Physical placement of child: factors modified - Act 37
Public campus administrator immunity from liability eliminated re violation of individual’s state constitutional expressive rights; cause of action and attorney fee provisions [vetoed] - AB885
Race and sex stereotyping in training provided to state and local government employees prohibited; penalties and civil action provisions [vetoed] - AB414
Race and sex stereotyping: instructors at UW System institutions and TCS technical colleges cannot compel students to adhere to certain tenants; student orientation, academic freedom, employee training, violations, and civil action provisions [vetoed] - SB409
Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child; civil cause of action provision [vetoed] - AB963
Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] - SB593
Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted - Act 161
Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript - Act 65
court _ reporterCourt — Reporter
Voice recording of testimony re application for a search warrant: original recording not required to be filed with certified transcript - Act 65
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer or prosecutor: court to require testing of criminal defendant for communicable diseases, probable cause provision - Act 54
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions [vetoed] - SB16
Crimes against elder persons: penalties increased; sexual assault penalty revised; physical abuse crime created; freezing of assets of defendant; elder person seeking restraining order may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means - Act 76
Graffiti or damage to historical property on public property made a felony [vetoed] - AB776
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created - Act 263
Intentional destruction of a vaccine or drug rendering it ineffective or unusable made a felony - Act 120
Multiple thefts committed, in concert, by 3 or more persons are considered one crime [vetoed] - AB827
Repeat retail theft: mandatory minimum sentence [vetoed] - AB829
Riot definition modified and penalties for intentionally attending or inciting and causing bodily harm to or expelling a bodily substance at a National Guard member [vetoed] - SB296
Serving a sentence for certain violent crimes: individual is ineligible for challenge incarceration program, extended supervision, and special action parole release - Act 227
Stalking definition expanded to include text messaging and other electronic means of communication - Act 28
Statistics on certain ordinance violations and crimes that occur on school property or transportation: public high schools and private high school participating in a parental choice program required to report to DPI [vetoed] - SB585
UI law changes re financial outlook statement, Council on Unemployment Insurance report submission, Governor’s special committee, effect of criminal convictions, reimbursable employer debt assessment, waiver of overpayments, excluded employment, work-share programs, collection of debt by DOR, fiscal agent election of employer status, and changes to clarify and update provisions - Act 231
crime and criminals _ batteryCrime and criminals — Battery
Battery against correctional officer or teacher by a prisoner: each correctional institution required to record - Act 186
Battery by person placed in a facility while awaiting a commitment trial as a sexually violent person: felony crime provision - Act 13
Battery or threat to health care providers, staff members at a health care facility, or their family made a felony - Act 209
Battery or threats to cause bodily harm to a person or family member of a person who is an advocate re tribal court proceedings made a felony - Act 191
Battery to DOC employee by person in DOC custody: penalty enhancer [vetoed] - AB824
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm - Act 187
Riot definition modified and penalties for intentionally attending or inciting and causing bodily harm to or expelling a bodily substance at a National Guard member [vetoed] - SB296
crime and criminals _ felonyCrime and criminals — Felony
Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained [vetoed] - SB204
Absentee ballot changes re obtaining and returning; penalty provision [vetoed] - SB203
Battery by person placed in a facility while awaiting a commitment trial as a sexually violent person: felony crime provision - Act 13
Battery or threat to health care providers, staff members at a health care facility, or their family made a felony - Act 209
Battery or threats to cause bodily harm to a person or family member of a person who is an advocate re tribal court proceedings made a felony - Act 191
Butane extraction used to manufacture marijuana or separate plant resin from marijuana plants: penalty revisions [vetoed] - AB440
Election prohibitions: use of private resources for election administration, nonresidents counting or tabulating votes, and poll workers who are employees of candidate groups, political organization, or issue advocacy group [vetoed] - AB173
Eligibility and conditions for release prior to conviction of persons accused of certain crimes and considerations for imposing bail revised. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR107] - JR 6
Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs: felony penalties for manufacture, distribution, delivery, or possession revised - Act 179
GPS tracking device: refusing or obstructing installation of made a felony - Act 140
Graffiti or damage to historical property on public property made a felony [vetoed] - AB776
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created - Act 263
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm - Act 187
Intentional destruction of a vaccine or drug rendering it ineffective or unusable made a felony - Act 120
Riot definition modified and penalties for intentionally attending or inciting and causing bodily harm to or expelling a bodily substance at a National Guard member [vetoed] - SB296
Special voting deputies visiting residential care facilities or qualified retirement homes: administrator notification to occupants’ relatives, appointment by municipal clerk, conditions for the visit, and penalty for influencing an occupant’s decision to cast a ballot [vetoed] - SB205
crime and criminals _ homicide or murderCrime and criminals — Homicide or murder
Changing name of child under 14 years old allowed if a parent is convicted of certain homicide or sex offenses - Act 182
crime victimCrime victim
Crimes against elder persons: penalties increased; sexual assault penalty revised; physical abuse crime created; freezing of assets of defendant; elder person seeking restraining order may appear in court via telephone or live audiovisual means - Act 76
Permanent restraining order for victims of sexual assault - Act 256
Sexual assault kit tracking system: DOJ to establish database; victims of assault may access - Act 117
Victim-witness services: county reimbursement appropriation [Sec. 73, 417] - Act 58
criminal discovery or procedureCriminal discovery or procedure, see Court — Procedure
criminal identification and investigationCriminal identification and investigation, see also Witness
Elder adults at risk and adults at risk: credentialed agency investigation requirements to reports of abuse, harm, neglect, exploitation, or death - Act 122
Internet crimes against children investigations: ongoing transfer of moneys from certain surcharges [Sec. 71, 72] - Act 58
Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in or in transit to a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses [vetoed] - AB569
Removal of fingerprint records if arrested individual is released without charges or cleared of offense; DHA decisions served by email (remedial legislation suggested by DOJ) - Act 242
dairy productDairy product
Dairy exports promotion: DATCP may use funds from rural development grants funding - Act 207
Dairy industry promotion appropriation repealed [Sec. 25, 335] [vetoed] - Act 58
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions [vetoed] - SB16
Firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition: civil liability limitation against manufacturers, distributors, importers, trade associations, sellers, and dealers [vetoed] - SB570
Good faith actions re child abuse and neglect reporting law: immunity from liability extended - Act 41
Previously owned eyeglasses provided by a charitable organization: exemption from liability for damages; optometrist or ophthalmologist provision - Act 257
damage to propertyDamage (to property), see also Environmental protection
Graffiti or damage to historical property on public property made a felony [vetoed] - AB776
data processingData processing, see also specific agency or department; Telecommunications
Applicants and recipients of credentials from DSPS or attached board: current e-mail address requirement [Sec. 402, 403] - Act 58
Body cameras: appropriation for grants to law enforcement agencies [Sec. 70] - Act 58
Body cameras: grants for law enforcement agencies to purchase, conditions specified - Act 185
Broadband expansion grant program: changes re infrastructure construction, speed standard for underserved areas, and application evaluation criteria [vetoed] - SB365
Broadband expansion grants: allocating certain federal moneys for; report required [vetoed] - AB239