State right to work law repealed [Sec. 1390-1396, 2190; original bill only] - AB56
State right to work law repealed [Sec. 1390-1396, 2190] - SB59
Suitable work requirement for UI benefits revised, DWD duties [Sec. 1355, 1366, 1371-1374, 1382, 1383, 9150 (3), 9350 (6), 9450 (6); original bill only] - AB56
Suitable work requirement for UI benefits revised, DWD duties [Sec. 1355, 1366, 1371-1374, 1382, 1383, 9150 (3), 9350 (6), 9450 (6)] - SB59
Transform Milwaukee Jobs program and Transitional Jobs program: eligibility age modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 640m] - AB56
Trial Employment Match Program (TEMP) in W-2 revised and renamed Subsidized Employment Placement [Sec. 608, 609, 612-619, 621-625, 628, 629, 631, 639, 878, 933, 964, 1036, 1109, 1885; original bill only] - AB56
Trial Employment Match Program (TEMP) in W-2 revised and renamed Subsidized Employment Placement [Sec. 608, 609, 612-619, 621-625, 628, 629, 631, 639, 878, 933, 964, 1036, 1109, 1885] - SB59
UI drug testing program and preemployment drug testing provisions repealed [Sec. 221, 1369, 1370, 1380, 1381, 1384-1386, 9350 (3), 9450 (2); original bill only] - AB56
UI drug testing program and preemployment drug testing provisions repealed [Sec. 221, 1369, 1370, 1380, 1381, 1384-1386, 9350 (3), 9450 (2)] - SB59
UI law changes re financial outlook statement, Council on Unemployment Insurance report submission, Governor’s special committee, benefits for certain employees, effect of criminal convictions, reimbursable employer debt assessment, waiver of overpayments, collection of debt by DOR, and fiscal agent election of employer status - SB671
UI one-week waiting period suspended and non-charging employer UI accounts during the 2020 public health emergency; DWD duties [Sec. 36-40, 49-53, 105 (27m), 106 (1)] - AB1038
UI one-week waiting period suspended and non-charging employer UI accounts during the 2020 public health emergency; DWD duties [Sec. 36-40, 49-53, 105 (27m), 106 (1)] - SB932
UI substantial fault provision replaced with provision on absenteeism and tardiness [Sec. 1214, 1364, 1365, 9350 (9), 9450 (9); original bill only] - AB56
UI substantial fault provision replaced with provision on absenteeism and tardiness [Sec. 1214, 1364, 1365, 9350 (9), 9450 (9)] - SB59
Wage claim changes re filing, investigation, statute of limitations, interest, surcharge, costs, and attorney fees; employers required to provide written disclosure statement when employee is hired, conditions specified; licensing agency to deny issuance or renewal of licenses to applicants with unpaid wage claims - AB40
Wage claim changes re filing, investigation, statute of limitations, interest, surcharge, costs, and attorney fees; employers required to provide written disclosure statement when employee is hired, conditions specified; licensing agency to deny issuance or renewal of licenses to applicants with unpaid wage claims - SB40
WC law changes re payment of benefits and other payments, coverage, liability, hearings, disclosure of records, and program administration - SB673
WEDC grant, loan, or tax credit recipient: report on job losses or relocations outside Wisconsin required [Sec. 1877; original bill only] - AB56
WEDC grant, loan, or tax credit recipient: report on job losses or relocations outside Wisconsin required [Sec. 1877] - SB59
WEDC job reporting criteria [Sec. 1871, 1872; original bill only] - AB56
WEDC job reporting criteria [Sec. 1871, 1872] - SB59
Work-share plans submitted by employers: suspends certain requirements re 2020 public health emergency; DWD duties [Sec. 41-48] [A.Amdt.4: plans already in effect may be modified] - AB1038
Work-share plans submitted by employers: suspends certain requirements re 2020 public health emergency; DWD duties [Sec. 41-48] - SB932
Worker training and employment program eliminated [Sec. 223, 1327; original bill only] - AB56
Worker training and employment program eliminated [Sec. 223, 1327] - SB59
Youth summer jobs program: first class city limitation removed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 230m, 1325b] - AB56
employment relationsEmployment relations, see Public employee
employment relations commissionEmployment Relations Commission
WERC unencumbered balance exceeding 10% lapses to general fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9214 (1c)] - AB56
energy conservationEnergy conservation
Business development tax credit for energy efficiency and use of renewable resources in certain buildings [Sec. 1887; original bill only] - AB56
Business development tax credit for energy efficiency and use of renewable resources in certain buildings [Sec. 1887] - SB59
Clean and Renewable Energy, Joint Task Force on: committees on Assembly and Senate organization required to immediately appoint; findings deadline specified - AJR95
``Energy provider” definition expanded re trespassing on or damaging property of; JRCCP may report - AB426
``Energy provider” definition expanded re trespassing on or damaging property of; JRCCP may report - SB386
Focus on Energy programs: PSC may require certain electric and natural gas public utilities to spend more on; JCF approval [Sec. 1813, 1814; original bill only] - AB56
Focus on Energy programs: PSC may require certain electric and natural gas public utilities to spend more on; JCF approval [Sec. 1813, 1814] - SB59
Green bank study by DOA: contract with independent consultant and report required - AB765
