(first or second author, first sponsor)
2/15/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 987
Relating to: peer review of administrative rules, comments to proposed statements of scope, and review of proposed groundwater enforcement standards. (FE)
2/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 130
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Dr. Jacob Albert “Doc” Hines, D.V.M.
2/1/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 906
Relating to: the amount of benefits received under the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
2/1/2022: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 100
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Dr. Jacob Albert “Doc” Hines, D.V.M.
2/1/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 894
Relating to: peer review of administrative rules, comments to proposed statements of scope, and review of proposed groundwater enforcement standards. (FE)
1/31/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 937
Relating to: the amount of benefits received under the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
1/21/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 899
Relating to: requiring one credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation. (FE)
1/21/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 872
Relating to: creating a rural pharmacy practice grant program administered by the Higher Educational Aids Board, exempting from taxation amounts received from such a grant program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/18/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 874
Relating to: emergency medical transportation services under Medical Assistance program and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/18/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 869
Relating to: creating a rural pharmacy practice grant program administered by the Higher Educational Aids Board, exempting from taxation amounts received from such a grant program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/13/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 841
Relating to: requiring one credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation. (FE)
1/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 833
Relating to: grants to support part-time law enforcement officers. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 780
Relating to: county registration of animal-drawn vehicles. (FE)
12/17/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 778
Relating to: county registration of animal-drawn vehicles. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 743
Relating to: information disclosure by online marketplaces related to high-volume sellers and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 748
Relating to: tuition rates for children of University of Wisconsin System alumni. (FE)
11/19/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 710
Relating to: information disclosure by online marketplaces related to high-volume sellers and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/19/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 713
Relating to: tuition rates for children of University of Wisconsin System alumni. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 669
Relating to: right to carry a weapon in this state. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 658
Relating to: Department of Natural Resources report on partnering with the private aquaculture industry. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 659
Relating to: report on reducing the number of hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals required by the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 667
Relating to: hunting of sandhill cranes, wildlife damage abatement assistance and claim payments for damage caused by sandhill cranes, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 677
Relating to: stocking pheasants for hunting. (FE)
10/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 636
Relating to: publishing and reporting requirements for the transportation infrastructure loan program. (FE)
10/20/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 629
Relating to: a shovel-ready workforce housing development site program. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 613
Relating to: report on reducing the number of hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals required by the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 617
Relating to: Department of Natural Resources report on partnering with the private aquaculture industry. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 603
Relating to: a shovel-ready workforce housing development site program. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 604
Relating to: pay for performance grant requirements, housing navigator grants, use of public lands to provide temporary residence for the homeless, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 606
Relating to: publishing and reporting requirements for the transportation infrastructure loan program. (FE)
8/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 509
Relating to: modifying the Department of Tourism's reporting duties and repealing requirements to distribute cheese, submit a financial statement, and use famous residents in marketing.
7/26/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 474
Relating to: public funds for substantially identical materials distributed by state senators and representatives to the assembly prior to a general election and providing a penalty.
6/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 376
Relating to: a statewide urban search and rescue task force, regional emergency response teams, and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 341
Relating to: captive wildlife in facilities holding a U.S. Department of Agriculture exhibitor license. (FE)
5/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 347
Relating to: captive wildlife in facilities holding a U.S. Department of Agriculture exhibitor license. (FE)
5/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 314
Relating to: promoting the export of Wisconsin's agricultural and agribusiness products. (FE)
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 287
Relating to: local reporting requirements related to general transportation aids.
4/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 275
Relating to: tourism industry grants. (FE)
4/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 234
Relating to: tourism industry grants. (FE)
3/31/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 252
Relating to: extending the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made for Tax Incremental District Number 2 in the city of Wisconsin Dells and extending the time during which expenditures for project costs may be made for Tax Incremental District Number 3 in the city of Wisconsin Dells.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 227
Relating to: extending the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made for Tax Incremental District Number 2 in the city of Wisconsin Dells and extending the time during which expenditures for project costs may be made for Tax Incremental District Number 3 in the city of Wisconsin Dells.
