100th anniversary of the AAA School Safety Patrol Program: May 2020 recognized as - AJR123
100th anniversary of the AAA School Safety Patrol Program: May 2020 recognized as - SJR89
American Indian history, culture, and tribal sovereignty: parental choice program schools and independent charter schools required to include instruction on - AB108
Bills overturning local government policies, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations: two-thirds vote required - SB23
Character education professional development for teachers, pupil service professionals, and school administrators: DPI grants, sunset provision - AB149
Character education professional development for teachers, pupil service professionals, and school administrators: DPI grants, sunset provision - SB138
Child abuse and neglect reporting hotline posted in schools required - AB761
Child abuse and neglect reporting hotline posted in schools required - SB692
``Directory data” in pupil records: adding names of parents or guardians - AB53
``Directory data” in pupil records: adding names of parents or guardians - SB57
Drills for fire, tornado, and school safety in public and private schools: previous warning permitted - AB54
Drills for fire, tornado, and school safety in public and private schools: previous warning permitted - SB56
Driver education programs offered by school boards, independent charter schools, and CESAs: DPI aid based on eligible pupils [Sec. 153, 1711, 1712; original bill only] - AB56
Driver education programs offered by school boards, independent charter schools, and CESAs: DPI aid based on eligible pupils [Sec. 153, 1711, 1712] - SB59
Dyslexia guidebook for parents, guardians, teachers, and administrators: DPI required to develop, advisory committee provision [A.Amdt.1: financial interest restriction re committee] - AB110
Electronic waste recycling program changes - AB297
Electronic waste recycling program changes - SB264
Esports participation grants to schools: DPI pilot program established - AB1001
Full-time open enrollment applications: virtual charter schools do not count in the nonresident school board limitation - AB737
Full-time open enrollment applications: virtual charter schools do not count in the nonresident school board limitation - SB688
Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required - AB816
Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required - SB744
Independent charter school authorizers cannot contract with new charter schools until set date [Sec. 1567, 1568, 1573-1577; original bill only] - AB56
Independent charter school authorizers cannot contract with new charter schools until set date [Sec. 1567, 1568, 1573-1577] - SB59
Lakeland STAR School and Lakeland STAR Academy: DPI grants, matching funds provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 163s, t, 9134 (5p), (6p), 9434 (8p)] - AB56
Lead testing of potable water sources in schools: requirements created; exception to referendum restrictions for lead remediation; BCPL loans allowed; Safe Drinking Water Loan Program provision - AB476
Lead testing of potable water sources in schools: requirements created; exception to referendum restrictions for lead remediation; BCPL loans allowed; Safe Drinking Water Loan Program provision - SB423
Local governmental units required to establish a civil service system; just cause, grievance procedure, and exception provisions - AB936
Mail containing person’s immunization status: specified entities required to ensure mail is sealed and information is not visible on outside of mail - AB783
Milk dispensers: DATCP grants to schools for purchase of - AB956
Nonresident tuition exemption for technical college and UW System students who are citizens of another country, not legal permanent residents of the U.S., and meet specified requirements [Sec. 364, 382, 9342 (2), 9347 (2); original bill only] - AB56
Nonresident tuition exemption for technical college and UW System students who are citizens of another country, not legal permanent residents of the U.S., and meet specified requirements [Sec. 364, 382, 9342 (2), 9347 (2)] - SB59
Part-time open enrollment program expanded and renamed the course choice program; DPI duties - AB849
Part-time open enrollment program expanded and renamed the course choice program; DPI duties - SB789
Peer-to-peer suicide prevention programs for public, private, and tribal high schools: DPI competitive grant program established - AB528
Peer-to-peer suicide prevention programs for public, private, and tribal high schools: DPI competitive grant program established - SB498
Physical restraint and seclusion of pupils in schools: laws revised - AB585
Physical restraint and seclusion of pupils in schools: laws revised - SB527
Private school choice programs, independent charter schools, Special Needs Scholarship Program re 2020 public health emergency: DPI may waive state education statutes and administrative rules; not withholding program payments; cash and investment balance requirement does not apply; hours of instruction waiver; and parental choice program application deadline for 2020-2021 extended [Sec. 57, 60-66, 105 (22), (23)] [A.Amdt.4: further revisions] - AB1038
Private school choice programs, independent charter schools, Special Needs Scholarship Program re 2020 public health emergency: DPI may waive state education statutes and administrative rules; not withholding program payments; cash and investment balance requirement does not apply; hours of instruction waiver; and parental choice program application deadline for 2020-2021 extended [Sec. 57, 60-66, 105 (22), (23)] - SB932
Pupil examination requirements do not apply and DPI prohibited from publishing school accountability reports in the 2019-2020 school year [Sec. 54-56, 58, 59, 67-74, 105 (21)] - AB1038
Pupil examination requirements do not apply and DPI prohibited from publishing school accountability reports in the 2019-2020 school year [Sec. 54-56, 58, 59, 67-74, 105 (21)] - SB932
Pupil transportation aid to school districts and independent charter school operators, summer class provision [Sec. 1713, 1714, 9334 (3); original bill only] - AB56
Pupil transportation aid to school districts and independent charter school operators, summer class provision [Sec. 1713, 1714, 9334 (3)] - SB59
Reading readiness of pupils in 4K to 2nd grade: assessment modified and voluntary questionnaire added - AB632
Reading readiness of pupils in 4K to 2nd grade: assessment modified and voluntary questionnaire added - SB578
Reciprocal teaching license provisions revised - AB195
School and school district accountability report to include information on music, dance, drama, and visual arts participation - AB67
School and school district accountability report to include information on music, dance, drama, and visual arts participation - SB64
School breakfast program: eligibility expanded and reimbursement to schools that ceased operations prohibited [Sec. 1424, 1425; original bill only] - AB56
