Child advocacy centers, 165.96
Court appointed special advocates, 165.967
Law enforcement:
Beat patrol officer employment, 165.986, 165.95
Counties, 165.89
Drug courts, 165.955
Global positioning tracking systems, 165.825
Alternatives to incarceration programs, 165.95
Drug trafficking response, 165.984
Indian tribes, 165.91
Technology grants, 165.983
Weed and seed project, 165.982
Youth diversion programs, 165.987
Sexual assault victim programs, 165.93
Habitual traffic offender:
Represent secretary, 351.04
Secretary to certify copy of conviction record to, 351.03
Handgun buyers, criminal history record search, 175.35
Hazardous waste management, confidentiality of records, 291.15
Historical society contracts, 165.25 (8)
Hospital regulation and approval law, enforcement, 50.39
Human trafficking resource center hotline, 165.71
Impersonating an officer, penalties, 125.105
Income tax, 71.78, 71.80, 71.85, 71.92
Indian reservations, county-tribal law enforcement programs, 165.90
Indigents, reports on recoupment and repayment, 977.085 (3)
Information center between law enforcement officers, 165.78
Injunction of enforcement of statute, notice to attorney general required required, 813.025
Inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, dissolution, represent state, 33.35
Inspections and warrants under controlled substances act, 961.52
Insurance, enforcement of decrees, 618.61 (3)
Insurance company:
License fee, action to recover, 76.68
Protect policyholder in action against, 601.71
Insurance law, enforcement, 601.12 (2)
Investigation council, general provisions, 15.09
Judicial council, member of, 758.13
Juvenile justice improvement plan, 165.25 (13)
Land donated to state, examine title, 24.02
Law enforcement, 165.60
Body cameras, 165.87
Training, 165.78, 165.86
Law enforcement grants:
Drug trafficking response, 165.984
Technology grants, 165.983
Weed and seed project, 165.982
Law enforcement standards board, 165.85
department designee to serve as nonvoting secretary, 15.07 (2) (g)
General provisions, 15.07
Membership, terms, 15.255
Legal services division, administrator, appointment, 165.055 (4)
Legal services to certain agencies, 165.25 (4)
Legislators, oath of office, power to administer, 13.03
Lobbying offenses, prosecute, 13.69
Local emergency planning committees, 165.25 (8m)
Local government property fund, recovery of losses from other parties, suit, 605.24 (1)
Lottery enforcement authority, 565.40
Lottery prizes, recovery action, 945.10
Medical assistance program, jurisdiction of department, 49.846
Medical practices law violations, bring action to enjoin, 448.11
Migrant labor, certification of camps, duty to enforce orders, 103.92 (4)
Milk test bottle manufacturer, action against, 98.14
Mining reclamation act, enforcement, 293.87
Money shortages in state accounts, 16.55
Motion picture contracts, unlawful, prosecution, 134.45
Motor vehicle fuel tax, action to enforce law, 78.81
Motor vehicle rustproofing warranties, enforcement, 100.205 (7), (8)
Motor vehicles, dealers, salespersons, finance companies, commencement of action, 218.0162
Municipal interstate contracts, approve, 66.0303
Municipal obligations, examine and certify, 67.025
Municipal ordinance unconstitutionality alleged, right to be served and heard, 806.04 (11)
Natural areas heritage dedications, enforcement, 23.29 (23)
Natural resources department:
Designate attorney for, 27.01 (12)
Legal adviser, 281.97
Notice of release of genetically engineered organisms into environment, enforcement, 146.60
Nuisances, public, actions to enjoin, 823.02
Oath of office, 19.10
Obscenity cases, review, 165.25 (3m)
Office in capitol, 16.835
Official bonds, enforcement, 19.015
Oil inspection law, action to enforce, 168.17
Open meetings law:
Enforcement, 19.97
Interpretation, 19.98
Operating notes, suits against state, service, 18.76 (2)
Briefs, printing, 35.28