Rules, 168.23
Secondary containment requirements, 168.24
Flammable fabrics, regulation, 100.41
Citizens to assist, penalty for failure, 26.15
Civil liability for, 26.21
Destruction of protection equipment and signs, 26.19
Emergency wardens, employment, 26.12 (3)
Natural resources department jurisdiction, 26.11
Police powers regarding, pay of officers, 26.14
Protection area, 26.12
Town fire wardens, 26.13
Hotel safety measures, 97.623
Safety and professional services department, fire chiefs, 101.14 (2)
Training of inspectors, 101.14 (3)
Insurance, see Insurance—11. Fire
Interfering with fighting, 941.12
Investigation of cause, 165.55
Locomotives, protection devices, 26.20 (2)
Looting at, 943.20 (3)
Permit, forest protection area, 26.12 (5)
Prevention, 101.14 (1), (4)
Protection, county radio service, 59.54 (3)
Railroads, protection devices, 26.20
Setting, on land, penalty, 26.14 (5) to (8)
Smoke detector requirement, 101.145, 101.615, 101.645, 101.745
Smoking, causing fire in public accommodations, penalty, 97.627
State fire marshall:
Arson investigations, 165.55
Designation, 165.51
Town, reimbursement for fire calls on public highways, 60.557
Town board, may prohibit setting, 26.13 (3)
Tractors equipped to prevent, 26.205
Unsafe burnings of buildings, 941.11
fire_2. fire companies 2. Fire Companies
Chief, powers and duties, 213.095
Cities and villages; trustees, powers, terms, vacancies, 213.02 to 213.04
Disbanding, 213.04
Exemption from military duty, 213.07
Failure to attend fire, penalty, 213.06
Fire fighters:
Associations, Ch. 213
Death benefit, 102.475 (8)
Employment absences permitted, 103.88
Hall of fame, 213.106
Liability for official acts, claims, limitations, 893.80
Memorial, 213.105
Service medal, state sanctioned, 213.107
Towns may utilize, 60.55
Training program, 38.04 (9)
Village may utilize, 61.65
Hose threads and fittings to be uniform, 213.15
Service award program, 16.25
Siren, use of, 347.38 (4)
Tax exemption, 70.11 (6), 77.54 (16)
Combined companies constitute a department, 213.08
Organization, 213.05
Purpose, 213.06
Reports to town clerk, 213.07
Vehicle registration fee, 341.26 (2) (k)
Worker's compensation liability, 102.07 (7)
fire_3. fire departments 3. Fire Departments
Deputy of safety and professional services department, 101.14 (2)
Investigate cause of fire, report, 165.55 (1)
Police powers, 213.095
City authority, 62.13
First class, 62.50
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (em)
Hose threads and fittings to be uniform, 213.15
Fire fighters:
Associations, Ch. 213
Battery to, 940.20 (2)
Collective bargaining and dispute settlement, 111.70, 111.77
Diseases, presumption of employment connection:
Cancer, 891.455
Heart or respiratory disease, 891.45
Employment absences permitted, 103.88
Hall of fame, 213.106
Health insurance for surviving spouse and children of officer that died in the line of duty, 66.0137 (5) (c)
Killed in action, compensation, 102.475
Memorial, 213.105
Opioid antagonist administration, 256.40 (3)
Pay, 213.12
Cities, 62.13 (7)
Protective services: