Joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the DNR and Wisconsin Conservation Congress: rule-making process changes for administrative rules proposed at re gubernatorial approval, statements of scope, economic impact analyses and their content, independent economic impact analyses, legislative review, and bill required under set condition - AB215
Joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the DNR and Wisconsin Conservation Congress: rule-making process changes for administrative rules proposed at re gubernatorial approval, statements of scope, economic impact analyses and their content, independent economic impact analyses, legislative review, and bill required under set condition - SB204
natural resources department of _ administrationNatural Resources, Department of — Administration, see also Natural Resources Board
ATV and UTV regulations revised; administrative code revision [Admin.Code NR 64.14] - AB652
ATV and UTV regulations revised; administrative code revision [Admin.Code NR 64.14] [S.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions] - SB583
DNR appropriation renumberings re position transfers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 176m, 178m-179i, 181m] - AB56
Laboratories that perform certain environmental testing: DNR to promulgate by rule a method to produce an annual schedule of fees - AB762
Laboratories that perform certain environmental testing: DNR to promulgate by rule a method to produce an annual schedule of fees - SB700
Lyme disease: DNR awareness campaign requirements, state park brochure provision - AB317
Lyme disease: DNR awareness campaign requirements, state park brochure provision - SB298
Natural Resources Science, Bureau of, created in DNR [Sec. 45, 9132 (2); original bill only] - AB56
Natural Resources Science, Bureau of, created in DNR [Sec. 45, 9132 (2)] - SB59
Snowmobile enforcement, safety training, and fatality reporting: DNR funding from Indian gaming changed to GPR [Sec. 177, 178, 280, 2022-2024; original bill only] - AB56
Snowmobile enforcement, safety training, and fatality reporting: DNR funding from Indian gaming changed to GPR [Sec. 177, 178, 280, 2022-2024] - SB59
natural resources department of _ environmental protectionNatural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Abandoned underground petroleum storage tanks: removal program transferred from DNR to DATCP [Sec. 179, 340, 1800, 1976, 9132 (1); original bill only] - AB56
Abandoned underground petroleum storage tanks: removal program transferred from DNR to DATCP [Sec. 179, 340, 1800, 1976, 9132 (1)] - SB59
Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties - AB113
Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR to consult EPA re certain credits] - SB91
Clean Water Fund Program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 295] - AB56
Clean Water Fund Program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 295] - SB59
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) annual fee increased; nutrient management plan established; groundwater monitoring re manure landspreading; well construction and pump installation rules updated; collaboration to update SnapPlus program; appropriations, State Laboratory of Hygiene, DNR, DHS, DATCP, UW, USDA, and PFAS provisions - AB867
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES annual permit fee increased, 5 year fee imposed, and deposit of fees provision [Sec. 181, 1971-1973; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fee and appropriation revisions, DNR report requirement modified, 179m, 181d, 1973m, deletes 1971-1973] - AB56
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES annual permit fee increased, 5 year fee imposed, and deposit of fees provision [Sec. 181, 1971-1973] - SB59
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES permit fee revision - AB69
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES permit fee revision - SB31
Contaminated sediment removal from Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, or a tributary: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 299; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB56
Contaminated sediment removal from Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, or a tributary: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 299] - SB59
Continuous disinfection of water: municipal water systems required to provide - AB966
Continuous disinfection of water: municipal water systems required to provide - SB783
CWD research and management: DNR funding - AB533
CWD research and management: DNR funding - SB473
Dam safety project aid program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 301] - AB56
Dam safety project aid program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 301] - SB59
DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants - AB795
DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants - SB715
DNR financial assistance for nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects and to implement best management practices at animal feeding operations: bonding authority increased [Sec. 297] - AB56
DNR financial assistance for nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects and to implement best management practices at animal feeding operations: bonding authority increased [Sec. 297] - SB59
Electronic waste recycling program changes - AB297
Electronic waste recycling program changes - SB264
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - AB210
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - SB215
Environmental management moneys used for nonpoint source water pollution abatement [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 339d, f] - AB56
Filled lakebed in the City of Racine: authorized uses expanded; DNR appendix report - AB333
