clean energy corridor, electric utility provision - SB236
Electronic waste recycling program changes - SB264
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - SB215
Epidemiologist position in DHS dedicated to vector-borne diseases and a focus on Lyme disease - AB314
Epidemiologist position in DHS dedicated to vector-borne diseases and a focus on Lyme disease - SB299
False report of an emergency to a public safety entity knowing no emergency exists (swatting): felony provisions created; JRCCP may report - AB454
False report of an emergency to a public safety entity knowing no emergency exists (swatting): felony provisions created; JRCCP may report - SB363
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision - AB323
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision - SB310
Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision - AB792
Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision - SB717
Four-year-old kindergarten: age at which a child may attend revised - SB407
Freshwater collaborative funding among UW institutions; Board of Regents duties and report required, JCF provision - SB712
GPR collected and purposes for which amounts are spent: DOR to maintain a website to display this information, DOA to assist - SB90
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Appreciation Day: September 7, 2019 recognized as - AJR45
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Appreciation Day: September 7, 2019 recognized as - SJR35
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - SB721
Green Bay Packers Day declared August 11, 2019 on the occasion of their 100th anniversary - AJR10
Green Bay Packers Day declared August 11, 2019 on the occasion of their 100th anniversary - SJR8
Groundwater quality standards for specified contaminants: DHS required to establish - AB85
Groundwater quality standards for specified contaminants: DHS required to establish - SB109
Harbor assistance grant to City of Green Bay - AB325
Harbor assistance grant to City of Green Bay - SB295
Hill, Richard G. ``Rick”: honoring the life and service of former Chairman of the Oneida Nation - AJR131
Hill, Richard G. ``Rick”: honoring the life and service of former Chairman of the Oneida Nation - SJR98
Hunting and fishing approvals for persons with disabilities: physical therapists and licensed occupational therapists may certify disability of applicant - SB755
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - AB701
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - SB631
Insect repellant for sale in state parks and forests: DNR to make available - AB316
Insect repellant for sale in state parks and forests: DNR to make available - SB297
``Intellectual disability” substituted for ``mental retardation”, and similar phrases, in Administrative Rules; definition provisions [Admin.Code DCF 52.59; DHS 10.13, 15 (title), 15.01, 15.02, 15.04, 61.022, 61.43, 61.70, 63.02, 73.07, 101.03, 105.09, 105.12, 107.09, 107.13, 122.02, 129.03, 129.07, 129.09, 132.13, 132.51, 132.695, 134.13, 134.31, 134.42, 134.47, 134.53, 134.60; DWD 272.09; PSC 113.012, 134.02, 134.062, 134.0624, 185.12, 185.37; SPS 326.10] - SB19
Joint programming between UW Green Bay and the Oneida Tribe: annual funding from gaming receipts - AB205
Joint programming between UW Green Bay and the Oneida Tribe: annual funding from gaming receipts - SB194
Lead in drinking water: child care centers, child care providers, and recreational and educational camps required to test for; remediation plan provisions - AB475
Lead in drinking water: child care centers, child care providers, and recreational and educational camps required to test for; remediation plan provisions - SB424
Lead testing of potable water sources in schools: requirements created; exception to referendum restrictions for lead remediation; BCPL loans allowed; Safe Drinking Water Loan Program provision - AB476
Lead testing of potable water sources in schools: requirements created; exception to referendum restrictions for lead remediation; BCPL loans allowed; Safe Drinking Water Loan Program provision - SB423
Licenses issued to motor vehicle manufacturers, importers, distributors, or dealers: procedures for denials, suspensions, and revocations revised - AB3
Licenses issued to motor vehicle manufacturers, importers, distributors, or dealers: procedures for denials, suspensions, and revocations revised - SB3
Lyme disease: DNR awareness campaign requirements, state park brochure provision - AB317
Lyme disease: DNR awareness campaign requirements, state park brochure provision - SB298
Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests - AB315
Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests - SB296
``Michael G. Ellis Memorial Interchange”: DOT to designate and mark interchange of I 41, USH 10, and STH 441 in Winnebago County as - SB1
Micro market pre-licensing inspection: local health department cannot establish separate fees re retail food establishment licenses - SB106
Motor carrier maximum hours for drivers: federal law exception re planting and harvesting period modified [Admin.Code Trans 325.01] - SB669
Motor vehicle immobilization device: definition changed and county, municipality, or university may contract with person to place or remove the devices - AB2
Motor vehicle immobilization device: definition changed and county, municipality, or university may contract with person to place or remove the devices - SB4
MVP Week proclaimed December 1-7, 2019 in honor of the birthdays of the 3 most recent MVPs -- Giannis Antetokounmpo, Christian Yelich, and Aaron Rogers - AJR74
MVP Week proclaimed December 1-7, 2019 in honor of the birthdays of the 3 most recent MVPs -- Giannis Antetokounmpo, Christian Yelich, and Aaron Rogers - SJR55
Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines - SB580
Nitrate testing grant program for private well owners established; DHS, local health department, and report provisions - SB137
Nitrogen optimization pilot program created in DATCP re nitrate loading; UW institutions and grants provisions; emergency rules provision - AB796
Nitrogen optimization pilot program created in DATCP re nitrate loading; UW institutions and grants provisions; emergency rules provision - SB718
Nurse aides: required hours of instructional programing - AB76
Nurse aides: required hours of instructional programing - SB103
Opioid antagonist administration and medication-assisted treatment: county jails may enter into a written agreement to provide and civil liability immunity; DHS to study medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails, report required - SB594
PFAS management zone: DNR grants to municipalities for testing and funding for sampling, testing, and studying; positions in DNR authorized, JCF provision; agricultural chemical cleanup fund and well compensation program provisions - AB921
PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision - AB922
PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision - SB774
PFAS testing grants to municipalities; funding to DNR for provisions in SB774 - SB775
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended - SB581
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: political subdivision loan repayment agreement limited to commercial property or residential property with at least five dwelling units - SB452
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district: bidding threshold increased - SB559