Agent, appointment, 59.56 (3) (c)
Board of immigration, 59.53 (18)
State aid for, 59.56 (3) (e)
Cranberry growers' association, meetings, publication, 94.35
Damages from cultivation, arbitration, 94.27 to 94.32
Drains, ditches; landowners privileges, 94.26
On county leased lands, cranberries not to be harmed, 31.35
Irrigation from drainage ditches, 88.93
Credit transactions, permissible finance charges and fees, 422.210
Contract for sale of, 402.105 (1), 402.107 (2)
Filing required, 241.03
Sale, insurable interest, 402.501 (1)
Seed certification, 94.40
Tax exemption, 70.11 (30), 70.111 (4)
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.889
Dairy plants, see Dairy Plants
Dairy production and foods, see Dairy Products
Discovery farm grants, 36.25 (47)
Drainage of lands, see Drainage of Lands
Education and training programs re pesticides, 101.597 (2)
Employees' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Notice requirements re pesticides, 101.581 (2)
Worker's compensation, 102.04 (1), 102.05 (3), 102.07 (5)
Entrances to adjacent property provided, 86.05
Execution exemptions, 815.18 (3) (b)
Fairs, see Fairs
Farm mediation and arbitration program, 93.50
Farmer assistance, 93.51
Communications privileged, 904.15
Dairy farmer exit-entry program, 93.52
Stray voltage program, 93.41, 196.857
Farmland preservation:
Generally, Ch. 91
For detailed analysis, see Farmland Preservation
Feed, commercial, 94.72
Fences, see Fences
Agricultural lime sales, 94.66
Manufacture and distribution, licensing, regulations, 94.64
Phosphorus-containing, restrictions on sale and use; agriculture exemption, 94.643
Soil additives, manufacture and distribution, 94.65
Storage, 94.645
Protected, 29.611
Regulatory law, 94.50
Possession, exemption from prosecution, 961.32 (3)
Misrepresentation, penalties, 961.442
Regulation, licensing, 94.55
Honey sales; standards, certification, 100.187
Horticultural society, 94.01, 94.02
See also Tractors, under this subhead
Hour-meter tampering, 100.48
Lights and reflectors, 347.22, 347.24, 347.25 (2g)
Motor vehicle registration exemption, 341.05 (17)
Safeguards required, 167.12 to 167.18
Safety device installers, immunity from liability, 895.448
Sales, safety requirements, 100.47
Slow-moving emblem, 347.245
Youthful operators, regulated, 34
Income tax credits:
Dairy and livestock investment tax credit, 71.07 (3n), 71.28 (3n), 71.47 (3n)
Farmland preservation credit, see Taxation—8. Income and Franchise Tax
Farmland tax relief credit, 71.07 (3m), 71.47 (2m), 71.57 to 71.61, 71.613, 79.13
Irrigation permits, 30.18
Agricultural conservation easements, purchase by state, 93.73
Detachment from city, 62.075
Detachment from village, 61.74
Breeding services, 779.49
Harvesting, 779.50
County may produce and distribute, 59.70 (24)
Sale regulated, license, fee, labeling, 94.66
Loan guarantee programs:
Generally, 234.90 to 234.907
Disaster assistance, 234.905
Farm assets reinvestment management loans, 234.91
Production loan guarantees, 234.90
Managed forest land, generally, 77.80 to 77.91
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—9. Managed Forest Lands