Filled lakebed in the City of Racine: authorized uses expanded; DNR appendix report - SB306
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision - AB323
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision [S.Amdt.1: definitions and emergency rule provision added] - SB310
Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision - AB792
Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision - SB717
Floating treatment wetland placed in a lake or river made eligible for lake management grant and river protection grant - AB503
Floating treatment wetland placed in a lake or river made eligible for lake management grant and river protection grant - SB485
Flood risk reduction pilot projects in Ashland County: DNR grant provisions, report required - AB266
Flood risk reduction pilot projects in Ashland County: DNR grant provisions, report required [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions] - SB252
Great Lakes erosion control revolving loan program created in DNR to assist certain municipalities and home owners - AB974
Great Lakes erosion control revolving loan program created in DNR to assist certain municipalities and home owners - SB884
Groundwater Coordinating Council additional funding; funding for DHS positions re groundwater, drinking water, waterborne diseases, and harmful algae blooms; State Laboratory of Hygiene appropriation changes - AB916
Groundwater Coordinating Council: appropriation to DNR and UW System increased for activities related to - AB999
Groundwater management area standards and process for designating established; high capacity well provisions re environmental review, approvals, mining operations, and groundwater management areas; DNR provisions re withdrawal fees, water conservation for certain approvals, eliminate certain hydrologic study, and groundwater study and enforcement standards at mining operations - SB732
Groundwater substances list compiled by DNR: public notice and comment period requirement; DHS provision - AB794
Groundwater substances list compiled by DNR: public notice and comment period requirement; DHS provision - SB708
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - AB701
Hydrologic restoration and management advisory council created in DNR; general permit for hydrologic restoration projects authorized, conditions specified - SB631
Insect repellant for sale in state parks and forests: DNR to make available - AB316
Insect repellant for sale in state parks and forests: DNR to make available - SB297
Joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the DNR and Wisconsin Conservation Congress: rule-making process changes for administrative rules proposed at re gubernatorial approval, statements of scope, economic impact analyses and their content, independent economic impact analyses, legislative review, and bill required under set condition - AB215
Joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the DNR and Wisconsin Conservation Congress: rule-making process changes for administrative rules proposed at re gubernatorial approval, statements of scope, economic impact analyses and their content, independent economic impact analyses, legislative review, and bill required under set condition - SB204
Lake biomanipulation projects to improve water quality: DNR grants created - AB798
Lake biomanipulation projects to improve water quality: DNR grants created - SB725
Little Plover River watershed enhancement grant to Village of Plover - AB567
Little Plover River watershed enhancement grant to Village of Plover - SB510
Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests - AB315
Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests - SB296
Metallic mining laws substantially restored to pre-2013 WisActs 1 and 81 and 2017 WisAct 134 provisions; MFL and administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code NR 132.06, 132.17, 132.18, 182.07, 182.08] - AB756
MFL program changes re eligibility, material change to law, withdrawal taxes and fees, small land sales, large ownerships, taxation of buildings, and leasing - AB856
MFL program changes re eligibility, material change to law, withdrawal taxes and fees, small land sales, large ownerships, taxation of buildings, and leasing - SB867
Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program established in DNR to assist certain municipalities and home owners - AB988
Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program established in DNR to assist certain municipalities and home owners - SB878
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - AB1026
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - SB896
Nonconforming buildings in a floodplain brought into conformity with federal standards: DNR cannot prohibit further modifications based on cost - AB721
Nonconforming buildings in a floodplain brought into conformity with federal standards: DNR cannot prohibit further modifications based on cost [S.Amdt.1: conditions modified] - SB637
PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provision - AB321
PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provision - SB302
PFAS in food packaging: DNR required to study safer alternatives, report to LRB required by set date, prohibition provision - AB952
PFAS management zone: DNR grants to municipalities for testing and funding for sampling, testing, and studying; positions in DNR authorized, JCF provision; agricultural chemical cleanup fund and well compensation program provisions - AB921
PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision - AB922
PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision - SB774
PFAS programs and positions in 2019 AB843: providing funding for - AB842
PFAS programs and positions in 2019 SB772: providing funding for - SB773