3/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 158
Relating to: harassment of a sports official and providing a penalty.
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1080
Relating to: restricting local regulation of utility service based on the type or source of energy. (FE)
2/16/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 134
Relating to: prohibiting the use of a donation or grant of private resources for purposes of election administration and specifying who may perform tasks related to election administration (first consideration).
2/16/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 996
Relating to: overseeing the administration of elections. (FE)
2/16/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1002
Relating to: status as an indefinitely confined voter for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically and providing a penalty.
2/15/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 995
Relating to: a parental opt-out from face covering requirements in school buildings and on school grounds and requiring school boards to offer pupils a full-time, in-person option. (FE)
2/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 961
Relating to: confidentiality of financial institution account information.
2/1/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 941
Relating to: a commercial driver recruitment program. (FE)
1/31/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 939
Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
1/31/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 932
Relating to: requiring certain efforts to expand and promote the apprenticeship and youth apprenticeship programs. (FE)
1/13/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 109
Relating to: honoring the victims of the attack on the Waukesha Christmas Parade and their families, and recognizing the heroic efforts of law enforcement and EMS who responded to the scene and medical professionals who cared for the victims.
1/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 831
Relating to: a law enforcement marketing campaign. (FE)
1/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 832
Relating to: increasing the law enforcement training reimbursement. (FE)
1/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 834
Relating to: no-knock search warrants and certain expenditures of federal moneys by first class cities. (FE)
1/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 828
Relating to: additional compensation and recruitment and retention benefits for correctional officers, youth counselors, and psychiatric care technicians.
1/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 827
Relating to: multiple acts of theft committed in concert and providing a penalty.
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 804
Relating to: transferring the angel investment tax credit. (FE)
12/9/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 775
Relating to: planning and design of a new engineering building at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 759
Relating to: qualified new business venture eligibility.
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 676
Relating to: requiring the repeal of hunting, trapping, and fishing administrative rules in conjunction with promulgation of new rules. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 670
Relating to: satisfying the hunter education field testing requirement with a mentored hunt.
10/19/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 88
Relating to: recognizing the victory of Team USA and captain Steve Stricker at the 2020 Ryder Cup.
10/19/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 89
Relating to: recognizing October 28, 2021, as First Responders Appreciation Day in Wisconsin.
10/19/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 90
Relating to: proclaiming October 2021 to be Right to Life Month in Wisconsin.
10/14/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: honoring the career and service of Bob Uecker.
10/6/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 83
Relating to: honoring the 13 U.S. service members who lost their lives on August 26, 2021.
10/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 596
Relating to: P.O.D. accounts and loan obligations to financial institutions; payments for public deposit losses in failed financial institutions; automated teller machines; prohibiting requiring access boxes on buildings owned by financial institutions; promissory notes of certain public bodies; and repealing rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions. (FE)
9/30/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 586
Relating to: qualified bidders on state projects. (FE)
9/30/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 587
Relating to: fees imposed on merchants in connection with credit card transactions and providing a penalty.
9/22/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 576
Relating to: raffling lake sturgeon culled from state fish hatcheries. (FE)
9/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 565
Relating to: vendors at state correctional institutions. (FE)
9/15/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 563
Relating to: required instruction in civic education in the elementary and high school grades; high school graduation requirements; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
7/26/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 482
Relating to: grants to schools to provide critical incident mapping data to law enforcement agencies. (FE)
6/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 422
Relating to: rural creative economy grant program and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 410
Relating to: ratification of the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
6/17/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 405
Relating to: special observance days in schools.
6/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 391
Relating to: funding for historic sites of the State Historical Society. (FE)
6/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 388
Relating to: establishing the Wisconsin commission for the United States semiquincentennial commission to coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. (FE)
6/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 378
Relating to: making school district and school financial information available to the public. (FE)
6/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 371
Relating to: the broadband expansion grant program. (FE)
6/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 60
Relating to: honoring the career and accomplishments of Barry Alvarez.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 358
Relating to: regulating the sale of items that are qualified medical expenses below cost. (FE)
5/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 339
Relating to: designating STH 21 as a Purple Heart Memorial Highway. (FE)
5/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 336
Relating to: participation in federal unemployment benefit programs and work search requirements for unemployment insurance. (FE)
5/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 335
Relating to: grants to law enforcement agencies for body cameras. (FE)
5/13/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 54
Relating to: eligibility to vote in Wisconsin (first consideration).