School breakfast program: eligibility expanded and reimbursement to schools that ceased operations prohibited [Sec. 1424, 1425] - SB59
School choking rescue devices: DHS grants - AB354
School choking rescue devices: DHS grants - SB330
School day milk program expanded [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1425f] - AB56
School Safety, Office of, transferred from DOJ to DPI [Sec. 41, 236, 239, 313, 1414, 1415, 1517, 1518, 1524, 1535, 1639, 1785-1788, 1792-1797, 1855, 9127 (1), 9427 (1); original bill only] - AB56
School Safety, Office of, transferred from DOJ to DPI [Sec. 41, 236, 239, 313, 1414, 1415, 1517, 1518, 1524, 1535, 1639, 1785-1788, 1792-1797, 1855, 9127 (1), 9427 (1)] - SB59
School safety plan requirements applied to operators of independent charter schools; frequency of plans submitted to Office of School Safety revised and random sampling reviewed annually - AB965
School safety plan requirements applied to operators of independent charter schools; frequency of plans submitted to Office of School Safety revised and random sampling reviewed annually - SB824
Student ID cards: contact information for suicide prevention and crisis support hotlines required [S.Amdt.1: private school provision removed, higher education institution limited to UW System and technical colleges] - AB531
Student ID cards: contact information for suicide prevention and crisis support hotlines required - SB496
TEACH program changes: information technology block grant program extended and revised; certain grants eliminated; and educational telecommunications access program data line speed increased [Sec. 87-117, 275, 1570, 1811; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, eliminated grants and data line speed provisions removed, 96m, 1811m, deletes 87, 92-104, 1570, 1811; A.Amdt.1: adds back 1570 with revisions, 1570f, 9434 (4)] - AB56
TEACH program changes: information technology block grant program extended and revised; certain grants eliminated; and educational telecommunications access program data line speed increased [Sec. 87-117, 275, 1570, 1811] - SB59
Uniform School Budget and Accounting, Committee on, created in DPI to advise and create a computerized uniform budget and accounting system, report required, JCF provision - AB810
Uniform School Budget and Accounting, Committee on, created in DPI to advise and create a computerized uniform budget and accounting system, report required, JCF provision - SB743
Virtual charter school pupils allowed to participate in interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities at resident school district, fee provision - AB779
Virtual charter school pupils allowed to participate in interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities at resident school district, fee provision - SB705
school _ attendanceSchool — Attendance
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program and former SAGE program eliminated; new SAGE program created; parental choice programs and Special Needs Scholarship Program phased out - AB935
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program and former SAGE program eliminated; new SAGE program created; parental choice programs and Special Needs Scholarship Program phased out - SB816
American Indian history, culture, and tribal sovereignty: parental choice program schools and independent charter schools required to include instruction on - AB108
Annual adjustment for per pupil payments [Sec. 1428, 1569, 1571, 1572, 1578, 1579, 1627-1629, 1661-1663; original bill only] - AB56
Annual adjustment for per pupil payments [Sec. 1428, 1569, 1571, 1572, 1578, 1579, 1627-1629, 1661-1663] - SB59
Child abuse and neglect reporting hotline posted in schools required - AB761
Child abuse and neglect reporting hotline posted in schools required - SB692
DPI-issued teachers license required for teachers at private schools participating in a parental choice program or Special Needs Scholarship Program, exception provision - AB728
DPI-issued teachers license required for teachers at private schools participating in a parental choice program or Special Needs Scholarship Program, exception provision - SB660
DPI per pupil payments to private schools participating in parental choice programs: calculation changed - AB727
DPI per pupil payments to private schools participating in parental choice programs: calculation changed - SB659
Driver education courses: DPI to reimburse school districts, independent charter schools, and private schools participating in parental choice programs; conditions set - AB675
Driver education courses: DPI to reimburse school districts, independent charter schools, and private schools participating in parental choice programs; conditions set - SB831
Eliminate Opportunity Schools and Partnership Programs, teacher licensure based on alternative teacher certification program, limit on school district referenda in a calendar year, and certain Open Enrollment Program transfer amount; annual adjustment to Open Enrollment Program transfer amount formula revised [Sec. 32-36, 151, 164, 400, 755, 761, 769, 770, 776, 823-826, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1480, 1481, 1525-1534, 1536, 1541, 1554, 1556-1560, 1580-1599, 1634-1638, 1640-1645, 1669-1684, 1689, 1719, 1743, 1745, 1769, 1770, 2179; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, all provisions removed except repeal of Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program, deletes all sections except 761; A.Amdt.1: deletes 761] - AB56
Eliminate Opportunity Schools and Partnership Programs, teacher licensure based on alternative teacher certification program, limit on school district referenda in a calendar year, and certain Open Enrollment Program transfer amount; annual adjustment to Open Enrollment Program transfer amount formula revised [Sec. 32-36, 151, 164, 400, 755, 761, 769, 770, 776, 823-826, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1480, 1481, 1525-1534, 1536, 1541, 1554, 1556-1560, 1580-1599, 1634-1638, 1640-1645, 1669-1684, 1689, 1719, 1743, 1745, 1769, 1770, 2179] - SB59
Full-time open enrollment applications: virtual charter schools do not count in the nonresident school board limitation - AB737
Full-time open enrollment applications: virtual charter schools do not count in the nonresident school board limitation - SB688
Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required - AB816
Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required - SB744
Hours of direct pupil instruction provided virtually by private schools participating in a parental choice program permitted; inclement weather and DPI provisions - AB129
Hours of direct pupil instruction provided virtually by private schools participating in a parental choice program permitted; inclement weather and DPI provisions - SB111
Hours of direct pupil instruction requirement: exception for high performing schools when school is closed due to emergency or inclement weather - AB115