DNA surcharge transfer [Sec. 238, 9227 (1)] - SB59
Down syndrome diagnostic tests: certain health care practitioners and genetic counselors required to deliver certain information to parents or guardians; DHS duties and grant program - SB908
Employment discrimination re unfair honesty or genetic testing: DWD or discriminated person may bring an action in circuit court; damages, exceptions, limitations, and consumer price index provisions - AB396
Employment discrimination re unfair honesty or genetic testing: DWD or discriminated person may bring an action in circuit court; damages, exceptions, limitations, and consumer price index provisions - SB366
Expungement of DNA data in crime laboratories' data bank required if not adjudged guilty or delinquent; DOJ duties - AB212
Genetic counseling regulations and licensing; Genetic Counselors Affiliated Credentialing Board created; JRCCP may report - AB686
Genetic counseling regulations and licensing; Genetic Counselors Affiliated Credentialing Board created; JRCCP may report - SB620
Howard Temin Day: December 10, 2020 declared as - AJR126
Howard Temin Day declared December 10, 2019, the 85th anniversary of his birth - AJR103
Noonan Syndrome Awareness Month: February recognized as - AJR125
Noonan Syndrome Awareness Month: February recognized as - SJR91
Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions - AB166
Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions - SB158
Wisconsin Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System: DOJ required to establish - AB358
Wisconsin Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System: DOJ required to establish - SB332
girl scouts of americaGirl Scouts of America, see Youth
governorGovernor, see also Executive office
Absentee ballot returned by mail: deadline during a state of emergency - SB919
Absentee ballots automatically sent to all registered voters during a declared state of emergency - SB916
Absentee ballots: in-person application deadline during a declared state of emergency - SB922
Alcohol beverage retailer may fill remote orders during a public health emergency declaration under set conditions - SB931
Annual town meeting and boards of review meetings may be postponed re public health emergency declared by Governor - SB912
Blue Ribbon Commission created in the UW System; membership and duties set; commission terminates upon submission of report, Governor has option to renew - AB389
Blue Ribbon Commission created in the UW System; membership and duties set; commission terminates upon submission of report, Governor has option to renew - SB355
Canvassing absentee ballots during a state of emergency allowed on Sunday before an election, conditions set and ordinance provision - SB917
COVID-19 pandemic: state government response [A.Amdt.4: further revisions] - AB1038
COVID-19 pandemic: state government response - SB932
EdVest contributions: deadline extended due to public health emergency declared by Executive Order no. 72 - SB930
Elector quarantined or in isolation as a result of a state of emergency: register and obtain official ballot by agent - SB921
Electronic voter registration deadline during a state of emergency - SB918
Emergency operation of local units of government re state of emergency: virtual meetings and public access to meetings provisions - SB914
Equal opportunity intern program established for Assembly and Senate offices, Governor's office, and DOJ's Milwaukee office; DWD program to place interns in Wisconsin businesses; conditions specified - AB1023
Hmong-Lao Veterans Day: May 14 designated as; Governor proclamation provision - AB785
Hmong-Lao Veterans Day: May 14 designated as; Governor proclamation provision - SB735
Individual and candidate committee contribution limit decreased for statewide officeholders - SB76
Joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the DNR and Wisconsin Conservation Congress: rule-making process changes for administrative rules proposed at re gubernatorial approval, statements of scope, economic impact analyses and their content, independent economic impact analyses, legislative review, and bill required under set condition - AB215
Joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the DNR and Wisconsin Conservation Congress: rule-making process changes for administrative rules proposed at re gubernatorial approval, statements of scope, economic impact analyses and their content, independent economic impact analyses, legislative review, and bill required under set condition - SB204
Partial veto to increase state expenditures: prohibit Governor from using. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR108
Partial veto to increase state expenditures: prohibit Governor from using. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR59
Property tax installments during a public health emergency: municipalities may authorize by ordinance; Executive Order no. 72 provision - SB926
Scope of practice of health care providers and health care providers from other states during public health emergency declared by Executive Order no. 72 - SB928
State of emergency declarations: legislative approval if order exceeds 30 days and for DHS stay at home orders, report to legislature justifying ban on gatherings over 50 people and on arrests for violation of order to control an outbreak or epidemic - AB1037