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: political subdivision loan repayment agreement limited to commercial property or residential property with at least five dwelling units - AB498
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: political subdivision loan repayment agreement limited to commercial property or residential property with at least five dwelling units - SB452
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency projects modified; resolution, report, and LAB audit provisions - AB553
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency projects modified; resolution, report, and LAB audit provisions - SB494
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency projects: restriction eliminated - AB292
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency projects: restriction eliminated - SB229
Solar energy and wind energy systems: DWD grants to reimburse employers re employee training and certification - AB237
Solar energy and wind energy systems: DWD grants to reimburse employers re employee training and certification - SB218
Sustainability and Clean Energy, Office of, created in DOA; PSC provision [Sec. 38, 77, 273, 274, 312, 1805-1810, 1815, 1816, 1856, 9136 (2), 9401 (1), 9436 (1), (2); original bill only] - AB56
Sustainability and Clean Energy, Office of, created in DOA; PSC provision [Sec. 38, 77, 273, 274, 312, 1805-1810, 1815, 1816, 1856, 9136 (2), 9401 (1), 9436 (1), (2)] - SB59
UW System report requirements revised and exempted from certain reports; commencement of classes for graduate health sciences classes revised; sexual assault and harassment information provided to students and reporting requirements modified; DOA to submit biennial plans to JCF on energy cost reduction for certain state agencies - AB372
UW System report requirements revised and exempted from certain reports; commencement of classes for graduate health sciences classes revised; sexual assault and harassment information provided to students and reporting requirements modified; DOA to submit biennial plans to JCF on energy cost reduction for certain state agencies - SB486
Waste-to-energy facilities exempt from tipping fees, conditions specified - AB713
Waste-to-energy facilities exempt from tipping fees, conditions specified - SB670
Wisconsin Renewable Energy Development Authority (WREDA) created; bonding, loan, and authority to implement energy-related programs; reports required - AB270
Wisconsin Renewable Energy Development Authority (WREDA) created; bonding, loan, and authority to implement energy-related programs; reports required - SB253
Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title - AB163
Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB156
Highway construction: DOT to maintain list of subbase materials and associated thicknesses; bidders may base bids on equivalent subbase materials on the list [A.Amdt.1: engineer of record may prohibit use] - AB273
english languageEnglish language
English as state’s official language; written expression by state and local governments required to be in English, some exceptions; precludes units of state and local government from prohibiting or restricting proficiency or use of any language for nongovernmental purposes - SB739
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) annual fee increased; nutrient management plan established; groundwater monitoring re manure landspreading; well construction and pump installation rules updated; collaboration to update SnapPlus program; appropriations, State Laboratory of Hygiene, DNR, DHS, DATCP, UW, USDA, and PFAS provisions - AB867
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - AB210
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - SB215
Environmental education grants awarded by UW Stevens Point [Sec. 170, 365; original bill only] - AB56
Environmental education grants awarded by UW Stevens Point [Sec. 170, 365] - SB59
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision - AB323
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision [S.Amdt.1: definitions and emergency rule provision added] - SB310
Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision - AB792
Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision - SB717
Highway project design inventory for design-build projects: DOT required to maintain [A.Amdt.1: completed environmental assessment or impact statement provision added] - AB275
Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations - AB993
Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations - SB877
PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provision - AB321
PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provision - SB302
PFAS in food packaging: DNR required to study safer alternatives, report to LRB required by set date, prohibition provision - AB952
PFAS management zone: DNR grants to municipalities for testing and funding for sampling, testing, and studying; positions in DNR authorized, JCF provision; agricultural chemical cleanup fund and well compensation program provisions - AB921
PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision - AB922
PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision - SB774
PFAS programs and positions in 2019 AB843: providing funding for - AB842
PFAS programs and positions in 2019 SB772: providing funding for - SB773
PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision - AB843
PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision - SB772
PFAS testing grants to municipalities; funding to DNR for provisions in SB774 - SB775
epidemiologistEpidemiologist, see Public health