5/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 319
Relating to: expanding and increasing the tax exemption for retirement plan income received by an individual. (FE)
5/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 315
Relating to: the practice of athletic training.
5/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: declaring May 5 as National Skilled Trades Day in Wisconsin.
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 293
Relating to: restrictions on enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition, the use of public resources to confiscate firearms, and providing a penalty.
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 297
Relating to: traffic violations when emergency or roadside response vehicles are present and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 299
Relating to: prohibiting proof of vaccination for COVID-19 as a condition of receiving business and government services.
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 265
Relating to: the weight limit for utility terrain vehicles.
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 266
Relating to: eliminating certain restrictions on the respective educational roles of the University of Wisconsin System and the Technical College System. (FE)
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 257
Relating to: a tax credit for volunteer emergency responders. (FE)
4/6/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 244
Relating to: top-five primaries and instant runoff voting for the offices of U.S. senator and U.S. representative in Congress. (FE)
4/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 239
Relating to: the use of certain federal funds for broadband expansion grants. (FE)
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 215
Relating to: visitation of a long-term care facility resident or hospital patient by an essential visitor or member of the clergy.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 220
Relating to: providing information about educational options offered in a school district.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 213
Relating to: interest rates on payday loans.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 218
Relating to: procedures for granting credentials granted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and credentialing boards, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures. (FE)
3/23/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 189
Relating to: expanding applicability of the room tax, making substantive and technical changes to the local room tax, and providing a penalty.
3/23/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 187
Relating to: reimbursement to counties or tribes for costs relating to individuals held in a county or tribal facility awaiting transfer to a state prison and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/23/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 191
Relating to: eliminating the personal property tax and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 165
Relating to: combining the archer and crossbow hunting licenses. (FE)
3/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 171
Relating to: paddlewheel raffles. (FE)
3/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 152
Relating to: examination of building plans for public buildings, public structures, and places of employment, and examination of plumbing plans. (FE)
3/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 149
Relating to: legislative oversight of federal COVID-19 funds.
3/5/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 145
Relating to: vaccination of incarcerated persons against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
2/24/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 9
Relating to: Convention of the States for one or more Constitutional amendments restraining abuses of power by the federal government.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 93
Relating to: certification requirements for emergency medical responders.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 74
Relating to: labeling a food product as a type of milk and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 73
Relating to: labeling food as a type of dairy product or as a dairy ingredient and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/15/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: reaffirming Wisconsin's commitment to the strengthening and deepening of the sister ties between the State of Wisconsin and Taiwan; supporting Taiwan's signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the United States; and continued support for increasing Taiwan's international profile.
1/26/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: honoring the life and commemorating the career and accomplishments of Hank Aaron.
1/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 6
Relating to: requirements for children born alive following abortion or attempted abortion and providing a penalty.
1/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 7
Relating to: pharmacy benefit managers, prescription drug benefits, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 1
Relating to: state government actions to address the COVID-19 pandemic, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/9/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 1037
Relating to: restricting local regulation of utility service based on the type or source of energy. (FE)
2/18/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 1011
Relating to: a parental opt-out from face covering requirements in school buildings and on school grounds and requiring school boards to offer pupils a full-time, in-person option. (FE)
2/3/2022: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 101
Relating to: prohibiting the use of a donation or grant of private resources for purposes of election administration and specifying who may perform tasks related to election administration (first consideration).
2/3/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 941
Relating to: overseeing the administration of elections. (FE)
2/3/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 937
Relating to: status as an indefinitely confined voter for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically and providing a penalty.
