Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 25, 2020)
In enrolling the following corrections were made:
hist1211481. Page 3, line 8: delete “filed” and substitute “filled”.
2019 SENATE BILL 162
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 21, 2020)
In enrolling the following corrections were made:
hist1211491. Page 1, line 3: delete “statutes” and substitute “statutes, as affected by 2019 Wisconsin Act 9,”.
2. Page 1, line 4: delete “$62,” and substitute “$157,”.
2019 SENATE BILL 268
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 21, 2020)
In enrolling the following corrections were made:
Page 2, line 9: delete “statutes” and substitute “statutes, as affected by 2019 Wisconsin Act 21,”.
Page 2, line 10: delete “and 6., and 7.,” and substitute “6., and 7., and 9.,”.
****Note: Inserts current law.
Page 3, line 18: on lines 18 and 19, delete “7.” And substitute “9.”.
2019 SENATE BILL 387
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 21, 2020)
In enrolling the following corrections were made:
Page 2, line 1: after “is” insert “renumbered 71.074 (5n) (a) 6. (intro.) and”.
Page 2, line 2: after “6.” Inset “(intro.)”.
Page 2, line 14: after “is” insert “renumbered 71.28 (5n) (a) 6. (intro.) and”.
Page 2, line 15: after “6.” Insert “(intro.)”.
2019 SENATE BILL 527
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 21, 2020)
In enrolling the following corrections were made:
hist1211521. Page 5, line 2: delete “restraint.” and substitute “restraint.”.
2019 SENATE BILL 583
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(February 25, 2020)
In enrolling the following corrections were made:
Page 8, line 16: delete “s.”.
Page 8, line 17: delete “23.33” and substitute “sub.”.
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Reference Bureau
February 25, 2020
The Honorable, the Legislature:
The following rules have been published in the February 24, 2020 Wisconsin Administrative Register No. 770:
  Clearinghouse Rules   Effective Date(s)
hist120947   18-007   3-1-2020
hist120946   18-061   3-1-2020
hist120945   18-086   3-1-2020
hist120944   19-009   3-1-2020
hist120943   19-022   3-1-2020
hist120942   19-023   3-1-2020
hist120941   19-024   3-1-2020
hist120940   19-034   3-1-2020
hist120939   19-069   3-1-2020
hist120938   19-070   3-1-2020
hist120937   19-084   3-1-2020
hist120936   19-108   3-1-2020
hist120935   19-114   3-1-2020
Senior Legislative Editor
State of Wisconsin
Claims Board
February 14, 2020
Enclosed is the report of the State Claims Board covering the claim of Derrick Sanders, which was heard on December 10, 2019. Those claims approved for payment pursuant to the provisions of s.16.007 and 775.05 Stats., have been paid directly by the Board.
This report is for the information of the Legislature, The Board would appreciate your acceptance and publication of it in the Journal to inform the members of the Legislature.
CLAIM NO. 2019-011-CONV
Notice of Appeal Rights
This is a final decision of the Wisconsin Claims Board.
Any person aggrieved by this decision has a right to petition for judicial review in circuit court as provided in Wis. Stat§ 227.52 and 227.53. Any petition must be filed in court and served on the Board within 30 days of service of the decision. The time to file and serve a petition runs from the date the final decision is mailed. The petition shall name the Wisconsin Claims Board as the respondent.
Any person aggrieved may also file a petition for rehearing with the Board under Wis. Stat 227.49(1); that petition must be received by the Board within 20 days of the service of this decision.
This notice of appeal rights is provided pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.48.
The Claims Board considered this matter on December 10, 2019. Claimant Derrick Sanders appeared at the hearing. The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office declined to appear.
This is a claim for Innocent Convict compensation pursuant to § 775.05, Wis. Stats. The claim relates to Sanders’ 1993 conviction for First-Degree Intentional Homicide as Party to a Crime. Sanders states he is innocent of this crime. He requests the maximum reimbursement of $25,000 for the 26 years he spent in prison pus an additional $5,729,965.
Claimant’s Facts and Argument
Sanders was charged with first-degree intentional homicide-party to a crime relating to an incident on November 2, 1992, when Jason Bowie was killed in an abandoned building by a single gunshot to the head. Charges were filed against two other individuals, Anthony Boddie and John Peavy, in connection with the homicide.
Sanders alleges he is innocent and had no involvement in this homicide.
Bowie was severely beaten at two different houses prior to being taken to an abandoned house where he was murdered. Boddie, Peavy, and Sanders were involved in the beating. At some point, Boddie and Peavy took the victim from the second home and walked him down the alley to the abandoned house where he was shot in the head. Boddie pled guilty to first-degree intentional homicide, party to a crime and Peavy pled guilty to an amended charge of first-degree reckless homicide, party to a crime. Sanders entered a no-contest plea to first-degree intentional homicide, party to a crime. In October 1993, Sanders was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Sanders consistently maintained that he was not involved in or aware of the shooting. He states that he pled no-contest to the charge because his attorney was ineffective and did not explain the meaning of "party to a crime." The Court of Appeals vacated Sanders' plea in 1995, concluding that it was not knowingly and intelligently entered because Sanders did not fully understand the potential for punishment if convicted.
The case was remanded for further proceedings.