State of emergency declarations: legislative approval if order exceeds 30 days and for DHS stay at home orders, report to legislature justifying ban on gatherings over 50 people and on arrests for violation of order to control an outbreak or epidemic - SB923
Suspension of voter ID requirement during a declared state of emergency - SB920
Term limits for members of the legislature and constitutional officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR86
Term limits for members of the legislature and constitutional officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR68
UI law changes re financial outlook statement, Council on Unemployment Insurance report submission, Governor’s special committee, benefits for certain employees, effect of criminal convictions, reimbursable employer debt assessment, waiver of overpayments, collection of debt by DOR, and fiscal agent election of employer status - SB671
UI one-week waiting period: DWD may suspend during declared state of emergency; retroactive provision to apply to emergency declared in Executive Order no. 72 - AB1034
UI one-week waiting period: DWD may suspend during declared state of emergency; retroactive provision to apply to emergency declared in Executive Order no. 72 - SB906
governor _ legislation by request ofGovernor — Legislation by request of
Budget bill - AB56
Budget bill - SB59
County-based agriculture positions created in UW Madison, Division of Extension to advise farmers - Jr0 AB4
County-based agriculture positions created in UW Madison, Division of Extension to advise farmers - Jr0 SB4
Dairy processing plant grants: DATCP to give preference to small plants and appropriation increased - Jr0 AB7
Dairy processing plant grants: DATCP to give preference to small plants and appropriation increased - Jr0 SB7
Education and technical assistance re producing value-added agricultural products; organic farming assistance and grazing grants created; farm to fork program created; technical assistance on resource conservation program created; DATCP duties, funding, and FTE positions provisions - Jr0 AB3
Education and technical assistance re producing value-added agricultural products; organic farming assistance and grazing grants created; farm to fork program created; technical assistance on resource conservation program created; DATCP duties, funding, and FTE positions provisions - Jr0 SB3
Farm succession planning, financial and business consulting services, and farmer transition planning and coaching: DATCP to provide; funding, FTE positions, and UW Extension provisions - Jr0 AB1
Farm succession planning, financial and business consulting services, and farmer transition planning and coaching: DATCP to provide; funding, FTE positions, and UW Extension provisions - Jr0 SB1
Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches - Jr0 AB5
Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches - Jr0 SB5
Farmer support for stress and mental illness: authorizing regional agent positions in DATCP to assist farmers; funding for training of mental health professionals and agribusiness professionals - Jr0 AB2
Farmer support for stress and mental illness: authorizing regional agent positions in DATCP to assist farmers; funding for training of mental health professionals and agribusiness professionals - Jr0 SB2
Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision - Jr0 AB8
Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision - Jr0 SB8
Wisconsin Initiative for Dairy Exports created; DATCP duties and FTE positions - Jr0 AB6
Wisconsin Initiative for Dairy Exports created; DATCP duties and FTE positions - Jr0 SB6
gpr general purpose revenueGPR (General purpose revenue), see Appropriation; specific agency
gratuityGratuity, see Wage, and its subheadings
great lakesGreat Lakes, see Lakes
great lakes inter_tribal councilGreat Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Tribal language revitalization grants: adding American Indian heritage, language, and cultural instruction program grants for certain children; DPI may contract with Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council to implement and administer [Sec. 139, 278, 1476-1479; original bill only] - AB56
Tribal language revitalization grants: adding American Indian heritage, language, and cultural instruction program grants for certain children; DPI may contract with Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council to implement and administer [Sec. 139, 278, 1476-1479] - SB59
Authorized state building program for 2019-21 amended to add grant to the Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau for a visitor information and education center - AB493
Authorized state building program for 2019-21 amended to add grant to the Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau for a visitor information and education center - SB445
``Bart Starr Memorial Bridge”: STH 29 bridge over the Fox River in the City of Green Bay designated as; DOT and contributions from interested parties provisions - AB557
``Bart Starr Memorial Bridge”: STH 29 bridge over the Fox River in the City of Green Bay designated as; DOT and contributions from interested parties provisions - SB502
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - AB787
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - SB721
Harbor assistance grant to City of Green Bay - AB325
Harbor assistance grant to City of Green Bay - SB295
green bay packersGreen Bay Packers