2/1/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 911
Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
2/1/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 929
Relating to: a commercial driver recruitment program. (FE)
2/1/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 931
Relating to: requiring certain efforts to expand and promote the apprenticeship and youth apprenticeship programs. (FE)
1/21/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 874
Relating to: no-knock search warrants and certain expenditures of federal moneys by first class cities. (FE)
1/13/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 848
Relating to: increasing the law enforcement training reimbursement. (FE)
1/13/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 855
Relating to: additional compensation and recruitment and retention benefits for correctional officers, youth counselors, and psychiatric care technicians.
1/13/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 849
Relating to: a law enforcement marketing campaign. (FE)
1/6/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 826
Relating to: emergency medical transportation services under Medical Assistance program and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/6/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 811
Relating to: multiple acts of theft committed in concert and providing a penalty.
12/17/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 785
Relating to: transferring the angel investment tax credit. (FE)
11/30/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 729
Relating to: qualified new business venture eligibility.
11/30/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 728
Relating to: planning and design of a new engineering building at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (FE)
11/1/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 73
Relating to: honoring the 13 U.S. service members who lost their lives on August 26, 2021.
10/21/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 70
Relating to: recognizing October 28, 2021, as First Responders Appreciation Day in Wisconsin.
10/21/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 71
Relating to: proclaiming October 2021 to be Right to Life Month in Wisconsin.
10/18/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 68
Relating to: recognizing the victory of Team USA and captain Steve Stricker at the 2020 Ryder Cup.
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 620
Relating to: hunting of sandhill cranes, wildlife damage abatement assistance and claim payments for damage caused by sandhill cranes, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 619
Relating to: right to carry a weapon in this state. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 609
Relating to: stocking pheasants for hunting. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 611
Relating to: satisfying the hunter education field testing requirement with a mentored hunt.
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 618
Relating to: requiring the repeal of hunting, trapping, and fishing administrative rules in conjunction with promulgation of new rules. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 596
Relating to: P.O.D. accounts and loan obligations to financial institutions; payments for public deposit losses in failed financial institutions; automated teller machines; prohibiting requiring access boxes on buildings owned by financial institutions; promissory notes of certain public bodies; and repealing rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 64
Relating to: honoring the career and service of Bob Uecker.
9/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 572
Relating to: fees imposed on merchants in connection with credit card transactions and providing a penalty.
9/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 574
Relating to: qualified bidders on state projects. (FE)
9/15/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 564
Relating to: vendors at state correctional institutions. (FE)
8/11/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 505
Relating to: modifying the Department of Tourism's reporting duties and repealing requirements to distribute cheese, submit a financial statement, and use famous residents in marketing.
8/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 473
Relating to: grants to law enforcement agencies for body cameras. (FE)
8/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 494
Relating to: aquatic plant management plans and permit exemptions.
7/7/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 449
Relating to: grants to schools to provide critical incident mapping data to law enforcement agencies. (FE)
6/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 428
Relating to: rural creative economy grant program and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 412
Relating to: ratification of the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
6/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 390
Relating to: establishing the Wisconsin commission for the United States semiquincentennial commission to coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. (FE)
6/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 398
Relating to: special observance days in schools.
6/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 415
Relating to: funding for historic sites of the State Historical Society. (FE)
6/4/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 36
Relating to: honoring the career and accomplishments of Barry Alvarez.
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 357
Relating to: regulating the sale of items that are qualified medical expenses below cost. (FE)
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 373
Relating to: making school district and school financial information available to the public. (FE)
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 382
Relating to: the time limitation for prosecution of lesser included offenses.
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 365
Relating to: the broadband expansion grant program. (FE)
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 374
Relating to: a statewide urban search and rescue task force, regional emergency response teams, and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 383
Relating to: prohibiting proof of vaccination for COVID-19 as a condition of receiving business and government services.
5/21/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 354
Relating to: participation in federal unemployment benefit programs and work search requirements for unemployment insurance. (FE)
5/14/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 32
Relating to: eligibility to vote in Wisconsin (first consideration).
