Securities, generally, Ch. 551
For detailed analysis, see Securities—3. Securities Law
Seeds, 94.38 to 94.46
Sex oriented material, exposing to child, 948.11
Sound recordings:
Failure to disclose manufacturer, 943.209
Unlawful, 943.207
State natural areas, 23.27 (6)
Strays, 170.05
Unclaimed property, 171.01 to 171.07
Cleaned, dyed, repaired, stored, 779.71
Unfair sales act, 100.30
Wards, contracts by, void when, 54.47
Warning in contract with peddlers, 241.27
Weights and measures, Ch. 98
sales tax SALES TAX
Generally, Ch. 77
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—18. Sales and Use Tax
salvation army SALVATION ARMY
Incorporation, powers, 187.16
sanitary districts SANITARY DISTRICTS
satisfaction of judgments SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENTS
savings institutions SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS
scales SCALES
school district boundary appeal board SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY APPEAL BOARD
Chairperson, 15.07 (2) (f)
Compensation, 15.07 (5) (L)
Creation, membership, 15.375 (2)
Dispute resolution, 117.35
General provisions, 15.07
Jurisdiction and procedure, 117.05
schools, private SCHOOLS, PRIVATE
College credits, early enrollment program; payment by school, reimbursement by state, 106.125, 118.55
Child abuse suspicions, employee duty to report, 48.981 (2)
Discrimination against disabled in post-secondary education, 106.56
Accessible educational materials for students with disabilities, 106.57
Disabilities, children with; special needs scholarship program, 115.7915
Administration by employees, 118.29
Asthmatics, possession and use of inhalers, 118.291
Epinephrine auto-injectors:
Possession and use, 118.292
School plan and administration, 118.2925
Employee sex offenders, known or suspected; assistance in obtaining new job prohibited, 118.07 (4p)
Felons, refusal to employ not discrimination, 111.335 (3)
Health and safety requirements, 118.07
Health treatment services to private school students, by public schools, 118.255
Indoor environmental quality, 118.075, 119.23 (7)
Lifesaving skills instruction, required, 118.076
Mental health programs, state aid, 115.364
Parental choice programs:
Accountability reports; schools and districts, 115.385
Milwaukee 119.23
Non-Milwaukee districts, 118.60
Performance improvement, state grants, 115.387
Pupil identification, 118.169
Suicide prevention information on cards, 118.169 (2)
School violence:
Grants for, 165.88
Threats, employee duty to report, 175.32
Sex offender school visitations restricted, penalty, 301.475
State superintendent approval, 118.165, 118.167
Teacher development program, 118.196
Teacher development program grants to schools, 106.272
Trade, correspondence, business or technical, approval, 440.52
Transportation of students by public districts, I, 23; 121.54 (2) (b)
schools, public SCHOOLS, PUBLIC
Generally, Chs. 115 to 121