Confirmed, reorganization, 187.02
Legalized, 187.09
Freedom to choose, I, 18
Hate crimes, 939.645
Civil actions, 895.443
Incorporation and legal organization:
Generally, 187.01, 187.02
Church of Christ, 187.11
Congregational church, 187.10
Conventions, conferences, synods, and similar associations, 187.05
Eastern Orthodox church, 187.17
Episcopal church, 187.04
Greek Orthodox church, 187.17
Methodist church, 187.15
Missionary corporations, 187.13
Roman Catholic church, 187.19
Salvation Army, 187.16
Liability limits, generally:
Applicability of other sections, 187.44
Definitions, 187.40
Directors and officers, 187.41, 187.42
Roman Catholic Church, see Roman Catholic Church, under this head
Volunteers, 187.43
Meetings, bylaws, 187.01 (3), (4)
Name change, 187.01 (6)
Property, criminal damage to, 943.012
Civil actions, 895.443
Public moneys for, prohibited, I, 18
Real estate, title to, 187.06, 187.07
Reincorporation after dissolution, 187.03
Roman Catholic church:
Directors and officers:
Expenses, 187.23
Indemnification, 187.21
Limited liability, 187.32
Reliance, 187.31
Employee and agent, indemnification and expenses, 187.27
Incorporation, powers, 187.19
Additional rights, 187.25
Authority to limit, 187.24
Court-ordered, 187.26
Determination, 187.22
Insurance, 187.27
Volunteers, limited liability, 187.33
Sacramental wine permit, 125.56 (2)
Supervision of church or denomination, 182.030
Synod, organization, powers, 187.05, 187.06
Tax exemption, 70.11 (4)
Bible camps, 70.11 (11)
Trustees, 187.01 (3)
Failure to elect, effect, 187.03
Powers, 187.01 (5)
Validating act, 187.09
Worship, right of:
County jails, 302.39
Freedom, I, 18
State institutions, 46.066
cigarettes CIGARETTES
See Tobacco
circuit courts CIRCUIT COURTS
Generally, Ch. 753
Note: This subject head is a treatment of circuit courts generally. For the treatment of a specific subject, refer to the head for that subject, e.g., Marriage 2. Dissolution
Appropriations, 20.625
Branches, 753.0605, 753.061
Certiorari issued, served, addressee, 753.04
See also Certiorari
Children, crimes against by teacher, court to report to superintendent, 973.135
Circuits, 753.06
Boundaries, VII, 6
Legislature may alter, judges not affected during term, VII, 6
Civil procedure, see Civil Procedure
Contempt, generally, Ch. 785
For detailed analysis, see Contempt
Continuances, 753.22
Costs and fees, see Courts—2. Costs and Fees
County court judgments, preservation of, 753.077
County seat, office and records to be at, 753.26
Courthouse, 59.54 (14)