5/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 345
Relating to: designating STH 21 as a Purple Heart Memorial Highway. (FE)
5/14/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 34
Relating to: declaring May 5 as National Skilled Trades Day in Wisconsin.
5/6/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 335
Relating to: raffling lake sturgeon culled from state fish hatcheries. (FE)
4/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 329
Relating to: the practice of athletic training.
4/27/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 325
Relating to: promoting the export of Wisconsin's agricultural and agribusiness products. (FE)
4/21/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 311
Relating to: traffic violations when emergency or roadside response vehicles are present and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/21/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 314
Relating to: restrictions on enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition, the use of public resources to confiscate firearms, and providing a penalty.
4/8/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 303
Relating to: local reporting requirements related to general transportation aids.
4/8/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 291
Relating to: eliminating certain restrictions on the respective educational roles of the University of Wisconsin System and the Technical College System. (FE)
4/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 278
Relating to: the use of certain federal funds for broadband expansion grants. (FE)
3/31/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 263
Relating to: a tax credit for volunteer emergency responders. (FE)
3/31/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 269
Relating to: the weight limit for utility terrain vehicles.
3/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 250
Relating to: top-five primaries and instant runoff voting for the offices of U.S. senator and U.S. representative in Congress. (FE)
3/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 230
Relating to: visitation of a long-term care facility resident or hospital patient by an essential visitor or member of the clergy.
3/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 231
Relating to: providing information about educational options offered in a school district.
3/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 233
Relating to: procedures for granting credentials granted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and credentialing boards, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures. (FE)
3/16/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 223
Relating to: reimbursement to counties or tribes for costs relating to individuals held in a county or tribal facility awaiting transfer to a state prison and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/16/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 220
Relating to: interest rates on payday loans.
3/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 192
Relating to: combining the archer and crossbow hunting licenses. (FE)
3/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 198
Relating to: expanding applicability of the room tax, making substantive and technical changes to the local room tax, and providing a penalty.
3/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 189
Relating to: eliminating the personal property tax and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/9/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 183
Relating to: legislative oversight of federal COVID-19 funds.
3/3/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 167
Relating to: examination of building plans for public buildings, public structures, and places of employment, and examination of plumbing plans. (FE)
3/3/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 175
Relating to: harassment of a sports official and providing a penalty.
3/3/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 170
Relating to: paddlewheel raffles. (FE)
2/18/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 10
Relating to: reaffirming Wisconsin's commitment to the strengthening and deepening of the sister ties between the State of Wisconsin and Taiwan; supporting Taiwan's signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the United States; and continued support for increasing Taiwan's international profile.
2/11/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 89
Relating to: certification requirements for emergency medical responders.
2/11/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: Convention of the States for one or more Constitutional amendments restraining abuses of power by the federal government.
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 81
Relating to: labeling food as a type of dairy product or as a dairy ingredient and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 83
Relating to: labeling a food product as a type of milk and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 16
Relating to: requirements for children born alive following abortion or attempted abortion and providing a penalty.
1/27/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: honoring the life and commemorating the career and accomplishments of Hank Aaron.
1/15/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 3
Relating to: pharmacy benefit managers, prescription drug benefits, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/11/2022: 2021 ASA1-AB227
Relating to: extending the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made for Tax Incremental District Number 3 in the city of Wisconsin Dells and reporting the value of net new construction in tax incremental districts.
1/20/2022: 2021 AA1-ASA1-AB743
1/18/2022: 2021 ASA1-AB743
Relating to: information disclosure by online marketplaces related to high-volume sellers and granting rule-making authority.
1/14/2022: 2021 AA1-AB833
1/13/2022: 2021 AA1-AB658
10/27/2021: 2021 AA2-ASA1-AB604
10/26/2021: 2021 AA1-ASA1-AB604
10/19/2021: 2021 AA1-AB227
10/18/2021: 2021 ASA1-AB603
Relating to: a shovel-ready workforce housing development site program.
10/15/2021: 2021 ASA1-AB604
Relating to: pay for performance grant requirements, housing navigator grants, use of public lands to provide temporary residence for the homeless, and providing a penalty.