Child abuse, 813.122 (11)
Domestic abuse, 813.12 (8)
Foreign protection orders, 813.128 (4)
Canadian orders, 813.1283 (11m)
Global positioning system tracking, 301.49, 813.129
Academic credentials, false; use of, issuance, criminal, 440.52 (13) (c)
Accidental shooting, 29.341, 29.345
Accountancy law violations, 442.11
Acupuncturists, law and rules violations, 451.14 (3), 451.16
Adjustment service companies, law violations, 218.02 (10)
Adoption, prohibited advertising, 48.825
Adult family home, violations, 50.032 (6), 50.033 (6)
Advertising for labor, false or deceptive, 103.43
Aeronautics, offenses, 114.09, 114.10, 114.27
Agricultural chemical cleanup, 94.73 (13)
Agricultural laws, violations, 93.21, 94.77
Agricultural marketing act violations, 96.17
Agricultural producer security violations, 126.87
Air pollution violations, 285.87
Contaminant discharge, failure to report, 299.15 (4)
Electric generating plant emission limit violations, 285.41
Ozone-depleting emissions, 285.57 (5)
Ozone-depleting refrigerants, 285.59 (8)
Aircraft; drone operation over correctional institution, 114.045 (2)
Aircraft registration law violations, 114.20 (18)
Ultralight aircraft identification number requirement, 114.195 (3)
Aircraft rental insurance disclosure requirements, violations, 114.40 (5)
Airports, violations, as to standards and site approval, 114.134
Alcohol beverage chapter, 125.11
Alcohol beverages:
Falsification of proof of age, 125.085
Future sales, permit, violation, 125.65 (9)
General restrictions and requirements, violations, 125.11, 125.68, 125.69
Giving away to evade sales laws, 125.315, 125.67
Impersonating inspector or officer, 125.105
Injury or death by providing to underage person, 125.075
Labels, contents, packaging violations, 125.68 (9)
Licensees, purchase from licensed wholesalers, failure, 125.33 (9)
Licenses or permits generally, failure to obtain, 125.04 (13)
Manufacturers, rectifiers, wholesalers and retailers, restrictions on dealings, 125.69 (4)
Sale without license, failure to obtain permit, 125.66
Sales to underage and intoxicated persons, 125.07
School grounds, possession or consumption on, 125.09
Discrimination against alcoholics by hospitals, 51.45 (15)
Treatment records, 51.45 (14)
Aliens, restriction on land ownership, 710.02
All-terrain and utility terrain vehicles, violations of law, 23.33 (13)
Amusement places, 175.20
Discrimination, 106.52 (4) (d)
Anatomical gift law, 157.06 (17), (27m)
Anhydrous ammonia, regulation violations, 101.10 (4)
Animal health, law violations, 95.99
Animal shelters:
Damaging or taking animals, 172.57
Licensing and regulation violations, 173.41 (15)
Animals running at large, 172.015
Antifreeze solutions, law violations, 100.38 (7), 100.383 (5)
Antique dealers, violations, 134.695 (4)
Appellate procedure, 809.83
Apprentice contracts, failure to perform, 106.01 (8)
Archeological sites; unauthorized use, destruction, theft, 44.47
Architects and engineers, law violations, 443.18
Art therapists, violations, 440.03 (14) (f)
Asbestos management, 254.21 (4)
Athlete agent violations, 440.9965, 440.997, 440.9975
Athletic trainers, law and rules violations, 448.959
Attachment of property, exemptions, fraudulent claims, 134.19
Fee-splitting, 757.45
Office with court officers, 757.22 (5)
Practicing without license or under changed name, 757.30
Auctioneers, aw and rules violations, 480.26
Audiologists, speech-language pathologists, law and rules violations, 459.34
Automobile, see Motor vehicles, under this head
Aviation fuel tax:
Failure to report or pay, 78.68
Law violations, 78.73
Baby bottles, spill-proof cups; bisphenol A prohibition violations, 100.335 (4)
Badges, unauthorized wearing, 132.17
Badges and insignia, false use, 132.16
Banks and banking:
Attorney bank not to designate for mortgagor, 708.03
Operation without, 224.03
Publication requirements, violation, 221.0210
Directors, minutes, false entry, 221.0610
Examination reports, disclosing, 220.06
False statement, 221.1004